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Does anyone know if Pete Bernert (author of the OpenGL plugins for ePSXe / PCSX-R) has been known to be active literally anywhere on the internet in the past decade or so?

News and discussion about emulation.

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Does anyone know if Pete Bernert (author of the OpenGL plugins for ePSXe / PCSX-R) has been known to be active literally anywhere on the internet in the past decade or so?

I've long been of the opinion that PS1 emulation is held back a bit by his OpenGL2 plugin not being open source, but it's never been clear to me why it isn't open source seeing as his OpenGL1 plugin is.

Thought I'd see if I could get in conctact with him to ask about it, but so far I'm not sure if anyone even knows whether or not he's still alive...

Dpad not working in PCSX-ReARMed and gpSP

For everything related to the Retroflag GPi case.

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Dpad not working in PCSX-ReARMed and gpSP

I'm trying to use PCSX-ReARMed and gpSP instead of the default emulators for the GBA(lr-gpsp) and PSone(lr-PCSX-ReARMed) because they run better, but I am unable to map controls to the dpad. I know its been talked about in some of the other threads, however I haven't seen a solution. So I thought I would make a dedicated thread to see if anyone can recommend a way to get the dpad mapped. Currently it just doesn't detect the controls.

I'm not sure if this is a issue with the xbox 360 driver the GPI case is using, but looking for suggestions on how to get these emulators working on the Pi Zero in the GPI case.

This has been solved, see SinisterSpatula Post - [Jump to the guide] -

Why are ePSXE and PCSX-r so derided here?

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Why are ePSXE and PCSX-r so derided here?

I wonder why Mednafen is praised so much for compatibility here? PCSX-r and ePSXE have a very high compatibility rating. I have a very diverse list of games yet they all run perfectly - that's right, perfectly / no glitches - for me.

In addition to perfect compatibility I get widescreen support, fantastic upscaling and a lot of other things. Why settle for Mednafen on a 4k monitor or 1080p TV? Does not look anything like the original games on a '90s CRT TV ...

this looks like a headache waiting to happen:

while this feels more natural to me as someone who had a PSX in '97-'04:

another example of 2D in ePSXE

DuckStation, PCSX ReARMed, or Mednafen/Beetle?

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DuckStation, PCSX ReARMed, or Mednafen/Beetle?

I currently use DuckStation because it has that cool weird upscaling thing and it's a really new emulator that a lot of people have recommended but I want to know if there are any benefits (better ROM compatibility, emulation quality, etc) of using alternatives like the popular PCSX ReARMed or Mednafen/Beetle. Also (unrelated) I'm having trouble installing PCSX2. I use Mac and I prefer to use RetroArch for everything but there are some cores (PS2, 3DS, etc) that are missing from the Mac version so I tried to install the standalone version of PCSX2 but it keeps giving me an error. Edit: I switched to Beetle because DuckStation and PCSX-ReARMed both kept crashing and Mednafen is the only one that works properly (a few minor visual glitches but still decent emulation and barely noticeable).

PCSX-Rearmed core now available in latest RetroNX builds

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What do i do when i try to play PS1 games but the bios are missing except i already have them? I tried downloading again, putting in another directory, nothing works. My only option is play using the (PCSX ReARMed) core. I'm running Retro Arch 1.15.0

/r/RetroArch is a subreddit dedicated to RetroArch and the libretro API framework. Post setup guides, questions and news here!

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What do i do when i try to play PS1 games but the bios are missing except i already have them? I tried downloading again, putting in another directory, nothing works. My only option is play using the (PCSX ReARMed) core. I'm running Retro Arch 1.15.0
  • r/RetroArch - What do i do when i try to play PS1 games but the bios are missing except i already have them? I tried downloading again, putting in another directory, nothing works. My only option is play using the (PCSX ReARMed) core. I'm running Retro Arch 1.15.0
  • r/RetroArch - What do i do when i try to play PS1 games but the bios are missing except i already have them? I tried downloading again, putting in another directory, nothing works. My only option is play using the (PCSX ReARMed) core. I'm running Retro Arch 1.15.0
  • r/RetroArch - What do i do when i try to play PS1 games but the bios are missing except i already have them? I tried downloading again, putting in another directory, nothing works. My only option is play using the (PCSX ReARMed) core. I'm running Retro Arch 1.15.0

PCSX Cheats Pack

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PCSX Cheats Pack

I've converted PSXDataCenter's massive ePSXe cheat list into a PCSX compatible format. It's now available here:

They're .TXT files instead of the default .CHT, but I tested them through PCSXR on Windows and they load just fine. If there is any problem, let me know.

