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Watch Dogs: Legion [Official Discussion Thread]

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Watch Dogs: Legion

r/PS4 - Watch Dogs: Legion [Official Discussion Thread]

Game summary

Build a resistance from virtually anyone you see as you hack, infiltrate, and fight to take back a near-future London that is facing its downfall. Welcome to the Resistance.

Recruit and play as anyone in the city. Everyone you see has a unique backstory, personality, and skill set.

Explore a massive urban open world featuring London’s many iconic landmarks and fun side activities. Take your recruits online and team up with your friends for new missions in co-op mode, releasing as a free update post-launch.

Fact Sheet

  • Developer: Ubisoft Toronto

  • Publisher: Ubisoft

  • Release date: October 29, 2020

  • Genres: Open world, Science fiction, Stealth, Action

  • PS5 upgrade: Yes, and it's free!

  • Any DLC?: Yes, a season pass and pre-order bonuses

General critics and poll

OpenCritic rating: 75

If you've played the game, please rate it at this straw poll.

If you haven't played the game but would like to see the result of the straw poll, click here.

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Really really wanted to like this as London is my home town... and the world environment is pretty close, albeit with some missing/scaled-down sections.

The biggest problem for me is the character design... they're all either hideously ugly, or bizarrely comical, wearing supremely odd clothes and with irritating voices. The characters also swear and use slang in a way nobody does in real life. It really takes you out of the moment. My first contact was with a guy with a comedy moustache that looked completely fake.

NPC behaviour is also erratic and broken. There seems to be a missing animation when people get out of moving cars.

Oh, they need to fix the HDR too... it's an eyesore.

I really hope they bother to patch some of this (it's only been out 2 months) and, given Canary Wharf is the true centre of finance in London, a DLC including that and the Isle of Dogs would be something I'd pay money for.

u/President_River avatar

I was disappointed with the ending. Everything else was good but the ending left a sour taste in my mouth. The main baddie death was pathetic, all the other bosses had great deaths. They literally fall off a building and you don't even see them hit the ground it just cuts away. And then in the final task it just cut after completing the task, like yeah it's sad but end it with a boss battle or something like you can have a sad ending just make it a little bit intense.

u/essohgee avatar

I ran around as a construction worker with a nail gun, with a voice that didn’t match my character, this was a terrible terrible game. However London was quite cool.

I didn't like one at all but I bought it so I beat it, and that sucked so I skipped 2 but I am having a blast with legion

Lmao WD1 is the best one

Watch Dogs 2 is by far the best one IMO. Still worth a play.


I never got into that... must give it another go! I actually thought the first Watch Dogs was an enjoyable game, but had not been exposed to the misleading trailers prior.

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Are there any middle aged fat guys you can recruit. I have ideas.

u/maximuffin2 avatar

It's aight

u/sened11 avatar

So far it’s just really clunky and looks like shit. Hopefully it looks better on ps5


It won't look any better on PS5... it will just (potentially) have a higher frame rate.

u/Roxastar138 avatar

well now 2021 and save to say watchdog legion looks amazing on ps5 with 60fps mode

u/sened11 avatar

Nope, it’s locked at 30 FPS and still looks ugly on there


Wow... that’s disappointing.

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u/Bioshen7 avatar

I have wd 2 in my backlog, but this looks fun. Should I just wait and play wd2 first and wait for the inevitable Nov sale?

Play WD2. From what it sounds like, this game is the AC Unity of the Watch Dogs franchise. Wait for patches and new features because as of now, people are saying it’s incredibly bare bones.

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For those that can try/already playing as such. Does it have the option for HDR?


It does, but they've done a really bad job of it.

u/kastroescobar avatar

Yes it does

Ty. Safe to assume PS5 version will have one too. Will have to see how it will look with RT on as well

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u/tpacee avatar

Okay so, I've almost 100% both Watch Dogs 1 & 2. One of the Biggest fans of the series that I decided to Pre-order the Collector's Edition of the Legion. I have about 6 hours into it. I got to say they changed way too much in this game compared to the other 2. Here's what I see wrong with the game and obviously this is just my opinion:

1.) One gadget slot; this is very annoying when you have to switch back and forth from the spider bot to a melee weapon?? or a cloaking ability?? like what

2.) No personal vehicles; Basically only way to travel anywhere is to steal cars off the street unless the Character you're playing as has a personal vehicle as a Perk (Which tends to be their only decent perk).

