top 200 commentsshow 500

[–]hugsbosson 3465 points3466 points  (162 children)

god, babies suck at staying alive..

[–]jacklolol 3044 points3045 points  (75 children)

They're so fucking stupid. (sorry if any babies are reading this)

[–][deleted]  (63 children)


    [–]Kayyam 1067 points1068 points  (15 children)

    Also, babies always land on their feet and are impervious to fire.

    brb gonna show a new trick to my wife

    [–]butteryhugs 325 points326 points  (7 children)

    [–]Gumby621 58 points59 points  (0 children)

    What the actual fuck...

    That was amazing.

    [–]hobnobbinbobthegob 5770 points5771 points  (812 children)

    Ah yes- babies. Doing their best to die, and make you look like a total asshole.

    [–][deleted] 1682 points1683 points  (119 children)

    Seriously, holding my son today and he jerks backwards violently, almost snapping his own little spine in half. Why, baby? Why?

    [–]hobnobbinbobthegob 884 points885 points  (23 children)

    "Spines are for CONFORMISTS, DAD!"

    [–]Delta-IX 204 points205 points  (11 children)

    Chhyeah. conformist. : hair flip :

    [–]Crotchpizza 1695 points1696 points  (63 children)

    Yes. My 6 week old tries to launch himself off of me when I'm burping him or just holding him. He is scary strong. Not just like "aw cute little baby wiggles" strong, but "holy shit, I have been skipping arm day. Why are you so strong but so dumb??" kinda strong. They're like blind incredible hulks. Just tiny balls of anger and hate and poop.

    [–][deleted] 945 points946 points  (26 children)

    Just tiny balls of anger and hate and poop.

    All babies are sith lords

    [–]thederpmeister 4187 points4188 points  (406 children)

    Let me roll over onto my stomach so I stop breathing real quick.

    Let me strangle myself with a blanket

    Going to choke on food

    [–]hobnobbinbobthegob 3741 points3742 points  (275 children)

    I know you might think it'd be hard to even get my mouth near that electrical outlet, but I've been stretching, and I think I got this.


    [–]efilsnotlad 1099 points1100 points  (223 children)

    From a father whose son just figured out he's not supposed to play with them, I know this pain.

    [–][deleted]  (175 children)


      [–]porkchop_d_clown 1216 points1217 points  (61 children)

      So, my son loved to play with outlets as a 1 year old and I was quickly reduced to slapping his hand when ever I found him touching one.

      One time, I slapped his hand, he rubbed the hand while glaring at me and reached out with the other hand to keep playing with the outlet.

      He was a real stickler for complete evidence, too. We had to have the exact same "conversation" for every single outlet in the apartment. Even after he learned not to touch the outlets in our apartment, he'd try to play with the outlets he found in the other places we went.

      Edit: The good news is he's 23 and hasn't been arrested, no lost limbs, no major brain damage. I'm hanging the "Mission Accomplished" banner and going home.

      [–]cloud-sauce 276 points277 points  (8 children)

      No "major" brain damage.... Eh, that's good enough!

      [–]ClintonHarvey 409 points410 points  (13 children)

      As a 27 year old who still likes to play with outlets, I'd like to tell my parents

      [–]cmn2207 116 points117 points  (33 children)

      If you let him try once he'll never try again.

      Interpret that how you will.

      [–]Laughingstok 56 points57 points  (9 children)

      I warned my 3 year old multiple times that the furnace was hot and not to touch it. She kept trying different times. Finally one day she, yet again wanted to touch it, so once again I warned her "no! That's hot!" But she wasn't having it, kept reaching.

      So I let her touch it. Quick little burn, eyes got real big. "Daddy hot!"

      "I know!"

      From then on saying "That's hot" has been all I've needed to say.

      [–]HabaneroHorton 138 points139 points  (17 children)

      My 18 month old son thinks nightlights are coin operated. http://imgur.com/Njvp3zP

      [–]nmezib 542 points543 points  (9 children)

      Only 1 inch of water in this bucket? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.

