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Who would have won the following proxy wars if nobody else got involved Who would have won the following proxy wars if nobody else got involved

Basically who would have won in the following wars if US, Soviets, Chinese etc. did not provide any material support to either side. Assume the prelude to these wars is the same as it happened in OTL, and the armies are in the state they are in when the war began.

Eg. The Iran-Iraq war happens but they're on their own, no country sells helps side with weapons/intelligence.

Or the Vietnam war but just North vs South Vietnam, no US/Soviet/Chinese involvement whatsoever.

  1. Iran-Iraq War (1980)

  2. Vietnam War (1955)

  3. Korean War (1950)

  4. Syrian Civil War (2012)

  5. Soviet-Afghan war (1975)

  6. Yemeni Civil War (2014)

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What if 9/11 was a lot more extreme, and a lot more global What if 9/11 was a lot more extreme, and a lot more global

I don't exactly know if this will be allowed, but i thought this up and wanted to know the consequences, I'll just list the countries affected and the attacks that happened there below:

The United States: 4 cargo ships, one sailed down the Potomac, one down the Hudson, one into San Francisco bay and the other into Elliot bay, each carrying 1 750kt nuclear warhead, and they all simultaneously detonated at 9:35:21 AM September 11th 2001, along with several AC130s being hijacked from Hurlburt Field, Florida, and before being shot down, rain down indiscriminate fire on the Miami and Orlando area's, several assassination attempts are made on the president and top military general's, however none succeed due to sheer luck like the wind being too high or something

France: Terrorists hijack a Dassault Mirage IV and bomb the Eiffel tower, Louvre and the Versailles Palace, Terrorists launch coordinated bombings and biological attacks in several Parisian metro stations during rush hour, causing widespread casualties and disrupting transportation, the French power grid is also temporarily shut down due to an EMP and hacking

Germany: A highly infectious and deadly biological weapon, with a 90% death rate, is released in several major cities including Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich and Cologne, Killing millions of people, along with Coordinated strikes on the nations military bases and Headquarters

United Kingdom: Several bombings and chemical attacks in the London underground, the Queen assassinated along with Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince Harry, Princess Anne, and Prince Andrew, the HMS Illustrious and HMS Ark Royal are both taken by terrorists and promptly scuttled, along with some less notable people assassinated: Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Jack Straw, David Blunkett, Robin Cook, John Prescott, Margaret Thatcher, John Major, William Hague, and Charles Kennedy, Several cyber and EMP attacks knock out the power grid for 3 days and multiple biological weapons are placed in crowded areas in Southampton, Edinburgh, Manchester, Birmingham, and Glasgow

Russia: Biological and Chemical attacks in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, and Vladivostok, 2 hours later, 4 Nuclear missile Silo's in Siberia are hacked and their missiles sent towards and hit the kremlin, Minutes after that terrorist launch a massive cyber attack on all Russian nuclear Missiles, 4304 missiles take off towards their target, the rest unexpectedly detonate in their silos, 3200 missiles are shot down but 1102 hit their targets, Being major civilian centers, and nearly every Russian military base and/or facility, along with several civilian targets in China, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Guangzhou and 24 more, Death estimates are in the hundreds of millions

Pakistan: All nuclear weapons are hacked and launched by terrorists, 4 towards Karachi, Islamabad, and Mumbai, and the rest towards major Oil refineries and oil rigs

China: Along with the before mentioned nuclear attacks, 34 B52's in South Korea and Guam are hijacked after being loaded with their full 70000lbs capacity, and quite literally turn the Yellow river, Pearl river, and Yangtze river deltas into rubble, indiscriminately bombing civilian centers, 12 of the 34 divert to Beijing, Wuhan and other economic centers to bomb those too

Others (Rest of the world that didn't have major attacks enough to warrant their own entry): Biological attacks killing 120 million across major cities, the remaining nuclear powers nuclear warheads being used to target civilian centers and economic centers, though several are used to start vast forest first measuring millions of sq miles in hour in the Congo, South East Asia and The Amazon. (To clarify, when i said remaining nuclear powers, i meant the ones that hadn't been mentioned yet, so American nukes or Chinese wouldn't be used)

Total death toll around 400 to 600 million, with 1 to 1.2 billion injured