3.) Weapons are locked to each character. The Dedsec weapons that are universal are mediocre. So the only way to get decent weapons is to hunt down and recruit a hitman or Spy which can be very hard to find.

4.) The in-game currency you earn running around are only able to be spent on cosmetics and there's not a big selection from what I saw. then the tech point which are basically the new skill points are earned pretty easily in my opinion but the prices seem to kinda even it out.


- I REALLY think they need to bring back being able to purchase newer better weapons/ attachments to an extent the universial selection/ character weapon lock is just soooooo limiting for a WATCH DOGS GAME.

- Maybe for vehicles when you recruit someone into Dedsec it adds their vehicle to the TEAM'S vehicle list. That way you cant just buy the best vehicle in the game with the in-game currency, you have to hunt the person down that owns that unique vehicle and recruit them.

- Then honest to god just remove the one gadget slot. It defeats the purpose of being a Dedsec member that is supposed to have access to this arsenal of different tools to complete the missions.

Agree? Disagree? Let me know. I see a lot of potential in this game but it's hard to me to consider it a Watch Dogs sequel when it got rid of/ changed so many of it's main mechanics or how you played the game. Hopefully everything made sense.

If you read this far, thank you lol


Ooof yeah that's what I read from the reviews. This game series had potential to rival Gta & SR + Make a name for itself but it seemed to go backwards in player freedom

Yea I agree with this. I've played about 4 hours and it doesn't feel anything close to what I loved about WD2. The recruitment thing is a great idea but the execution of not sharing things with the whole team isn't great

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u/Cheese_Pancakes avatar

I took a break from Trails of Cold Steel IV last night to try out Watch Dogs. It's kind of cool, but I'm not really sure how I feel about it yet. The driving feels clunky as hell, but I did have a bit of fun running around the city as a bare knuckle boxer I recruited, stripped down to his underwear, just starting fist fights left and right. I also spent like an hour sitting on a cargo drone, hacking cars at an intersection, causing all kinds of mayhem, explosions, and death. I've barely done any story missions really so I can't really form an opinion of the game overall.

It seems interesting, but I'm not in love with it yet. I was back to playing Trails IV today and probably won't get back to Watch Dogs until I finish that - and I imagine it'll be around the time the new Assassin's Creed comes out, so I may just jump right into that next. Seems like a cool game though, even if it won't end up being one of my favorites.

u/Omegastriver avatar

I’ve read many of the comments about how it’s kinda worse than Watchdogs 2 and it makes me wonder if it is on purpose to boost its greatness on the next gen consoles.

u/Ehrand avatar

I know a couple of people that worked on WD2 and helped on WDL. WDL is made by Toronto instead of the Montreal team and I was told that they pretty scrapped everything from WD2 and started anew for Legion. My friend told me it was a pain because they encounter the same problems they had on the second game that had been fixed or knew how to handle but now they had to deal with Toronto. No wonder the game runs like crap.

2 of them asked specifically to change project because they didn't wanted to deal with Toronto anymore lol

u/tdasnowman avatar

Does that mean there will have to be a nudity patch again?

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I just wanted to know if I buy the game now on ps4 when I download it on ps5 if it’s going to run like a next gen game or a ps4 just that I’m playing it on ps5

I've only played a few hours last night, and while I'm enjoying it so far, I do agree with the other comments that it definitely feels like a step down from WD2.

I hate the driving in this game, it feels so out of control, even with the sensitivity right down. Also, while I know you can hijack drones that are flying around, I miss just having my own that I can just release whenever I need it.

Some of the voice acting is particularly cringy. I started with a guy that sounded like a caricature, with overuse of slang and whatnot.

I do like the idea of playing as other people though. I've only recruited one other person so far, but I'm interested in exploring that more.

I'm sitting here with an up opened copy of this game wondering if I should return it. Will the PS5 upgrade do it justice, or will it remain as shitty as people say? Debating about returning the game and getting Miles Morales Ultimate Edition and waiting to see if Watch Dogs or AC are on sale around X-mas time.


return it

I'm in agreement. Going to get Miles Morales. I never beat Spiderman, so might as well trade in my copy and get the Ultimate version that includes the remaster. Pick up watch dogs in a few months when it's discounted.

