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I got turned off once I saw her Instagram

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I got turned off once I saw her Instagram

I went on a date with a girl and things moved VERY quickly. I even told her at the end of a 3 hour 3am conversation that I’m going to make her my girlfriend (partially joking). I recognize I should not have moved that fast. After the night ended, we connected on Instagram and well.. her posts completely turned me off. There’s multiple bathing suit pictures. There’s a picture of her smoking a cigarette. Pictures with provocative poses. Playboy bunny outfit mirror picture. All of this completely changed my view on the girl. What should I do? Should I try to see her again, or just tell her I was wrong in thinking this was what I wanted?

Update: To the people in the comments who are upset with me for having preferences, I’m not sorry. To those giving sound advice, thank you!

How can a girl not find someone to have sex with?

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How can a girl not find someone to have sex with?

I am a 24 year old girl and I've been single forever. I just can't find a guy who is interested in me. I am pretty sure I am not that ugly and I dont think I have a bad personality. I tried everything. I asked out some guys that i liked and I tried dating apps. At one point I gave up on relationships and just wanted to have sex with someone and I cant even find someone to have sex. Everybody is saying if a girl just wants casual sex she can find 100 guys in a minute and I feel horrible about that because wtf is wrong with me than. I feel like I am invisible to guys and everyone I make a move on doesn't want me. All my friends got hit on but I dont even get any dms. How can a girl not find someone to have sex with? I just want to know what might I be doing wrong?

She hooked up with FWB on the same days we went on dates?

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She hooked up with FWB on the same days we went on dates?

Is this… ok? Is there protocol for this?

I have been dating this (amazing) girl for about 2 months, and we finally had the exclusivity talk. We also have not had sex yet, since she wanted to wait because she “really likes me” and was scared of getting hurt. Totally reasonable.

While having this discussion, I found out that during those first couple months of us dating she has been sleeping with a FWB. I was surprised that she would make me wait this whole time, while still having sex with another guy. However, that’s something I can get past because we weren’t exclusive yet—but upon hearing it I was still taken aback lol, and an unexpected question escaped my mouth:


We had been spending so much time together (and I hadn’t even been thinking about other girls) that I wondered when she even had time to be hooking up with a FWB?

“Most nights…” she (kinda nervously) told me. Never asks questions you don’t want the answer to lol.

“Even nights you were with me?” I asked, almost reflexively.

“Yeah…” she said. A couple examples:

One night we had this really fun carnival date, and I dropped her off at her apartment when the date was over. He came over a little later and spent the night with her.

Another morning, I picked her up early so we could drive to a music festival. Her FWB had already spent the night and left her apartment shortly before I arrived.

You get the idea? “Most nights” were probably like this.

She has no problem being honest/transparent (one of the many qualities I really admire in this girl), and she has no desire to see the FWB once we are exclusive, which she seems really excited about! (She’s “absolutely crazy over me,” and “can’t stop thinking about me 24/7!” she told a mutual friend). But the timing of her hookups (i.e. the distance between them and seeing me) is not sitting right with me. And now I’m not so sure if want to enter a relationship with her.

I told her I felt surprisingly stung by this, and I needed a couple days to think about things. She has reassured me that I am all she has been thinking about this whole time, and there were zero feelings for the FWB. I can tell I’ve made her feel super anxious now (which I feel bad about), but she is doing her best not to appear upset.

Is this something you could get past? Should I commit to her? Have I been “wronged” in any way? Has some sort of dating decorum been violated here? Should I end things? Maybe I'm just being butthurt about the FWB and focusing on the timing when it doesn't really matter.

I’d also love to hear from women specifically, have you done this? Does it matter? Could you still really like a guy, and hook up with an FWB… on the same day you hung out with him? Is there like… an appropriate time (in terms of hours), between when its ok to see one dude, then another? I am just confused.

Edit: Here's an Update: I couldn’t shake the ill feeling in my stomach, and I decided to end things completely with her. She was very sad, and it was hard for me to hear. I won’t be seeking out another LTR anytime soon. I should probably just focus on having fun at this stage in my life, anyway. Appreciate all the advice.

My (22f) Husband (29M) keeps telling me to come to Reddit about our arguments. so here I am. Do all men feel how my husband feel?

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My (22f) Husband (29M) keeps telling me to come to Reddit about our arguments. so here I am. Do all men feel how my husband feel?