      [–]tipsana 221 points222 points  (3 children)

      My mother used to warn us that "you can drown in a cup of water". So, of course mealtimes were always high drama as one of us kids would burble into our water glass while waving for help.

      [–]za72 44 points45 points  (3 children)

      Four adults by the pool, next thing I know my four year old daughter is upside down in the pool, no sound, no splash - I fucking freaked out and dove in. Little ninjas...

      [–]sawbones84 867 points868 points  (69 children)

      i've had this theory for a long time now about birthday parties for 1 year olds, which tend to be, in my experience, "a big deal." a 1 year old will never remember the party so why do parents throw it?

      it's for them to congratulate themselves for keeping their kid alive for 1 whole year which probably feels like (and is) a huge accomplishment. there's a subconscious need for them to say "see, i did it! i'm a good person and not a monster!"

      [–]loveandletlive09 446 points447 points  (51 children)

      There are actually cultures in some places, particularly in less developed countries with high infant mortality rates, that it's basically expected that most babies won't make it, and they don't even name their children until they've attained a certain age milestone. If the kid reaches that point (in some cultures as old as 3) then they figure, well, this one will probably make it, and then they have a big party and give the kid a proper name and accept it into their community. Conversely, if the child dies before the age of "legitimacy," it is of course mourned but it's considered as basically a late miscarriage - it never really "lived" and wasn't a person yet.

      We as a species have had to develop some tragic ways of dealing with the realities of life under harsh conditions.

      [–]illaqueable 318 points319 points  (8 children)

      "I dub thee Séamus, who bravely failed to kill himself despite more than three dozen daily attempts to tumble down the bare hardwood stairs, who once identified the single deadliest creature for 100 miles in any direction and proceeded to play roughly with it, whose fork tines never missed an uncovered outlet, whose vaccinations simply did not take, whose appetite for glass is unparalleled, who simply cannot stop falling at the precise moment that his parents are far enough away that they cannot get back to catch his stupidly huge, soft, unprotected cranium, who bites table corners while bouncing up and down, and who--despite all of the above--is nonetheless beloved to his parents."

      [–]_Throwgali_ 76 points77 points  (15 children)

      This was true for all cultures up until just a few generations ago.

      [–]Rayn211 769 points770 points  (72 children)

      New dad here. Struggling to understand why I can leave my pug (one of the stupidest of all dogs) at home alone all day and he will manage not to kill himself, but if I leave my daughter unattended on the floor for a few minutes, she will try to eat something that makes her choke or find a way to sustain a serious head injury.

      [–]ShiftHappened 78 points79 points  (7 children)

      Dogs no matter how stupid are still pretty damn resilient. They can hack shit up on their own and their heads are like rocks....babies not so much.

      [–]Tsukuruya 71 points72 points  (6 children)

      Don't know about that. A friend of mine had a chihuahua that committed suicide by jumping himself onto a gardening rake. Could be stupid or could be the fact it knows it's a chihuahua.

      [–]felixar90 486 points487 points  (106 children)

      Is there anything weaker in the entire animal kingdom than a human baby? Many animals are able to run within minutes, chicks are pretty much helpless, but not for very long. Even other primates are usually able to cling to their mother by their own power.

      I guess it's the price to pay for extremely high brain plasticity and short gestational period.

      [–]hobnobbinbobthegob 457 points458 points  (14 children)

      We definitely play the long game with the amount of time spent on dat fabulous brain.

      [–]sed_base 136 points137 points  (7 children)

      That's a good protip for mother nature. If you trying to get back at us humans, it's easiest while we we are young. If you let us get past 16 then most likely we're gonna getchta!

      [–]hobnobbinbobthegob 161 points162 points  (5 children)

      "Human used tire-burning"

      "It's super effective!"

      [–]DefendsTheDownvoted 52 points53 points  (3 children)

      Marsupial babies. The size of rice when born. Takes weeks to grow large enough to move around at all. Lucky for that sweet built in pocket their mothers have.

