all 54 comments

[–]facialmaster 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Decent gameplay, idiotically woke though

[–]radbro 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Has anyone tried any HOTAS controllers besides the officially-supported Thrustmaster one? I have a very common one, Logitech Extreme 3D Pro, but I haven't gotten it to work with the PS4 yet.

[–]usrevenge 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Fun game but wow does it kinda fall short.

Its fun if you want 5v5 but the battles never feel epic. Hopefully it's good enough to warrant a sequel and gets expanded. We want battle of endor. Not this small time skirmish stuff.

[–]Ehrand 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Best game in VR! It also gives such a big advantage to be able to track spaceships as they fly by with head tracking. If you are interested in VR, this the game to get!

[–]Kincy_Jive 0 points1 point  (0 children)

it's been a lot of fun. i've put maybe 5-7 hours in so far. overwhelming the first few times i picked it up. there's a lot to do and that's not a bad thing. in the end, i'd be doing a lot too when in the middle of a dogfight while flying an x-wing. i heard this on one YouTube review and feel in agreement with it: the game wasn't meant for a controller. it works, but expect to lose your bearings; especially with the lack of third-person.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The game is a blast. Definitely a better experience with friends, and most certainly the best experience in VR

Thankfully the cross-play works seamlessly. My Xbox friends are also my friends on EA so it was dead simple to invite each other into lobbies.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Played the entire game in VR and with HOTAS, got the Platinum Trophy yesterday after about 50ish hours I think.

That was the perfect playtime to enjoy it the fullest, have an edge over the early crowd and be done before too much frustration about the blatant issues kicked in.

There are some really, really rough edges here and there, but overall the game is an immersion blast for VR/HOTAS owners.

[–]Zidane62 0 points1 point  (2 children)

I can’t find any fleet battle games at all. I can get into dogfights OK but no fleet battles. It searches for matches then kicks me to the main menu

[–]PotterOneHalfPotterOneHalf 0 points1 point  (1 child)

I was having the same issue the other day. Ended up giving up and turning it off.

[–]Zidane62 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Once I hit rank 5 I could get into pvp fleet battles but I wanted to play shading AI with other people.

[–]joshua182 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Game looks cool and complex for a Star Wars flight sim! Seemingly the multiplayer is where it is at. Sadly I heard the games getting no DlC though :/

[–][deleted] -1 points0 points  (0 children)


[–]lunatic4ever 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Still unsure if it’s worth it without VR

[–]notsureifJasonBourne 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I don't have VR, and I've also never been into flying games. I was not a fan of the starfighter assualt mode in Battlefront 2. However, I'm really enjoying Squadrons. The combat is much deeper than I anticipated and there's a fair bit of customization available for your weapons/engines/defensive measures for each ship. I'm about halfway through the story, but unless it picks up majorly I would say wait for a big sale if single player is your only plan. Multiplayer is fun, if a bit short on modes. Again, there's a lot more depth than I anticipated with the Fleet Battles mode and I think the mode will be pretty interesting as more people (myself included) figure out the best ways to play it. I should note I have a friend I link up with online so that tints my rating a bit. I think it's worth it for $40, but I imagine there will be a decent sale for Black Friday if you're on the fence.

[–]Telepanda 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Pretty fun, but very buggy. I'm yet to play a game without some weird bug popping up (challenges not being completed, being unable to join fleet battles vs AI, screen going black between respawns, mission objectives not advancing correctly, etc).

Playing the game is great when it works, and the ship customisation is quite well implemented. The storyline isn't epic, but it's a few steps above the usual "we found some enemies, go get them" which is nice, and I'm always a fan of cameos from movie characters.

Customising your ship cosmetically and character is... A very slow process. For example, ship skins can be very expensive, and even though all rebel ships have the same list of unlockable skins, you will need to unlock the same skin for each ship separately. Just a weird design choice added to intentionally slow down your ability to unlock cosmetics.

There is also an odd "season" system which is basically a battle pass (for anyone who has played Apex Legends, Fall Guys, Destiny 2, etc) that has only a single item in it that you can earn by doing 40 daily challenges. Not sure what the idea was behind that one. Spoilers, it's a helmet that you can't even see when you play (because you're wearing it in a first person shooter).

