all 35 comments

[–]lycando 63 points64 points  (2 children)

It had a lot of potential that went to waste. The problem with movies like these is that you essentially know more or less that something bad is going to happens, and it's up to the movie to deliver that in a manner that is both suspenseful yet scary.

I feel that a lot of time was wasted on scenes which were meant to be scary but didn't really deliver. Many scenes were shot beautifully but with no actual purpose other than to look good. The eels appear in the strangest places as figments of DeHaan's imagination, but the actual purpose they serve is not revealed until the end where they basically just tell us everything anyway.

Perhaps it's just me but I find that DeHaan just can't pull off the insanity. His character switches between being pissed off and inquisitive and doesn't really settle on one till the end.

I guess this movie might feel like a modern day Shutter Island but I honestly got a lot more Dracula vibes from it. The set up from the beginning nearly mirrors the story of Dracula. Guy gets sent by his company to this mysterious old castle which the townsfolk are wary of. He gets trapped inside and is unable to leave, until ultimately his 'blood' is used as an elixir to achieve immortality.

[–]losturtle1 0 points1 point  (1 child)

I do think the film failed to deliver in a general sense but not because of anything listed here. Again and again, this sub seems unable to provide critique past the basic plot outline. Things characters did or what happens when are pretty surface level plot elements that barely have any ties to the actual point of the story or meaning. There was a lot of imagery, subtext attempted and a pretty clear story that wasn't wholly reliant on it being "scary"; which is the assumption made here. We spend too much time trying to grade films on their logistics instead of their psychology or ideas, the main motivators behind people even making films in the first place.

The film never intended for the logistics of where eels appeared to be anything of consequence, it was the character's slow descent which was the basis for the drama and the horror (horror can be an idea, rather than visual scares or suspense), most scenes did have meaning and weren't just "there to look good". Seriously, if you can't work out the imagery and how they relate to the main character - which we're as subtle as an atomic bomb - I'm not sure what to tell you. The problem with the film was in the editing room; while most of these scenes were well shot and meaningful, they did just reinforce the same idea at times and could have been cut. When the film gets going and it feels like the windy road should start straightening out slowly it just winds some more and comes to a sudden stop at the revelation. The pacing and storytelling in the last third starts to tread water.

I enjoyed the fact it was more creative and wild than many other higher budget films attempt to be for fear of alienating their conservative audiences, even if it wasn't totally successful in the end.

[–]lycando 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Appreciate your response. I agree that the whole film felt too long winded and should have ended earlier. Again, the idea is that many scenes feel redundant just for the sake of it. It's beautifully shot, but at the cost of being trite.

I think part of the problem lies in the fact that you knew the path that the movie was going to take and were just waiting for it to happen instead of being 'surprised'. Like I mentioned, it was more or less a modern take on Dracula.

it was the character's slow descent which was the basis for the drama and the horror

This is perhaps purely subjective but it didn't work for me I guess. Perhaps it was DeHaan's acting that threw me off. It felt like the movie was relying more on the visuals to depict his insanity rather than his own change in behavior.

Seriously, if you can't work out the imagery and how they relate to the main character - which we're as subtle as an atomic bomb - I'm not sure what to tell you.

Did a bit more thinking and some parts become clearer. I harp on the eels because they're the most prominent motif in the movie, along with the water which go hand in hand. I do see a link between them and also the reason they were present in some parts of the film. I don't think we should brush the eels aside simply because they function as a pivotal point in the film when DeHaan first starts to go insane. They also reappear as his insanity gets worse.

For what it's worth, it was quite enjoyable but ultimately forgettable.

[–][deleted] 25 points26 points  (2 children)

Ioved it up until the last third. It all fell apart for me a little bit before that ridiculous monster movie fight scene

[–]Sick-Nurse 3 points4 points  (1 child)

The ending felt like I was watching an old episode of scooby doo, terrible animation included. How the fuck was all that allowed?

[–]WirelessZombie 10 points11 points  (0 children)

In what scooby episode does a 200 year old baron try to rape his daughter?

[–][deleted] 30 points31 points  (1 child)

I loved it so much. Don't blame anyone for hating it though. It's crazy that it exists at all.

[–]Lovemesometoasts 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It's crazy that it exists at all.

very true, I watched this with my parents and all of us agree it was interesting, convoluted, beautiful and absolutely insane.

[–]brettmgreene 7 points8 points  (0 children)

As a film, it's got a lot going for it, including a terrific cast and a great score. However, Cure is absurdly long and can't decide what it wants to be, so it's half Shutter Island-mystery, half neo gothic horror, but without anything that ties the two together. Cure and Crimson Peak both prove that aesthetics alone do not a great picture make. That said, the interrogation scene in Cure is beautifully creepy.

[–]nilxnoir 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I appreciated it trying something new but ultimately found it to be a bit of a mess.