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u/rusable2 avatar

Well idk about this game's performance on PS5, but Ubisoft games go on sale pretty soon after release. If not Christmas, at most around Feb/March it'll start going on sales.

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I grabbed it due to cyberpunk being delayed and I'm quite enjoying it.

It's not great, I've had a few issues with it crashing and one time I followed someone into a room which needed a key card killed them then couldn't get out due to the key holder being off somewhere else, I tried to collect it with my spider bot but ended up having to quit the game.

Another slight annoyance is that songs don't seem to keep going if I'm not on the station. I don't mean the issue others have with regard to having to be in a menu to listen to audio files but on the radio. If a song comes on I don't want to listen to I'll skip to a diff station go back after 5 mins and the song is carried on from where I left it. Like it's been paused. So sick of only one pod cast episode playing every time I get in a car too.

I suspect a patch will fix some issues but I recall playing watchdogs 2 and getting bored, I found I was playing just to finish it rather than because I enjoyed it. So I sold it before I finished.

I look forward to seeing the upgrade on next gen but I doubt it'll be ground breaking.

All that being said, I'm liking exploring and although a lot of areas are vastly different from actual London there's plenty of recognisable bits too. I'd say it's worth playing but not for full price.

i really wanted to get this, i'm not so sure now


don’t! really it’s boring as fuck

Yup, I loved 1 & 2 and was going to get this. But after reading the reviews, this thread and such I've decided not to bother. There's just too much I don't like.

Exactly, not like we are going to be short on RPGs to play anyway

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u/Bstempinski avatar

Yeah I was on the fence, but reading some of these reactions has steered me to hold off.

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u/Chef-Cute avatar

I want to delete a few operators on PS4. Can’t seem to find the option. Can anyone help?

On the team screen press x on the one you want to remove and then square to retire operative.

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Let me start of by saying London is pretty in some places and fun to explore for few hours.And playing as anyone is fun for about 4 hours or till you get your special operator, then mostly you wont change. Same goes for recuriting operators, it is fun for the first 10 times you do it.

The story is a bit meh for me. The big feature of, play as anyone is a bit of white lie cause you have a set of skills which is shared between all the people most of which useless. Most mission are drag cause they just pull you from one corner of London to another. The sandbox nature of the world keeps you motivated to experiment for a while ,but after a while all mission feel the same. Go hack a camera find a spider bot open doors get info/explode a ctos sever/kill a VIP etc.

The character animation are locked that is each "class" has a punch animation, dodge animation and a finish animation which repeat no matter how many fights you get into.Same for the takedowns.

The driving is a joke, but to be honest it was garbage in all the perivous games.Mini games are just that.The cops are annoying but with hacking its like look back make their cars go sideways not really a threat.

I had high expectations for this game, disappointed on the execution of the world and the missions.The problem with this game is that it does not have one thing that would make the gameplay loop fun or engaging. It's water down version of other ubisoft games. I would say buy it on sale or in a year if it as a free game.

you bought a ubisoft game, you got a ubisoft game lol. but I feel you..

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u/Monkzeng avatar

Wrong direction for the series. Hoping for a reboot of the series

u/kingbankai avatar

Or they can use the engine to make a Robocop game.

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This is a real disappointment.

Mediocre graphics and moronic AI, features removed that were in previous games. The world feels so dead, cars move like shit, voice acting is awful.

Really hope AC:Valhalla is better...

Darn. This and Valhalla were suppose to carry me to CyberPunk. This makes me concerned for AC too. Odyssey was too busy for me. It was pretty though.

u/Cheese_Pancakes avatar

Everything I've heard from YouTubers who have gotten their hands on Valhalla say it's pretty great - at least the ones I've seen. I'm pretty optimistic about it, but I also really loved Odyssey. I loved how busy it was, how big the world was, and the general feel of Ancient Greece. I'm pretty hyped for Valhalla and it should carry me through to Dec 10 when CyberPunk releases - especially since most days I only get an hour or two with video games max with a two year old daughter sprinting around the house all day.


I agree with you 100%! I loved all that about odyssey, I just started playing the DLC cause it was half off. The mercenary system is awful though, fuck them. But I can't wait for Valhalla too.

