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This JWST “leak” is why the UFO community is mocked

A community for discussion related to Unidentified Flying Objects. Share your sightings, experiences, news, and investigations. We aim to elevate good research while maintaining healthy skepticism.

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This JWST “leak” is why the UFO community is mocked

The whole community won’t stop posting about this. There is not a single shred of evidence that anything these people say is true. Not one. Not even a smidge to corroborate a single aspect of their story.

The “professor” is not even a professor. The SETI at home project was real but the “code” purportedly found but was unable to be broken? Nothing. Zero press reports from the time about any findings from SETI at home. Zero papers about it, zero headlines. BULL.

The JWST “leak”? A small podcast hosts “sources”. Right. Not a single real scientist saying anything.

Congress emergency briefing? Zero press headlines, zero confirmation from anyone in congress that a meeting was even held.

This whole thing just shows how this community can’t be taken seriously. It’s embarrassing.

08 March 2012- Footage of a giant sphere sucking plasma from the surface of the Sun

Welcome! UFOB serves 160K people on various social media. We are convinced that non-human intelligence is on Earth. We offer a platform for anyone interested in taking a deeper dive into the topic. "UFOB, Unidentified Flying OBject" is an older term for UFO. It does not stand for "Believers".

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08 March 2012- Footage of a giant sphere sucking plasma from the surface of the Sun
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Fact Check: James Webb Telescope’s Real Capabilities vs. Alien Ship Rumors

A community for discussion related to Unidentified Flying Objects. Share your sightings, experiences, news, and investigations. We aim to elevate good research while maintaining healthy skepticism.

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Fact Check: James Webb Telescope’s Real Capabilities vs. Alien Ship Rumors

Hey everyone,

Lately, I’ve seen some wild claims floating around, suggesting that the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has secretly detected an “alien ship” several light-years away. While it’s exciting to imagine what JWST could find, it’s important to keep things grounded in reality and understand the technical limitations of this incredible piece of science.

Here’s the truth: the JWST is not designed to detect small objects like spaceships or asteroids from light-years away.

Here’s why:

1.	Resolution and Size Limitations:

The JWST’s Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam) has a resolution of about 0.1 arcseconds, meaning it can resolve objects that are large and relatively bright—think distant galaxies or massive exoplanets. When it comes to small objects like asteroids or even hypothetical alien ships, these objects would be way too tiny and faint to detect at such vast distances. Even within our solar system, JWST can only resolve asteroids down to about 100 meters across, and that’s at a distance of a few hundred million kilometers (within our solar system).

2.	Distance Matters:

An object several light-years away (for reference, one light-year is about 9.46 trillion kilometers) is orders of magnitude farther than anything JWST could capture in detail at such small scales. The telescope is built to look at large-scale phenomena—stars, galaxies, and planetary atmospheres—not individual objects like ships or asteroids at interstellar distances.

3.	Brightness and Infrared Detection:

JWST primarily observes in the infrared spectrum, detecting heat emitted by distant objects. A small object like a spaceship would have to be not only massive but also incredibly bright in the infrared to stand out from the cosmic background. For comparison, JWST can detect the heat of distant exoplanets, but even these are much larger than any asteroid or spaceship would be.

In short, JWST is an amazing tool, but its design and capabilities do not allow for the detection of small objects light-years away. Claims about it spotting an “alien ship” are pure science fiction, not science fact. Let’s keep the conversation grounded in real science and continue to be amazed by what JWST can do, like discovering ancient galaxies and revealing the atmospheres of exoplanets.

If you’re curious about JWST’s real capabilities, I encourage you to check out NASA’s official resources. There’s plenty of fascinating, real science happening with this telescope that’s worth celebrating!

Let’s stick to the facts, folks.

Part Eight of the George H. W. Bush legacy of UFOs/UAP and Consolidation of US and Global Power: Stargate, 9/11, The Tomb of Gilgamesh and the Invasion of Iraq, and Dick Cheney, Full Circle and Full Stop

A community for discussion related to Unidentified Flying Objects. Share your sightings, experiences, news, and investigations. We aim to elevate good research while maintaining healthy skepticism.

