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[–]ancickaa 5389 points5390 points  (361 children)

Omg i forgot she was 19😭😭😭

(Still weird to me tho😭😭😭)

[–]matlockga 3103 points3104 points  (108 children)

He's 20-21, but also a celebrity's child. So at least not an absurd lifestyle/life period difference.

[–]freakkydique 1474 points1475 points  (89 children)

That’s gonna end in divorce.

[–]Craico13 1105 points1106 points  (67 children)

Marriages involving basically teenagers always work out… Especially when they’re between celebrity teenagers.

[–]Chewcocca 690 points691 points  (43 children)

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so?

They don't have to seriously worry about finances.

As long as they don't start having kids right away, a little divorce isn't the end of the world.

This isn't the 16th century, we don't have to clutch our pearls about the possible ending of a legal contact.

[–]Wooden-Limit1989 373 points374 points  (11 children)

A divorce isn't the end of the world to some but it can be rough on people in their 30s and beyond so far less for people in their 20s. I'd say is best to avoid divorce at all if you can and getting married at that age is more likely to lead to divorce but who is to say. I've never been married or divorce but I'm scared of both lol.

[–]Thor_pool 363 points364 points  (6 children)

For real. Divorces can be horrible things, even if both parties are amicable. The person you're responding to is acting like marriages end like "Oh hey, should we split up? Great, have a good one!" They're more often than not the result of a complete breakdown in a relationship over a horrible length of time.

Realising that you've lost and resent the person who you thought youd be with forever (even if youre young and misguided) is a little more traumatising than "breaking a legal contract." And even on the legal side, theres belongings to split, lawyers looking their cut, family to deal with etc

[–]Wooden-Limit1989 110 points111 points  (0 children)

Exactly divorce is no picnic at alll. It can be really devastating. Most breakups are not easy but imagine a break up in the form of court proceedings, that's what divorce is.

[–]nevalja 46 points47 points  (0 children)

agree, my divorce was amicable but it was still horrible to go through

[–]manbruhpig 117 points118 points  (3 children)

I’d rather never be married than ever be divorced tbh.

[–]CountryRockDiva89yee haw & rock on 209 points210 points  (6 children)

See: Macaulay Culkin and Rachel Miner (the original Michelle Bauer on Guiding Light). Married at 17 (they’re the same age), divorced at 19.

[–]eeyoreocookie 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Oh wow! Blast from the past. I used to run from the bus stop to get home in time to watch Guiding Light at 3:00…. Simpler times lol

[–]PlayCertain4875 189 points190 points  (2 children)

It’s nice you think they’ll even make it to marriage or the wedding day

[–]OrdinaryDazzling 219 points220 points  (4 children)

Even if he wasn’t, a 21 year old dating a 19 year old is not weird at all.

[–]matlockga 100 points101 points  (2 children)

That's literally why I stated

life period

[–]bolonomadic 181 points182 points  (1 child)

Thank goodness that he’s at least close to her age and not some gross 10+ year age difference

[–]OhHiCindy30 141 points142 points  (3 children)

Jon Bon Jovi’s son

[–]misscharliebond 27 points28 points  (0 children)

OH thank you for this, I was just about to google. You are a good netizen

[–]catinobsoleteshower 105 points106 points  (0 children)

At least I am glad that he isn't some sleazy 30+ year old preying on her. The bar is truly in hell, but I wish them the best. I am thinking that the positive side to this is that the marriage will deter all the creepy grown ass predators in the industry that were surrounding her like flies for a while.

[–]90daysofpettybs 1878 points1879 points  (216 children)

If I was married to the person I was dating when I was 19 lawddddddd…. I hope they sign a prenup

[–]Teacher4Life16 488 points489 points  (173 children)

I got married to the guy I started dating at 19, and it worked out! Engaged at 22, married at 23, it’s been the best adventure growing up together. Anyone else who gets married that young these days is a baby to me.😂

[–]ancickaa 739 points740 points  (131 children)

Honestly, i'm not from the states so seeing people below 25 getting married is SO weird to me

[–][deleted] 569 points570 points  (28 children)

As someone from the states it’s dumb, they almost always end in divorce before 30.

[–]biIIyshakesbuccal fat apologist 382 points383 points  (16 children)

Someone from my graduating class was on her second marriage by age 25. I was like…girl.

[–]chl0eanan 270 points271 points  (11 children)

That was me. I was that girl. Didn’t wisen up to my generational patterns until about 30. I recently asked my Nan that raised me “Nan, why didn’t anyone advise me against 2 marriages by 25?”. She deadass said “people have to figure things out on their own”.

[–][deleted] 165 points166 points  (3 children)

Honestly, she’s right. Do you really think you (or any younger person, really 😄) would listen if their family told them not to get married? In most cases it would drive them to their partner even more.

[–]chl0eanan 40 points41 points  (2 children)

Precisely. I was foolish and knew everything 😅

[–][deleted] 46 points47 points  (1 child)

It’s ok, all of us knew everything at 19. 😄

[–]tuktuk_padthai 56 points57 points  (1 child)

Like you would’ve listened. People who get married that age think they ‘know’.