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I'll say I have a lot of respect for Ubisoft for building a game around an experimental mechanic that must have been incredibly resource intensive to implement.

That said, I think almost every element of the game presentation feels like a downgrade from Watchdogs 2 though. Map and menus are ugly and hard to read, voice acting isn't great (but understandable given the bulk of VAing they probably need), graphically its not wowing me. The most baffling thing I've seen so far is that you can only listen to voicelogs in-menu - which in an open world game sort of defeats the purpose.

I'm still looking forward to playing more of this in the sort of absent minded, multitasking way I play every Ubisoft game, but I may just install WD2 at some point and play that instead.

u/Brestrellon avatar

Should I get wd2 gold edition instead of this??


It's a great game and probably a fraction of the price too so I say go for it. Especially if the "Play as anyone" hook about the new game doesn't interest you much.

u/Brestrellon avatar

Legion seems cool to me but I’ve heard that WD2 is better.


Then yeah I'd say try WD2 now.

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u/Lomuthegoat avatar

Even my friend who loved watchdogs 2 returned the game today after playing 6-7 hours last night. Game is just plain bad for a 2020 AAA title. Feels it should be a 65 meta rather than even near 75. Got to play 3 hours at his place.

Also couple of gimmicks don't make for innovation. It's still a cookie cutter ubisoft junk type of game but even less polished than usual. Like they just copy paste stuff and put no effort into their games. Felt similarly about odyssey too which was not janky but just copy-paste grind fest to get people to buy microtransactions.

I think Farcry 5 was the worst AAA game I've seen this gen in terms of gameplay and this isnt far off from that.

I just dont understand why people buy ubisoft games at full price when pretty much every single AAA game out there is better.

u/Flork8 avatar

breakpoint was even worse tbh.

u/ImHereForTheMemes184 avatar

I think Farcry 5 was the worst AAA game I've seen this gen in terms of gameplay

What? I've replayed the game almost 3 times already and still think it's the smoothest far cry game when it comes to gameplay we've gotten so far. My only complaint is the lack of impact of fire and explosions and how the store shop is kinda awkward. But that's it. The game plays fine.


Same. IMO, FC5 is the best FC yet. The only negative I can really give it are those forced story segments. Everything else, the world, the vehicles, etc, is top class for a FarCry game.

Caveat, I played the FC titles in reverse; started with 5, then 4, then 3 Classic. One really feels the rough edges and poorly designed elements in the prior titles playing them in this order.

Particularly compared to Farcry 3.

3 is far better in terms of story and characters but the gameplay in 3 has aged really badly.

Gameplay in Farcry 5 is a lot of fun.

u/Hello_there_gener avatar

I wish you were wrong, but this is so accurate. I originally played FC3 about a year after it launched and adored it. Incredible time.

Then last year I picked up the digital version on PS4 because it was like $8 and my nostalgia got me. Big mistake and soured me on the game.

Same. Loved the game when it came out. Still probably the best in terms of characters. Vaas is still one of the best video game villains ever.

Things like the gun placement when your aiming down the sights feels really weird. It all feels pretty basic.

u/ImHereForTheMemes184 avatar

I actually replayed the games a few months ago and I gotta agree. It's outdated. I still had fun though. I simply missed basic stuff like being able to shoot from cars. Kinda funny how nostalgia blinds us, huh?

Still a good game. I was into it a lot. I even got the plat, it's that good

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I was no fan of Far Cry 5 but I think Fallout 76 takes the cake for shittiness.

u/NordWitcher avatar

Tried Watch Dogs 2 and it just felt like it was trying too hard to be edgy and cool and loud all at the same time. Dropped it after the first mission. Tell me about FarCry 5. I was playing FarCry 5 and it felt so repetitive. Okay, the first region felt a little fresh. Then knowing that you had to repeat the same design for the next two zones and I dropped it. Went back and played Far Cry 3 and I felt even with those towers, it was a much better game.

Played Odyssey and I quit after the first region after leaving the island. It was basically you repeating the same basic missions and objectives over and over again. Ubisoft games were some of the worst this generation. Wanted to give Wildlands a chance and again same problem. They literally burn out their players. Its no surprise that I've just never been able to get into Ubisoft games as much as I want to like and enjoy them.

