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[–]notsara 2457 points2458 points  (15 children)

“I am scared to vocalize anything that I want, because it always turns into ‘Millie Bobby Brown demands this storyline.’ I’m just going to say I trust the Duffer Brothers and their creative process,”

...so this headline went and did that exact thing

[–]hellocaptin 333 points334 points  (10 children)

Yeah clicked on the article and the first thing I see is

"The Duffer Brothers are sensitive Sallies who don’t want to kill anybody off," said Brown, adding that the show should "kill me off!"

Like oh so this isn’t at all what I thought it was about. What a great headline.

Didn’t even read past that. But I guess they got their ad revenue so they don’t care 🙄

[–]Oscarcharliezulu 69 points70 points  (2 children)

This is basically the economic model of the internet.

[–]SublimeDolphin 4 points5 points  (1 child)

When I got to that part I started to seriously wonder if the whole article is just some really clever guerrilla-marketing-viral-psy-op-bullshit.

Like trying to prepare the audience for the upcoming death of main characters, while simultaneously reframing it as drama on set to build some awareness for the season that’s about to drop.

[–]jwC731 82 points83 points  (1 child)

this needs to be the top comment

[–]SeVigdis 7 points8 points  (0 children)

What she meant by that is if she says she wants characters to die people will think they just wrote it in for her because she vocalized it but she does lead on that characters may die and that she trusts the Duffer brothers and their creative decisions.

[–]csortland 6941 points6942 points  (180 children)

Someone doesn't wanna be in a spin-off.

[–]WaylanderII 3227 points3228 points  (111 children)

Someone doesn't wanna be played by another actor in a spin-off

[–]faithisuseless 914 points915 points  (106 children)

Easy, make an alternative 11 that some how was changed by the upside down and looks different.

[–]TheG8Uniter 1497 points1498 points  (48 children)

Just Doctor Who it

Millie gets hurt and transforms into anyone. In fact Millie is the 11th version of itself. Next up is Twelve played by Danny DeVito.

[–]faithisuseless 427 points428 points  (18 children)

Or, hear me out, 11 takes over Bob’s body and we can get Sean Astin back.

[–]FlyYouFoolyCooly 36 points37 points  (1 child)

"Don't you leave those kids, Sean Astin." He said. and I don't mean to.

[–]faithisuseless 31 points32 points  (0 children)

I can’t go into the upside down for you, but I can make you upside down! holds Will upside down by his ankles

[–]kincomer1 123 points124 points  (5 children)

Mr. Frodo!

[–]MelonOfFury 39 points40 points  (3 children)


[–]Poor-Life-Choice 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Boil em. Mash em. Stick em in a stew.

[–]StoneGoldX[🍰] 6 points7 points  (0 children)

This is our time!

[–]Hbimajorv 5 points6 points  (2 children)

Counter offer, he gets the Sean Bean treatment. He has a main roll in every season 1 of every major nerd series for the next 10 years only to die inexplicable deaths in all of them.

Edit: he ALWAYS makes a 2nd breakfast reference.

[–]Omegamanthethird 40 points41 points  (2 children)

I think he's going to be busy playing Wolverine.

[–]shitlord_god 11 points12 points  (1 child)

Is he short enough?

[–]RabSimpson 8 points9 points  (0 children)

He’s having to lie down for the role.

[–]ctrl_alt_excrete 56 points57 points  (0 children)

"So anyway, I started mind-blasting!"

[–]juwanna-blomie 16 points17 points  (2 children)

And they copy the Eggo waffles scene but this universe it’s just boiled eggs.

[–]xBushx 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Bhahaha…this got me good! I see him in the scene, “so it came out of the wall, so I started blastin”

[–]Slightly_Censored 325 points326 points  (10 children)

I want a spinoff where 11 finds out that the facility figured out how to clone her and produced six identical duplicates of her, and they all meet each other and become friends and run a small convenience store together.

It would be called 7-11's

[–]alphaxion 50 points51 points  (0 children)

[Too Many Cooks music intensifies]

[–]faithisuseless 5 points6 points  (0 children)

They can just deep fake her and use old lines like South Park did for Chef.

[–]PM_your_recipe 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Go sit in the corner, you know what you did.