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Part Eight of the George H. W. Bush legacy of UFOs/UAP and Consolidation of US and Global Power: Stargate, 9/11, The Tomb of Gilgamesh and the Invasion of Iraq, and Dick Cheney, Full Circle and Full Stop

The first seven parts of this series exploring the connection between the George H. W. Bush family and cohorts' legacy of Big Oil, getting rich off of Nazis, forming the OSS and recovering the Magenta, Italy 1933 craft while the US military recovered craft here in 1941 in Cape Girardeau, MO and 1942 after the Battle of Los Angeles, and Truman ordered Vannevar Bush, his Presidential Science Advisor, the first in US history, to set up Oak Ridge Laboratories to house the Manhattan Project.

This post went very long, and you can read the whole thing here:

Here are the first seven parts.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Then the folks responsible for the OSS and ending WWII while recovering the Magenta craft go on to start the CIA post-Roswell and keeping advanced tech hidden from the public good while plundering the world via the reverse-engineering of crash-retrievals, the CIA, Big Oil, Forever Wars, getting rich out of contracting out their own arms and oil contractors in the process.

Here's a memorandum on George H. W. Bush the day of JFK's assassination.

This is the biggest corruption case in human history.


So I've been thinking a lot lately about how everything feels like "systems collapse" at the moment.

I've also been thinking a lot about how much pushback there's been against the likes of Elizondo and Grusch, et. al.

Just after Grusch came forward in the historic Congressional hearing in July 2023, Ken Klippenstein at the Intercept ran a hit piece on his PTSD based off of insider info he's received.

A hit piece highlighting Grusch's PTSD after having served in Afghanistan, after one of his best friends died-by-suicide directly after a phone call with Grusch. Which left Grusch in a tail-spin of his own, threatening to take his own life and sub-sequentially seeking treatment for his PTSD, after which he still held his clearances. How he served in war and, as stated in his interview with Ross Coulthart, his generation was tired of their forever wars, and that he "wanted to break out of the Matrix."

Like most of us following this subject and world event's in general, it's safe to say we're fucking tired of all this, and Grusch, Elizondo, Mellon, and everyone else involved feel the same way.

The Matrix started when we discovered oil and the Rockefellers were made rich off of it.

Founding and early years

John D. Rockefeller c. 1872, shortly after founding Standard Oil

Standard Oil's prehistory began in 1863, as an Ohio partnership formed by industrialist John D. Rockefeller, his brother William Rockefeller, Henry Flagler, chemist Samuel Andrews, silent partner Stephen V. Harkness, and Oliver Burr Jennings, who had married the sister of William Rockefeller's wife.

In the early years, John D. Rockefeller dominated the combine; he was the single most important figure in shaping the new oil industry.[14] He quickly distributed power and the tasks of policy formation to a system of committees, but always remained the largest shareholder. Authority was centralized in the company's main office in Cleveland, but decisions in the office were made cooperatively.[15]

The Standard Oil Company (New Jersey), which was renamed Exxon in 1973 and ExxonMobil in 1999, remains the largest public oil company in the world. Many of the companies disassociated from Jersey Standard in 1911 remained powerful businesses through the twentieth century. These included the Standard Oil Company of New York, Standard Oil Company (Indiana), Standard Oil Company (California), Ohio Oil Company, Continental Oil Company, and Atlantic Refining Company.

If you've read the preceding installments, you'll see that George H. W. Bush and Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld have had a long-term knowledge and fascination with the UFO/UAP subject.

Prior to 9/11, while Bush and Cheney weren't in political power, they joined forces on a corporate front via Dresser Industries, the company that Prescott Bush bought in 1928 and brought George H. W. Bush into in 1941 as he was attending Yale as part of the Skull and Bones fraternity that has produced many politicians and a few Presidents and was the main recruiter for the CIA thanks to Prescott Bush.

Dresser Industries was tied to the Rockefellers' Standard Oil Company and then split off to start Zapata Oil in 1951 with the help of the CIA. Zapata Oil was then used as a front for the CIA for drug-smuggling, spying on Cuba, etc., while also establishing Big Oil as we know it that has been destroying our planet and lead us into the climate crisis we're currently in.

Later, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and others were highly interested in the UFO subject, and after linking up with George H. W. Bush directly in Ford's administration, it wouldn't be a surprise if that's when they found quite a bit out.

There's a well-known story about Nixon taking his good friend and UFO-obsessive 'Honeymooners' star Jackie Gleason to a base in Florida to see a craft and dead bodies.