I (22f) have been with my partner (29m) for coming up on 3 years, and our daughter is 4 months old. He makes sure to let me know how lazy I am, even though I’m the only one to care for our daughter or clean our house. He works a lot and when he comes home, he spends a couple hours on the game and he might hold our daughter for a couple minutes. He says that since I’m staying home caring for our infant alone I should have dinner made, the dogs and pig should be fed, watered (obviously), and walked. Trash should be burned. Dishes should be clean. Floor swept and mopped. His other kids rooms clean. Every surface wiped down. He also says that there ARE gender roles and this is what a woman should do to keep her man happy. According to him I don’t deserve to be loved on until I’ve finished the chores and put the baby to sleep by myself and made sure that he feels loved and cared for. Our daughter won’t take a bottle and he won’t help me with bottles so I can’t go back to work but I’m also not helping financially. He doesn’t stay up with our daughter. If I don’t initiate sex we don’t have sex. He straight up said he’s won’t touch me in ways that please me Because he’s “not in high school”. I feel crazy. He’s obsessed with the concept of disrespect. Everything I do is disrespectful- if the dishes aren’t clean, if the floors not mopped, if I leave little trinkets around the house, if I started projects that I didn’t get to finish and forgot about when the baby woke up, or If the baby has been a little fussy and I’m feeding her when he gets home I’m a fat lazy waste of space and why didn’t I get anything done today. I don’t text him throughout the day telling him sweet little nothings, so I must not love him. I can’t choose between being a mom and a partner even though sometimes I have to because my daughter ISNT CAPABLE OF CARING FOR HERSELF. it’s like he’s mad that I can’t be his mother for him, right? So Reddit. What do y’all think? Please be honest because he will absolutely be seeing every word.

Booked a $500 dollar flight to NYC to see a girl, she rejected my whole day plan after 30min lunch.

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Booked a $500 dollar flight to NYC to see a girl, she rejected my whole day plan after 30min lunch.

Like the title says, I booked a $500 flight to NYC to meet a girl I talked to for 1 month. In text she was really kind and funny. I though we had connection. Our plan was to meet up and have lunch and then the Library to explore and get to know each other.

I gave her a hug on first meeting, we had good lunch but very short. About 30min and she said her parents texted her and told her to meet with them. I was genuinely shocked, my stomach was sinking. Feels like there is a rock in my stomach, I couldn’t really think for a moment.

After a 10second silence I finally found my consciousness and told her that is ok. “You should go if needed” in my mind I knew I will never see her again.

I texted her after I got to hotel saying “ I had great time with you. It seems like you are not that interested. Hope you find the right one” she replied “ thank you for putting in all your effort, I didn’t really feel a connection between us. I wish you the best”

It was very painful, I was in a city all by myself for 3 days not knowing anyone. I tried to talked to people so I went to the Hudson River, did start a conversation which helped a lot.

I just want to let you guys know dating is hard, I’m 28m putting in maximum effort. I do not have have any bad intentions, really a family person.

My (31f) husband (32m) has been killing my houseplants with bleach

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My (31f) husband (32m) has been killing my houseplants with bleach

I have many many houseplants and even some that were quite expensive and were gifts from my sister. Within the last 6 months at least a third of my plants have died. I have had houseplants my whole life due to my late mother's own love of houseplants and I know a lot about plants. The death of the plants didn't seem related to lack of light, or inconsistent watering, or lack of nutrients, or even root rot! They just died very suddenly. I tried to not let it upset me too much because plants die and it was not any of the expensive ones, until now. My sister gave me a 5 leaf monstera Albo rooted plant for my birthday two months ago. It was beautiful.

This morning I was crying pretty hard about it as I unpotted it and took a look at the roots and I was looking HARD at this plant and roots to see if it's death was pest related and that's when I noticed a smell. I sniffed my potting mix and I smelled bleach. The only other adult person in my home with unlimited and unobserved access to my plants is my husband.

I wasnt able to talk to him for several hours, but when I could speak to him I very calmly but very directly asked if he had done something to my plants. He denied it at first. I said I smelled bleach in the potting mix of the Albo my sister had gotten me and that the only person that could have put it there was him and he caved. He said he was putting small amounts of bleach into the fertilizer water jugs I prepare. I started crying. I asked him why, why would you do this? You know I love these plants why would you destroy them? He didn't really answer nor did he really apologize.

The trust I had in him is absolutely gone. I think maybe counseling can help us, but he is the one that did this, but I'm the one that would have to set up the counseling. The angry part of me just wants to be done with the relationship. I know that might seem overboard, as we are married and share a child, but I feel now that I'm not safe around my husband.

Edit: I thank everyone for giving advice. The townhome we live in is mine and my sister's, our inheritance from my mother. My husband has an office/den/gaming room that is his personal space and there are no plants there. There are also no plants in the kitchen. I'm not a plant hoarder. Like he has a room for himself, I also have a sunroom and that is where the concentration of plants live. He has no reason to go in there. It's not access to our backyard or anything. I saw some people saying maybe he's sick of bugs, but I do not have a fungus gnat problem. I did see one person ask why did I not smell the bleach when I was watering? And I can only say my nose wasn't all up in there maybe? I also usually use a natural systemic in my fertilizer water called sns-209 that smells heavily of rosemary, but I ran out last month and haven't replaced yet.

After our convo yesterday I needed space. I spent the night in my daughter's room on a trundle bed. I am going to text my husband today. He usually communicates easier and opens up more via text, rather than face to face. I am going to ask for a reason and I'll see what he says.