[–]ColdNyQuiiL 79 points80 points  (23 children)

Why stop at 11? Do the whole cast, then you can explain why all the characters got race swapped, and their ages don’t make sense anymore.

[–]Urocyon2012 71 points72 points  (2 children)

Character dies. Cut to a group of people in the modern era sitting around the table with various dice and figures before them. One of the individuals is crestfallen but a second individual, who sits behind a sheet of cardboard, cheerfully exclaims, "Do worry! Just roll up a new character. The games doesn't have to end here."

[–]mlc885 33 points34 points  (0 children)

And, with enough money to give to her, you can have Millie Bobby Brown come back in several years and explain that she reality warped everyone via the idea of a game she learned to save them

[–]_night_cat 21 points22 points  (3 children)

They’ll just do a “Stranger Things Babies” spin off cartoon instead

[–]standup-philosofer 319 points320 points  (49 children)

Wait until her career is commercials then she'll be 1000% in on a spin off.

[–]JonesBee 154 points155 points  (11 children)

I'm ok with a reboot in 20 years pr so with original cast. Kind of homage to IT, the kids are all grown up and back in town. Like they did with Cobra Kai.

[–]nomnombubbles 61 points62 points  (4 children)

Hopefully they will all be competent enough to kill monsters by then lol.

[–]keithrc 9 points10 points  (3 children)

Once people are competent at killing them we no longer call them monsters, just animals.

[–]JunkPup 50 points51 points  (1 child)

Yeah I had an idea for this a while back called “Stranger Things 1999” where the whole cast is aged with kids of their own in the late 1990s. Make them fight a Y2K monster or something, idk. It kinda writes itself.

[–]apegoneinsane 2813 points2814 points  (197 children)

I don’t think I would be bothered by any of the main characters dying outside of maybe Steve.

[–]Decentkimchi 1805 points1806 points  (136 children)

I just don't understand why those kids are even alive!

Mike, Dustin, will, Lucas and max have all been standing 5 ft from monsters doing nothing for 2 seasons by now. None of them fight, but get carted around everywhere.

Steve and Jonathan have faught monsters for 3 years by now, but they still can't get themselves to use guns for some reason. This would be 4th year in a row Steve and Jonathan would be fighting monsters with just sticks because Nancy had a gun in season 1, so that's her thing now.

[–]dolerbom 1145 points1146 points  (53 children)

I really expected them to make the kids more creative fighting the monsters. Since they played d&d I thought they might employ some strategy, like countering the blind monster by spraying them with some kind of febreze contraption or something.

But nah, they just stand around and throw rocks.

[–]Monkeyspazum 419 points420 points  (10 children)

Let them go all Home Alone on the monsters!

[–]PopeGlitterhoofVI 87 points88 points  (7 children)

I made my family disappear!

[–]shaolinbonk 50 points51 points  (6 children)

Look what you did, ya little jerk!

[–]SalaciousSausage 26 points27 points  (2 children)

Demogorgon you’re such a disease

[–]KaneRobot 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Mike, your girlfriend...woof!

[–]PedroEglasias 28 points29 points  (2 children)

Keep the change ya filthy demigorgon

[–]zchatham 187 points188 points  (16 children)

I feel like D&D was just used in ssn 1 for cuteness and nostalgia. But now the shows audience is mostly not people who would be nostalgic for d&d

[–]BurgersAndRyes 46 points47 points  (0 children)

And now I'm nostalgic for season 1.

[–]NotTheRealWillSmith 75 points76 points  (9 children)

It was never really a D&D show though.

It was just used to kind of explain that there is some kind of demon like monster.

[–]decidedlyindecisive 48 points49 points  (3 children)

All of the "magic" in the show used D&D references back in S1 though, didn't it? Not just the Demogorgon

[–]NotTheRealWillSmith 57 points58 points  (2 children)

Yes but the references were just a vehicle for the kids to relate to what was going on around them.

The Demogorgon from the show has nothing to do with the Demogorgon from D&D and it's not meant to. The kids just call it that because they're D&D nerds. They could have just as easily been LOTRs fans and referred to it as Sauron but that wouldn't have made it a show about LOTRs.

[–]Nixbling 6 points7 points  (2 children)

Didnt the duffer brothers describe the show as a literal D&D campaign

[–]NotTheRealWillSmith 11 points12 points  (0 children)

They might have and it's certainly largely played out like a D&D campaign but that doesn't make it a show about D&D though.