Also, be sure to check the website. It's an amazing effort on preservation of PS data and history. Maybe consider supporting it too if you like it.

If you can't access the site, I've uploaded it here too:

EDIT (2019-01-21): Renamed the files into .CHT extension to make sure it works across all versions of PCSX. Also added a title list for quick reference of serial numbers, and a few other minor changes.

RetroArch 1.7.7 Xtreme! OpenBOR Full Speed Ahead! CHD Support for PCSX ReArmed! PCSX ReArmed goes Xtreme! DOSBox SVN Fixed Up! Core Set Release for Mini S-NESC-PSC!

Subreddit for the PlayStation Classic

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RetroArch 1.7.7 Xtreme! OpenBOR Full Speed Ahead! CHD Support for PCSX ReArmed! PCSX ReArmed goes Xtreme! DOSBox SVN Fixed Up! Core Set Release for Mini S-NESC-PSC!

Release Link at bottom!:)


SNES Classic - OpenBOR Friggin Full Speed Ahead + Konami Code Conspiracy!

I will also do some more videos tomorrow/Monday, showcasing other aspects of this Update! So, stay tuned! One is currently Uploading, which is a showcase of some relatively unknown Mario Games!

Be sure to join us on Discord, at:

Thanks to all of you who have joined us and become a part of our daily conversations! Looking forward to chatting with more of you in the future!

You all know how this works, by now:)! Without spoiling anything, I caught up on a few movies and tv shows in the interim between the last and this Update! Avengers: Endgame met my expectations, and I didn't think it would be too easy to match the entertainment value of that movie. But, I found Shazam a fun diversion, as well. Mark Strong was in top form, as always. He was one of the sole redeeming factors in the failed Green Lantern movie, along with, of course...Ryan Reynolds typical snarky and fun attitude! And, of course, Ryan met his life mate, Blake Lively, in the process! Game of Thrones is still holding strong, with one final episode left! In any case, let's get to this Update, before I get anymore sidetracked!

Note: Per usual, Release is Assets 7z. file at way bottom of this page. Or, you can use alternate links to grab things individually!

  • RetroArch Xtreme Updated to 1.7.7 for Mini NES/SNES/PSC!

  • RetroArch Xtreme Redundancies Cleaned up for Mini NES/SNES/PSC!

  • Optimal _DUMMY Folder Usage for Mini NES/SNES!

  • OpenBOR, Finally! Full Speed Ahead For Mini NES/SNES!

  • OpenBOR, Pseudo Full Speed Ahead for Mini PSC!

  • Of Course, I am throwing you a bone, with an OpenBOR Test Game:)

  • DOSBox SVN Sound Initialization fixed up!

  • Who loves incredible SHMUPS!? Introducing Tyrian!

  • PCSX ReArmed NEON Xtreme now has CHD Support!

  • PCSX ReArmed goes even More Xtreme!

  • NEW Sega Game Gear/Master System Core!

  • Introducing QUASI88, an PC-8801 Core!

  • By the way, QUASI88 supports the obscure Super Mario Bros. Special!

  • EasyRPG Updated!

  • Game & Watch Updated!

  • The Videos!

  • To Do WIP List!

  • Final Notes!

RetroArch Xtreme Updated to 1.7.7 for Mini NES/SNES/PSC!

BleemSync Injector will post on 5-19-18. Check back for an Update for that, specifically! Unfortunately, time constraints kept me from finishing it up before Release Deadline! Off to work now! Will post after:)

Huge thanks to madmonkey on the Mini NES/SNES side; genderbent on the Mini PSC side, for their fantastic efforts in helping get RetroArch Xtreme in tip top shape! 1.7.7 is now "canon" and is a great deal better for us on all 3 Platforms, than previous RetroArchs have been, due to some of the incredible new additions!