[–]jeahboispotted joe biden in dc 173 points174 points  (6 children)

I have actual nightmares sometimes about ending up with the guy I was engaged-to-be-engaged to when we were 20-21. He developed some serious mental health issues he wouldn’t address and stalked me years after I’d broken up with him (luckily I was able to get a restraining order against him). (He also ran for Congress as a far-right Tea Party conservative, which was just bizarre.)

[–]SlashRepeller 39 points40 points  (2 children)

The first half of that comment made me think we were the same person cus same

[–]beegadz 214 points215 points  (37 children)

The average marriage age in the US is 28 (w) and 30 (m). So Millie Bobby Brown is definitely below the average.

[–][deleted] 133 points134 points  (32 children)

I’d love to see a data is beautiful graph on average marriage age in the states. I bet the average between the northeast and the south is much different

[–]SpeedLow3 142 points143 points  (23 children)

Utah would be an outlier

[–][deleted] 153 points154 points  (18 children)

Haha I just looked it up and you nailed it. Highest is DC at 30.9 and lowest is Utah at 24.7

People forget how big this country is. Life is drastically different in different states

[–]gorgossia 146 points147 points  (17 children)

The reason is Mormons and toxic purity culture. They get married early to bang.

[–]all_of_the_lightss 52 points53 points  (1 child)

Same with Jehovah's witnesses. I grew up in them and left ~20.

So many kids who graduate high school, get married, and skip college because "university bad".

What a wonderful time to have a baby lol

[–]jeahboispotted joe biden in dc 36 points37 points  (1 child)

A lot of it also has to do with level of education.

[–]xxdropdeadlexi 90 points91 points  (6 children)

I got married at 25 and I'm getting divorced at 30...it's such a bad idea to get married that young

[–][deleted] 77 points78 points  (34 children)

I’m from the states and in the northeast no one gets married before 25. I’m 32 and out of all the people my age from high school and college, 3 are married. I dated a girl and we lived together from 21-29. Marriage wasn’t even a topic of conversation hahah

In the south and Midwest it’s much different. And you rarely see people who live on the west coast or the northeast getting married before 25

[–]stillinthenight69 54 points55 points  (27 children)

I dated a girl and we lived together from 21-29

8 years, poor woman

[–]Widerace9 114 points115 points  (8 children)

Assuming every single woman is crazy about marriage/weddings is pretty sexist.

[–]sneakyveriniki 65 points66 points  (5 children)

i really, really hate this attitude that when a couple are together, the woman desperately wants marriage and the man is just deciding whether or not she's good enough for him or something lol.

i'm a 29 yo woman and have never wanted marriage or kids. and i've found through experience that men tend to want this stuff slightly more than women, actually.

[–]theredwoman95 90 points91 points  (8 children)

Boy, don't come to the UK - it's perfectly normal for couples to be together for decades without getting married.

[–]jeahboispotted joe biden in dc 65 points66 points  (3 children)

Nothing wrong with cohabiting and not being married! My partner (of 7.5 years) and I aren’t married; I’ve never wanted a wedding, and it’s just not a priority. Obviously everyone is different, but you can be committed to someone without marrying them.

[–]theredwoman95 56 points57 points  (1 child)

Oh I absolutely agree, that's why I was surprised to see someone say "poor woman" when they've only been together for eight years. I've known couples who have got married after 20 or 30 years together, and they'd be furious if you implied they weren't committed before then.

[–]cosmicsugarstar 34 points35 points  (0 children)

You are a unicorn, and I'm glad it worked out well for you. Teamwork is dreamwork.

[–]chrispg26 32 points33 points  (3 children)

Same. I got married a month away from 22 but still! We're happily going on 12 years but it could've backfired spectacularly.

[–]Slow_Like_Sloth 241 points242 points  (12 children)

I’m ex-military, 90% of my friends were married by 20, divorced by 23

[–]Mugros 119 points120 points  (1 child)

The military part will play a bigger role.

[–]annola 51 points52 points  (0 children)

Those benefits though

[–]jeffstoreca 151 points152 points  (2 children)

I totally thought I would marry my partner at 19. I mean, everyone does. The hormones 😂

[–]Slow_Like_Sloth 98 points99 points  (0 children)

I was CONVINCED my high school boyfriend and I were meant to be (dated a year and a half, I’m 34 now) We are still friends, but oh my fucking god we are such different people now.

[–]Slow_Like_Sloth 316 points317 points  (11 children)

Poor Millie was forced to grow up too fast

[–]jeahboispotted joe biden in dc 246 points247 points  (7 children)

Yeah, her parents sound incredibly irresponsible. This article does a really good job of articulating why it’s often a red flag when children are described as “mature for their age” or “old souls.” Obviously it’s not always the case, but it’s not necessarily something to celebrate.