The game was always just a vehicle for the kids to relate to what was happening. It's not like they're actually crossing over into the Forgotten Realms or anything.

[–]reelfilmgeek 57 points58 points  (1 child)

I remember when people recommended season 1 to me because "it had dnd in it".

[–]DarthLightside 80 points81 points  (2 children)

It would have been awesome to see the kids take on their roles in D&D in actual combat somehow. Would've made a nice parallel with the game.

[–]TheColourOfHeartache 52 points53 points  (1 child)

Max did backstab her brother. She's not in the D&D game but the party does have a rogue shaped gap.

[–]DarthLightside 21 points22 points  (0 children)

That's true and I completely forgot about that.

[–]onemandisco 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Andy fireworks

[–]Urdnot_wrx 26 points27 points  (4 children)

I guess the creators thought this coulda gone "goonies" super fast.

[–]monster_syndrome 313 points314 points  (8 children)

This would be 4th year in a row Steve and Jonathan would be fighting monsters with just sticks because Nancy had a gun in season 1, so that's her thing now

Even if they thought season one was a fluke, after season two where you learn there's this interdimensional monster trying to bridge the gap between worlds you might consider getting some weapons training. Hopper might have even offered some pointers if you say you're just trying to be more effective backup for the next Upside Down incursion.

[–]Chodeinger 196 points197 points  (1 child)

Really! It’s time to Sarah Connor up kids

[–]Zorodude77 97 points98 points  (3 children)

I get this point, but also at the end of season two they thought they had permanently closed the door. It’s not like the characters have “season 3, more monsters coming” on their calendars for 6 months out so they can start their training regiment.

[–]AWildEnglishman 71 points72 points  (1 child)

If I just learned there was an interdimensional portal full of monsters, I'd be tooling the fuck up regardless of how closed the door was. Who knows what else is out there.

[–]candygram4mongo 32 points33 points  (0 children)

More like moving the fuck on. Joyce had the right idea, though bringing Eleven along was probably a bad call.

[–]monster_syndrome 23 points24 points  (0 children)

I get this point, but also at the end of season two they thought they had permanently closed the door.

A door that can be opened and closed by people, and potentially other things out there. Steve also keeps the bat (or made another) from the season one demogorgon fight, maybe it's just a souvenir but it's also just as likely he feels like it's worth keeping around.

[–]torrasque666 149 points150 points  (15 children)

Guys Smash, girls shoot, that's why.


[–]fredagsfisk 42 points43 points  (0 children)

Ohh, nostalgia. Think that (or similar) was one of the first tropes I looked up on TVTropes many years ago, after noticing that a lot of snipers in anime/manga are female.

[–]noctis89 40 points41 points  (1 child)

Interesting link. Having recently just watched the series, I Appreciate they acknowledge Fate/Stay and how the trope was valid for the main characters only, but it was completely reversed between their servants.

[–]coltrain61 12 points13 points  (0 children)

It kind of works that the servants have the same fighting style as the master though

[–]MisplacedUsername 29 points30 points  (3 children)

Especially since its what, 1984 or 1985 and could still buy literal machine guns then. Isn’t Steve the town rich kid?

[–]mr_jiStargate SG-1 11 points12 points  (2 children)

If he's a rich kid, why is he working at an ice cream shop in the mall?

[–]queen_oops 7 points8 points  (1 child)

His parents are trying to teach him a lesson, I think that's in Season 3 Episode 1?

[–]voidsong 80 points81 points  (9 children)

Dude if i knew other dimensional monsters existed and could bust through at any second, i would be covered with guns and grenades/bombs at all times, even while shitting.

[–]SpuzzLovely 75 points76 points  (1 child)

I'd be shitting at all times

[–]CaptainEllisD 16 points17 points  (0 children)

...even while covered in guns and grenades/bombs.

[–]neogreenlantern 34 points35 points  (5 children)

You'd be looking like a 90s X-Men character.

[–]bullintheheather 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Rob Liefeld wants to know your location.

[–]onemandisco 31 points32 points  (1 child)

Lucas and Will we're chucking cherry bombs at the mind flayer.

[–]SQUID_FUCKER 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Yeah, if I remember correctly, Billy's sister wanted to sit back and let El do the work and Lucas and Will decided to make bombs.

