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NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb joins ire over Molly Ticehurst’s alleged murder

‘Not an isolated case’: Police commissioner joins ire over Molly Ticehurst’s alleged murder

Police Commissioner Karen Webb says the NSW government’s review of bail laws is a priority after a “terrible and frankly horrifying crime”.

  • by Perry Duffin


Molly Ticehurst.

How many more women have to die before we get serious about this epidemic?

The Herald believes two royal commissions are urgently needed: the first a state-based inquiry into laws and resources, the second a national probe examining the underlying causes driving male attitudes towards women.

  • The Herald's View
Three forecasts of flooding - a one-in-100 year flood; accounting for sea-level rising 2 metres; and the worst imaginable flood - in the Camellia-Rosehill precinct as laid out in a 2022 implementation report.

These maps showed the risk of flooding at Rosehill mini-city

Flood risk evaluations of the Rosehill ‘mini-city’ site show what needs to be considered before 25,000 apartments could be built there.

  • by Max Maddison

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