[–]FullMetalJaket 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I was really looking forward to this as I love me some flying games, but there's just something about it that I can't get on with. I think it's too busy. I think I'd rather play SW Ep1 Racer.

[–]OhBobDamnit 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I'm loving it. PSVR is dope, best way to play! Also, wearing the helmet for long periods suck, so flat screen, really no problem, easy switch and nearly as good. Campaign play/story has some surprises and multiplayer is engaging but limited. Dogfights and fleet battle (ranked) are really the only options and thats my biggest gripe, i want more variety with modes to play.

TL;DR. Fuck yeah let's blow up some spaceships!...and have fun blowing up more spaceships!

[–]PestySamuraiill-logic -4 points-3 points  (3 children)

Game is DOA

Which is unfortunate because the flight combat is really fun.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Compared to big PS4 or PC flat game titles the game is rather small. Compared to PSVR multiplayer games this game is huge.

I don't know what's up with your region, I'm constantly getting games with people from all around the world, including New Zealand, Canada, the US, and all of Europe.

[–]avilethrowaway 6 points7 points  (1 child)

I've been consistently getting into games so not sure what you mean

[–]PestySamuraiill-logic 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Might be region related, I’m Australia. Can sometimes take a little time to find games (mostly with the same players) and I can’t see the game surviving long term here.

[–]charade_scandal 0 points1 point  (3 children)

Really not doing it for me. Don't even really have much interest in playing after a week. I'll probably circle back though.

For me, I'm sure it's a revelation in VR but flat screen, just gimme Starfighter Assault in BF2. I get downvoted everytime I post that but it's the truth (for me).

The voice-acting is awful. The campaign makes BF2 (which I personally had no issue with to be fair) seem like Solaris.

It's a bad (non-VR) game. They said it would be thin and they did not lie. Deep as a puddle but not even as wide as an ocean.

There's just not much to it!

[–]HomeworkShort 3 points4 points  (0 children)

You need a brain

[–]charade_scandal 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Can anyone with the ear to the ground tell me how it's doing at this point? I feel a distinct lack of buzz but I'm trying to divorce that from my own feelings. Like, is it selling?

[–]OhBobDamnit 4 points5 points  (0 children)

War to ground? Sorry it's all starfighter to starfighter.

[–]lofihiphopbeats509 14 points15 points  (4 children)

I’ve beaten the story and played a bit of multiplayer and it’s honestly all a rush. The story is a good tutorial for a start, and then getting to the multiplayer is where you can refine your skills and star fighter loadout.

The skill gap in this game is there and very noticeable. Players with VR and HOTAS may dominate more than players with simply a controller, but controller players can do just as well, it just takes a while to getting used to. I haven’t been able to play multiplayer much due to school, but it’s all been a mostly positive experience. I recommend this game a lot.

[–]hips0n 5 points6 points  (3 children)

I watched a video about the HOTAS since I was interested in buying this game and what the youtuber said was the game has like a 50% dead zone with hotas causing it useless

[–]Ehrand 0 points1 point  (0 children)

there's a bug with the aviator control scheme that cause any diagonal to not register making the pitch extremely slow. It is none by EA and they are going to fix it soon.

[–]TheOwlAndOak 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think they released a patch 2-3 days ago to address the HOTAS dead zone issues. Maybe it didn’t fix them all, I’m not sure.

[–][deleted] 8 points9 points  (0 children)

The thing about youtube and watching videos instead of experiencing the stuff on your own is that in our current rage culture everything gets blown out of proportion for those juicy clicks. That's where all the memes about PC players losing their shit about 2 dropped frames comes from.

I played the entire game in VR and with a HOTAS and didn't even know what "deadzones" are until a few days into the game. I platinumed the game yesterday with close to a 3 KD in Dogfights and multiple 20+ kill games. I never once felt any disadvantage playing with a HOTAS, on the contrary. It felt amazing and immersive.

The term deadzone gets thrown around in any HOTAS related post the same "OMG blurry" is in every VR thread related to the game. Both these things are heavily blown out of proportion, mostly by people who didn't experience it themselves repeating it from someone else. If you never used a HOTAS before on games without deadzones, you won't even know there is anything to ramble about.

[–]CaptCampbellSoup 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Have only played a handful of matches. I am decent at best, but absolutely loving it. Changing systems in the heat of battle is so much more fun and strategic than i imagined it would be! I'll be playing this one for a while!