Edit 2: sorry I'm not sure if I'm supposed to update on a separate post? My husband won't be welcome in my home any more and I need to find a lawyer ASAP on Monday. I did text him and he admitted again to putting bleach in my fertilizer water. He says it wasn't every jug I ever made so that explains why it wasn't all my plants dying but randomly over the past six months. His exact words were that I deserved to be knocked down a peg.

After the text communication I went home from work early and I entered his office. I usually respect his space absolutely. I don't even go in there to grab dirty dishes. I don't know what I was looking for but the hundreds of comments saying he was working up to something worse or already was doing something else really worried me. I went in there and I found a drawer full of my daughter's dolls and dollhouse furniture and little toys. I bought her that dollhouse for her fourth birthday last year and she has loved it. She takes such good care of her toys, but something always ends up missing and it's always my husband who notices. He lectures her about keeping track of her things and how he won't let her play with her dollhouse if she keeps losing things. He keeps going till she starts to sob. When I hear this going on I always always step in and ask him to go take a break. I assumed he was losing his cool. Ive told him this is not how to deal with this with a kid and he says he just wants her to grow up responsible. I now see it was some weird scheme? Or set up or something? He would steal the stuff and stash it away and point out it was gone to berate our daughter till she cried.

My sister and her husband and her husbands dad came over this afternoon and they've changed the locks. I've texted him to tell him he isn't coming back and that he can come on Saturday morning to grab his essential things but that my bro in law and another man would be there to watch.

Sorry if this is unclear of things seem missing..this reddit post isn't super my priority. I will probs not be updating again. Thank you to everyone worried about my safety.

Guy told me I was unattractive when naked

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Guy told me I was unattractive when naked

So I went on a few dates with a guy and eventually we slept together and he stayed the night. He spent the next morning talking and complaining about a previous ex that broke up with him three years ago and also went did a lot of trauma dumping. So I kind of knew this guy was not really for me and I assume he felt the same, because he said something along those lines.

So a few days later I just text him and just reassured that I don't want a relationship but if he ever needs someone to talk to, he can message me (I was thinking of all of the things he was talking about and he seemed so stressed and was genuinely just offering a sympathetic ear, I do empathize with people easily)

He responds with. "Yeah I don't want to sleep with you. I don't find you physically attractive, you were cute clothes on and having lights off helped, but I struggled even getting hard."

I feel like this is probably the meanest thing he could have said to any women.

I do understand that he was just probably being dead honest. And I understand that he was probably just being dead honest.

I exercise and eat healthy and most men comment that I have a nice body.

But I honestly don't know how to feel better about this.

Edit: thanks for all of the kind responses and advice😊 I have blocked him everywhere and deleted his number. Will never interact with him again. And learned a lot from this experience and the feedback from everyone.

My(M32) wife’s(F27) ex-boyfriend sent me a video of him having sex with my wife , after he found out we’re having a baby. How can I even deal with this?

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My(M32) wife’s(F27) ex-boyfriend sent me a video of him having sex with my wife , after he found out we’re having a baby. How can I even deal with this?

My wife and I have been married for 4 years and we’re expecting our first child. Everything has been pretty normal and alright in our relationship. I do know her ex-boyfriend since they’ve been together for such a long time before we met. But didn’t hear anything about him after we got married. I always found our marriage pretty healthy and perfect afterall. Nothing ever made me feel doubtful or insecure, until now. Last week we had a little party with our close friends and family to announce my wife’s pregnancy. Everything was alright and planned but somehow someone , maybe some mutual friends told my wife’s ex boyfriend about her pregnancy. So around 2 days after our party , he texted me. At first I thought It’s just a simple drunk text and stuff but shit was worse than I thought. There was a video. I tried so hard not to watch it cause I knew that would be nothing good to watch anyways. But then I finally did. And I wish I never did. It was a video of my wife having sex with him. The concept of seeing my wife having sex with someone else even thought It was for many years ago was already fucked up enough. But I hate the way that it was also so… passionate. Romantic. I don’t know how to explain it but you could literally feel the connection between them. And I hated that. It was like my whole life got destroyed in one second. My head got filled with messed up things. Messed up scenarios. Messed up doubts. Now I can’t take it out of my head. My wife’s noticed something’s up but I haven’t told her about it yet. I don’t know if I ever will. In my whole life I’ve never felt worse. I heard my wife telling another guy that she wants to have his kids. While she’s carrying my kid… Man I hate this situation but I’m really confused. Don’t know how to deal with it. Don’t know how to take these stuff out of my head. Should I tell her? Should I just go beat the shit out of him instead? Should I just get over it? Any advice would be appreciated.

I cold approached a girl... and it worked!!!

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I cold approached a girl... and it worked!!!

Idk if this is the place to post this, so if not, my bad.

Despite what everyone in my life says, and people on reddit say, I became convinced I'm too ugly for dating apps. I hate them and have had enough.