There is a nifty, very cool widget feature, which you will see pop up various Notifications as you do different things. I would highly recommend leaving this enabled, as if myself or anyone else needs to help troubleshoot, having it on will be quite helpful. Not to mention, it will indicate success with Playlists, Controllers being recognized, and a multitude of other things!

Ozone will be default for the NESC/SNESC, since we have the Main UI for the primary aesthetically pleasing scenario, relating to Artwork for games, and so on! Most of us on the NES/SNES use the Main UI a majority of the time! But, if you decide you would rather use XMB, instead, simply go into RetroArch Settings, Drivers, Menu, change Ozone to XMB, then exit RetroArch. Rinse and repeat to do go back to Ozone. Feel free to transform anytime, doing the expected "Transformers'" sound effect!

XMB will be default for the PSC, since the Main UI is still not quite there, as far as anything but default PCSX ReArmed PS1 Games. This "will" change in the future, of course! But, it will take some time to be at the level of optimal use that we have already become accustomed to with the NES/SNES! You can, of course, switch from XMB to Ozone, the exact same way as I detailed above for NESC/SNESC!

Lastly, I have done quite a few additional tweaks to try to get every last bit of performance and speed out of this latest Update. Things should be nice and breezy and snappy, as far as Menu Navigation, loading of Games/Cores, and so on! And, don't forget, you can install the additional Add-On from the Release or KMFD Mod Hub, _km_retroarch_xtreme_playlist_database.hmod This will allow you to Import, Scan Files or Directories to add to Preset Playlists based on what is detailed within the Databases. If you find something that isn't recognized, it simply is not in the Database. But, once you load it, and it is in History, you can "still" add it to your "favorites!" So, that is a nice quick workaround. You can manually do your own playlists. But, it will take just a little extra effort.

RetroArch Xtreme Redundancies Cleaned up for Mini NES/SNES/PSC!

With this Release, I have cleaned up redundant paths that really should never have been used for the Mini NES/SNES/PSC to begin with. The entire .config/retroarch path is now gone on NES/SNES; and .config/retroarch gone on PSC. Do not worry, as far as maintaining any current configurations, as when you install RetroArch 1.7.7 Xtreme for NES/SNES, it will automatically "push" (Thanks DanTheMan827!) anything from .config/retroarch to main directory! PSC Users, simply move anything from .config that you want to keep, to retroarch Main.

Optimal _DUMMY Folder Usage for Mini NES/SNES!

This is one of the most consistently asked questions I get on a day to day basis. How do you do the _DUMMY Folder? I have showcased it in many many videos, as it is my main means of transportation on the Mini Classics. With this Update, and RetroArch Xtreme 1.7.7 installed, the only prerequisite is that you are on USB-HOST. If that is the case, simply make a folder, which you can name _DUMMY if you wish, or Games, whatever. I just happen to use _DUMMY in my case, and it is more referential, as some of the other things that have been coined within the concurrent Core Set Releases. Make this folder "outside" of the hakchi directory! This is very important. If you do not do this, when you "export", the _DUMMY folder will be deleted. As long as it is outside the hakchi directory, on your flash/hard drive, it will remain intact on an export.

OpenBOR, Finally! Full Speed Ahead For Mini NES/SNES!

I would have to say that this is one of the most oft requested things to be for the Mini NES/SNES! I am very happy to finally bring this to you all to play around with! I give mad props to Senile Team, for the original OpenBOR (Beats of Rage) Madmonkey for the Execution on Mini NES/SNES, bslenul for the Main UI (User Interface) Integration. We definitely don't want to have to Command Line these games, such as madmonkey, bslenul, and myself initially did for "testing". I handled the performance and optimization aspect of the OpenBOR scenario.

The OpenBOR Core is in "Special" Tab, along with "DraStic". Simply install the Core, add a .pak, and command line should be:


You should be able to run a majority of games from 2004-2014, roughly. Some of the newer ones, such as GI Joe: Attack on Cobra Island, will not work...for the moment. He-Man: Masters of the Universe, however, one of the pinnacle achievements of OpenBOR, however, fact, work! It is a tremendously cool game that really captures the essence of the original cartoon series! You can see me test drive this baby in a video below the Release Notes! Games that do not work may seem like they will load, then crash before the start of the game.

OpenBOR, Pseudo Full Speed Ahead for Mini PSC!