[–]SpiritPaper 54 points55 points  (8 children)

At least one of those kids should've died at the end of Season 3. All they killed was the bully racist stepbrother who no one will miss.

[–]infiniZii 49 points50 points  (2 children)

I'm still upset by what they did to Bob.

[–]PM_ME_UPLIFTING_FACT 110 points111 points  (3 children)

Monkey paw curls

Steve lives, but loses all his hair and must go bald for the rest of his life.

[–]shambollix 138 points139 points  (0 children)

Don't even mention his fucking name in this discussion in case anyone gets ideas!!!

[–]imageWS 20 points21 points  (4 children)

I would be shocked... that Netflix was gutsy enough to kill off someone in their main cash cow.

[–]Team7UBard 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Like they’d really kill off Ricky Gervais or Dave Chapelle..

[–]Darko33 18 points19 points  (0 children)

I couldn't bear to lose Hopper personally, and normally despise the whole bringing characters back from certain death trope but didn't mind it one bit here.

...his air of perpetual exasperation with literally everything he sees and hears speaks to me on a spiritual level

[–]yodimboi 42 points43 points  (2 children)

Dustin too. Him and Steve should honestly get their own spin off

[–]Starbuck522 1793 points1794 points  (138 children)

So...this is a spoiler that none of them die in the just released season.

[–]zaulik 374 points375 points  (20 children)

The first line in the article says “The ‘Stranger Things’ kids might not all make it to Season 5.”.

The author doesn’t seem to know. So, no spoilers.

[–]Metradime 217 points218 points  (15 children)

Mate - if the actress wants her character killed off, that means they probably were not killed off in the upcoming season.

[–]eden_sc2 122 points123 points  (10 children)

It's also possibly a reference to the fact that hopper is coming back. He has a great bittersweet death for his character, but they couldn't let a man die with a fulfilling character arc could they?

[–]Mentalpatient87 17 points18 points  (0 children)

That was the most obvious fakeout death ever. The portal was still open and right there.

[–]zaulik 83 points84 points  (7 children)

He’a alive at the end of Season 3, post credit scene

[–]Prax150Boss 24 points25 points  (3 children)

I know it would technically be a spoiler but are we really going to get all up in arms because we know one of the main fucking characters doesn't die in what isn't even the last season of the show? Like how does that ruin the show for anyone?

[–]SQUID_FUCKER 10 points11 points  (1 child)

Especially Eleven. She's not dying. That was never gonna happen before the end of the series. The rest of the kids I wouldn't be so sure.

[–]Talexis 196 points197 points  (90 children)

What’s a stake then? My interest fell off after season two. Just didn’t seem like anyone in the main cast was in any real danger. But again I stopped at s2

[–]Whitewind617 127 points128 points  (35 children)

S3 was kind of ridiculous in how it once again added a new character just to kill them off seemingly.

[–]00roku 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Huh? The only main character who died was Billy and he was definitely introduced before.

[–]Whitewind617 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Ah, you're kinda right, I forgot how much he's in Season 2. But still, he's not one of the core characters and so I can still see them thinking of him as a "safe kill" because he didn't have any fans after S2.

[–]zchatham 118 points119 points  (17 children)

Rewatching season 1 is kind of a bummer because of how drastically the tone changed. It went from a small rural town horror to a fun 80s romp in a relatively small city.

I feel like they went from wanting to make a Stephen King book to making a John Hughes film.

[–]tsleb 25 points26 points  (3 children)

Also at one point I genuinely thought they killed off a child.

Now I know there's zero threat to the main characters, just the new adults that get introduced.

[–]PunyParker826 13 points14 points  (2 children)

Don’t quote me on this, but I think the original intention was to pull an American Horror Story and have each season be its own standalone story - which makes sense, given how that first season ends. But the show turned into such a mega-hit that they decided to continue.

[–]ACardAttackThe Venture Bros. 170 points171 points  (16 children)

Season 3 they killed Hopper and then brought him back which killed any emotion that the ending had.

You dont always need stakes, I go back and rewatch things I know the outcome to, but overall for this show it's run its course

[–]Whitewind617 70 points71 points  (11 children)

If they really wanted to save him don't fake us out like that. Yeah the last scene makes it obvious he's alive, but that's well after everything else is resolved and I've already decided he was probably dead. Just show him not dying you cowards, they want to have their cake and eat it too.

