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Is iCloud really that bad ?
Is iCloud really that bad ?

I have only recently joined this sub and I find it really worrisome that I stumble upon frequent posts from iCloud users that have inexplicably lost some/ most of their/ all of their synced data.

I have been using Google drive and never had any issues with it, so reading about all these horror stories really surprised me.

Is iCloud really a bad service ? Or are most cases user error ? Since Apple is such a popular brand I cannot really come to understand how they could possibly mess this so badly and not have a riot to deal with …?!

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Paperspace provides the speed and scalability required to take AI models from concept to production. Stop worrying about Kubernetes, Docker, and framework headaches. Sign up FREE now and start training AI in seconds.

iCloud - 6,000 files suddenly trashed. HOW?
iCloud - 6,000 files suddenly trashed. HOW?

I have been using my iCloud for all my important projects/documents in a very complex folder system. Including large architecture drawing files, presentations, and photo documents.

All of a sudden, I noticed that drawings were missing - I found 6,400 files in my trash!!! Overnight (without me or anybody else touching the files!!)!

On the cloud sign-in online I tried to recover - only 1000 were able to be selected, but then an error message showed and all 'recover-selected' files disappeared - as well as all other 6,400 files. The big files. All my important ones! The folder system (in my icloud finder) is still intact - just files missing - out of folders I haven't touched all year.

I recently added a windows computer with access to the icloud. Before, I had used icloud for my iMac, MacBook and iPhone only. They have different operating systems due to different architecture programs. Windows is new to me.

What happened here? What setting did this and how can I trust to use iCloud in the future?

Apple support was not able to restore these files. The initial 'delete-incident' happened on March 27... I might have only a couple of days to restore - if even possible.

Can anybody help?
Thank you!