[–]Earthwick 11 points12 points  (1 child)

Visually it was good, but overall I felt bored watching it. Like it kept showing me things and hinting at a twist and then nothing ever really happened and there's some big holes in the story that never get resolved. Worst thing about it is they don't let you figure it out, they presume the viewer can't so they spell it out. Reminded me of a movie that would have come out in the 90's.

[–]Lovemesometoasts 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Like it kept showing me things and hinting at a twist and then nothing ever really happened

halfway through I actually read several spoilers just to see if it's worth sticking until the end. I'm glad I did because even though the story gets really crazy and nonsensical sometimes, it's still an entertaining movie although slow at times

[–]Oneireus 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I thought it was just a mess of film.

It felt like they had the atmosphere and idea, but they either decided on the twist late or they changed it, and it felt completely inorganic and weird.

I liked the imagine and the trailer reminded me of Shutter Island, but the entire third act was laughably bad.

[–]WirelessZombie 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Literally finished it 10 min ago and searched for some threads, surprised this is so recent lol.

It was good/great, I half figured everything out while watching and dismissed it as being too crazy, "no way they do that". To see it actually become that insane is such a rare movie experience. I'd say 8/10 movie but I enjoyed it like a 9.5/10. Great body horror too.

The face coming off was my only problem, I agree with comments saying it might have been a re-write. I love the tease where he's bleeding in the village and it was one of those moments where I figured it out but dismissed it. The baron putting on faces fits the crazy but not the story. Wish they somehow fit that in better with the baron legend or have some purpose.

and honestly hearing the complaints people have a good chunk of them are just "I assume I'm smart so if I didn't get it then its stupid". Complaints about the eels/teeth/execs come across as pretty brainless. Like real teeth were falling out but they were getting fake teeth to still look healthy, not complicated. Nothing wrong with disliking it but it made sense.

[–]Erfolgg 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Although flawed it is very enjoyable and a marvelous sensory experience, beautiful cinematography and a great sense of place.

[–]lridge 5 points6 points  (1 child)

It's too long, and doesn't trust its audience enough, but this movie is pretty fun.

[–]Pod-People-Person 3 points4 points  (0 children)

One of my favorites from last year. Beautiful, deranged and thoroughly entertaining. One of those movies that could have gone on for another half hour and I still wouldn't have been bored.

And the score was aces too, among my favorites soundtracks of that year like All The Money In The World and Phantom Thread.

[–]ActivateGuacamole 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I got interested in this movie based on the intriguing visuals in the trailer and its mysterious and otherworldly tone. Those are great, but the story itself is pretty bad. I wanted something simpler.

[–]Nueport 1 point2 points  (0 children)

easily one of my favorite movies of 2017, preceded only by Baby Driver and The Shape of Water.

[–]nadnerb811 1 point2 points  (3 children)

It was pretty good, but there were like three different moments where I thought the movie would end and it didn't.

[–]Lovemesometoasts 2 points3 points  (1 child)

same, I thought it would end when he was sitting on the bench.

[–]Sick-Nurse 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I wish I had stopped watching right then.

[–]prolelol[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Which moments?

[–]JBuri 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Gore Verbinski doesn't get the respect he deserves, the Pirates trilogy is insanely inventive and full of fresh ideas and so is A Cure for Wellness. I'm sad it bombed because that means he won't be handling big/mid range budgets movies any time soon or if he does they will keep him on a leash creatively.

[–]jocelynwatson 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I just finished this and I LOVED IT. I was so creeped out but couldn’t stop watching. Saw the daughter father connection coming from a mile, but didn’t think he’d try and rape her.. that was intense and pretty uncomfortable to watch, but otherwise I thought it was fantastic. I was intrigued by the trailers but my husband hates going to the movies so I was so pumped when I saw this free on amazon prime. SO SO good. I loved it and it deserves more hype than it got!

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Beautiful cinematography and great locations for sure, but the rest of it was weak. Especially not a fan of Dane DeHaan. He’s terrible in almost every film I’ve seen him in since The Place Beyond The Pines. Not sure what happened to him

[–]Action_Slacks 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'll have to give it another chance. I started to watch it, but it was so slow and disjointed. But Shutter Island was a great one-time film.

[–]izhappening 0 points1 point  (1 child)

nope, you're the only one who ever watched it.

[–]prolelol[S] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Aw, I'm probably the only one and I like that.

[–]badgarok725 0 points1 point  (1 child)

Personally rating a movie highly and saying a movie was underrated don’t really go hand in hand. Fine if you loved it, but I wouldn’t say it’s underrated. Just read some of general thoughts toward it in the discussion thread

[–]WesternRex 0 points1 point  (0 children)

My guess is they meant underrated due to the generally mediocre reception from critics and audiences. It's possible to separate one's own rating from assumed public percepton. In this case, they felt the general reception would have been stronger than it turned out to be. Also, much of the public doesn't come on Reddit to discuss film.