[–]sybrwookie 59 points60 points  (0 children)

Nah, they didn't kill anyone. They transported him to a Russian prison, where he was experimented on and given the super soldier serum, and he was stuck there until Black Widow broke him out.

[–]PlayingNightcrawlers 44 points45 points  (3 children)

It’s the implication of danger.

[–]Suncheets 74 points75 points  (2 children)

But they were never even on a boat??

[–]freakincampersAgents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 21 points22 points  (0 children)

See, you get them a little tipsy and take them to the upside down. They look around, and all they see around them for miles is desecrated land. They won't say no, because of the implication.

What implication?

The implication that you'll leave them to be devoured by denizens of the upside-down.

[–][deleted] 858 points859 points  (52 children)

Well, she is absolutely right, but it's surprising how hardish she went for it in that piece.

They even wrote the nicest hobbit into the show, just so they could have something to kill with an emotional impact, because they were too much of a cowards to kill one of the bigger characters.

I honestly had already forgotten that part with Hopper. Yeah fuck that too.

[–]Lukaie 536 points537 points  (47 children)

They even wrote the nicest hobbit into the show, just so they could have something to kill with an emotional impact, because they were too much of a cowards to kill one of the bigger characters.

They do that every season. They have this cute adorable nice character they write in every season just to die a horrible death for emotional impact/surprise.

Season 1 was Barb.

Season 2 was Bob.

Season 3 was Alexei.

[–]dnepe 155 points156 points  (4 children)

Poor Alexei, I miss him.

[–]ednamode23 33 points34 points  (0 children)

Out of those 3, Alexei was the best and his death was the saddest. At least he got to die doing something happy unlike the other two did.

[–]Bumpi_Boi 294 points295 points  (23 children)

Barb was retconned. No one liked Barb in season 1.

[–]howdybertus 260 points261 points  (21 children)

Yep, the writers didnt give 2 shits about Barb in season 1 and she mas merely a plot device supposed to die to advance Nancy's story. It was only after the fans started with the justice for Barb online campaign that they gave her more thought.

[–]FilliusTExplodio 22 points23 points  (5 children)

I'm not convinced the fans actually gave a shit about Barb as a character. That whole campaign was basically a meme.

[–]muad_dibs 57 points58 points  (5 children)

What did they do? I forgot.

[–]OSUTechie 159 points160 points  (3 children)

Had Nancy and Jonathan investigate Barb's disappearance. Eventually I believe the company paid the family for Barb's Death.

Its during the story arch where Nancy and Jonathan hook-up at the crazy conspiracy guy's house

[–]Reddit_licks_boots 20 points21 points  (8 children)

Still baffled by that online campaign. She was so obviously a plot device and even more obviously dead.

[–]tregorman 16 points17 points  (0 children)

The diner guy that finds 11 is probably a better example

[–]cdnkevin 33 points34 points  (3 children)

I was thinking that they’d kill off some main characters to be edgy, but would it be realistic?

In the 80s the show and movies were all ones where the heroes lived.

I’d like them all to live, but I think Will will die, and I think Eleven will have to sacrifice herself at the end to protect the town/world.

[–]H_Korean 79 points80 points  (0 children)

“I am scared to vocalize anything that I want, because it always turns into ‘Millie Bobby Brown demands this storyline.’ I’m just going to say I trust the Duffer Brothers and their creative process,” - As the title of article says just that lmao

[–]tkingsbu 704 points705 points  (33 children)

Millie bobby brown wants to move on with her movie career.


And I fully support her, as well as her fellow actors on the show, as well as the creative team behind the show itself.

The show, I think, is wonderful. It’s made all of them household names… it’s been fun and creative etc. it’ll be great to see what everyone does next.

[–]ACardAttackThe Venture Bros. 109 points110 points  (24 children)

I mean she can right? No one will force her to sign on for another season, or is she signed on for more seasons should the show continue?

[–]zchatham 218 points219 points  (19 children)

I would imagine that part of the allure of getting a show with young and unknown actors going, is that it's very easy to lock them in to long term contracts, should you luck into a hit.