      [–]scarletphantom 74 points75 points  (21 children)

      heaven help you if you have long hair or dangling jewelery (earrings, necklaces, etc) though. that shit is magnets for babies and will be pulled with surprising strength

      [–]wildebeest 578 points579 points  (12 children)

      I want to stand up for no reason. I don't want to stop looking at this thing in my hands. I have to use my hands to stand up. I have an abnormally large head. I'm sitting on the edge of the couch. I'll use my hands to stand up on the edge of the couch while continuously looking at the thing in my hands with my abnormally large head and......

      Babies are idiots.

      [–]oopewan 185 points186 points  (19 children)

      It truly is amazing how we survive past the first couple of years.

      [–]unitarder 280 points281 points  (11 children)

      My son had an under developed throat as a toddler.

      Every time we ate something even close to being solid, he was guaranteed took choke. Made eating incredibly stressful, but damn do I have the finger swoop technique down pat.

      Even saved a nephew once when he got a hold of a paper back book and started to take bites of the pages until he couldn't breathe.

      No more kids for me ever. Not even grandkids. Luckily my son inherited my amazing skill at going from awesome to awkward in the presence of any females of interest, so I think I'm good for a while.

      [–]ares7 61 points62 points  (6 children)

      My nephew tried to kill himself all the time. One time he came in from outside the house with tiny rocks embedded in his forehead.

      [–]DuchessofSquee 53 points54 points  (0 children)

      My youngest daughter would suck on tiny rocks ALL the time. I couldn't take her outside for ages. Now she still collects them, decorates them and scatters them all through the house. She better be a fucking geologist when she grows up.

      [–]Retromancerr 1515 points1516 points  (58 children)

      [–]Thestoryteller987 1127 points1128 points  (18 children)

      "Come on, we don't mix with their kind."

      [–]njarbology 120 points121 points  (0 children)

      Do not give them what they want or they will never go away! No entertainment for you.

      [–]bullintheheather 231 points232 points  (17 children)

      This makes me sad.

      [–]EyeCWhatUDidThere 4720 points4721 points  (1224 children)

      [–]PainMatrix 4481 points4482 points  (1129 children)

      [–][deleted]  (1107 children)


        [–]wickbush 4261 points4262 points  (923 children)

        [–]WideLight 4535 points4536 points  (804 children)

        [–][deleted]  (502 children)


          [–]montrayjak 1673 points1674 points  (57 children)

          [–][deleted] 850 points851 points  (20 children)

          What a fuckin grab!

          [–][deleted]  (4 children)


            [–]justduck01 35 points36 points  (4 children)

            After further review, officials rule it was not a catch. The baby will be placed back on the end of the table, and will be turned over on downs.

            [–]danzey12 273 points274 points  (13 children)

            I love how low framerate the camera is and nobody else moves that much overall except that guy who's immediately in action mode.

            [–]prosthetnicgelts 3607 points3608 points  (152 children)

            How to tell who your real dad is.

            [–]el___diablo 2236 points2237 points  (47 children)


            That dive necessitates a DNA test.

            [–]six_four 1584 points1585 points  (27 children)

            That dive would trump a DNA test.

            [–]upsafe 1010 points1011 points  (21 children)

            That trump would demand a birth certificate.

            [–][deleted] 236 points237 points  (1 child)

            I just got pregnant from dive guy. I am a dude.

            [–]BMinsker 266 points267 points  (12 children)

            Nah, that's just a guy who doesn't want to spend hours filling out paperwork.

            [–]kensomniac 165 points166 points  (4 children)

            Laziness triage, really.

            "I can dive and catch this kid.. or stay at work filling out reports... nah.. it's taco night."

            [–]fencing49 302 points303 points  (70 children)

            Things like this make me realize I am no way in any shape or form ready to be a dad.

            [–]NotbeingBusted 549 points550 points  (37 children)

            These skills are developed at the time of conception.

            [–]GentleLazers 329 points330 points  (23 children)

            I started making dad jokes as soon as I found out my wife was pregnant.

            [–]027915 90 points91 points  (7 children)

            For me, it was the fact that I woke up still kinda drunk this morning.

            [–][deleted] 137 points138 points  (3 children)

            You da real dad.