According to Danny Sheehan, days after Carter's election, he summons CIA Director George H. W. Bush to tell him about the UFO secret, and Bush tells him, "only if you keep me on as Director." Carter says no, and after he's inaugurated, he replaces Bush.

Carter has promised voters that he would release all government files on UFOs.

The excellent Grant Cameron released a book on Jimmy Carter and UFOs last year. It includes the mention of Carter crying with his head in his eyes after being debriefed.

That same year, Carter's first, he does away with the Atomic Energy Commission, and on July 27, 1977, signs into law the Department of Energy Organization Act. A week later the Department of Energy is formed, with the James V. Forrestal Building as its headquarters, which is beyond ironic considering the lore of Forrestal being part of MJ-12, tight with JFK, wanting to go public with knowledge of UFOs, and being suicided out of a window, with George H. W. Bush taking up his mantle.

Meanwhile, also in 1977, George H. W. Bush starts the oil and gas exploration company Arbusto Energy.

So all UFO secrets are kept now under the purview of the DoE and "nuclear energy," Bush helps Reagan steal the election via the October Surprise with the help of his CIA crew, and Bush's true reign of terror begins after years of CIA-lead coups and the Bush family living like kings/tyrants via the oil industry, the CIA, and now the Presidency. Iran-Contra, smuggling crack-cocaine into poor Black and Brown neighborhoods.

A mysterious radio signal from 8 billion years ago has just reached Earth

A community dedicated to discussing alien life through news, experiences, speculation and investigation. Please keep content related to extra-terrestrials or non-human intelligence behind the UAP phenomenon.

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A mysterious radio signal from 8 billion years ago has just reached Earth

It’s one of the most distant ever recorded and no-one knows for sure where these bursts of energy come from, or indeed who might be sending them.

A mysterious radio signal from 8 billion years ago has just reached Earth (

The greatest depiction of Foo Fighters I could hope for. From the Project Blue Book series that desperately needs reviving

Welcome! UFOB serves 160K people on various social media. We are convinced that non-human intelligence is on Earth. We offer a platform for anyone interested in taking a deeper dive into the topic. "UFOB, Unidentified Flying OBject" is an older term for UFO. It does not stand for "Believers".

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The greatest depiction of Foo Fighters I could hope for. From the Project Blue Book series that desperately needs reviving
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Has the James Webb Telescope Discovered a Universe-Altering Secret?

Explore the unexplained with us. From UFOs to paranormal events, conspiracy theories to fringe science and hidden history, we post content that sparks curiosity and inspires research. Share your strange encounters, post intriguing findings, and join discussions that challenge mainstream views. We aim to uncover truths often overlooked and encourage critical thinking about our world and beyond.

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I think my daughter saw my grandfather

r/Paranormal is a space dedicated to true, first-hand, paranormal experiences.

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I think my daughter saw my grandfather

Around Mother's Day, I was freshly postpartum with baby #2. My husband, daughter and I were snuggled in bed just enjoying our morning with the new babe. My daughter (2.5) randomly points to the open bathroom door and asks "who's that?" My husband and I look at each other and in the door way. She asks again "who's that?" Then mumbles "Pappap." I look at my husband shocked. I used to call my grandpa Pappap and always have been so sad that he wasn't around for my wedding, or to meet my daughter and now son. I know he would have loved them so much. Do you think she actually saw him? I have never talked to her about his name that I could recall.

Also, before delivering, I was having a hard time clearing out furniture in the guest room that would turn into the nursery because it was filled with my grandparents' furniture. I was rummaging through the drawers of a nightstand, trying to find an emblem for someone interested in them, and found an old recipe card wedged in the very back behind the drawers. I thought it was odd. How did a recipe card get into a nightstand? It was my grandpa's lady lock recipe which used to be my favorite cookie he made. We had lost the recipe years ago. I immediately started crying thinking it was him sending me a sign. Not sure if these two events correlate or I'm making something out of nothing.

Something always falls off my wall between 2355-0000. But there's a catch.

"Eye-witness event(s) that cannot be explained with critical thinking." **Please read forum rules before posting**

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Something always falls off my wall between 2355-0000. But there's a catch.

I just moved to a condo. It's large space that has been cozy these last 3 months. Except for one thing. Something always falls off my wall between 2355-0000. (11:55 p.m - 12:00 a.m.) But there's a twist. Which I'd call the glitch in the glitch. That will be towards the end.

