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[–]Wet_sock_Owner 956 points957 points  (15 children)

Jon Bon Jovi's son? Wonder how they met

[–]CrumblingAway 326 points327 points  (2 children)

Bovine Joni?

[–]blinker265 154 points155 points  (0 children)


[–]chels_rene 33 points34 points  (0 children)

Question, is this a laser pointer?

[–]Pitiful_Project9837 395 points396 points  (8 children)

Instagram dm

[–]Wet_sock_Owner 517 points518 points  (4 children)

Gees, must be wild to be a celebrity. Just message other celebrities like 'hey what's up! I like that show you're on.'

[–]b3tamaxx 101 points102 points  (3 children)

isnt that what cardi was trying to do with eddie munson

[–]MihoyMinoy2019Ahoy! 302 points303 points  (1 child)

Not Cardi, she’s married. It was Doja Cat

[–]Barabus33 253 points254 points  (0 children)

Doja Cat was also in a relationship at the time, which makes Schnapp putting her on blast all the more funny.

[–]SulphaTerra 73 points74 points  (1 child)

Probably opened the conversation with "Have a nice day!"

[–]Mister_Rose 22 points23 points  (0 children)

And she replied, "Let go my ego?"

[–]Rolyat28 52 points53 points  (0 children)

So I guess it started with being friends on IG then her friend Gia introduced them in person

[–]WishBear19 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Probably living on a prayer on a bed of roses.

[–]notevanyoung 986 points987 points  (7 children)

Hey, Noah’s finally gonna get to be the maid of honor.

[–]Full-Surround... or Should I go 137 points138 points  (6 children)

That was my first thought!

[–]notevanyoung 78 points79 points  (5 children)

Hope they make it though, haven’t closely filled the relationship, but they seem really happy.

[–]Full-Surround... or Should I go 49 points50 points  (4 children)

For sure! I follow Millie's other work projects but not so much her personal life so I'm not super up to date but I remember her talking in an interview about Jake having met Noah :)

[–]notevanyoung 35 points36 points  (3 children)

I’ve seen pics and some vids and they seem to get along great, so it bodes well that her best friend is fully on board with it.

[–]wm_1176 31 points32 points  (2 children)

True, but her best friend also probably wouldn’t publicly say “omg you are so stupid don’t do this”

[–]notevanyoung 11 points12 points  (1 child)

Oh I meant of the relationship, not the engagement. Should’ve specified, my bad

[–]wm_1176 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Ah okay okay makes sense haha!

Still some of the same sentiment, a good friend will be supportive but also respect someone’s autonomy, but I do agree with you.

[–]Few_Interaction2630 3312 points3313 points  (93 children)

But that illegal she is 11 lol.

Edit wow thank you all for massive amount of upvotes I think speak for most when I say jokes aside I wish them all best with the engagement

[–][deleted] 1489 points1490 points  (84 children)

Made me lol.

But all jokes aside, 19 is a very yikes age to get engaged at. Especially since it means they'll probably be married while she's still a teenager

[–]hikehikebaby 706 points707 points  (62 children)

It's a big yikes. I was madly in love when I was 19 thank God I didn't marry him. It's hard to make it good life decisions when the most important part of your brain hasn't developed. All of my relationships, including friendships, relationships with family, & romantic relationships changed drastically as I aged through my 20s.

What's the big rush?

[–]WollyGog 215 points216 points  (2 children)

Met my wife when I was 18, engaged 8 years later. Celebrating 10 years married today.

Absolutely no need to rush.

[–]geek_of_nature 64 points65 points  (0 children)

My cousin and his partner have been together since high school, they're almost 30 and they've only just gotten engaged. On the other hand my ex kept putting pressure on me about marriage, and since we split she's already been married and divorced. Absolutely no need to rush.

[–]A-Train9001 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Congratulations on 10 years!

[–]midnightstreetlamps 85 points86 points  (4 children)

One of my best friends got married at 19? 20? They were divorced maybe 2 years later and had a kid. Bow she's one of those "it's complicated" girls who's banging her other ex who is a.a crackhead, and b.in a committed relationship.

[–]AvalancheMaster 36 points37 points  (1 child)

Two of my friends became a couple back when we were in high school, 20 years later they have several children together. There are plenty of examples of both successful and unsuccessful early marriage stories.

