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Pescatarian diet

Posts about Pescatarian diets

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Ready Meals: Prepared Meal Delivery Services. Healthy prepared meals and diet delivery programs for busy consumers who don't have time to cook.
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Pescetarianism or pescatarianism (both spellings are accepted) is the practice of a diet that includes seafood and excludes other animals. In addition to fish and/or shellfish, a pescetarian diet typically includes some or all of vegetables, fruit, nuts, grains, beans, eggs and dairy. The Merriam-Webster dictionary dates the origin of the term "pescetarian" to 1993 and defines it to mean: "one whose diet includes fish but no meat."
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This is a forum to discuss and share your pescatarian experiences
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A subreddit for the discussion of nutrition science. Macronutrients, micronutrients, vitamins, diets, and nutrition news are among the many topics discussed. Civil discourse is required.
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healthy food, is a subreddit for civil discussion of specified foods which might be deemed "healthy". To ensure quality content, spam and promotion are highly restricted in this sub
Posted by1 month ago

I (44F) have been married to my husband (49M) for 20 years. He is an omnivore and likes eating meat.

I was vegetarian as a teenager, was not when we met in our 20s (having felt I needed to give it up out of politeness/deference to cultural differences when a guest in someone’s home overseas for several weeks), but for the last 18 months have been pescetarian. He is not happy about this.

I’d like to be fully vegetarian and perhaps try being vegan for ethical/climate reasons, but my pescetarianism is a compromise because my husband is fervently anti-vegan. He refers to vegetarian food as ‘veggie muck’ and to vegan food such as vegan cheese or yogurt as ‘false advertising’ and rants about how it shouldn’t be called that.

I am not expressing any views about his dietary choices; although it would be nice if we were on the same page, I accept that he doesn’t want to change and am OK with us eating different things. I don’t make a fuss about his meat products being cooked alongside my veggie stuff, I don’t pass any comments when he orders meat-based meals when we eat out, in short, I’m trying to be very easy-going about it all.

Every couple of weeks he asks me when I’m going to start eating meat again and complains that I am ‘stopping him eating meat’ because he feels that we should be eating the same thing for dinner. He is particularly annoyed that the meal boxes we get (Mindful Chef) use vegan products ‘when they don’t need to’. I willingly buy him meat products (eg bacon) to add to the meal kits but he usually chooses not to do this. I’ve suggested we get a mix of the (two-portion) meal kits, some veggie, some with meat, and cook our own thing on alternate nights and have the second half when the other is cooking their thing. I’ve suggested he participate in choosing the meals we order by having the app on his phone and using my account.

I’m really struggling to see what else I can do without compromising further on something I feel strongly about. His regular complaints about my diet often reduce me to tears because of the tone and derogatory language he uses. I don’t attack his choices, I just want to be able to discuss this calmly and respectfully. I’ve told him this each time it’s happened and asked to postpone the conversation until he can continue politely/kindly, but he seems unable/unwilling to talk about it without being unpleasant about it.

What would you do?

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Posted by6 months ago
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Posted by7 months ago
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