And guys and gals I swear to you this is a true story; every single night between those times something falls off my wall.

Just a little lore.

I work odd hours. When I get my "me time" it is typically from 10 p.m to 4 a.m. I tuck the kids in, refill the dogs water bowl, kiss my wife good night, and finally get to read from my book collection. (Fantasy nerds where u at?)

Now this is where it only gets slightly weird.

My daughter has some special needs that we actually don't understand fully yet (she's seeing doctors) and bless her beautiful heart, but she NEEDS a calendar. And it's HER damn calendar. So she decides how to mount it.

And she chose duct tape. I'm a proud dad.

She mounts it a little low, right by the doorway to the kitchen.

Anyway, as you read the title, you can probably guess what I'm about to say. You'd be correct if your guess was that it falls off EVERY night between 2355-0000. Okay, could he a scientific explanation. The new strip of duct tape loses it's adhesive consistently through the day, then finally tears free. Logical.

So, I used a 1 inch nail.

This is where it gets weirder.

Because it fell off, again. When I heard that noise, my heart thundered in my chest. Because for the love of God I nailed the calendar into the wall. I inspected it. The paper freaking ripped through the nail.

So, even weirder now.

I taped it AND nailed it.

It didn't fall off that next night.

But something else did. A drawing on the fridge. One of my kids.

And guys, those drawings have never fallen off before. It only happened when I taped and nailed the calendar. It kept happening for about 2 weeks.

Then, the calendar started falling off again. And the drawings on the fridge STOPPED falling. Upon inspection of the calendar, the tape came off and the nail again ripped free from the new hole on the calendar itself.

At this point, I have assumed the universe is playing a joke on me. Also, I'm absolutely terrified. I have since let the calendar fall because I swear to God I'm too scared to see what else will happen if I send 20 nails into that damn calendar and then remove all the drawings.

So, we're almost done with this story. But don't sharpen your bayonets yet, cadets. Because this last part I tell is the real glitch in the matrix.

My wife works very early hours. I sometimes work at night (where I don't witness the falling objects.)

One day, I told her PARAMOUNTALLY to remember to check for anything that has fallen off the fridge or the calendar.

And guys it brings tears to my eyes to say nothing falls when I am at work.

This concludes my glitch. I will say this again to anyone who make want me to take this further - I'm letting the calendar fall still. It actually happened 13 minutes ago as I write this. I'm afraid of what would happen if I took everything away that can fall.

Does anyone know what happened to William Moore?

A community for discussion related to Unidentified Flying Objects. Share your sightings, experiences, news, and investigations. We aim to elevate good research while maintaining healthy skepticism.

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Does anyone know what happened to William Moore?

Hello everyone. I've been really into the history of Ufology lately, and one name that keeps popping up is William Moore.

If you’re familiar with the history of Ufology, you’ve probably heard of him. He co-wrote The Roswell Incident (1980), which is one of the books that brought the Roswell incident back into the spotlight. Before the publication of the book, Roswell was kind of a forgotten event. Thanks to Moore and Charles Berlitz, the incident became a cornerstone of Ufology.

After writing the Roswell book, Moore became quite active in the UFO research community, presenting himself as a serious investigator. However, what many people didn’t realize at the time was that he was also working as part of a disinformation campaign. This is where Richard Doty comes in. At the time, Doty was a special agent for the Air Force, and he was a key figure in this whole mess. Throughout the 1980s, Doty fed fabricated stories and documents to a lot of UFO researchers, including Linda Moulton Howe and others, until he was exposed by UFO researcher Robert Hastings. On his part, Moore collaborated with Doty, because he believed that it would give him access to real government secrets about UFOs. In exchange for playing along with this disinformation campaign, he hoped he’d eventually be given genuine information about what the government knew regarding UFOs.

In 1989, Moore publicly confessed to his role in these disinformation efforts during a speech at the MUFON conference. He admitted that he had knowingly passed along fabricated information to the UFO community for years. Needless to say, this revelation destroyed his credibility. Since that public confession, he has become something of a mystery. He hasn’t been a regular figure in the UFO community for decades, and people are left wondering what he’s been up to.