[–]midnightstreetlamps 3 points4 points  (0 children)

True. Unfortunately the ones who get married early often have kids early and it turns into a messy divorce. A different classmate from my HS had a baby right after graduation. The BD was a deadbeat, but luckily the boyfriend she ended up with a year or two later is spectacular and they got married.

[–]-Squimbelina- 111 points112 points  (1 child)

One of my friends married at 18, has three kids with her husband, is happy and successful and their oldest son just went off to Uni. Anecdotes are just anecdotes. She could go either way.

[–]thedeadlysun 76 points77 points  (0 children)

Outliers do not invalidate actual statistics. Their anecdotes ignored, early marriages are statistically more likely to end in divorce than those that occur once in mid to late 20s.

[–]K-ghulehCoffee and Contemplation 25 points26 points  (0 children)

I was a fuckin idiot at 19 and so was my ex lmao, I cringe thinking back on how I thought we’d be together forever.

[–]AgtBurtMacklin 51 points52 points  (0 children)

Yeah. Despite thinking you know who you are, and are going to be in the future, at age 19…Anyone who made it to their 30s or older can definitively say.. the vast majority do not. I am night and day different from age 19 to almost 20 years later.

Glad I didn’t make a lifetime commitment at that age, with someone who will also be changing dramatically in the next few decades. Takes a true commitment to stay together through all of life’s changes. Even more, if you are starting from almost day 1 of adulthood.

Legally an adult, but in most cases, they have barely experienced life outside of being a child in school, and being told what to do every day of their lives. This is not a slam on the 19 year olds. I was one, too. It’s just that some perspective you only gain with some time and experience. Only a very mature person will be sure of who they are and will be, one year out of high school.

And my experience has told me that teenage years are an excruciatingly bad time to make life commitments. YMMV. It may work out great for some people. Best wishes to her, in all honesty! There are people who make it work really well.

[–]mynamewasusedalready 62 points63 points  (35 children)

I got married at 20, and it was a great decision for me. My sisters got married at 18 and 23, one of my best childhood friends got married at 18 as well, and all of us are still happily together! Its different for everyone, really ❤️

[–]ACowLikeObjectMOST. METAL. EVER!! 19 points20 points  (1 child)

But are all of you living the Hollywood, celebrity lifestyle? That is the difference.

[–]mynamewasusedalready 14 points15 points  (0 children)

That’s fair, Hollywood can be brutal. I can’t imagine having millions watching my personal relationships unfold. So so toxic.

[–]hikehikebaby 74 points75 points  (9 children)

Glad to hear it, but we have actual statistics on early marriages. Y'all are the exception.

[–]mynamewasusedalready 28 points29 points  (5 children)

Sure, there’s statistics but marriage is wayyyy more complicated than just what age it happens at. If it was so simple everyone would wait till they’re 30 lol. I’m just saying that Millie seems to be level headed and knows what’s best for her situation. Not our place to judge.

[–]hikehikebaby 9 points10 points  (4 children)

I'm not really sure what data you're basing that off of.

[–]narraun 27 points28 points  (3 children)

There are a lot of factors on marriage success, socioeconomic status, values/beliefs, upbringing, personalities etc. Focusing on just age as determining successful marriage is reductive and dismissive of other possible factors that may be more or less tangible.

[–]thamanwthnoname 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Every 20 something year old I know thinks they have the whole world figured out, much like I did. I don’t think it’s that unfair to put a lot of weight on age. Most people don’t even know who they are yet.

[–]tobiasvl 10 points11 points  (0 children)

This is true, but most of the things you listed often change as we age - socioeconomic status, values/beliefs and personalities are all things that often settle much later in life than in the late teens.

Also, it's a highly controllable factor - unless you're a child bride or in an arranged marriage or something, anyone can choose which age they get married at, but few people can choose their socioeconomic status, values, upbringing or personality to a very large degree.

[–]Exnaut 30 points31 points  (1 child)

Obviously if it works out it works out, I'm happy for y'all that it did

Doesn't really mean it's still not a stupid thing to do though

[–]presto311 22 points23 points  (5 children)

My parents were both 19 and they’re celebrating their 50th this year. :)

[–]HandOverTheFlapJacks 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Agreed! I was engaged at 19, married at 20. Still happily married 22 years later. We are the love of each others lives and knew it.

[–]tobiasvl 5 points6 points  (10 children)

So it was a great decision because you lucked out? Statistics are statistics. Why were you in a rush, what would have happened if you had waited?

It's different for everyone, but nobody can tell the future.