I'm 28. I'm a guy (duh). And I had never asked a girl out before. I'd like to think it's because I'm too nice and respectful. I had been on plenty of dates through apps, never through someone I just met organically. I was in a work conference in my local big city last week, and there were lots of attractive young women around. I got frustrated with myself for being so antisocial and decided I was gonna go for it. I wrote my number on a tiny piece of paper, folded it and put it in my wallet, and decided I was gonna give it to someone. I was gonna f*ckin do it.

The next day, during a break from the conference, I went to whole foods for a quick bite. I'm eating mashed potatoes, minding my own business as usual... and a gorgeous girl walks by. She sits not too far away from me, and starts to eat her pizza. For the next ten minutes my heart starts pounding as I remember that piece of paper in my wallet. I get up, and somehow, I walk over to her table.

"Hi... I was sitting over there, and I think you're really pretty. So I thought I'd give you my number..." I put it down on the table. "That's so sweet..." she replied, seemingly eager to grab the paper. "If you're interested, text me," I continued. "If you're not... don't. I figured it was worth a shot. Have a good day." I waved and walked away.

I felt so good after. I didn't think I'd ever hear from her, but man it felt good to know that I tried. Felt really good! And the next day she texted me! It was bittersweet, since she was visiting, and lives in France, lol. So yeah, I dunno what'll happen next, and I haven't heard back from her in several days...

But I'm happy I tried! So I hope this inspires others to try. I'm gonna put another piece of paper with my number on it in my wallet lol. So the next time I feel that attraction, I can act on it. Going up to someone and talking to them is so much better than swiping right.

Told my wife (F35) that she couldn’t do it without me (M34). Turns out she can.

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Told my wife (F35) that she couldn’t do it without me (M34). Turns out she can.

I made one stupid selfish comment to my wife a week or so ago and now my life is in disarray.

My wife is in some crisis. Her work is closed and she’s being paid, but she’s home with our kids now, including one 3 year old. She gets breaks on Monday and Friday with childcare. We went into having kids knowing she wanted to be a working mother. So this has been an adjustment… to say the least.

Onto the OG fight. She spent a long day with our kids and the neighboring kids, and when I came upstairs from work and she asked for a break, I didn’t respond well. I made excuses and didn’t offer help and for the first time in years my wife lost her temper and cursed at me.

Like an idiot I dug in and thought I was right. I admit we both said some unkind things. But after reddit humbled me and she made me sit down and write a list of things I did for the family that day and compared it with her… longer list, I apologized. She accepted and I figured things would go back to normal.

They haven’t. My wife used to include me in parenting our kids. I did dance pick up most weeks and bedtime was split. I gave baths. Made dinner. All the stuff. Since our fight, my wife hasn’t asked me for any help with the kids. The first morning I woke up on what was supposed to be my morning with the kids, I figured she was just being nice or trying to prove a point but it keeps happening. She didn’t even send them down to say good night last night. Normally my wife does this silly game where she sends my son to ask me to read 5 books and then we would negotiate down to 1 or 2 and race upstairs. Last night I heard her racing him and came up to find her doing bedtime yet again. The kids haven’t even noticed. It’s like she’s replacing me.

When we were fighting I said something really really dumb that’s living inside me and festering. My wife was being nasty and said “you wouldn’t see the kids a quarter as much as you do if I didn’t arrange it and I’m done managing you.” I defended myself, I’m not an absent parent- and said something along the lines of “I’d like to see how long you can manage without me.”

Consider my foot officially in my mouth.

She’s started running again. She’s cooking really healthy and often. Every night I come home to my perfectly happy stepford wife, doing it all without me and I feel empty inside.

How do I fix this? I don’t even know where to begin… at this point I want to beg her to go back to how things were. This wasn’t what we agreed on.

Edit: Fuck guys I get it. I’m a piece of shit. I’m going to make this right.

Edit 2: thank you to the handful of people that reached out with advice. Believe it or not, I do want to be a good father and husband. I’ve royally fucked up and I see that and fully admit it. This is going to be my only edit and then I’m going to get off my phone for a while and focus my attention on my family. My wife had dinner cooked when I got home. Everything is fine between us so there wasn’t any tension. After we cleaned up I went upstairs and ran my wife a bath, put Taylor swift on her Alexa and lit a few candles. I told her to go relax upstairs for the night. She was surprised but smiled and went on her way. I’m currently on the toilet watching my kids take a bathe. People mentioned love bombing etc. but I’m just trying anything I can to show her I do appreciate and love her and our family and I want to be a present father. I’m going to do bedtime tonight and probably all next week. I’ll tell her she does so much during the day and deserves the break because it’s the truth. I get that I come off as an asshole. I grew up in a not great situation and didn’t have the best role models growing up. I’m terrified of my children not having enough and I overcompensate by working too much. This new job came with a big pay increase but the hours are longer and I feel like I can never keep up. I’ve reached out to a few recruiters tonight. I used to love my job and was always home by 4:30. Even if it means taking the lost income, I’m thinking about going back.