[–]derstherowerCurb Your Enthusiasm 193 points194 points  (15 children)

As an example, Olivia Rodrigo, arguably the hottest pop star on the planet right now, will be in the third season of the mediocre streaming show High School Musical: The Musical: The Series because they got her locked down for several years when they started making it and she was a nobody.

[–]teckhunter 195 points196 points  (5 children)

not to discount her achievements, but Disney probably helped her out big time for her musical career anyway. most of disney stars have had help from company for launch. Their later success is on them though. So its kind of a win win thing Disney does

[–]NitronicFury 40 points41 points  (3 children)

Yeah, like we never would have gotten “driver’s license” to blow up if she wasn’t on the show + she didn’t write/sing a major song in Season 2 herself

[–]imtherealkiller 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Season 1 was actually the season where All I Want is featured, I’m assuming that’s the song you’re referring to. Season 2 wasn’t quite as popular and honestly still has the dumbest ending I’ve ever seen

[–]Studio2770 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Yep, I'm sure the costs that go into recording an album ain't cheap. Plus connections.

[–]Delicious-Tachyons 12 points13 points  (1 child)

man i'm so out of touch i have no idea who she is... i'll check her out on Spotify

[–]Beercorn1 232 points233 points  (19 children)

If there's one main character on this show who's long overdue to get killed off it's Will Byers.

Just put the kid out of his misery already.

[–]HobbitDowneyJr 101 points102 points  (2 children)

how about a decent haircut if he dies off

that cut is just terrible.

[–]NitronicFury 118 points119 points  (5 children)

Honestly I was thinking Mike, he’s been pretty useless for a while now.

First season he’s the main character even though both Dustin and Lucas are more interesting characters…the El romance is cute I guess.

Season 2 I feel like he’s just bitching and groaning about El being gone and rejecting Max from the party for most of it…not that that’s not how an 11 or 12 year old would act, but it gets old quick.

And then Season 3 he’s just El’s boyfriend for most of it outside of a couple moments with Will. It’s funny how Nancy was probably supposed to just be “Mike’s older sister” but now that her character has grown to be one of the most developed and fleshed on the show, Mike just feels like her little brother

[–]Rasulini 47 points48 points  (0 children)

It’s funny how Nancy was probably supposed to just be “Mike’s older sister” but now that her character has grown to be one of the most developed and flesh on the show, Mike just feels like her little brother

You hit the nail on the head with this. I hadn't put thought into it, but it's true. I'm glad though; there's nothing I enjoy more than seeing secondary characters having potential and the writers deciding to use that to elevate the character into a main one.

[–]allaboutthataction 9 points10 points  (0 children)

His therapy bills must be outrageous.

[–]426763 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I legit thought they were gonna kill him off when he was possessed.

[–]CollateralSandwich 563 points564 points  (27 children)

I agree with her if only because the end of last season was such a groaner. A character "dies" right in front of us. They have a great, emotional send off for the character...and then - SURPRISE! They're actually in Russia now. Wait, wtf? I really disliked that, but I know I'm probably in the minority as the character is beloved

[–]FakoSizlo 216 points217 points  (16 children)

From rumors around the time the death was meant to be permanent to give the actor a chance to do more movies. The Russia scene was added to give them an out just in case.

[–]ManicFirestorm 343 points344 points  (2 children)

You mean in case their Hellboy movie tanked?

[–]FakoSizlo 148 points149 points  (1 child)

Pretty much which it did

[–]getstabbed 87 points88 points  (7 children)

I hope they actually give a purpose for him surviving, and not just because he’s a fan favourite.

He better be damn important to the plot or S4.

[–]ArchDucky 54 points55 points  (3 children)

He jumped in the upside down. He literally looked at the hole before it cut away and the thingy blew up.

[–]Ninian_Hawk 52 points53 points  (2 children)

I thought it was pretty obvious that he survived.

No body, no crime.

[–]GunBrothersGaming 126 points127 points  (2 children)

Well he escapes the Russian prison with help from Black Widow.

[–]LIFOsuction44 33 points34 points  (1 child)

Red Guardian in the Multiverse of Madness

[–]SalaciousSausage 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Tbh I don’t think he’d even be phased.

Frankly I just want him to fit more nicely into the suit. Poor guy was suffering big time trying to get it on

[–]d0nttweet 35 points36 points  (1 child)

lol this is so not true at all. He was gonna be in Hellboy, that's it. Everyone has been in multiple movies while doing the show.