[–]mynamewasusedalready 6 points7 points  (6 children)

Lmfao “lucked out” is not how I’d put that. I can’t speak for anyone else, but me and my husband have worked extremely hard to have a wonderful relationship. It takes lots of commitment and compromise. Me and my husband had what it took at 20 and 21. Some people will still be disloyal, flaky asshole partners even if they get married at 45.

[–]tobiasvl 4 points5 points  (5 children)

Of course, but people change a lot in their teens and twenties. You can't know that the person you get together with at that age will be a person you'll still love in a decade, or that you'll still be compatible. At 45 you at least know what you get.

I guess I just don't understand the point of getting married so early. What's the upside? It seems like a gamble to me, with many downsides and no real upsides (besides adhering to cultural norms, and maybe some tax breaks in some countries - in my country the average age when marrying is 35.4 and there are no real legal benefits, and I understand it's different elsewhere, but it seems you're talking about personal/internal motivation anyway).

The original comment asked "What's the big rush?" and even though you replied to it with your anecdotal history, you didn't answer that question, which is the same as my question. What WAS the big rush?

I'm married too, btw, I got married at 28. Before I met my wife I had many long-term girlfriends who I thought I'd marry at the time, but am glad I didn't. I'm sure we could have made it work though.

[–]mynamewasusedalready 2 points3 points  (3 children)

There was no rush, I mean why did you want to get married? Why does anyone get married? For me it was that I wanted to be committed to my person and not spend a decade with someone else just to break up. Nothing in life is guaranteed. Of course me and my husband might have gotten divorced, no one can predict the future. It was worth it to us though. Still is. Like I said, people are different. Maybe Millie has the same opinions about it as I do, or maybe she has some other reasons. We don’t know her so why judge?

[–]atomicmrpelly 62 points63 points  (0 children)

NGL I thought she was still under 18 so I'm a bit relieved at reading your comment. But yeah, still very young to be making that sort of decision. I wish them nothing but happiness and longevity though.

[–]Sk8rToon 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Occasionally it works. My cousin was too young to drink at her wedding (20) but they’re still married 20+ years later with 2 kids & a couple of dogs.

Doesn’t always work & I think statistics are against you but sometimes it does

[–]juleskirsten 10 points11 points  (0 children)

1000% agree. I’m 23 I almost got engaged last year, we looked at rings and fantasized about what the wedding would be like. We broke up a few months later and I regret wanting to get engaged so young

[–]SnooPears4919 22 points23 points  (0 children)

i agree, i’m 20 and can’t imagine getting married but hey it is possible!! rhett and link both got married around that age and are both still seemingly happily married so hoping the best for her.

[–]Few_Interaction2630 41 points42 points  (0 children)

Well I mean an engagement doesn't equal marriage straight away

[–]wlburk 12 points13 points  (0 children)

My mom married my dad when she was 19, and they're celebrating their 50th anniversary this year. I got engaged at 20, married at 22, and I'm still happily married 14 years later. Everyone is different.

Of course, this is a celebrity's first marriage, so unlikely to last.

[–]kitty_767 7 points8 points  (0 children)

It reeeaaally depends on the couple. I met my husband at 18, married him when I was 23. We've been together for 10 years now and plan on staying together forever lol. Hopefully her being famous doesn't hinder anything, though! I only try to wish for the best for people no matter what 😅

[–]thespiegel 157 points158 points  (0 children)


Shut up and take my upvote.

[–]nagidonCherry Slurpee 42 points43 points  (4 children)

No she isn- 😐

[–]Amazing-Occasion6485 58 points59 points  (1 child)

She’s definitely 11 🤔

[–]Stevo2008 22 points23 points  (0 children)


[–]slytherinxiii 920 points921 points  (10 children)

On one hand, good for her, I hope she’s over the moon happy (and him too). She looks beautiful! So does the ring!

On the other, I turn 23 this year and I’m no where near ready to get married. I feel like I was a baby at 19.

[–]cars-on-mars-2 327 points328 points  (2 children)

I got married at 22 and my husband and I still laugh about what babies we were. The good part is you do a lot of growing up together. But the bad part is you do a lot of growing up together.

[–]slytherinxiii 44 points45 points  (1 child)

So did my parents! Actually because they were suddenly expecting me lol. They’d been together for five years prior so they’ve really grown up together. They’re fortunately still together and happy.