Relationships are hard. And humans aren’t perfect. For all the people telling me my kids don’t love me and I’m a waste of space, idk guys, just remember I’m an actual person. That shits rough. Anyways that’s all I have for you folks. I need to watch these kiddos and start planning out my long road of groveling and reconnecting. Thanks all!

Update: 2/18 It’s been a minute since I bothered with Reddit, but when I logged in it seems some people care for an update. It’s not exciting. I’ve taken a lot of time to really LOOK at the man I’ve become. My wife and I are 100% back to being a team, but I’ve realized I wasn’t stepping up the way I always wanted to. I promised my wife a partnership and even though it’s been a month or so since our fight and my wife keeps asking me to “forget it happened”, I can’t. My therapist is helping me sort through my overthinking.

My wife started therapy b/c of the stress losing her work (temporarily) and staying home has caused. Her issues appear to stem from feeling “useless” without bringing in a paycheck and was taking on too many tasks at home to overcompensate. She doesn’t feel like she deserves breaks and when she takes them she feels awful about herself and like she’s ‘lazy’. Coming from the LEAST lazy person I know, I can tell she’s struggling. And I’ve been supporting her the best I can. I often make sure she knows I think she deserves breaks. So when I see her hyper fixating on cleaning the floorboards I intervene gently by reminding her that this doesn’t need doing right now but that I will finish it for her while she does me a favor and takes a little break. Sometimes it works and other times she tells me to “stop fussing and leave her to work” and I do. It’s been working well and I don’t mind the extra work for the peace of mind it offers me. My wife is my everything and her happiness is paramount.

My kids are mostly clueless to all this. We don’t involve them. And I must say, I made a throwaway comment about my wife not loving child rearing and received a lot of nasty comments about not having kids we don’t want. I’m weary to dignify this with a response but will say what I meant was that we agreed before having children that my wife would not be the sole support system for them and that she would never feel obligated to quit working. My wife is fiercely independent due to her past and a big part of her comfort in our relationship comes from her ability to leave it safely if she ever needed to. That trauma is hers and I won’t touch more on it other then to say I agreed to this aspect before we married and do not mind it. She SHOULD be an independent person. I’d want the same for my kids.

So that’s basically it. I’ve taking on the role as primary parent. I get my kids to daycare/school and home and while my wife helps half the time, it’s now my responsibility to see who is doing what and coordinate things. I can’t do it all in my head like her but i have a chart that’s been helping. She rebelled at first but gave up the reigns surprisingly easily. She needed a break. I also put my son back in full time daycare although my wife keeps springing him early, I can tell she likes the break. That’s all I have for now. Thanks guys and sorry it’s not more dramatic. I know some of y’all wanted my balls and were hopeful my wife would leave me. While I would be lost without her and the thought makes me physically ill, it’s nice to see people appreciating my wife the way she deserves and stand up for her so fiercely. Thanks all!

One last thing: I bought her this game PalWorld on the computer. She hasn’t gamed since having kids b/c of some pre-conceived conclusion it made her a bad parent but I insisted she spend a few hours and since I’d spent money, she did. I find her playing a lot to wind down when the day is over. It seems to be helping her feel more herself too. So thanks video games! I’ll stand for a lot of assumptions on my character- and boy have there been some nasty ones- but one thing I won’t take is people saying I don’t love my wife. She’s my person and it is my duty in life to make her happy.

What are flirty signs guys miss?

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What are flirty signs guys miss?

So I hear quite a bit that guys are clueless when it comes to picking up signs that a woman is interested in him. So it has me wondering if any women here care in letting a guy in on secrets flirty signs that guys usually miss when a woman is flirting with him?

Update My 34 M girlfriend 32 F of 12 years said no when I proposed to her. what I do?

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Update My 34 M girlfriend 32 F of 12 years said no when I proposed to her. what I do?

First post

I spoke to her last night. We had a long and somewhat awkward conversation. She said that before she really wanted to get married and that she didn't expect a ring after two years, she just wanted to talk about it at that time to plan a better future together. When she talked about marriage I told her it wasn't the time. Still she waited, but when she turned 28 she realized that the ring was never going to arrive.

She said she no longer wanted to get married or live together. She appreciates her own space and even though I spend time with her in her apartment, it is still her own space.

Regarding children, she does want to have children but even when the baby arrives we will not live together, it would be like sharing custody and going out together as a family, and still being a couple. She also mentioned that she needed six months to a year for her body to detoxify from the contraceptive, but she will still consult her gynecologist.

She said that these are her terms and that I was completely free to accept them and continue the relationship or break up and pursue what I want. And I really don't know what to do, I really regret not giving her the ring sooner. Plus she has spent 12 years agreeing to my terms. I do not really know what to do.

It didn't let me publish on the previous profile, sorry

My date got ‘Ask Angela’d’

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My date got ‘Ask Angela’d’

Hi everyone, thought I’d share it pops in my mind every now and then

TLDR: My date got asked by a waitress if she’d like to discreetly leave with their help using Ask For Angela scheme 40 minutes into the date.

