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PillPack and Amazon Pharmacy makes me want to die
r/TalesFromThePharmacy icon

Pharmacy work requires its own special laws and regulations and with it comes so many wonderful problems. How many times do you find yourself saying any of these: - Your insurance sets the price - That is your medical card, not your prescription card - Your prescription is expired ... Yes even though you still have refills If so this is the place to be!

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PillPack and Amazon Pharmacy makes me want to die

I have been at PillPack by Amazon for a while now, and Amazon being in the pharmacy and healthcare space is absolutely awful. Pillpack got purchased by Amazon, and it is absolutely disheartening to see what they have done to the company and to the healthcare space. I remember when I first joined the company people absolutely cared about the patients we had and their healthcare and making sure they got the medications they needed in these amazing little PillPacks, fast forward 7 years later after Amazon acquired the company and they have turned it into their warehouse business with metrics of performance and no longer caring about the patient, Amazon refers to them as customers, not patients and we no longer attempt to even help the patient in getting their medications, we will one dial prescriber offices and other pharmacies and just hang up if we do not get a call answered within minutes or if they have us wait we just tell the customer they have to do it themselves since we could not and we do not try more than once. They literally just bought the company to turn it into a pump to get as many customers as we can and push them through the door, and if they put up with our horrible and awful lackluster customer service, then we can add those sweet copay claims from insurance to the war chest of their massive gold pile that does not need to be bigger than it is.

The way managers treat us is absolutely horrendous and awful. They ask of us to be performing at 100% and do not dare be off task for more than 5 minutes, or you get notified and eventually written up. If you spend too much time after a call ends, you get warned and eventually written up. They want us to rush through customers and not take our time at all, and if there are mistakes, we just submit an event, and by now it just seems like it is cheaper to assume the risk that the customer will not sue us. As a phone agent, you are expected to always be on task and never off task. The constant queues are draining and god awful as they do not hire anymore people as people will leave right away as they typically get hired because they see the pay is absolutely not worth the crap they put us through. Then, if you are a chat agent, you are expected to handle two live customers at once, and they have decided to use bare-bones, minimal staff chat as they do not wish to lose their pharmacy accreditation with our phone times being so long and awful. The chat platform is super stressful and awful; there is a constant queue of customers who often times leave and rejoin as they think the platform is broken as they can never connect to an agent within 5 minutes, and I have queue times build up to 15-20 minutes easily. Then the forced expectation of having two customers at once is enforced, and if the managers notice you take a break to handle a complicated account, they will tell you to take two chats. Again, there is no excuse not to take two chats, and again, as I have said, Amazon assumes most customers will not sue us, and they are more willing to have us not correct mistakes and place the work all on the customers.

Morale is constantly low, supervisors have no power as the higher-ups force them to crack the whips at us, and the managers above the supervisors are constantly telling us to work harder and that if we do not, we can face termination, even though they cannot hire anyone to replace the few that stay. As I said, the new agents see the nightmare of working at Amazon and the stories of the warehouse being god-awful, which Amazon just adopted and applied to the pharmacy business. I have literally never felt so devalued as a human being; my life does not matter here, and the executives just want higher and higher profits no matter the cost. I am saying this as someone who has worked in other big chain pharmacies or grocery retailers with pharmacies. Amazon is the biggest nightmare I have worked for; I literally wake up in cold sweats and think, honestly, that life is not worth living this past year of working here with how they treat us. Then the workload has constantly risen higher and higher, and our pay has not changed. They claim the ability to work from home is a perk, but honestly, they just turn your home into a prison, and if you have children, they do not want you to interact with them at all and demand you make childcare arrangements. With the meager wage they pay us, most people would have nothing to pay their bills, given how expensive childcare is. TJ Parker and Elliot Cohen would always tell us we were in the business of changing customers' lives for the better. Well, that was a lie of changing for the better; if anything, Amazon and PillPack have made their lives worse and the employees' lives more awful, and they got their massive payout and said see you later, suckers. This job is so awful, and I literally leave each day drained, defeated, and destroyed. The managers and higher-ups wonder why no one wants to work here; well, no one wants to feel like a dog chained up to a desk in their own home. CVS SimpleDose's closing really gave the horrible giant more business that they should not get nor deserve, as the greed of Amazon is literally like a disease in the healthcare space and will just continue to degrade and worsen people's lives, and the workers will just be beaten into submissions and expected to be told thank you. If you are still reading this, I beg you, plead with you, do not let your family member use us as a pharmacy or anyone that you love because Amazon is the devil, and they will for sure continue to destroy the space of pharmacy and degrade the workers into being modern-day slaves and not care at the damage they inflicted on the many who have suffered from Amazon. Please do not use them for your prescription needs; go to someone else, I beg you; it is not worth it.

when PillPack tells on Calibrate 🙃

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when PillPack tells on Calibrate 🙃
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Working at Walgreens vs Amazon PillPack
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A subreddit for pharmacists, pharmacy students, techs, and anyone else in the pharmaceutical industry.