            [–]thissisnotathrowaway 81 points82 points  (8 children)

            I believe the guy who saved the kid was a security guard. That dude was awesome!

            [–]Fakyall 39 points40 points  (3 children)

            and the other guy pick up the baby and was putting it back on the ledge until people started bitching at him.

            [–]easy_being_green 1281 points1282 points  (30 children)

            [–]ohgodwhydidIjoin 65 points66 points  (1 child)

            He has so much poise as the child flies towards him. He catches it with the nonchalance of snagging a frisbie.

            [–]Strawberry_Poptart 820 points821 points  (40 children)

            [–]kensomniac 216 points217 points  (4 children)

            That one still makes me tense up.. that long wait at the top.. ugh.

            [–]TheKrakenCometh 43 points44 points  (1 child)

            Even more brutal is watching it tagged with NSFW on LiveLeak.

            [–]Eazyzcore 966 points967 points  (37 children)

            [–]rob_var 628 points629 points  (27 children)

            He is a new to the whole step-dad thing, you can tell because he tried to catch him with his foot

            [–]TheJ0zen1ne 486 points487 points  (16 children)

            I've done that. Toddler slips on piece of paper on tile floor. I'm right there but will never be able to grab him with my hands. Out goes the foot to catch the back of his head before it bounces off the floor.
            Toddler thinks its hilarious.
            I have a heart attack.
            All that hacky-sack in college paid off.

            [–]TheXanatosGambit 717 points718 points  (36 children)

            [–]sloppies 374 points375 points  (25 children)

            Someone please remind me how humans actually live past 10 years old? Each of these kids appear to be trying to kill themselves.

            [–]sophistry13 152 points153 points  (14 children)

            As it was going I was thinking woah this is going to be the best save ever...wait a minute... surely he's left it too late! Didn't disappoint.

            [–]bobandy47 81 points82 points  (11 children)

            That was like Blues Legend Marty Brodeur!

            [–]s7eyedkiller 313 points314 points  (37 children)

            [–]s7eyedkiller 518 points519 points  (27 children)

            [–]weefaerie 815 points816 points  (10 children)

            holy hell, i wasn't sure what i was watching for, and i thought the kid on the left was guzzling lighter fluid.

            [–]InFerYes 159 points160 points  (0 children)

            Yeah, same here :D

            [–]mostsmartist 462 points463 points  (95 children)

            This was the one I was looking for, but that was, unexpected. Full bodied laugh.

            [–]brazilliandanny 141 points142 points  (83 children)

            There should be a subreddit for this r/dadinstincts

            EDIT: apparently r/dadreflexes is a thing so carry on.

            [–][deleted]  (76 children)


              [–]FiveLions 655 points656 points  (71 children)

              [–]ARedditingRedditor 345 points346 points  (11 children)

              Yep because he then scolds her too. GJ dad.

              [–]gunfire09 116 points117 points  (28 children)

              I keep watching it trying to time if the car would have hit her

              [–][deleted] 49 points50 points  (0 children)

              I love the people at the bottom of the frame. They are like "What the fuck did that guy just do?!" <look around> "Oh, saved a kid's life..." <carry on>

              [–]cmonster1697 136 points137 points  (76 children)

              I can't find it right now (on mobile) but the full version of this gif is way better. You can see the dad at the top of the hill right when the car starts moving

              [–]buefordwilson 572 points573 points  (71 children)

              Indeed. In the full one it shows that guy hauling ass so fast down that hill. One of the most impressive gifs I have ever seen.

              Edit: Here it is.

              [–][deleted]  (23 children)


                [–]poopyflavouredlolly 627 points628 points  (18 children)

                Harder, better, faster, father.

                [–]blore40 109 points110 points  (6 children)

                Scientists think that this dad might have slowed down Earth's rotation that day by a bit.

                [–][deleted] 40 points41 points  (3 children)

                Ya but the ending to this one is great

                [–]zibabadoo 70 points71 points  (0 children)

                Good thing he got there in ti....and there she goes!

                [–]iwilldrumonyou 208 points209 points  (12 children)

                Ummm...this gif shows the dad hurling the baby up in the air like a rocket ship at the end. No one...err...noticed this?

