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Coming out as pangender, ace and panromantic to you wonderful lot in this sub on my cake day because why not :))

A safe space for GSRM (Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minority) folk to discuss their lives, issues, interests, and passions. LGBT is still a popular term used to discuss gender and sexual minorities, but all GSRM are welcome beyond lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people who consent to participate in a safe space.

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Coming out as pangender, ace and panromantic to you wonderful lot in this sub on my cake day because why not :))
r/lgbt - Coming out as pangender, ace and panromantic to you wonderful lot in this sub on my cake day because why not :))

My friend's response after he learns what pangender means is pure gold.

A safe space for GSRM (Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minority) folk to discuss their lives, issues, interests, and passions. LGBT is still a popular term used to discuss gender and sexual minorities, but all GSRM are welcome beyond lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people who consent to participate in a safe space.

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My friend's response after he learns what pangender means is pure gold.
r/lgbt - My friend's response after he learns what pangender means is pure gold.

I've recently came out as a Pansexual and Pangender, seeing how well both their flags go together, I tried making my own take on the "PanPan" flag!

A safe space for GSRM (Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minority) folk to discuss their lives, issues, interests, and passions. LGBT is still a popular term used to discuss gender and sexual minorities, but all GSRM are welcome beyond lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people who consent to participate in a safe space.

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I've recently came out as a Pansexual and Pangender, seeing how well both their flags go together, I tried making my own take on the "PanPan" flag!
r/lgbt - I've recently came out as a Pansexual and Pangender, seeing how well both their flags go together, I tried making my own take on the "PanPan" flag!

Do yall think im pangender?

A community for everyone who associates as pangender, relates to it or want to learn about it. Also a community to talk about transcending gender as a society.

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Do yall think im pangender?

Im afab, and I believe im pangender. Id love to be a male, or more androgynous, but being female is okay too. Is it okay to feel one or more genders more than others? Or have like a main gender or something? Idk- Also im more comfortable saying 'oh im trans' most of the time, does pangender fall under the trans umbrella? ✨ALSO✨ is it okay for my gender to be influenced by others?? As in, im around females, i feel more fem. Males, more male.

Can I call myself pangender if I don’t experience ALL genders?

A community for everyone who associates as pangender, relates to it or want to learn about it. Also a community to talk about transcending gender as a society.

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Can I call myself pangender if I don’t experience ALL genders?

I feel like almost every gradient of the masculine-feminine spectrum + agender spectrum — including girl, paragirl, demigirl, libragirl, neutral, androgyne, libraboy, demiboy…… etc

So I’m almost an entire spectrum, and my gender definitely feels uncountable & sort of infinite within the spectrum.

However, I do NOT experience binary male (or anything beyond two thirds male, so no paraboy either), aporagender/maverique, or any xenogenders.

Could this be classified as pangender?

I really like the pangender label and flag, and I feel a pull to identify as it. However, I’m aware that I may not fit the definition enough to be pangender. Maybe polygender would be a better fit? It’s just I feel like polygender doesn’t express gender’s uncountability/infinite-ness as explicitly as pangender does and so I like pangender better. If that makes any sense?

Help is needed & very appreciated!

New Pangender with questions

A community for everyone who associates as pangender, relates to it or want to learn about it. Also a community to talk about transcending gender as a society.

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New Pangender with questions

After struggling to figure out my gender identity for a while I have finally come to the conclusion I'm pangender. Which I guess makes me a pangender pansexual, lol. My questions are: what is your experience like being pangender? Doesn't being pangender mean I'm trans? (I experience genders that differ from the one I was assigned at birth, but I experience my assigned gender to, so how does that fit into everything?) Also I found a couple different flags online, what is the flag discourse, and which is the favorite of the community?

Am I pangender? (Or something like that?)

A community for everyone who associates as pangender, relates to it or want to learn about it. Also a community to talk about transcending gender as a society.

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Am I pangender? (Or something like that?)

Pretty much since I've known about other genders besides male and female, I've been feeling more and more like I don't care about what pronouns people use for me. I was born female, but I'm also okay if people use they/them or xenopronouns to refer to me. I've been opposed to people using he/him, but I feel like it could just be that I know I'm not male, and I feel like I don't actually care what pronouns people use to refer to me. I don't want to call myself pangender yet, because idk if there's an exact label for what I'm feeling. It's also hard to tell because everyone I know knows that I use she/her, and uses those, and I don't really want to have to explain to them, when I don't know what I'm comfortable with.

Reasons why I think I’m pangender

A community for everyone who associates as pangender, relates to it or want to learn about it. Also a community to talk about transcending gender as a society.

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Reasons why I think I’m pangender

Okay so I’m not 100% sure with the term pangender, I don’t want to be a cis woman who’s just lying and saying she’s pretending to be pangender (which sounds insane but I know other people know the feeling)

So this is like a list of reasons why I think I’m pangender

  1. I don’t feel gender dysphoria Like I feel like cis women would still not like it to be referred to as a man since they are a woman, but like if I were told that I was a man I would say “okay cool”

  2. I would love to be a man, but also I like being a woman, but also being nonbinary sounds cool I would love to look masculine, to be all looking like a man and shit but I also enjoy being a woman, wearing makeup and dresses and fashion, also looking androgynous would be like really cool

  3. If someone were to refer to me as a pronoun other than she/her I would be like oh that new, cool Feels self explanatory, although this hasn’t happened yet so I actually don’t know how I would react

Now why I think I’m just cis

  1. I refer to myself as a girl and use she/her pronouns and I’ve only ever been referred to as a girl

Idk if I have anything else.

So could I get some outside opinions on this? Should I continue identifying as pangender?

Is Pangender a real thing?

Questions and discussions about, for, to, or from the Reddit transgender community. Open to anyone with a question.

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Is Pangender a real thing?

I have been out and about for almost 2 years now, I have seen people call themselves all sorts of things here, but Pangender is one I literally have never seen either here or in the meatspace outside of people mocking it. It continues to show up on leaflets and such about about transgender people as a non-binary option, Facebook also has it as an option. Is it just a gender label someone made up that they thought people potentially might use, but never actually used, or was it made by actual Pangender peeoples?

If you are out there I guess, or you know someone who says they are this, please stand up.

  • A community for everyone who associates as pangender, relates to it or want to learn about it. Also a community to talk about transcending gender as a society. members
  • A safe space for GSRM (Gender, Sexual, and Romantic Minority) folk to discuss their lives, issues, interests, and passions. LGBT is still a popular term used to discuss gender and sexual minorities, but all GSRM are welcome beyond lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people who consent to participate in a safe space. members
  • LGBT+ related drawings in the style of Polandball! Before posting, please read the tutorials found in rule 2. members
  • A subreddit for people of every stripe who feel that they don't fit into a preference-binary or gender-binary culture. members
  • Our community provides a safe space for ALL users of Gacha (Life, club, etc.) apps! Whether you’re an artist, YouTuber, or other, you are free to post as long as you follow our rules! Enjoy your stay, and have fun! (This is not an official Lunime subreddit) ✨ Icon by: u/IamMrukyaMaybe Banner by: u/Bunimo0n members
  • An inclusive safe space for queer people of all kinds! named xenogenders and more cuz we don't usually have a specific safe space. members
  • Your sub for everything LGBTQ+ memes! members
  • Answers re: your sexuality and/or gender from (radical) internet queers members
  • Transgender questions, transgender answers. members
  • A community of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, other GSM, and straight ally My Little Pony fans. members