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Posted by2 months ago
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Posted by3 months ago

Scientism is the opinion that science and the scientific method are the best or only way to render truth about the world and reality. It has become increasingly popular today especially amongst scientists who are openly hostile towards philosophy. This modern scientism can be summed up in Stephen Hawking’s claim that “philosophy is dead.”

I was wondering though whether modern scientism can be seen as the heir or modern day version of logical positivism of the early twentieth century. Logical positivism was a movement whose central thesis was the verification principle (also known as the verifiability criterion of meaning). This theory of knowledge asserted that only statements verifiable through direct observation or logical proof are meaningful in terms of conveying truth value, information or factual content. This theory of knowledge was extremely popular in the early twentieth century but by the 60’s had completely collapsed and became universally abandoned. This was because it was seen as too narrow a theory of knowledge and more importantly, it was shown to be self-refuting. This is is because the verification principle could not be verified by its own standards and thus lead to a contradiction.

Even though it is not taken seriously by the vast majority of philosophers today, this attitude, in my opinion, seems to be getting revived by modern day scientism. I was wondering am I correct in assuming this though?

So, what are the similarities/differences between scientism and logical positivism? Are both ideas heavily related? Is there a link between them? Is scientism a modern version of logical positivism? Thanks.

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Posted by7 months ago
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Posted by3 months ago

Scientism is the opinion that science and the scientific method are the best or only way to render truth about the world and reality. It has become increasingly popular today especially amongst scientists who are openly hostile towards philosophy. This modern scientism can be summed up in Stephen Hawking’s claim that “philosophy is dead.”

I was wondering though whether modern scientism can be seen as the heir or modern day version of logical positivism of the early twentieth century. Logical positivism was a movement whose central thesis was the verification principle (also known as the verifiability criterion of meaning). This theory of knowledge asserted that only statements verifiable through direct observation or logical proof are meaningful in terms of conveying truth value, information or factual content. This theory of knowledge was extremely popular in the early twentieth century but by the 60’s had completely collapsed and became universally abandoned. This was because it was seen as too narrow a theory of knowledge and more importantly, it was shown to be self-refuting. This is is because the verification principle could not be verified by its own standards and thus lead to a contradiction.

Even though it is not taken seriously by the vast majority of philosophers today, this attitude, in my opinion, seems to be getting revived by modern day scientism. I was wondering am I correct in assuming this though?

So, what are the similarities/differences between scientism and logical positivism? Are both ideas heavily related? Is there a link between them? Is scientism a modern version of logical positivism? Thanks.

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Posted by1 year ago

First things first: I was a main medic and chop pilot since I played BF Vietnam on a cyber cafe when I was a teenage and ignorant girl, and that ended with me discovering the real fun of FPS games, and playing a lot of hours on BF2 and BF3 at my home after that, so I can't be fully objetive with this update that is very focused on my two main roles.

People is right when they judge Dice for the scarce content of the new update don't get me wrong, but this BF is not comparable to IV, V or I ones. Speaking about the 2 only new weapons, I want to remember that this is the first battlefield (of all) where all the weapons feel trully different between each others being "viable" all, and with attachments, you can modify a bit their behavior making the usage similar (if not superior) than other previous games where you got that in form of unique weapons and upgrades for their parts, so speaking about weapons, the game is not "that" bad (I remember using less viable weapons on BF3 than on this one...). Plus, remember guys, our friend temporyal datamined a lot of new weapons, we all have to criticize the dreep feeding, not the variety.

Speaking about the new map (and only map...), I know that it feels frustrating to only having one new map, but Exposure is great as a BF map! (is actually the best one of Battlefield2042 and one at the lvl of Battlefield 3 maps). It remembers me a lot to Damavand Peek, but is a lot more fun with the grappling hook, wingsuit, drones, and other tech we got on this BF, so wait and give it a try. And yeah, I know we only get a map and 2 reworks on the way, but we talked a lot about the bad design of the new maps, and with that, we asked for a rework of them despite new ones. And in my opinion is a bit better to have less playable maps than having only a few good on a big pool of garbage maps. We all wanted 2-4 new maps, but I actually preffer than they remake the old ones, and one is pretty much finished and other one coming on S2 is nearly at the same state, so lets see if at least they keep this pacing...

Speaking about the new gadget (and specialist gadget) and the new specialist, they're both very interesting. Lis is very good paired with Rao (we're going to make them couple and you know), and is not unbalanced while we have Irish. On the other side, the new smoke granade launcher is the perfect gadget for medics and "wallhacker" chars like Paik, Rao and Boris. But here I want to say that we've should got the datamined thermals on this patch, because only with these sights we could enjoy a lot more maps like Manifest and with this granade launcher gives a ton of new potential usage.

And we reach the new choppers... they're good, competitive (I feel the meta is actually the attack ones since the speed nerf to littles, but these have a certain usage on scenarios with a lot of natural cover like Caleidoscope or Exposure) and with a solid balance (because they're cardboard). They're easily countered with heavy machineguns and heavy "transports", and have a lot of potential as AV warfare with the carpet bombing ability and the gunner PEM granade, having a few lackluster anti-infantry potential. They're going to be fun to use, and not very frustrating to deal with since they're very vulnerable, and they change the mode infantry aproach helicopters, so more interactions are allways good.

At the end, yeah, this game's launch was a debacle, and we lost months with a game that was on a really bad stage, but the game, for me, actually was "launched" 2 months ago with the +400 fixes patch, and we've recently got an interesting QoL pre-season patch with a lot of fixes, it's not like the game is not playable like months ago and we're not getting good updates this spring. Let's see the patches to come on summer before Season 2. And pray that they fix the game, because the crude reality is that we're not going to get something better until new game and we have to wait nearly 2 years for that...

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