                [–]Miko00 54 points55 points  (1 child)

                i've scrolling down waiting for someone to comment on this and it seems most people just have no idea the gif has been edited

                [–]xSociety 156 points157 points  (88 children)

                I wish someone was filming me when I do shit like this. I always feel so proud after.

                [–]NameIdeas 317 points318 points  (62 children)

                As a new dad (6 months son) myself, I know what you mean.

                I've saved the little goober from a lot already and I after I'm like..."YAY, go me" but no one celebrates and all the little guy does is smile at me then poop his pants.

                [–]GaZZuM 463 points464 points  (22 children)

                In 16 years time when he's yelling at you "I HATE YOU, YOU NEVER DO ANYTHING FOR ME! YOU'RE THE WORST DAD EVER!!!" You can just stand there, proud, safe in the knowledge that if it weren't for you, he wouldn't even be alive right now. Then you can hit him.

                There's your celebration.

                [–][deleted] 160 points161 points  (3 children)

                "You have no idea how many times I've saved you from brain damage you little shit"

                [–]Panguin 118 points119 points  (26 children)

                One dad to another, it just gets worse bro. Like, once they figure out crawling, walking, and climbing, its just a daily struggle between their desire to end their own existence and your desire to not go to jail keep them alive.

                [–]NameIdeas 46 points47 points  (20 children)

                He's working on the crawling. I'm taking mental inventory of all the things that he'll pull on top of his head, stick in his mouth, try to kill himself with.

                The babyproofing needs to happen like yesterday. But the time thing, that's nonexistent.

                Thanks fellow redditdad

                [–]illegal_deagle 124 points125 points  (23 children)

                One time I was in a major car accident where none of the three of us in the back seat were buckled up (geniuses, I know). I was to the right, my gf (at the time) in the middle, and her friend in the left. I recognized about a quarter second before impact that we were fucked and threw my arm across her chest, keeping her from flying through the windshield. She slid under my arm instead and bruised her tailbone on the console.

                You know, I don't think I ever got proper appreciation for that. Like, it was never really brought up again. That should have been an argument trump card. Or at least warranted her not cheating on me later.

                [–][deleted] 44 points45 points  (1 child)

                Damn that is a huge win for dads everywhere. My favourite thread of 2015 so far

                [–]SrsSteel 105 points106 points  (15 children)

                This shit would be so hot to me if I was a girl

                [–]LatinSweetnSour 133 points134 points  (12 children)

                Girl here, it is.

                [–][deleted] 97 points98 points  (10 children)

                One time I was in France and the waiter knocked over my open Coke bottle. My hand darted at it grabbed it by the neck before it could spill.

                Wanna bang?

                [–]AK_Happy 157 points158 points  (9 children)

                I do, but I'm a man. So you might have to expand your horizons and anus.

                [–][deleted] 106 points107 points  (7 children)

                Ill grab your dick just as fast as I did the coke bottle

                [–]EyeCWhatUDidThere 501 points502 points  (148 children)

                [–]wiiya 649 points650 points  (40 children)

                [–]hobnobbinbobthegob 750 points751 points  (32 children)

                Dad is disturbingly casual in this one.

                [–]CeeBmata 759 points760 points  (21 children)

                act calm or else the kid cries for the next 20 minutes.

                [–]hobnobbinbobthegob 412 points413 points  (14 children)

                The absolute truth. It's not enough to tell a child that everything's ok with your voice, you have to sell it with your entire body.

                Crane crash? What crane?

                [–]Flope 383 points384 points  (8 children)

                then the kid grows up not fearing cranes and gets killed by a flock of wild birds

                [–]bummer69a 28 points29 points  (2 children)

                That guys reaction in the background is a good 5 seconds behind

                [–]Cobalt32 105 points106 points  (8 children)

                Did I just watch him throw both his phone and wallet in the water so that he didn't get them wet when he went to save his UAV?

                [–]Sephiroso 35 points36 points  (1 child)

                No, you saw him throw one or the other onto the sand, and the other dropped into the water. I'd likely believe its the wallet that fell since he wasn't to upset that it fell in the water.