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Working at Walgreens vs Amazon PillPack

Looking for reviews from pharmacists who recently worked for Walgreens and switched to Amazon.

My family member has been a Walgreens pharmacist for 5 years and switched districts after moving to a different state last year but the new district is a mess, management is terrible and they’re considering options to switch.

Any info on salary difference, quality of life, hours, and flexibility are appreciated!

Mounjaro and PillPack
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Mounjaro and PillPack

I was trying to avoid going to the local pharmacies to pickup mounjaro, due to everyone's issues with the coupon. I had my doctor sent it directly to PIllPack, which is a company owned by Amazon. Once they did, I went on the live chat, and informed them I had a coupon and 5 minutes later, everything was good and they are shipping it overnight.

Highly recommended if you can use Pillpack and don't want to try to fight the pharmacy on the coupon code.

PillPack strikes again...
r/TalesFromThePharmacy icon

Pharmacy work requires its own special laws and regulations and with it comes so many wonderful problems. How many times do you find yourself saying any of these: - Your insurance sets the price - That is your medical card, not your prescription card - Your prescription is expired ... Yes even though you still have refills If so this is the place to be!

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PillPack strikes again...

A couple of weeks ago PillPack called my independent pharmacy saying they needed to transfer all of Mrs. X’s scripts. From what I read here and on r/pharmacy I asked if the patient approved it. “Oh, yes, of course”. Today the pharmacist called back and said she needed my fax number because she needed to “transfer back some items”. And I said “oh, Mrs. X didn’t approve the transfers?” “Oooohhhh no no no no I’m transferring some items back to you. They are coming back. What is your fax??


She would not admit at all that the patient didn’t approve the transfers! Amazing. Anyone else having issues???

Has anyone else had trouble getting PillPack to send estrogen as promised??? (Rant)
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'menopause isn't really that bad'... said no woman ever.

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Has anyone else had trouble getting PillPack to send estrogen as promised??? (Rant)

I've been on Hormone Replacement Therapy for about 2 years. It consists of Estring every 3 months, a progesterone pill daily, and a combo estrogen+testosterone pill daily, medications I have attempted to obtain through PillPack. I've been a PillPack (online pharmacy) customer since the very beginning -- well before they were acquired by Amazon. PillPack had been an amazing experience and helped me remember to take my medication and the empty packets gently reminded me when I had already taken it. My PillPack customer experience was perfect until I started HRT.

It has been impossible to get PillPack to ship my estrogen medications without interference or delay. Despite my dozens of escalated customer communications with PillPack promising to solve the issue, they have failed to deliver estrogen without harassment for more than two years.

Besides being a woman of a certain age, I am a former investigative journalist. Having my estrogen medications systemically, insistently, and persistently interfered with is disturbing. It leads me to suspect there must be other PillPack customers out there like me because at Amazon/PillPack workflows are coded into their technology.

First, it was Estring. They took it upon themselves to pause sending it (and not tell me) because the medication is expensive. (Yes, I know.) They wanted to check with me first to make sure I approved the cost -- only they never got in touch. Of course, I didn't realize delivery had been delayed a month until a UTI landed me in the emergency room. So I pre-authorized the cost forevermore. PillPack promised my pre-authorization solved the issue and that the delay would not happen again. Only, the problem recurred, over and over and over and over again in an endless loop for the past couple of years.

When it wasn't Estring, it was my estrogen-testosterone pill, which is not covered in my insurer's formulary -- which I knew. I was prepared to pay out of pocket. Still, they took it upon themselves to ask my Ob-Gyn to put in a written request to have my insurance cover the estrogen-testosterone pill when I never asked them to do that. And, again, they didn't tell me they paused shipment to check with my doctor, resulting in my estrogen not being put in one of the handy packets for the day. My Ob-Gyn doesn't have staff to put in requests like that.

I have learned that estrogen is a controlled substance in the US. But that was never mentioned as a reason for stalling delivery. I already know the insurance for this sucks. I already know it is expensive. Yes, it's unfair. Life is unfair. But, send it. Send it as you promised you'd do. Send it as my MD doctor prescribed for my care. Stop interfering and treating me like a child.