Is he still involved in the field quietly, or has he moved on to something completely different? Nobody seems to know for sure. If anyone has any idea what Moore has been up to, or if there are any recent developments about him, I’d love to hear it.

My Grandmother passed two months prior. A “Happy Grandparents day” balloon floated across 10 isles, made a left turn, and floated to me while working overnight. ❤️

**Focus** - Articles of evidence and discussions on ghosts and the paranormal. 🚨- **IMPORTANT** - 🚨 Posting fake or frivolous photos/videos *will* result in a ban. **SELF-PROMOTION IS PROHIBITED** **NO ORBS** Be civil! Moderators reserve the right to moderate posts and comments based on their suitability for this sub. Language: English.

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My Grandmother passed two months prior. A “Happy Grandparents day” balloon floated across 10 isles, made a left turn, and floated to me while working overnight. ❤️
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My personal demon encounter as a creepy hollow Texas volunteer

r/Paranormal is a space dedicated to true, first-hand, paranormal experiences.

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My personal demon encounter as a creepy hollow Texas volunteer

So to start with I volunteered there for a season a few years back. My “job” was to sit in a giant metal cage in the fear factory (the zombie styled exhibit) and scream at people and bang on walls telling them I want to eat them. Normally, we had two or three people in this cage, but this time it was just me due to staffing issues. Going through my night I just did my job even won a best scare award for single handedly doing the job. On my “floor” it was just me and another volunteer who went up and down the stairs fairly regularly.

At around 11ish that night, I started to smell sulfur and ammonia. I looked in the corner and to my surprise I see a giant figure standing crouched over in the corner. The room was roughly 8ft tall and it was closer to 10/12ft. I looked at it and the best description I’ve managed to come up with is a slenderman style figure except everything was black and scratchy, just like the pictures every kid in horror movies draw when they show their parents their “friend”. The only other description of this being I remember over the years was those piercing yellow eyes. It was like they stared at my soul. The other volunteer was of course downstairs while this was taking place.

A few customers would come by and I don’t know if they just couldn’t see it or what, but they would always walk right past it without a second glance. After a few customers walked past I heard it speak. I heard it calling my full legal name. I went by Jp so no one actually knew my name. I at this point was terrified I didn’t know what was happening. I had some false sense of security from the cage I was locked in.

I looked away and just started praying. As I was praying I kept my eyes shut tight. I can’t explain what that thing was or why it came after me, but I will tell you those 5 minutes of praying felt like an eternity. I consistently felt this thing slowly but surely creeping up on me. Then it vanished. The smell of sulfur and ammonia was gone.

The other volunteer came up the stairs. And customers kept coming through for the rest of the night. I never volunteered there again. After I talked with some buddies they all told me the sulfur and ammonia smell meant it was probably a demon, but I truthfully don’t know.

If you have any questions, or could help me better understand what happened that night. Please asks me or let me know.

23-year-old Leah Roberts disappeared on March 13th, 2000. Her abandoned Jeep was found wrecked at the bottom of an embankment some of her clothing turned up tied to trees and branches. But no sign of Leah or her kitten, who was with her, have ever been found.

Mystery applies to what cannot be fully understood by reason or, less strictly, to whatever resists or defies explanation. For more information see /r/ModCoord.

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23-year-old Leah Roberts disappeared on March 13th, 2000. Her abandoned Jeep was found wrecked at the bottom of an embankment some of her clothing turned up tied to trees and branches. But no sign of Leah or her kitten, who was with her, have ever been found.

NASA Made a World-Shaking Discovery: Compelling Evidence of Past Life on Mars

A community dedicated to discussing alien life through news, experiences, speculation and investigation. Please keep content related to extra-terrestrials or non-human intelligence behind the UAP phenomenon.

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NASA Made a World-Shaking Discovery: Compelling Evidence of Past Life on Mars

Groundbreaking discovery by NASA, revealing compelling evidence that suggests the possibility of past life on Mars.

NASA Made a World-Shaking Discovery: Compelling Evidence of Past Life on Mars (

This link is a nice high-res view of an ancient mars riverbed. It's beautiful. But the links aren't related, just wanted to share: Perseverance Rover Delivers Amazing View Of Ancient Mars River | Watch (

I went through a town that doesn't exist?