                [–]cliptor 86 points87 points  (3 children)

                lol he considers using the boat

                [–]Sitbacknwatch 129 points130 points  (8 children)

                Psh, you broke the chain. This wasnt a dad saving his kid, it was a dad saving his uav after the battery started dying.

                [–]steelbeamsdankmemes 22 points23 points  (0 children)

                This needs to be a /r/dealwithit gif.

                [–]NorthWildwood 968 points969 points  (40 children)

                [–]So_Appalled[🍰] 275 points276 points  (5 children)

                Dat baby arm wiggle.

                [–][deleted] 383 points384 points  (9 children)

                This physically pains me to watch

                [–]Forever_Awkward 640 points641 points  (6 children)

                I know, right? It's such a low quality gif.

                [–]Shandlar 146 points147 points  (2 children)

                The way the kids right arm twitches just destroys me.

                [–]jamiekiel 131 points132 points  (1 child)

                I can't help it, I'm laughing so hard.

                Voldemort hates mobile phones.

                [–][deleted]  (1 child)


                  [–]dakunism 20 points21 points  (0 children)

                  What puts this gif over the top is the fact that the dad is wearing socks with his sandals.

                  [–]longshot 642 points643 points  (59 children)

                  I was on vacation with my parents when I was about 6 or 7 and we stayed in a place that was very recently a hostel. The room we were in had bunk beds and I was overjoyed with the idea of sleeping on the top bunk. My mom was against it I think because of a lack of railing/side-dealies on the top bunks but I got to anyway.

                  Anyway, in the middle of the night some nightmare I'm having makes me roll right the fuck out of the top bunk, but somehow my dad reaches out and catches me. My dad to this day does not remember a thing about this.

                  [–][deleted] 323 points324 points  (41 children)

                  I've never understood this. Never in my life have I fallen out of any bed. So why would a bunkbed be any different?

                  [–]longshot 81 points82 points  (5 children)

                  I guess I remember falling out of bed on a couple of occasions. Big red flags.

                  [–]flash_memory 1123 points1124 points  (28 children)

                  [–]Kerrywood 708 points709 points  (13 children)

                  Second gif: didn't even drop his other kid while making the catch. Impressive.

                  [–]prosthetnicgelts 638 points639 points  (5 children)

                  In the next sequence, he starts juggling them.

                  [–]MikoRiko 45 points46 points  (1 child)

                  Relax, Tom Bergeron. You're not on AFV anymore.

                  [–]Bilgistic 2262 points2263 points  (267 children)

                  ..and then there's this.

                  [–]hungryhungryhippooo 2146 points2147 points  (172 children)

                  [–]AK_Happy 1430 points1431 points  (70 children)

                  Baby's just like "unghh..."

                  [–]xisytenin 745 points746 points  (60 children)

                  Babies can take a punch better than you'd expect.

                  [–]TheXanatosGambit 799 points800 points  (15 children)

                  [–]Dangling_Dingleberry 80 points81 points  (10 children)

                  ... was expecting a gif of a baby getting punched. Is it bad that I was disappointed?

                  [–][deleted]  (9 children)


                    [–]jacklolol 199 points200 points  (12 children)

                    I think we should discuss why you're punching so many babies.

                    [–]Benediktine 340 points341 points  (69 children)

                    [–]SplintPunchbeef 221 points222 points  (43 children)

                    Wow. She got ROCKED. There is no way she didn't have, at least, a slight concussion.

                    [–]WDoE 180 points181 points  (18 children)

                    I love how her tiny arms stick straight up and stay there.

                    Edit: I read a comment literally seconds after posting about fencing response. I had forgotten all about it.


                    [–]SnakeDocMaster 60 points61 points  (1 child)

                    Hands up like

                    LAWDY THAT BALL GOT ME

                    [–]hungryhungryhippooo 715 points716 points  (66 children)

                    [–]atorr 572 points573 points  (42 children)

                    Kid's just making sure he/she doesn't get any more siblings.