[–]Scooter411 29 points30 points  (0 children)

Black widow as well. That started filming at the same time season 3 came out.

[–]ChangeUpstairs3352[S] 45 points46 points  (1 child)

Nah, I think you're right, What's all the emotional drama if the character's death doesn't even matter.

[–]Lanc717 109 points110 points  (4 children)

Gonna miss your chance at a reboot 30 years down the line

[–]jawnsusername 26 points27 points  (2 children)

Not necessarily. Dan died in Roseanne but they brought him back to life for the reboot. Stupid af, but they did it.

[–]PrettyFlyForAFatGuy 232 points233 points  (30 children)

She wants out of her contract so she can take up big film roles

[–]klingma 175 points176 points  (9 children)

Gotta film more Godzilla movies apparently.

[–]deckar01 151 points152 points  (2 children)

Fun fact: you can cut the Millie-conspiracy side plot out of Godzilla and the movie still makes perfect sense. I am convinced they tacked it on as an afterthought just to hit a demographic.

[–]PunyParker826 3 points4 points  (0 children)

A couple articles came out around that time that mention the original script was chopped way down and simplified (probably for the better) late into production, meaning that they had to make use of a lot of existing footage and completed FX shots. Millie and Friends’ part was more relevant in the earlier version of the plot, iirc, but with the change-up they weren’t left with much to do.

[–]SpehlingAirer 57 points58 points  (5 children)

Her character in GvK was hilariously reckless, but I didn't mind cause it got us deeper into Apex with every stupid decision and let's be real I wasn't there for the story.

[–]singlelens313 16 points17 points  (4 children)

I wasn't there for the story

That's how I feel with the Jurassic movies. I just want to see dinosaurs attack people and fight each other.

[–]Testastic 38 points39 points  (14 children)

like what

[–]Clobber420 399 points400 points  (0 children)

Normal Things

[–]everyfcknameistakn 92 points93 points  (0 children)

Drake's biography

[–]dangerislander 61 points62 points  (6 children)

Anything by the looks of it. I think she trying to go for either a Zendaya (popular, superhero films/shows) or Saoirse (critically acclaimed actress) kind of career. I'd say she wants to delve into superhero territory soon.

[–]doodler1977 73 points74 points  (3 children)

not to pigeonhole someone based on their looks/demeanor, but she's kind of got a Jodie Foster-style career brewing. Precocious/weird kid roles, Enola Holmes is basically Bugsy Malone.

hoping for a Zendaya career is folly, i'd say. She'll be 2nd or 3rd choice (at best) for all the best stuff, leaving her with the 2nd-tier stuff. Better to pivot to roles where she'd be first choice

[–]maskedbanditoftruth 16 points17 points  (1 child)

Trouble is, her nightmare family is common knowledge and no one wants to deal with her dad’s demands. Until she breaks away, I don’t think she’ll be getting those big roles much.

[–]SnooLemons5457 65 points66 points  (7 children)

Does she realize they all will die when Netflix cuts season 5 to spend money on “Half Naked Cupcake Influencer Date Extravaganza Island season 13”?

[–]CurseofLono88 9 points10 points  (1 child)

That’s fine but can Will have a happy ending? That poor motherfucker has been through some shit

[–]BitterBubblegum 436 points437 points  (46 children)

I interpret that headline as "main characters didn't die in the new season she already shot". For me, as a spoilers sensitive guy who isn't smart enough to understand he shouldn't be here, that's TMI. I like the feeling of not knowing if everyone are safe.

[–]AManInACape 51 points52 points  (5 children)

It could be misdirection. Better Call Saul crew downplayed the midseason finale and then it had the most shocking moment of the series.

They might push this narrative this week and then main characters do die. Ep. 7 is titled the Massacre at Hawkins lab, is the 2nd longest episode of the season, and the last episode before they leave us on a cliffhanger until July.

It could go either way.

[–]Lord_Tibbysito 14 points15 points  (4 children)

Man that was an amazing BCS episode.

[–]themilkman42069 193 points194 points  (30 children)

I mean it’s a kids show modeled on ET. Of course the kids are safe.