Unfortunately, this time around, PSC Users won't get the same, truly excellent OpenBOR experience as NES/SNES least for now! This may change in the future. But, you can "still" run OpenBOR with two Updated Cores within this Release. Refer to the PS CLASSIC/OpenBOR Folder for the Templates for each, as well as a ReadMe!

You have 2 current options to run OpenBOR games. A 3rd Option will likely make it to PSC, in the future. For now, it is more optimal for usage on the NESC/SNESC.

If you load a game and it emits an error message or crashes, it is very likely not supported.

DOS (Full Speed), which equates to games that were made around 2004. These games will run full speed ahead, with minor hiccups due to slight timing offsets. These are mostly negligible. Simply copy a Pak file into OpenBOR_DOS Template Folder (Yes, the folder can be renamed). The Pak file must be renamed, exactly as BOR.PAK or it will not work.

PSP (Slow to Moderate Speed), which relates to games from 2004 and on, til roughly the year 2011. These games will vary in terms of performance and speed, some running better than others. Halloween: Wrath of Michael Meyers is an example of one that runs pretty top notch. Final Fight Gold CE is a little sluggish. But, it is still quite playable! Copy Pak into Paks folder. This will not need renamed like the DOS one. It will work, as is, as long as it is the only Pak in said folder. If you attempt to put more than one in Paks folder, it will not auto load. It will, instead, do a menu prompt. Then, you'd have to choose the pak. Personally, I do one game per template, as I much prefer the auto load method!


Run OpenBOR_DOS, bor.exe, with DOSBox-SVN, BOR.PAK, if it exists and is supported, will auto load.


Run OpenBOR_PSP, EBOOT.PBP, with PPSSPP Xtreme, Pak file, if present in paks folder, will auto load.

Again, the 3rd, full speed ahead method, may work its way onto the PSC in the future!

Of Course, I am throwing you a bone, with an OpenBOR Test Game:)

I may add more in the future! But, for now, you have Beats of Rage in KMFD Mod Hub, Games Tab, for NES/SNES Users, and in Xtras/Games/OpenBOR, for PSC Users. Enjoy this fantastic game!

DOSBox SVN Sound Initialization fixed up!

DOSBox SVN is better, speed and performance wise, on the Mini NES/SNES/PSC, for more cpu/gpu intensive games, than Standard DOSBox is. But, there was one little, pesky bug, which hindered the overall enjoyment, to a degree. The sound card did not properly initialize. With this Update, it will, and you will get Full Sound Ahead! Why did this specifically need to be done for This Update!:)? Well...

Who loves incredible SHMUPS!? Introducing Tyrian!

Special thanks to IncendiaryIdea for bringing this SHMUP'Tastic game to my attention. This will run with the Updated DOSBox SVN Core! It had a few bugs in its execution, which are now fixed up. It is fully playable for This Release. It is generally a gpu/cpu intensive game. So, you will not get Full Speed Ahead. But, you can lower the video settings in-game if you so choose to. I was fine running it, as is, and thoroughly enjoyed it! You can grab the game from KMFD Mod Hub, Games Tab (For Mini NES/SNES), as well as Xtras/Games/DOS (For Mini NES/SNES/PSC! Personal thanks to Beylie, as well, whom helped with one fix for the "mouse" bug. The ship would effectively try to move by itself. I have it working, in its current incarnation, without any "mouse" issues. But, I still have included the "fix", just in case anyone does so happen to need it. It is in Xtras/DOS, and is called tyrian.conf. Depending on set-up, you may also need or want to rename the .conf You would need to add is as an uncompressed game, via hakchi, and amend the path within the file to point to your current directory. It works much like the uae files do for Amiga consumption!

In any case, you should not need the fix. It is there, just in case! Controls for Tyrian can easily be set up by going into Controls, changing to keyboard+mouse, backing out, backing in, then setting them up as follows:

DOSBOX Tyrian:

ctrl-backspace -- kill OpenTyrian alt-enter -- fullscreen ctrl-f10 -- ungrab mouse arrow keys -- ship movement space -- fire weapons enter -- toggle rear weapon mode ctrl/alt -- fire left/right sidekick

These controls are in a ReadMe, inside Xtras/Mapping. If any of you have any difficulty mapping, let me know! I plan on working in some defaults, probably for the Next Update, to help with DOSBox, MSX (Metal Gear), and so on! This will be so you simply load the game and play, without any additional configuration! This will be on the To Do list for the very Next Update!

