[–]PakuPaku 339 points340 points341 points (28 children)
[–]walugi 253 points254 points255 points (5 children)
[–]sprockety 66 points67 points68 points (3 children)
[–]Forensicunit 750 points751 points752 points (101 children)
[–]Mot22 247 points248 points249 points (18 children)
[–]consoneo 196 points197 points198 points (27 children)
[–]YourDad 437 points438 points439 points (23 children)
[–]SupImHereForKarma 352 points353 points354 points (38 children)
[–]_AlphaOmega 79 points80 points81 points (22 children)
[–]Superbird42 112 points113 points114 points (19 children)
[–]iambaldjohn 156 points157 points158 points (15 children)
[–][deleted] 565 points566 points567 points (117 children)
[–]DoctorWombat 1763 points1764 points1765 points (110 children)
[–][deleted] 294 points295 points296 points (59 children)
[–]DoctorWombat 345 points346 points347 points (56 children)
[–]sonar1 145 points146 points147 points (32 children)
[+][deleted] (31 children)
[–]DaTroof 6 points7 points8 points (5 children)
[+][deleted] (5 children)
[–]Inappropriate_guy 122 points123 points124 points (2 children)
[–]_AlphaOmega 330 points331 points332 points (132 children)
[–]badcall 117 points118 points119 points (110 children)
[–][deleted] 349 points350 points351 points (86 children)
[–]nebulize 124 points125 points126 points (9 children)
[–]IGottaSnake 22 points23 points24 points (9 children)
[–]halflife22 21 points22 points23 points (3 children)
[–]tuutruk 8 points9 points10 points (5 children)
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