When I turned 22, I spent days bothering my mom asking her how she chose to have me at this age, how they felt ready. I feel like I have several years left until I’m ready for any of that.

[–]cars-on-mars-2 13 points14 points  (0 children)

I was fortunate in that the cute boy I was so taken with turned out to be a really solid partner and a good man. But it can be risky when you’re so young because you don’t necessarily know what qualities are important in a partner yet. It may sound weird coming from me, but it’s completely worthwhile to be deliberate about it.

Glad to hear your folks went the distance :)

[–]miss_shrimp 141 points142 points  (2 children)

I feel like a baby and I’m 31.

[–]Ricekrisbee 44 points45 points  (0 children)

I'm 33, married (dated for like 6 years btw) with a 2 year old and a second on the way. Just told my wife the other day that I still feel like a kid. Hope that never changes.

[–]slytherinxiii 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I’ll probably feel the same when I get there lol

[–]EastKoreaOfficial 19 points20 points  (0 children)

I’m almost 18 and still have the emotional maturity (and financial intellect) of a 10-year old who spends most of my money on LEGO and video games, so y’know, anything is possible

[–]karathrace99Superhero 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Dude, same. I’m 23 and I can barely ask people to coffee without hyperventilating lol

[–]Glittering-Prompt722 1331 points1332 points  (9 children)

she is so young 😭

[–]Outrageous_Ad_1011 399 points400 points  (1 child)

Sometimes she looks like she's speedrunning life

[–]geek_of_nature 283 points284 points  (0 children)

I worry she's going to have a meltdown at some point unfortunately. She seems to be going the standard way of the child star that I thought had been left behind.

[–]ChekhovsZombieBear 396 points397 points  (0 children)

Yeeeaaah, as someone who got engaged at 19 and married at 20, I would not encourage this.

[–]supplyncommand 181 points182 points  (0 children)

literally so young lol

[–][deleted] 125 points126 points  (1 child)

We got married at 21. Been 18 years. Depends on the couple.

[–]donkey_boardz 21 points22 points  (0 children)

lol peak reddit to downvote this

[–]Keltoigael 552 points553 points  (19 children)

Best of luck to them. I am sure Hollywood relationships are hard.

[–]Kayshin 590 points591 points  (17 children)

It won't last. She's 19 and going into marriage being a hollywood star.

[–]Frifelt 380 points381 points  (6 children)

Yeah the odds are not great, but his father is still married to his high school girlfriend so maybe they get lucky as well.

[–]leylajulieta 35 points36 points  (0 children)

They married years later after high school and a break inbetween (he was with Diane Lane during a while)

[–]nesquikryu 103 points104 points  (4 children)

Luck has very little to do with it.

[–]JRansomBioDermKiller 109 points110 points  (2 children)

Lol I would go further and say luck has nothing to do with a successful marriage at all. I don’t see this relationship standing the test of time for any substantial length but I wish them the best!

[–]nesquikryu 20 points21 points  (1 child)

Luck plays a role in the timing of the challenges you face. But marriage does mean challenges. Both parties have to choose how they navigate those challenges, and both have to be seriously committed to working together. It's a big ask. I wish her and her fiance the best.

[–]Frifelt 13 points14 points  (0 children)

You’re right, it requires a lot of hard work more than it requires luck.

[–]NervousBreakdown 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Yeah but he’s like the prince of New Jersey, Once his father dies and passes all of his lands and titles on to him it’s smooth sailing.

[–]Candypants24 10 points11 points  (2 children)

I've always wondered,why do 90% of Hollywood marriages not work?? I mean divorce in the US is pretty common generally,but Hollywood just takes it to another level!!

[–]Quantr0 39 points40 points  (1 child)

Probably because they’re around attractive and ‘interesting’ people so often. Plus they do very intense jobs for long periods with these attractive and interesting people, the whole exposure effect.

[–]Candypants24 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Yeah that seems the case almost every time... It's usually because either one cheats on the other!! Shit,you do need a different level of trust,when you get into a relationship with an actor...

[–]rreighe2 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Maybe it will, maybe it won't. Someone's gotta be right, right?

[–]AceTygraQueen 12 points13 points  (2 children)

I give it about 3 years tops.

[–]Studio2770 17 points18 points  (1 child)

Judging by the caption, they've been together for 3 years. Pretty impressive for such a young age.

I'm optimistic.

Edit: I just realized the caption is Taylor Swift lyrics. I don't listen to her music so I didn't know.