Thanks again for the recommendation IncendiaryIdea! Due to the nature of a few things needing fixed up, just to get it properly addition to "reality", I was a little delayed:) Hope you get to enjoy it, this weekend! Thanks so much for the patience!

PCSX ReArmed NEON Xtreme now has CHD Support!

This is something we have all wanted for a considerable amount of time! CHD will ONLY work with the PCSX ReArmed Xtreme Variants. I will go more into detail about those in the next Note Section. Personal thanks to aliaspider, retro-wertz, hizzlekizzle, and the rest of the PCSX Libretro Team, as well as anyone who has ever taken on the challenge of CHD Support for PCSX!

You can use the CHDMAN in Xtras/Tools/PS1 to easily convert bin+cue/iso to .chd! Yes, .chd does have better compression, overall, than eboots (.pbp). But, if you are comfortable with eboots, as they stand...don't worry all too much about going out of your way to get everything into .chd format! The games will not run any better! This is, more or less, a bonus for those who are more limited on space, especially NAND users! You could, additionally, if non-USB-HOST, use the provided tools in PS1 folder, and rip out the music, videos, compress the resulting files to CHD, and easily run a great many games strictly on NAND, if you so wanted to! I have done a multitude of videos regarding this in the NESC days, when USB-HOST did not yet exist! You can refer to my YouTube Video Ripping Tutorials, or ask me. I may do a newer ripping video, as well!

PCSX ReArmed goes even More Xtreme!

As if we couldn't get anymore Xtreme! This time, we are playing around with video plug-ins and other various changes, that will supplement your overall experience on a case by case scenario. Personal thanks to Genderbent and anyone else who had suggested this be looked into! And, great thanks to Madmonkey for helping with the differentials between Plug-Ins! With PCSX ReArmed NEON Xtreme installed, you will now be able to use the following command line perimeters when on NES/SNES:


  • /bin/pcsx <clover_args> (triggers Xtreme NEON Mode Activate!

  • /bin/pcsx-peops <clover_args> (triggers Xtreme PEOPS Mode Activate!

  • /bin/pcsx-standard <clover_args> (triggers Standard Mode Activate!

  • /bin/pcsx-unai <clover_args> (triggers Xtreme UNAI Mode Activate!

Each of these variants have a distinctive difference! I will be showcasing some of these in videos, for sure! Some of the differences might surprise you. But, you will have a nominal performance and speed gain, depending on which game and which variant! If in doubt, use /bin/pcsx or /bin/pcsx-standard If you want to get to new potential heights, go for it, and try out /bin/pcsx-peops and/or /bin/pcsx-unai Some personal test results are as follows:

Xtreme NEON is best, overall, for compatibility, performance, speed.

Xtreme PEOPS should clean up some graphical glitches, such as the cut scenes in Metal Gear Solid. Additionally, in testing, PEOPS allowed me to run even more games in High Definition Mode Activate!

Xtreme UNAI ran fine, albeit with some minor graphical glitches.

All 3 of the above have CHD Support, and can handle games such as Parasite Eve 2, Diablo, NBA Lives, etc, on top of some other previously non-working titles. I also got varying FPS results with/without HD Mode Activated.

Standard is the most stable experience for those who do not want to muck about!

I look forward to any and all responses as far as which variants work best with which games!

NEW Sega Game Gear/Master System Core!

I took this into consideration, being that we do not have much in the way of Game Gear Support. It was a misnomer that PicoDrive supported GG games, for many. It does not, whatsoever, run GG games. I fixed the ReadMe to reflect this. It was a remnant from the very first PicoDrive we put together 2+ years ago, when GG was a typo. But, like the great Gearboy Core, which has very accurate GB/GBC emulation, Gearsystem is equally great for Sega Game Gear/Master System Games. The bonus perk is that you can do custom borders for more than one GG Core, for those of you who are trying to keep one set of borders for Genesis Games, on say PicoDrive, and so on! Thanks to Ignacio Sanchez AKA drhelius, for his tremendous work on Gearboy and Gearsystem! Note, in Xtras/PERM-CHEATS-PATCHING, is an incredible patch to make Metroid 2: Samus Returns look almost spot on and indistinguishable from an NES game!