I’m a 27m and I went on my first and only date in years. A cute girl (22) asked me out whilst at work. For some context from 18-24 I dated like crazy and decided to take a massive break from dating leaving a two year hiatus. In this time I’d aged quite a lot filling out and shaving my head bald (come back to this)

We arranged to meet at a local pub and she says that she had been in there about an hour before I came, mostly drinking alone. I turn up, grab a drink and we’re just sat outside talking everything going ok. Before I’d even finished my first drink,She excuses herself to the toilet and on her way back I can see her collared by this late teen’s looking waitress. She comes back to her seat and tells me that the waitress is urging her not to continue with the date. She was asking her my age, how many times we’ve met etc. and telling her when it’s time go come to the bar and she can leave out the back discreetly via taxi. This is called Ask for Angela in the uk

Am I right in feeling a bit upset by this? I haven’t been on a date since. I’m worried about how I’m perceived to others. I’m very mindful of keeping the women I’m with safe and comfortable and it hurt me for this person to assume otherwise. I understand that the safety of women is paramount and can’t blame the waitress for being cautious. But I assume it was based on my appearance ( it’s why I mentioned my hair cut) as she was 5,1 and I’m 6 foot and I hadn’t been there long to display any out of the ordinary behaviors?

Has this happened to anyone else?

Guys profile says 23, we have been dating for six weeks, found out when we got carded he’s 35. He says he feels younger and “identifies as 23” and people make too big a deal out of age anyway.

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Guys profile says 23, we have been dating for six weeks, found out when we got carded he’s 35. He says he feels younger and “identifies as 23” and people make too big a deal out of age anyway.

Things have otherwise been amazing, I’m 24f, he’s been so great but it really threw me off and he was so unphased by me asking and dismissive of it i halfway believe him but i don’t know. Would this be a dealbreaker?

The hardest lessons that you have to learn in the dating scene

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The hardest lessons that you have to learn in the dating scene

Some are 1- Nobody is busier than someone who doesn't want you

2- Politeness is not attraction

3- Mixed feedbacks are usually a no

4- People know exactly what they want or don't want from you, trying to change their minds will be a giant waste of time

5- Actually very few people will truly like you

Got this message from a girl I was dating who ended it abruptly

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Got this message from a girl I was dating who ended it abruptly

“Hi xxxx. I’ve have had a really nice time getting to know you. You are a very cool person and I truly wish you the best. Unfortunately, I don’t think im in the proper headspace to date at the moment. I really do apologize for sending this message so close to when we’re supposed to meet up. You are a great person who will accomplish big things. I’ll be on the lookout for you. But until then I’m going to have to say goodbye. “

(Context: we were dating for about 4months consistently then fell off a bit (a month) and went on a date that went really well. I received this message about one hour before we were gonna have our second “back together date”. She also blocked me on IG. How would yall interpret this?

Approached my gym crush, rejection never felt so good

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Approached my gym crush, rejection never felt so good

I (18F) have been seeing this guy around at the gym for a while. I found him attractive, but could never find it in myself to just approach him, especially since he wears headphones almost all the time.

Today though, I got the courage to go to him. I made sure he was resting between sets, with his headphones off. I went to him with a small smile. Told him what I've said above and asked him for his number. I was prepared for a "no", "ew", and "yes". I was not prepared for silence.

He asked me for my age, after like 5 seconds. I answered, he was very surprised (I look very young). I then asked for his, he's also 18. Then, a pause. Before it got too long, I said it's okay if he doesn't want to give me his number. Silence again.

I took it as a no so I just went away. From the corner of my eye I could see him slowly putting his headphones on.

Rejection never felt better. I felt so confident going to him, don't know where I got it from. I didn't tremble, mumble, get red in the face (that's how it usually goes for me). Even now, it still feels good! No regrets. I won't be wondering about him any longer!

Girls should go to guys more often. Rejection is a part of life. Don't do it just because you're hoping for a "yes", do it for yourself, to prove that you're brave and confident.

It's the second time I approached a guy, it's the second time it didn't work out (hah). It's the second time I realize it's completely fine.

P.S. I got an anxious thought at some point that he found me ugly, that's why he hesitated so much. Then I thought to myself, he may find me unattractive, but I doubt another girl will ever approach him first again.

Do really pretty girls get approached less?

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Do really pretty girls get approached less?

My best friend is absolutely beautiful both inside and out. Everyone keeps showering her with compliments almost all the time. But I don't understand why she hardly gets approached by men. Last week she came to me saying that she feels insecure because men rarely approach her. I have also noticed this and since then I've been wondering about it as well. Even the guys i'm friends with told me that they find my best friend pretty yet none of them have ever made a move on her. P.S she's really introverted and rarely talks with the opposite sex. I wonder if this is one of the reasons.

Edit:Thanks for the opinion guys,I got a clear picture of it!

My 34 M girlfriend 32 F of 12 years said no when I proposed to her. what I do?