I am actually excited for Valhalla only cause I love the setting and theme but am not really having much hope if its just a reskin of Odyssey.

I liked Origins but yeah I can see how it gets repetitive as you say. All Ubisoft games involve a weapon wheel of some sort. They all feel more or less the same.

u/NordWitcher avatar

I really wanted to like Origins. I picked it up back in 2017 when it had just launched. Enjoyed my time but I was too busy with Shadow of War which had also just come out. I had gone up past Alexandria and Cleopatria and finding the Priests. Never got back to it. Finally did give it another chance during lockdown but there were just too many spots where you had to grind to move to the next main quest so as to not be under level. Also there were maybe 3-4 zones that you would consider main quest hubs, the rest were just filler content. Anyways got to level 33 I think and the next main quest recommended you to be level 35. I quit then and there. I was too burnt out by then. I wa a maybe another 2 quests from completing the game.

A friend of mine loves these kind of games where he can grind out for hours on end. He has platinumed almost every single AC and Ubisoft game. We were co oping Far Cry 5 and I just quit after the first region.

u/Jamboro avatar

The South Park games are really the only ones from Ubi I haven't felt just burned out after finishing.

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Ubisoft = generic cookie cutter

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u/johngie avatar

Check your emails if you platinumed WD 1+2, because Ubisoft sent me a code for the Ultimate Edition for being "one of the biggest Watchdogs fans in Canada."

So that's cool.

I got a code too, but I didn't platinum 1 or 2

was the code for PS4? Cuz I saw someone else got that but for PC I think.

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To those who own the game, how are the graphics? I saw a comparison on YouTube and was disappointed that AC Syndicate looked better

u/Lulizarti avatar

I'm playing on pc: ultra everything, max RTX, and dlss on visual. It looks pretty garbage. Also a lot of graphical glitches and performance issues. I got 2 hours in and uninstalled the game. I have never played WD1 or 2. I went in completely blind on gameplay and what to expect. It just wasn't fun and looks old af.

For being a AAA game, it's a 6/10 if that for me. Just nothing about it felt exciting from the get go. I got it for free so I at least don't feel bad about it.

I recently picked up Shadow of War for cheap and that game is from years ago. That game looks far better.

Tldr: Stay far away from the game. Buy it at like 30 bucks maybe.

It somehow looks worse than Watch Dogs 2. And also a lot less vibrant, but that's probably just London. Visually, it's meh. San Francisco was way more fun to look at.


It somehow looks worse than Watch Dogs 2.

I didn't think WD2 looked all that great, but the WD games seem to have a shitton of stuff going on in the backgrounds. WDL moreso.

u/Hit__ avatar

Yeah I would even say player models look downright ugly

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u/idegtev avatar

They aren't that impressive to me on PS4 Pro. I am getting the sense that many of the graphical effects they added are only going to work on the next gen (like ray tracing) so the current gen version is left looking rather pedestrian. I wouldn't say it looks BAD but certainly no Red Dead or Tsushima.

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u/Jack3ww avatar

I'm getting it torrmow but this game is causing x box to overheat so I wonder what it's going to do on the ps4


Comment removed by moderator

u/Jack3ww avatar

It's real lot.of people where talking about how it made x box hot

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Base PS4 here, haven't heard the fans rev up once while playing

u/Jack3ww avatar

Thanks for the info

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Ridiculous performance issues on og ps4. I Go too fast it freezes for a couple seconds. Constant screen tearing. If there's dialogue and decent amount of stuff going on it gets choppy with lots of static. Idk if they rushed it or if it just cant run on old ps4 or maybe its just me.

huh, runs great on my launch day ps4. weird. hope it gets better, game is the best of the 3 by a mile.

Sounds like I have more time to beat Ghost of Tsushima!

It was an amazing game!

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I've had around 5 crashes on the Pro. Maybe twice while in game, and 3 times when I quit to the main menu. There's also some weird audio issues where the voices keep breaking up when characters were talking.

Even with the latest 1.04 patch my game still keeps crashing. Probably crashed 10+ times now. Crashed once in the middle of a story dialogue so I completely missed it when I rebooted.

u/Cheese_Pancakes avatar

I noticed pretty heavy breaking up of the voices in the menu text-to-speech function. It was weird, just scrolling past it seemed to trigger it reading and it didn't stop when I exited the menu until it was done. Seemed really strange to me. Not really a deal breaker for me since I'll never use that feature.