In /r/ParanormalEncounters only truthful accounts of paranormal sightings and experiences should be shared. This is not a place for writing horror stories; keep all submissions truthful and not exaggerated. ALWAYS WRITE IN THE FIRST PERSON. SUBMISSIONS OF VIDEO "EVIDENCE" RELYING ON ORBS OF BUGS OR GHOST MOVED OBJECTS AROUND A ROOM ARE HIGHLY SUSPECT AND SHOULD NOT BE OFFERED AS THE MAIN POINT OF A SUBMISSION OR POST! ORBS AND MOVING OBJECTS CANNOT BE VERIFIED BY A VIEWER OF THIS CHANNEL!

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I went through a town that doesn't exist?

So I'm not really sure where or what thread this should go in, so I figured I could try here and see what y'all say.

For some context I am a 25m, and this happened when i was about 13? Yes its been a long time since it happened but my family and I still talk about it to this day, as it involved all of us. And while we still talk about it, i unfortunately have a hard time remembering the exact dates and some parts of it due to some head trauma. So that means some of the finer details i cant remember at this moment. But I know this happened sometime during the year 2012. I THINK it happened on our way from Washington to Oklahoma. We had made this trip several times, but i cannot remember if it was on our way TO Washington or FROM Washington that year. But basically:

We had been on the road all day, it was night, the sun had already set and everyone was tired. We had two cars to fit everything. Me, my sister, and my mom rode in the SUV, while my brother and his gf at the time, (now wife), rode in the small 4 door car. We had been on a long stretch of road surrounded by pine trees on both sides, the gps said we wouldn't reach another town for a good few miles, but there were lights just down the road. We thought maybe the gps needed to be updated or something because some small towns tend not to show up on these at the time. I don't remember the name of the brand we had, but you stuck it to the car window, plugged it in to your car, entered the address and pick your route. We usually took the same routes every time depending on the time of year. Now I dont remember which route we took, it could have been during the summer/fall, but I could be wrong. But we knew the routes by this point and we didnt expect this town. We came closer and my brother called my mom and the conversation went something along the lines of saying he was getting tired and his gf was already asleep so she couldn't drive. My mom agreed that she may be to tired for once and needed to pull over to find a hotel in this town. He said alright and he slowed to get behind us so he could follow us to pull over. At this point everything seemed fine and nothing was out of the ordinary. It wasn't until we passed the sign with the name of the town on it that my gut twisted.

I remember watching as we neared the town and there was just an inkling of a feeling that i didnt understand yet. Everything seemed fine but i kep watching my surroundings as we drove. The lights had a sickly yellow or orange hue to them. I remember looking at the sign as we passed, but I can't remember the name of the town, and the funny thing? No one can. No one has been able to, yet we wrote it down that night, and the day after, so we dont come through it again. Anyways.

We pass the sign and my gut just drops. At the time i didn't understand what i was feeling was anxiety. I just remember thinking we're being watched. But looking around there was no one. While yes it was the middle of the night so people were probably asleep. There were no cars, buildings were empty, the air itself was stagnant as we drove through it. Now i know kid me had a very active imagination, but my older brother can confirm the town was empty in a way it scared even him. We saw a church sitting on a small hit just to the right side of the town and we droce up to it. We parked near the door as it was the only light in the gravel parking lot. Also this was the only light that was white and didnt have a sick hue to it. We all stepped out of the cars to stretch our legs and find a hotel. My mom told me and my sister, who was about 9-10 at the time to stay close, slipping in the fact that she has this creepy feeling as well. At the fime i dismiss the small statement and just walk around the car to move my legs when something moves behind the big dumpster thats across the parkinglot. The light on the door didnt reach all the way out to the dumpster, i could barely seet its outline enough to know it wven was a dumpster. But something scattered along the gravvel as if darting behind it. My mom hears this and orders me and my sister to get in the car. I stood, staring for a moment before walking backwards to the car, for whatever reason I didn't feel like turning my back to it. We waited in the car as my brother had his gf get in the car and walked my mom to the suv and helped her put the address in for the gps. Once it was set he got in yhe car and we drove off. I couldn't get myself to look back at the dumpster as we drove off.