[–]Letsbebff 21 points22 points  (3 children)

You're right, tons of plot armour too. It's at this point expected that they survive.

[–]GotMoFans 28 points29 points  (19 children)

Have you heard the story idea from Spielberg for ET 2?

[–]themilkman42069 37 points38 points  (0 children)

Sure. Did you see Spielberg say why he didn’t make it? It takes away the “virginity” of the original film.

[–]MeritedChunk 25 points26 points  (0 children)

That’s what made the first season the best imo, there was still the possibility of a main character actually dying (after that one girl died)

[–]daveblu92 22 points23 points  (2 children)

Upon rewatch of Season 3, I'm actually a little annoyed now that they are bringing Hopper back. At the time, I refused to believe he died, but it was just because I loved his character. But shouldn't that be the point? Shouldn't we experience the same gut punch the characters are experiencing?

[–]Banestar66 4 points5 points  (1 child)

I wish I could upvote this a million times. People defending the death fakeouts have lost me. Do they not get it loses all impact the more you do it?

[–]AnBearna 45 points46 points  (1 child)

Or just finish the series and be done with it. We didn’t have to kill off doc brown and Marty Mc fly to end the BTTF franchise did we?

[–]UsagiJak 102 points103 points  (24 children)

Killing off main characters purely for shock value is bad writing imo

[–]_Grim_LavamancerThe Sopranos 35 points36 points  (10 children)

Seriously, look at the dumpster fire that is The Walking Dead. They killed off way too many characters for pure shock value, which lead to other members of the cast leaving the show, and now it has zero main cast members from season 1. Sometimes its better to let them live, not every show needs to be Game of Thrones.

[–]Schewer 9 points10 points  (2 children)

Daryl is still alive tho

[–]Gonzok 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I had no idea the show was still going

[–]Asleep_Astronaut396 123 points124 points  (21 children)

Stranger things isn't game of thrones, totally different audience and killing off too many main characters is not what i want for the show.

[–]clooless51 62 points63 points  (7 children)

Yeah, this is the kind of show you suspend your disbelief on how these characters continue to survive and just enjoy their dynamic. I really loved GoT, but that kind of dourness is not what I look for in this show. People bemoan Hopper's fake death, I say so what? Hopper is a fun character, I want him around.

[–]idunno-- 28 points29 points  (5 children)

I agree. Not every show need to be gritty and “realistic”. Part of the appeal of ST is its characters and the various dynamics at play, not killing off half the cast because they want to emulate HBO shows.

Also, I don’t think people who want this are considering the implications of killing off one of the kids. Do people really want a whole season of the cast grieving the death of a child? Nancy mourning her friend, or Joyce mourning Bob, or Hopper mourning his daughter, or Max mourning Billy, or Mike and co. briefly mourning Will, and everyone mourning Hopper isn’t enough?

[–]eceejay 5 points6 points  (0 children)

“I am scared to vocalize anything that I want, because it always turns into ‘Millie Bobby Brown demands this storyline.’ I’m just going to say I trust the Duffer Brothers and their creative process,” before looking to Schnapp, who plays Will, saying, “You want Will to die.”

I see she called out the reporters who then did exactly as she said they would.

[–]McFeely_Smackup 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Brown added, “I am scared to vocalize anything that I want, because it always turns into ‘Millie Bobby Brown demands this storyline.’ I’m just going to say I trust the Duffer Brothers and their creative process,”

article headline: "Millie Bobby Brown Wants ‘Stranger Things’ to Kill Off Main Characters"

it's like they're not even pretending to be professional journalists.

[–]JurassicWorldWarZ 4 points5 points  (2 children)

I agree. Decapitate Will already he's useless

[–]akodo1 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Didn't they kill off the Hobbit boyfriend?

[–]Gunningham 23 points24 points  (4 children)

Why? The show’s charm is its campiness. Go too dark and you ruin that.

[–]Banestar66 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Lol why do people keep saying this? S1 is widely considered the best season and it’s the darkest.

[–]flipperkip97 11 points12 points  (1 child)

This sub suddenly hates this show so much, lmao. I guess it's been popular for too long. It's the Reddit way.

[–]owensdus 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I think it has a lot to do with how long between Seasons it is people have become disinterested and really just annoyed by it.

[–]SarlosCainzRj 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Guess she just spoilt the newest season.