Can't vouch for the campaign, though, as I've only been playing online with a buddy. Going forwards, would definitely love some ground assault/co-op maps, though. Rogue Squadron 2's co-op campaign from Rebel Strike has left me thirsty...

[–]TruePower79 0 points1 point  (1 child)

How does it compare to Eve: Valkyrie, if at all? Does it induce motion stillness?

[–]DogmaticCatDogmatic_Cat 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It blows EVE:Valkyrie out if the water. I haven't had any issues with motion sickness, but I almost never do so I may not be the best person to answer that.

[–]galoresturtle 45 points46 points  (3 children)

Fun game! Skill gap is huge. It def needs more modes for multiplayer. I would love to see in planet battles objective style game modes. I love dog fights but can be repetitive.

[–]ineffiable 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Dogfights, (especially Yavin) are susceptible to one team stomping the other, the problem is if you lose the initial battle, then your team might respawn at a rate where one guy respawns to get picked off by 3 guys, then rinse and repeat.

And yeah, with a huge skill gap, sometimes the other team will be stacked and feel like an utterly undestroyable wall. Unfortunately, I think this will put off a lot of people off the game.

Ranked is not advancing fast enough to separate the skill levels IMHO

[–]cosmiclatte44Nubleborsky 0 points1 point  (0 children)

your team might respawn at a rate where one guy respawns to get picked off by 3 guys, then rinse and repeat

It's battlefront 2 HvV all over again

[–]erenkuron66 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I did enjoy fleet battles more than normal dog fights. More strategy and class tactics come into play(though I main a bomber so I’m partial to objective based games)

[–]christopia86 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I have finished the single player, I enjoyed it. The story and characters were decent, gameplay is really fun. Only issue is that on replaying missions it can be a bit slow to get into action.

I am not normally an online guy but have racked up a few hours and had a blast. It seems pretty well balanced, I am able to hold my own in most matches.

It could do with more ships and more customisation options, but all in all, it is a very fun, well put together game.

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (3 children)

I haven't played much yet, but after playing the first two missions in both flat screen and PSVR, I think it's pretty damn fun.

[–]popalain 2 points3 points  (2 children)

Is it any good on flat screen?

[–]TheOwlAndOak 1 point2 points  (1 child)

It is. It’s a blast in VR, but of course the graphics are downgraded. So it’s still enjoyable to play on flat screen because you can see everything a little better and stuff. I’ve probably played more in flat screen than I have in VR, but VR is still amazing.

[–]DeGudLordDarkRage 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I play almost exclusively in VR, only played on a screen once.

And my personal experience is that I'm LOVING it, and I don't feel disadvantaged by the blur thanks to the targeting computer.

[–]Xerosnake90 33 points34 points  (6 children)

Been trying to get into the story but I'm just not having a lot of fun. Gonna give multiplayer a try

[–]DogmaticCatDogmatic_Cat 18 points19 points  (3 children)

I just finished the story and I actually really enjoyed it. Took me a second to get into it, but I found each of the crew members to be well-acted/well-written and thought the interactions between the missions really enhanced the experiance.

It's also a decently long campaign. The last two missions had some incredibly cinematic moments.

[–]galoresturtle 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Yeah it took a couple missions for me to get into the story. Now I'm invested and can't wait to play the rest of it.

[–]TheTittyQueen 3 points4 points  (1 child)

What did you enjoy about the story

[–]DogmaticCatDogmatic_Cat 13 points14 points  (0 children)

I enjoyed being able to see two sides of the same conflict as the narrative switched back and forth between the two factions. I also like Star Wars narratives set directly after the original trilogy, there is a lot of untapped potential their for interesting stories that Disney has yet to take advantage of. Also so many games focus on what it's like to be a Jedi, it was nice to see the day to day operations of "normal" people caught up in the war.

[–]Cawdor 30 points31 points  (1 child)

Same. The story mode is pretty lame.

Its nearly impossible to die in the early levels. I straight up kamikazed a star destroyer only to harmlessly bounce off the hull and stop so i could hammer away at it until it blew up.

[–][deleted] 29 points30 points  (0 children)

There are people that like it that way. That's why it's called "story mode difficulty". Criticising that with 3 higher difficulty levels (Pilot, Veteran, Ace) in the game seems odd to me. Ramp that up and see how you like it then.