Just. Send. It.

This week I finally had enough. After repeated communications in dozens of customer service calls, emails, and chats, many of them escalated to the supervisor-- after they promised each time to send the meds only to pause shipment yet again-- I transferred my medications to another pharmacy. Next, I went to LinkedIn and wrote a heated message to the head of customer service at PillPack describing my hellish experience. I closed my message by saying, "If you know about this issue, shame on you. If you don't know about it, shame on you."

At a time when our bodily autonomy is being taken away in the US, I find it incredibly strange that the ONLY time I had issues with PillPack was with medication involving estrogen. I find it utterly bizarre that PillPack/Amazon forced me for the past 2 +years to beg them repeatedly to send me the estrogen. (Please, pretty please, will you send it to me? If I ask nicely will you send it??) It turned into a humiliating and infantilizing experience.

Here's the thing: I cannot imagine with all their workflow processes coded into their technology that I am an exception. As a former investigative journalist and as the mother of an MD, I suspect that there are other patients out there going through the very same thing.

With a growing percentage of us on HRT, naturally, I wonder whether there are other post-menopausal women who have had similar issues getting their estrogen from PillPack. I also suspect there may be trans patients who are similarly being harmed and harassed -- other patients who take estrogen for legitimate, medical reasons other than menopause. If there are, it suggests that Amazon has a sexist, ageist programmatic process run amok. Given the current political climate, I find Amazon/PillPack's interference in the care of my va-jay-jay profoundly, existentially troubling. What are they doing getting all up in my personal business???

So tell me, has anyone else had trouble getting their estrogen from PillPack or any other pharmacy?

Thank you.

PillPack Pharmacy?
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A subreddit for pharmacists, pharmacy students, techs, and anyone else in the pharmaceutical industry.

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PillPack Pharmacy?

Has anybody had PillPack pharmacy call for a transfer yet? Is it just me or does this sound like an awful idea? I can just think of so many issues. First being you have the same issues you get with mail order in general. Poor communication, deliveries not on time, waiting until you're out of medication to call the pharmacy and then having to wait a week plus while they get refills from the doctor and then ship them. Then there's the issue of what happens when the doctor inevitably changes the patients mess or dose and you have a months worth of mess neatly packaged into a bunch of packs. What are you supposed to do? Remember to move that one pill and discard from every pack and replace it with the new med they send you a week later? It just sounds like a neat idea with way too many flaws.

PillPack commercials not legal in Oklahoma?
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A subreddit for pharmacists, pharmacy students, techs, and anyone else in the pharmaceutical industry.

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PillPack commercials not legal in Oklahoma?

I have a friend in Tulsa who showed me a commercial from PillPack that ends with the phrase "Switch to a better pharmacy. Switch to PillPack". But from my time spent in Oklahoma I remember that claiming professional superiority is considered to be unprofessional conduct.

535:10‐3‐1.2. Violations of professional conduct  Violations  of  the  rules  of  professional  conduct,  which  may  also  be  called  unprofessional  conduct,  include, but are not limited to, the following:

(13) The assertion or inference in a public manner of material claims of professional superiority in the  practice of pharmacy that cannot be substantiated. 

Am I reading that correctly? I wonder if PillPack can substantiate these claims. Board should take action but then again they just fired their executive director so it's probably low on their list.

Is PillPack bad?
r/TalesFromThePharmacy icon

Pharmacy work requires its own special laws and regulations and with it comes so many wonderful problems. How many times do you find yourself saying any of these: - Your insurance sets the price - That is your medical card, not your prescription card - Your prescription is expired ... Yes even though you still have refills If so this is the place to be!

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Is PillPack bad?

My store had three different people have their scripts sent to us through pillpack. Each time we couldn't fill them because they sent expired prescriptions. And of course the patient didn't understand that... and now we needed to call the doctor to get a new script. Which seemed to defeat the purpose of having a service send in the scripts.

So I was wondering if this is a patient issue or is PillPack a bad service?

Omnipod 5 G6/G7 Available at Pillpack in US

This is an unofficial subreddit about the Insulet Omnipod insulin pump systems. We're here to help you troubleshoot your pods, controller, Android mobile app, and share your experiences, ask questions related to Insulet products, share Insulet news, brag, commiserate, and vent.

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Omnipod 5 G6/G7 Available at Pillpack in US

Hey everyone! Just received my monthly supplies from Pillpack by Amazon and they are the updated version of Omnipod 5! Just posting as an fyi for those that are looking to get their updated supplies!

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