[–]AceTygraQueen 11 points12 points  (0 children)

A LOT can change when you hit your 20s.

[–]Mister_Rose 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Like all of celebrity relationships you have two extremely attractive people with very interesting backgrounds. Entertainment media relationships are usually build primarily on a strong sense of attraction physically but once that buzz goes away and the two people learn more about eachother and see if the love is actually real.

Media doesn't help the situation at all. Every little thing they do will be blown up out of proportion. Especially things they do with other celebs even if it harmless. Good luck to them!!

[–]equivalentofagiraffe 63 points64 points  (0 children)

regardless of her age, people on twitter are being so strange about the caption because of the whole joe and taylor thing. "she's cursing their relationship" like guys a song doesn't lose its beautiful meaning just because the inspiration for it may have gone south.. that's such a weird thing to say

[–]ThatB0yAintR1ght 287 points288 points  (6 children)

Her Taylor Swift lyric quote is a little bittersweet given the recent news about the relationship that song is about.

[–]SkinInternational553 44 points45 points  (0 children)

She liked the post though!

[–]Ashamed-Cricket-482 47 points48 points  (0 children)

Uff.. you guys sent me down a rabbit hole. Just resurfaced.

[–]Salt_Intention_6117 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I was looking for this comment 😅

[–]iamwizkid 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Could this be irl foreshadowing

[–]Scary-Shock9868 9 points10 points  (1 child)

Uuuhhh! What do you mean? What are the latest news? Do you care to explain!

[–]ThatB0yAintR1ght 25 points26 points  (0 children)

Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn apparently broke up after 6 years together.

[–]eatshitake 656 points657 points  (16 children)

She's only a baby! 🥹

[–]Anthrogal11 355 points356 points  (1 child)

Yep. She’s only 19.

[–]HeroThisCityDsntNeed 42 points43 points  (0 children)

I thought she was 11

[–]WishBear19 160 points161 points  (4 children)

Yes she is. Child stardom is tough and so many people prey on you. I guess this is Bon Jovi's son so I'm glad it's someone who is wealthy and not likely just there to financially take advantage of her. I hope they are both happy and it works out.

[–]Dependent_Roll2045 47 points48 points  (0 children)

Damn time goes by REALLY fast.

[–]Candypants24 274 points275 points  (46 children)

I do think it's really really early for them... But hey,who am I to judge!! Congratulations to the couple...

[–]Worldly_Zombie_1537 73 points74 points  (0 children)

They are very cute! I genuinely hope they beat the odds. His daddy is still married to his high school sweetheart so maybe he learned a lot from his parents. Not sure about Millie’s parents. They are babies but I still wish them the best.

[–]RelationshipWorth939 29 points30 points  (0 children)

I hope it lasts and that they can grow together and evolve in their relationship as they become the full fledged adults they’re going to become, but 19, wow, I know I wasn’t ready for anything serious at 19. She might have gone through a lot more personally and professionally by now than I did at that age but she’s still so young.

Honestly good luck to them both, they deserve nothing but our well wishes and support.

[–]blac_sheep90 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Good luck to them. Hope they are one of the lucky ones.

[–]kaminaowner2 53 points54 points  (0 children)

Maybe they live happy ever after, maybe they are divorced in a year. Ether way this sub seems to forget the risk to reward ratio isn’t as high for her. She’s wealthy and famous (talented!) no matter how her relationship goes she’s gonna be fine.

[–]leese216Coffee and Contemplation 90 points91 points  (1 child)

I want to think it will last, because they do seem very happy. But she's only 19, in Hollywood. The odds aren't in their favor.

[–]Quantr0 45 points46 points  (0 children)

Even out of Hollywood that’s wild. Everyone I know who got married young in my generation isn’t with that person anymore and I’m 29.

[–]My_NonExisting_BallsBoobies 35 points36 points  (0 children)

Look at her, she looks so happy. Maybe it won't last but engagement dosent always mean immedient marriage, they could be waiting years till they actually tie the knot. I really hope these two last, Millie deserves happiness xx

[–]Turtlemaster194 13 points14 points  (0 children)

I forgot she wasn’t a minor 😬

[–][deleted] 44 points45 points  (0 children)


[–]chesterforbesHellfire Club 170 points171 points  (7 children)

Didn’t she just recently turn 18? This isn’t the 1950s. No need to get hitched that young.