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My 34 M girlfriend 32 F of 12 years said no when I proposed to her. what I do?

update My girlfriend and I started dating when she was 20 and I was 22. Despite having been a couple for many years, we do not live together, I spend a lot of time in her apartment and sleep there almost all the time. She mentioned marriage after two years we started dating but then she stopped.

A week ago I proposed to her, bought her a ring and made her a romantic dinner, but she said she didn't want to marry me. That she preferred our relationship to continue as it was before.

I'm almost 35, and I want to marry her, live together and start a family but now I don't know what her plans really are. I don't really know if I should continue the relationship or just break up. It hurts me, but I really love her and I don't know what to do in this situation.

What would be the best way to approach this delicate situation with my girlfriend, considering our differences about marriage and our future plans together?

Had a date last night, it went really, really well. However, she believes the Earth is flat unironically.

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Had a date last night, it went really, really well. However, she believes the Earth is flat unironically.

She also believes the universe is geocentric and that the Sun and Moon are the same size.

Dating has been terrible for me recently, I know how hard it can be to find someone you get along well with.

So… where do I go from here?

EDIT: Shame this post has been locked. I had plenty of messages I hoped to respond to but was a little overwhelmed. I expected maybe 50 replies, not 1000+.

Inexperienced guys can make great boyfriends

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Inexperienced guys can make great boyfriends

I’m F23 and my boyfriend is M25.

After a couple of dates with my current boyfriend, I asked him about previous relationships and he told me he’s never been in one. I was a little surprised at first, and a little apprehensive, but after getting to know him more he put all my anxieties to rest. Soon after we officially became boyfriend and girlfriend.

Ladies, I’m telling you, give the inexperienced guys a chance! This man is so loving and adoring, he treats me like a queen. He’s kind, he’s respectful, he knows how to treat women. He doesn’t take me for granted. He’s said he spent so much time on Reddit reading all the dating horror stories on all these subs, just hoping to be lucky enough to get in a relationship and do the exact opposite of what he read. I’m the one that’s lucky if I’m being honest.

I know that there are a lot of problematic or misogynistic men who are inexperienced, but I’m not talking about those guys. The guys who are just shy and a little awkward, those are where you’ll find an amazing partner. Your mile may vary, but I think inexperienced men are incredible. Especially mine :)

Why do so many men just not make an effort with their appearance?

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Why do so many men just not make an effort with their appearance?

I just don't get it, why not even try to match your date's effort just a bit? I take the time to dress up really nicely, and in various styles each time I meet, do my hair nicely and makeup, take time to match things up (not over the top in any way). Yet, each time, you turn up in the *same* pair of worn jeans, shoes, and top. No effort to trim beard/be clean shaven etc. Like how do you even bring it up nicely? I find this is the case time and time again...I've met men with nice personalities/I get on with but I just don't get why they do this? :/ It is off-putting.

"I'm your wife not your mom." My wife F32 always says this to me 34M and I don't know how to respond. How can I make her see my side?

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"I'm your wife not your mom." My wife F32 always says this to me 34M and I don't know how to respond. How can I make her see my side?

Hey Everyone,

So my wife 32F and I 34M have been together 18 years but have been arguing recently about the responsibilities within our marriage and we cant seem to agree.

I work full time and my wife is a stay at home mother. We have 2 children one is in school full time and the other goes to preschool 2 1/2 days a week.

Recently my wife has been sending me the stupid tiktoks that always say "Your wife is your partner, not your mom" and essentially boil down to men should help out round the house, help with the kids and pick up after themselves. A sentiment I generally agree with.

This usually comes with a side of "You don't value what I do, to look after the kids and plan everything etc"

Now to be clear, I am not against helping out round the house and helping get the kids to bed, and brush their teeth and cook meals. I do help with this stuff everyday.

I feel like all I do is work, because the second I finish work, I have kids to help with because she "Has had them all day".

My position is, that she is right when she says kids are work and I can appreciate that after a day of being with them all day ,that she is probably tired of kids. But I have also been at work all day too and it isn't fair to expect me to be sole parent as soon as I'm finished.

Then there is the issue of housework. Our house is always a mess, which frustrates me when she complains about having to do all the "unpaid labor" of managing a household and looking after the kids. Because from my perspective I go to work in a messy house and I finish work in a messy house.( I work from home, go into my office for 8 hours, only coming out for the occasional coffee and snack) Which means that 90% of my mess is contained to a room only I go in. Most days while I'm at work she isn't even home.

I feel that I am holding up my end of the bargain by working full time and then helping with housework and the kids outside of that. But she isn't holding up her end of it by looking after the house and kids while i'm at work. I could understand that she wouldn't get as much done around the house on days when our youngest is home but on days where she is at preschool, she take it as an opportunity to "have a break" and go shopping with her mom or go visit a friend.

Whenever I bring this up or question how much effort she is putting in I get "you don't appreciate me" and "i'm not your mother"

I'm not saying she should be waiting on me hand and foot as my personal maid, cook and sexdoll (not that we ever have sex) because "I'm the man, bringing home the bacon." and I really hope I don't come across that way in this post as that really not what i'm saying.