We drive through the town and again everything seems eerily empty, and clean. There was no litter, no trash, nothing that suggested life besides the street lights that were on. We head to the edge of the town, following the gps and turn onto this gravel road that lead down into a giant open surrounded by think dense woods. In said lot was the motel. And i dont mean the fancy hotel and motels now. No this was a two story L shaped building, with about 30-40 rooms and the check in? Was a separate small building just to the side of the hotel rooms. It only had one light in the oarking lot besides the small ones above the doors. This light was a hollow white. We pulled in and my mom called my brother and said to stay in the car, that she was going to go talk to whoever was inside.

Now here's where it gets a little tricky. The building was small, but the windows were big. We could see inside enough to watch our mother go in and talk to the guy at the counter. But here's the thing. Me, my sister, and my brother, all saw different things. When our mother went in, i saw her talk to an old man who had a thin frial stature and a permanent scowl. He seemed old and weary and miserable. His eyes were slightly sunken in, his skin slightly pale and hanging slightly. My sister says she saw a young man who seemed nervous and annoyed. Dark hair and deep eyes. My brother says he saw a middle aged man who was aloof and uncaring, he had a beard and dark hair. I can't remember all the details they gave me but i knew the main differences. When our mother came out she got in the car and waved for my brother to follow. We parked in front of our rooms, she had gotten two side by side. We were told to only bring in the essentials for the night because she doesn't want to stay any longer tha necessary in yhe morning. We all agreed and grabbed as little as we needed and headed into our rooms. My sister, my mother, and I stayed in the right room while my brother and his gf stayed in the left. My sister had asked to take a shower and of course our mother went to help get it ready as my sister wasn't sure how this one worked. Well turns out it didnt. The water wouldn't turn on. So she calls my brother and explains and of course he comes to get her so she can shower in theirs. While they go do that my mom looks at the beds, realzing im staring st them and she goes "you dont wanna touch them either do you?" And hearing I wasn't alone in this feeling i smiled and shook my head. I said it feels gross and she said it does, she went to check the beds when my brother came running back to our room. He opened the door frantically and of course it startled us. He said to pack my things and asked my mom to come here. She nodded snd followed and began putting stuff back in my bag. My sister came back over and she looked freaked out. I remember offering to help her pack and asking what happened and at first she had a hard time trying to say it, but finally got it out that there was blood in the shower when they went in. She freaked out and had caleb check it and he came to get our mom. She came back and calmly said to put our things back in the truck and get in. At that point it really hit how bad this place felt. I began to panic and hurried to put our stuff in the car. We got in and my brother nor my mom wasted time driving away, not even stopping to get a refund for not staying or telling them about the blood. We turned to continue going through the town onto the one we knew about. Unfortunately my brother needed gas.

Luckily as we get to the edge of the town, like the rest of it is in our rearview mirrors, there was a gas station, but again, no cars, not even an employees car. My brother pulls to the pump and my mom oulls to the one next to it so were all together still. We all jump out and go inside after my brother pumps his gas. At this point we're all awake so we grab a drink and a snack and pay for gas. That goes fine until we go back outside. We're all heading back to the cars, my brothers gf was in the car already, and i was walking next to him, i dont remember what we were talking about but we were laughing some to kinda ease the tension. Well im standing next to him as he's putting the thing back to the pump, and something moves across the parking lot. Both of ours heads shoot up and we're staring at a shed in yhe back corner and tall intimidating trees behind it. All of a sudden two figures dart and run behind the shed. My brother slowly closes his gas tank without taking his eyes off of the shed and he says to go get in the car. As soon as he says it 3 pairs of glowing yellow anber eyes are staring back at us from beside the shed, yet taller than it. My brother yells for us to get in the car and leave. He books to the front seat of his car as i jump in our truck and he speeds off, my mom following after him. My mom is asking what happened because she didn't see that part but luckily my sister had seen it also, we began telling her what happened and she called my brother. He told her the sams thing and she said that we'll never come through here again. After this we drove to the next town and found a holiday inn and went there. We spent the next hour i think just kind of talking about what happened until we all were calm enough to sleep. The next day i remember us trying to look up the town we had gone through the night before but we couldn't find anything. We thought maybe it just wasn't a well known town so we got older maps, and even asked people that worked there about yhe town a few miles away and no one knew anything about it, even said there wasnt a town that way for miles.

Since then its had us all dumbfounded about it. Now theres no point in trying to find it when we cant remember the name of it, but its still a deep rooted enough memory that we all talk about it. Its not often, but its like something we cant forget, no matter bow hard we try.

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