[–]PeaRepresentative886 82 points83 points  (5 children)

Just turned 19 like 2 months ago

[–]chesterforbesHellfire Club 65 points66 points  (4 children)

I got married at 25 and I think someone getting married at that age is too young

[–]VodkaKahluaMilkCream 20 points21 points  (0 children)

I got married at 20 and it was a mistake

[–]mollymelancholy1 35 points36 points  (0 children)

I live in Alabama and marriage from ages 18-21 is still very common in my area. A lot of people in my social circle married that young. We are all late 20s now and most of them are divorced.

Edit: typo oops

[–]vakr001 40 points41 points  (1 child)

It is not my place to judge when she should get married and to whom. I wish her the best of luck and long years of happiness.

[–]Reddituser12334789Should I Stay 3 points4 points  (0 children)


[–]TatewakiKuno-kunAghast 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Congratulations to them! They do seem really happy, and best of luck to them.

[–]Crazy_Tomatillo18 28 points29 points  (0 children)

She’s so young but she’s an adult and can make her own choices. I am very happy for her, I wish them nothing but the best!

[–]GimmeThemBabiesDump your ass 19 points20 points  (0 children)

To quote Millie herself "I'm only 18! I'm only small" (obviously said before February when she turned 19)

[–]Spooky1984 8 points9 points  (0 children)

And then the pained and disappointed sounds of neck beards all over the world all echo in a melancholic chorus.

[–]hayleyjedlickaBada Bada Boom 58 points59 points  (0 children)

She is still a kid in my eyes, grown up so fast. Proud of her!!

[–]Narrow_Ambassador188 34 points35 points  (0 children)

She looks so happy & they're both glowing! Im so happy for them

[–]pbogiiii 6 points7 points  (0 children)

They we’re different times and definitely different circumstances, but my parents also married around their age, and they are still together! I wish them a long, healthy and happy marriage.

[–]Pupulauls9000 26 points27 points  (0 children)

I’m sure that that will last because they are both at such an emotionally mature and reasonable age

[–]JesiDoodliBitchin 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Can I go where you ✨go? ✨

[–]TheRevTholomeuPlagueHellfire Club 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Some of the comments on insta didn’t pass the vibe check

[–]leonstar007Friends don't lie 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Well this is something I didn't expect seeing on my Tuesday afternoon

[–]agendadroid 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Things that make you feel old

[–]HouseTyrells 16 points17 points  (0 children)

They grow up so fast 😭🤧

[–]Cloudzy_1MOST. METAL. EVER!! 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Ok wow that's kinda crazy but good for her, they look super happy 🥹

[–]Bootymama_ 15 points16 points  (0 children)

There’s people that marry at 40 and don’t last a year, and there’s people that marry fresh at 18 and go on to have 60 & 70 year anniversaries. As long as they have the love, communication, and respect to go the distance they’ll be fine!

Happy for them! ❤️🎉

[–]Chaos_Ice 17 points18 points  (0 children)

The problem is that most folks at 19, do not think the same at 25. There’s a massive shift that happens. Hopefully it works out for her because there’s so much more to process and learn.

[–]Michael-BalchaitisMr. Fibley 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Seeing Millie so happy fills my heart with warmth considering how much she has been through in her young life. Good for you, Millie.

[–]Stripestar 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Y'all need to chill speculating on the success of someone's relationship that isn't yours. It's kinda toxic. Some people are fine with being married younger, some want to wait until their 30s+ until they marry. As long as the couple are consenting adults and nothing odd is happening then both options are fine. Congratulations to the newly engaged.

[–]tinygreenorb 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Get a prenup.

[–]Shot-Apartment-5757 8 points9 points  (0 children)

She will always be like 12 to me lol

[–]ParkingDifference299Scoops Troop 12 points13 points  (1 child)

They both look so happy

[–]Jpaylay42016 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Getting married at 19… I’ve seen Stranger Things

[–]Stevo2008 7 points8 points  (0 children)

It’s hard to not always picture her as a youngin. Happy for her and her new husband. A Reddit stranger wishes them the best of luck.

[–]EastKoreaOfficial 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Wait a minute how old is she again

[–]PhilledZone 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Bro, I'm older than her and can't even get a person interested in me. She straight up here engaging 💀 Still very happy for her tho

[–]Little_Consequence 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Congrats to her.

This is super young, tho.

[–]PoppyBee27 18 points19 points  (0 children)

What’s the rush?