But I am killing myself trying to do everything, yet am being told i'm the problem for treating her like my mother, because i'm expecting her to do her part.

What can I do to help her see my side?

##UPDATE 1 "Yes, I "help".

So a lot of people are saying we need to sit down and try to look at things as a team and I am totally on board for this approach and will let you know how it goes.

Also to a few people dislike my framing of "helping" as it's my responsibility also.

I agree, I used the term helping as thats the word she uses when saying I need to do more to "help" around the house.

Another lot of you either can't read or are refusing to believe that I actually parent my own children.

I wake them up in the morning. I make them breakfast everyday. I get them dressed everyday. I take them to school 2-3 days a week. I know their teachers, I know all their friends and their friends parents names. I know their doctors, I know their allergies (none thankfully). I bath them, I get their PJs on and read them the same god damn bed time story everynight for weeks. Because they dont want any of the other books we have, they want George the giant. I draw with them, I play games with them, I know their favourite disney princesses and favourite superheroes.

As for the household I do laundry, I load the dishwasher, I cook my own lunches and tidy up after myself. I iron, I fold and put away laundry, I pick up their toys and tidy their play room. I hoover at the weekend and take them to kids parties. I also do all the chores that my wife wont because "Im the man" Like taking out the bins, cleaning the car, mowing the grass, fixing anything that breaks.

Update 2... days later, After "The talk"

So, I arranged for the in-laws to have the kids Friday night. Me and the wife sat down and had a talk. A LONG talk, probably one of the deepest and hardest talks we have ever had in our 18 years.

I told her my side, that I felt overwhelmed and underappreciated. That I felt I was doing more than my fair share and that she wasn't. I told her that I could understand that while I may be doing plenty around the house and parenting, that I was guilty of letting her take the majority of the mental load but that still didn't excuse her behaviour.

I felt I was firm but fair and to her credit instead of fighting back she listened.

We discussed her feelings and she admits to not prioritising housework and trying to make the most of her "free time" and agreed that we will sit down and come up with a schedule for cleaning that we are both accountable for.

She told me some issues that I wasn't aware of that her mother had been dealing with since retiring and the passing of her father (wife's grandad). loneliness & depression, issues relating to my SIL ( she's a mess and constant headache). which was why she had been going to see her so much.

Other feelings she had been having about feeling lost in kids, not having anything for herself and some depression related to weight gain since having our second child. She has put on 40-50lbs and no longer feels attractive. I told her that I still think she's beautiful but she doesn't. Hence our DB.

There were hurt feelings and tears from both of us.

So we are taking steps to help.

  1. We have both agreed to switch out mornings and evenings. I get the kids up, breakfasts, teeth, dressed and take them to school. She does Dinner, bath, bed etc. the next day we switch. this gives us both some mornings/evenings free to do what we want.

  2. We are both joining the gym, I too have put on some weight and lost muscle since our second child. hopefully this helps with her body confidence.

  3. We are also arranging with the In-laws to have babysitters once a week for us to start going on regular dates again.( for context the in-laws are our only support, I'm an orphan of abusive, raised by my grandmother, now passed.)

  4. We have found a cleaning schedule, where you do certain chores throughout the house everyday but pick one room to "deep clean" everyday too. With me doing laundry, dishwasher etc things that take less time. Her doing the deep cleans and general tidying.

  5. Most importantly she is looking to get a job part-time so she can start helping financially, give her some income that isn't from me and give her something to focus on outside of being a mom.

As all my wages went into the joint account, I felt like I never had any money as I didn't want to spend and there not be enough to pay the mortgage etc. So I never spent money and resented that she did.

So when she gets a job both incomes are going into the joint account, then we are getting a budget together.

Making sure there is enough to cover direct debits, then dividing the remaining into accounts for savings and personal accounts for each of us to have our own money that we can spend how we want guilt free.

6. I'm going to pick up a hobby that gets me out of the house and commute to the office once a week. One thing we discussed was that I was always at home. I didn't do anything other than work and be at home. So we didn't have a lot to talk about, because I didn't go anywhere.

It also meant that she never got any alone time at home away from me and the kids and she felt like a nuisance being at home while I'm at work.

We took this weekend to spend some time together as a family, took the kids to the park, went to a nature reserve for a picnic and bike rides. Took the kids rock climbing followed by ice-cream. It was really nice and we both feel like a weight has been lifted. it's obviously not going to change overnight and we need to work at it. but we have a plan and both seem to want to put in the effort.

To everyone who gave me good advice, recommended therapy (we can't afford it until she starts work but we are looking for when she does.) commiserated with your own stories or just had a kind word to say. Thank You So Much, there were comments that made me cry and so much insight that I hadn't considered. Thank you.

To those of you who clearly didn't read my post but instead assumed I was entitled and entirely to blame because I used the word "help". Or that I probably didn't know my own children's birthdays and allergies. I feel sorry for you and hope that you get the "help" you so sorely need.

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