Also on Pro, haven't come across the issue with in-game voices yet, but will now keep an ear out for it. I've only played for about 2-3 hours so far though.

Ubisoft lol

u/Jack3ww avatar

What the he'll does Ubisoft lol mean they make good games

Yeah Assassin's Creed II was awesome.

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Oh yea the voices do some weird doubling/echoing stuff

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I wouldn't say I'm not enjoying it, because I am...but it's a step down from WD2. Movement is clunkier and feels less fluid to get around. The world also feels a bit less "Alive" than 2. 2 was great for just walking around and listening to convos and interacting with NPCs. Not that this one doesn't have that at all, but there doesn't seem to be as much randomness and interaction.

However the recruiting aspect is fun, and permadeath makes me rethink how I'm approaching certain missions and who I want to risk losing. (I lost 2 recruits on a pretty standard side mission and was devastated haha) If you were a fan of WD2, just set your expectations that it's a bit of a step back and I think you'll have a good time with it.

u/HassanJamal avatar

The world also feels a bit less "Alive" than 2

Oh man, I was hoping they went a bit more in on this aspect in 2. 2 was a joy to walk and explore around.

u/Lostmypants69 avatar

That is disappointing to hear. I thought the game looked great and next-genish on Youtube. May be holding off for a bit.

u/Hit__ avatar

Yeah I believe you hit the nail on the head I played for several hours and I couldn’t stop thinking about how the player models and the world felt so much more Alive in WD2.

I found most of my spent reading people’s bio and considering recruiting them. But no matter what street I drive on no matter how many people I accidentally run over it feels like nothing is going on while I’m heading to the next location.

I will say one thing you didn’t point of the voice acting is a huge step back. I know they must have done an insane amount for you to be able to play as anyone, but man do people not sound worried in the slightest when something back happens.

I would say from the small amount I played only around 10% of the player base will actually finish the game.


Ugh man :( i fucking loved wd2.


Many games butcher "the feel" of the city when they shrink it down but it was great to drive and run around in the Bay Area.

Everyone hated the story, but man turning on the tailing or manhunt online mode was such an intense adrenaline rush. Manhunt or whatever it was called, your stars would automatically got to 4 or 5 stars and then multiple online players would be alerted to your location with a bounty to kill you.

I would be waiting with the 80s style sports car and be ready to drive for my life. Once I took cover in a building in an insane escape, ditching my sports car in a crash and then fleeing on foot, my heart was beating so fast, then I realized it was the same building I had gotten real life lunch in Oakland Chinatown!

I got the game free and have been meaning to play it. As someone who lives in berkeley and visits SF and Oakland once a month-ish how familiar would the map feel to me? I know there no Berkeley (would loved to have crashed into the campanile) but apart from what familiarity an I looking at? Tiburon? Sausalito?


It's scrunched town bay area. So of course everything is hyper miniaturized. As a casual passer by though been to the area a few times, I feel it captured the feel of each area pretty well. It has an entire loop of the Bay as a playable area.

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u/xooxanthellae avatar

Is the story less cringey than WD2?


This is the main part why i skipped wd2 . I hate when your character acts like doesnt kill 100 people in one day and laugh and throwing jokes in every chance he gets .

u/theblackfool avatar

So don't kill people.

Except Wrench main story part...


But .. i want .

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u/Current-Dream avatar

Killing in WD2 is optional. In most cases non lethal stealth is fastest way to play.

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It’s more serious in tone compared to 2, yes

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u/Jack3ww avatar

I think you can turn permadeath off

Yeah you can, but I like it! Adds more strategy to how I play.

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Have played for 6 hours now. Can't really say that I'm enjoying it. Feels too clunky.

u/jonnywithoutanh avatar

As a Londoner, I'm mainly excited about just wandering around London in this game and going to places I recognise.

u/nerdguy8 avatar

How do you feel about the voice acting? I have read many comments saying its really bad but Im curious what people think as someone who isnt from there.

As a Brit, but not a Londoner, I've found some of the voice acting to be good, but some of them to be incredibly cringy.

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I managed to do my commute from my uni to my house in game and it was so fucking surreal, I love it

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