[–]ShiNo_Usagi011 20 points21 points  (0 children)

I’m happy for her and all, but she’s barely old enough to drive a car let alone vote, she can’t even drink yet.

She needs to slow down, she’s very young and if her bf really does love her he’ll stick by her side regardless of if there’s a ring or not, and wait at least a few more years. I suspect we’ll be reading headlines about their divorce in a few years.

Just to add, I am SO glad I didn’t marry the guy I was madly in love with at that age.

[–]Dianagorgon 14 points15 points  (6 children)

Serious question. Does he work? I can't find any information about what he actually does for work.

[–]Rolyat28 13 points14 points  (0 children)

In his bio he has actor/producer guess he works for her production company

[–]OkAd8922Eggos 23 points24 points  (3 children)

He doesn't need to since Millie brings the cash-

[–]ftrade44456 57 points58 points  (0 children)

Well, he is Jon Bon Jovi's son. If I recall his dad makes a crap ton of money compared to any other rock star from touring. They do things like have minimal sets and carry their own equipment in. So they make a shit ton comparatively to people who have giant flashy sets and high maintenance needs.


[–]AceTygraQueen 13 points14 points  (0 children)

However, he will likely get the royalties $$$ once his pop passes on.

[–]Blacksteel733 5 points6 points  (0 children)

No lie I thought it was his eldest son and I was confused as fuck why people weren’t freaking out lol.

[–]Reddituser12334789Should I Stay 16 points17 points  (1 child)

Y'all in the comments are pissing me off so bad.. 'I give it 3 years' 'the odds aren't in their favor' Who cares?! Y'all acting like you know her relationship with him and trying to give her advice is so ridiculous. Just say congrats and start worrying about your own life…..

[–]Searwyn_T 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Yeah, as someone who married young (22), with a bunch of friends who married young, and are all doing just fine, shit drives me batty. It's really not fun to constantly hear other people laughing at you and betting on how long your marriage lasts instead of congratulating you on your happiness. So much negativity.

Really says more about those people though.

[–]CaptainSlappyBear 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Yea, I still see her as a 12 year old so this is weird to me, lol.

[–]kirbyxena 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I cant believe im the same age as her; hope it works out

[–]SlashdotDiggReddit 4 points5 points  (0 children)

So ... do you think they'll have a band at the wedding???

[–]plainviewturner 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I see haters everywhere

[–]Existing_Security_16 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I'm not particularly a fan of people getting married at a really young age, but I hope it works out for them.

[–]Dust_Parts 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Engaged at 19…….c’mon now…………

[–]sapphicbrown 3 points4 points  (0 children)

This made me feel so single and really old.

Congrats to her!

[–]letmetellyalater 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Nobody ever regretted getting married at 19

[–]Mad-Matt2000 9 points10 points  (2 children)

only nineteen and getting married, interesting lifestyle choice but.....good for them I guess!?

[–]hxlvxtica 16 points17 points  (1 child)

How do you know she's getting married now? It is very common to be engaged for many years before planning a wedding. Some couples don't even want to get married, but get engaged.

[–]Perfect-Relief-4813 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Maybe people think engagement is the same as marriage, idk. A lot of people tend to engage in their 20s and get married later on. I suppose MBB was 19-20 years old already.

[–][deleted] 11 points12 points  (2 children)

This is not cute at all.

[–]Reddituser12334789Should I Stay 4 points5 points  (0 children)


[–]sapphic-vibes 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Yeah I’m not sure why people are cheering this on. Just-turned-19 year old star getting into a Hollywood marriage? Terrible foundation for anything to grow.

[–]bassdelux15 4 points5 points  (0 children)

At 19? Well best of luck to them.

[–][deleted] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I mean, my grandma was pregnant at 15, gave birth at 16, and married at 16 to my grandpa. So. It sure could be something that lasts. (They’re still happily married btw)

[–]hellboy_2900 4 points5 points  (0 children)

So freaking happy for them!! Jake honestly seems like a really cool dude!!

[–]Key_Bother_7896 5 points6 points  (0 children)

She’s only 19…

[–]FactCheckYou 4 points5 points  (0 children)

hope things work out and all, but honestly this feels like the start of run of multiple short failed marriages

[–]illegalconditioner 2 points3 points  (0 children)


[–]youjustgottaignite 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I keep thinking she’s underage lol

[–]EggoStackAhoy! 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I was shocked at first bc she’s basically my age, but regardless I hope the relationship goes well.

[–]nonfb751 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Jesus christ.