Introducing QUASI88, an PC-8801 Core!

This one makes me quite happy, and is capable of running some truly and uniquely interesting games, as you will see in my video demonstration below! Several of these games were on both Sharp1 and PC-88 Computers. This particular Core emulates PC-88! BIOS are accounted for in the Xtras/BIOS section. Thanks for the assist on this, Madmonkey! And, thank you, Showzoh Fukunaga, for your work on the Emulator! And, finally, thank you celerizer and anyone else on the libretro side, working on this really cool Core! Note: this is in the lineage of NEC computers, such as PC-98, which runs the incredible Castlevani'esque game, Rusty!

By the way, QUASI88 supports the obscure Super Mario Bros. Special!

There are some "Nintendo" games on PC-88 which are quite entertaining to behold. Super Mario Bros. Special, Mario Bros. Special, Punch Ball Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong 3: Dai Gyakushuu, some of which will be covered in my video! Due to hardware limitations, at the time, some caveats, sacrifice wise, had to be made. Be sure to check out the video!

EasyRPG Updated!

This incredible game engine is capable of running RPG Maker 2000/2003 Games! I give personal thanks to AriaOnThePlanetes and NichoMania2 for helping test and confirm some changes. Most originating English Games work great. Some translations might turn up encoding errors, which may be fixed in a future Update, once command line perimeters and whichever dependencies are accounted for.

Add the .ldb as a game, uncompressed. Then, copy the rest of the pertinent files into the same folder. Do not use the .ini as a game loader, despite it previously working as such. PSC Users, simply use the entire folder, as a game! Ghabry, thanks for your dedication to this project, as well as any people who have ever worked on RPG Maker!

Game & Watch Updated!

Thank you, leiradel, for helping fix up two great games, that had always crashed before...dkong and dkong2! This great Core is even better now!

The Videos!

SNES Classic - Stan Bush "Drum" Mode Activate - Pumped for Next Update!

SNES Classic - OpenBOR Friggin Full Speed Ahead + Konami Code Conspiracy!

SNES Classic - OpenBOR Beats of Rage Full Speed! NES Micro Mages Homebrew!

To Do WIP List!

A few more, in the works, Cores/Emulators, that may work on either/or, the Mini NES/SNES/PSC; More touch-ups to RetroArch Xtreme; Some Add-Ons may still have additional compression worked in, to save precious NAND space; More Games for Mod Hub, and so on:) And, of course, now that crunch time is over, I can finally catch up on messages! Thank you all for being patient and supportive, in the meantime!

Final Notes!

I had been asked consistently about when I would get the Update, and did my absolute best to get it out on 5-18, as I tentatively stated it to be. Some things made it into the Update, which I have not covered in the Release Notes. They will show up in videos, or you may discover them on your this Open World Modding Adventure! Enjoy the Update! See you all again, soon!

Sincerely, KMFDManic!


The PlayStation Classic's custom PCSX ReARMed source contains a much longer list of games they were probably planning to include

News and discussion about emulation.

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The PlayStation Classic's custom PCSX ReARMed source contains a much longer list of games they were probably planning to include

I diffed the sources against notaz' pcsx_rearmed GitHub repo after checking that the latest commit was included in the custom version.

There's a list of games in the libpcsxcore/title.h file, many of which didn't make it into the lineup in any region:

Silent Hill, Gran Turismo, THPS2, Tomb Raider, Crash, Kula World; there they all are...

You can find the sources at:

(Thanks to u/vZze for posting them in a comment chain below the DF Retro post!)

Metal Gear Solid does not work with PCSX ReARMed, but does with Beetle. Am I missing something?

/r/RetroArch is a subreddit dedicated to RetroArch and the libretro API framework. Post setup guides, questions and news here!

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Metal Gear Solid does not work with PCSX ReARMed, but does with Beetle. Am I missing something?

I have all the .bin and .cue files for both CDs and the .m3u in the same folder. When I load it with Beetle HW, it boots properly, but for some reason, it just straight crashes RetroArch when when I boot ReARMed. I could just leave at that, but it's bothering me a lot. Am I missing something?

All my bios in the BIOS folder.

A folder just for MGS.

Inside the .m3u file.

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