                    [–]koreanwarvet 231 points232 points  (40 children)

                    Children really are the best birth control.

                    [–]NiggyWiggyWoo 101 points102 points  (25 children)

                    Tell that to my sister...9 and counting.

                    [–]MTBDEM 125 points126 points  (16 children)

                    Has she ever heard of a recent discovery called condoms?

                    [–]NiggyWiggyWoo 29 points30 points  (10 children)

                    Yes, but she is adamant on bearing children until she no longer can. Her husband makes enough to support them, but just because one can doesn't mean one should. I'll never understand.

                    [–]Sengura 24 points25 points  (0 children)

                    "Cool, now I won't need to get that vasectomy any more!"

                    [–]acog 177 points178 points  (3 children)

                    I like the smack the kid gives the dad at the end. "Oh, you think because you help me up that I won't remember it was you that dropped me in the first place?"

                    [–]waffleocalypse 1040 points1041 points  (107 children)

                    Nice reflexes! Creepy camera

                    [–]BrodyApproved 512 points513 points  (14 children)

                    It's to deter couch thieves. My uncle steals couches.

                    [–][deleted]  (9 children)


                      [–][deleted]  (4 children)


                        [–]PunchingBag 102 points103 points  (2 children)

                        They look like Chief Wiggum's brothers.

                        [–]wickbush 104 points105 points  (38 children)

                        I have something similar, a canary. You can set it to turn the camera off when you're home (when your phone is connected to the home wifi). http://canary.is

                        [–]cqm 72 points73 points  (22 children)

                        (when your phone is connected to the home wifi)

                        I like that idea

                        There should be additional ways to auto detect this too though

                        [–]wickbush 101 points102 points  (19 children)

                        There are, it asks you for your address (but can also find it automatically with wifi) so you download the app on your phone and it just detects when you're close enough that it can switch to private mode. It also gives you alerts for movements and such. Also detects temperature levels, has a built in alarm for fire/gas leaks (detects carbon monoxide levels, humidity, other gases)

                        I feel like people should get over the whole fear of technology thing and just accept the inevitability of it all and enjoy the private security. PLUS YOU GET TO SEE WHEN YOUR CAT WALKS BY

                        [–]ugottahvbluhair 121 points122 points  (3 children)

                        This is how I found out my cat sits on the table when we're not home. Never tries when we're there but that fucker was just sitting in the middle of the table like he does it all the time.

                        [–]EuniceAphroditois 130 points131 points  (20 children)

                        Not creepy when you catch people fuckin up in your house.

                        [–]BigRedKahuna 197 points198 points  (11 children)

                        As a father of three, you spend your entire life waiting for something bad to happen to your kids. Something sharp across the room? Bet my kid will fall on it. Son is fast asleep? Bet he'll stick a fork in that wall socket in the other room.

                        [–]Admiral_Fancypants 181 points182 points  (6 children)

                        Best quote ever from my oldest: "How did you know that we would get hurt doing that?"

                        [–]GreyCr0ss 313 points314 points  (4 children)

                        "Because literally everything you do is a suicide attempt"

                        [–]eye_heart_money 585 points586 points  (63 children)

                        That look she gave him afterwards definitely means he's getting some tonight.

                        [–]_atsu 77 points78 points  (1 child)

                        The ghost from Paranormal Activity is a real asshole.

                        [–]edgar__allan__bro 120 points121 points  (4 children)

                        His daddy senses were tingling

                        [–]SnipeyMcSnipe 215 points216 points  (23 children)

                        Why does it say "dropcam" in the corner? Is this a candid show about dropping babies?

                        [–]firemogle 363 points364 points  (13 children)

                        Then it would just be videos of your early childhood.

                        [–]dragon0196 28 points29 points  (2 children)

                        In case you really don't know -- dropcam

                        [–]Knight-in-Gale 179 points180 points  (5 children)

                        Which one do you love more? Mommy or Daddy?

                        Child: Mommy!

                        Why not Daddy?

                        Child: Eh...Shrugs... I don't know.

                        Dad: If only you knew how many times I saved your dumb ass.