[–]frogvscrab 82 points83 points  (2 children)

Its kinda important to note that kids who are described that way can also just be kids who spend a lot of time around adults. It can also be a red flag, but not necessarily. It's well known that children who spend a lot of time socializing with adults at early ages (even just witnessing them socialize with each other) tend to mature socially much faster.

[–]DootBopper 52 points53 points  (2 children)

That's a shit article. Written by a "super contributor" whose bio starts with "Chef, anthropologist, writer, advocate, wife, furr mom, animal lover and world’s biggest Céline Dion fan. " I don't believe you could have found a worse source if you tried.

[–]_bananarchy0 37 points38 points  (1 child)

I will now be listing world's second biggest Céline Dion fan on my resume. Thank you.

[–]andandandetc 126 points127 points  (0 children)

Definitely thought she was 16, at most, lol.

[–]Notcorrectallthetime 74 points75 points  (2 children)

She'll always be Eleven to me

[–]young_menace 3642 points3643 points  (142 children)

If anyone else needed to google it, he is two years older than her. Weird to me that anyone who was born in 2004 is getting engaged but I am old and time is fake so I wish them the best!

[–][deleted] 1765 points1766 points  (69 children)

People who are born in 2004 are old enough to get engaged/married now.

Excuse me while I go stare at a wall.

[–][deleted] 506 points507 points  (35 children)

I could be her mother if I got pregnant at 17 years old. I want to cry right now 😂

[–]Irishpanda88 299 points300 points  (13 children)

My sisters sister in law is 33 and going to be a grandma in august and she is also having a baby! So her baby and her grandchild will be the same age!

[–]fluorescentpancakes 198 points199 points  (4 children)

One of my most useless childhood memories is a classmate in like 5th or 6th grade getting picked up from school by his niece cause he was sick. His mom was a grandma at 33, mom again at 42. He was a great-uncle before he could drive.

[–]bizzonzzon 50 points51 points  (3 children)

This is crazy. At that point they should just refer to everyone as cousins for the kid's sake.

[–]Oliviasharp2000 52 points53 points  (3 children)

what the fuck honestly lol no offense but what

[–]Rubberbabybuggybum 89 points90 points  (14 children)

Lauren Bobart is about to be a grandmother at 37.

[–]neuroticgooner 153 points154 points  (9 children)

Me at 37 trying for my first baby

[–]Murky-Bookkeeper-414 53 points54 points  (1 child)

Wishing you all the luck!

[–]mrsnihilist 44 points45 points  (0 children)

Sending you all the baby magic, my one and only arrived just after I turned 38 💌

[–]evaporated 122 points123 points  (1 child)

She’s only 37?! Damn, hate ages you fast.

[–]Gen-Jinjur 39 points40 points  (2 children)

Yeah, I feel you. I just realized yesterday that Jenna Ortega could be my granddaughter if my step-daughter and I had started young. 😳 When did I get older than old people, lol.

[–]shinigasto 54 points55 points  (10 children)

bro/sis what, 2004 guy here and wtf, legally yes but .....

[–]Perfect_Razzmatazz 49 points50 points  (1 child)

I graduated from H.S. in 2003. So now I just feel ancient.

[–][deleted] 501 points502 points  (28 children)

I'm 30 and still feel like I'm a child bride if I was to marry anytime soon. All power to her but 19 is way too young to marry

[–]casperreddits 146 points147 points  (5 children)

I’m getting married next week at 27 and also feel like a child bride as well lmao

[–]AmazingAmy95 426 points427 points  (1 child)

time is fake


[–]nrkcs 98 points99 points  (0 children)

2004???????????? she's a fetus

[–]prolelol 59 points60 points  (19 children)

Wasn't she supposed to graduate from high school this year?

[–]Archchinook 2962 points2963 points  (52 children)

someone check on drake

[–]16meursault 861 points862 points  (12 children)

She got too old for him anyway, he is probably creeping on another underage girl.

[–]tinderking69 239 points240 points  (0 children)

He’s watching stranger things on mute listening to Marvin’s room

[–]SmokedBeef 142 points143 points  (2 children)

Didn’t he lose interest pretty quickly after she turned 18?

I’m genuinely asking, because that’s the way it seems to someone barely paying attention to either of them or their careers.

[–]poo-boi 93 points94 points  (1 child)

I think he had too much heat for being a nonce so he had to lay low and back off

[–]SnooLobsters6463 85 points86 points  (0 children)

He must be heartbroken

[–]CherryVermilion 53 points54 points  (0 children)

Just saw Drake fall to his knees in Walmart.

[–]jessloveschocolate[S] 2372 points2373 points  (38 children)

19 is so young! But she’s also been basically living as an adult since she was a child so i can imagine that changes things in regards to timelines & the feeling of needing to find something to grab onto & “settle down”

[–]Intelligent-Dig-8714Joffrey Jonas 665 points666 points  (3 children)

Yeah wow that's true plus she's only engaged for now. The actual wedding and getting married could be a year or 2 down the line or more.

[–]etchuchoter 368 points369 points  (2 children)

Hopefully they do a long engagement

[–]Charming_Miss 332 points333 points  (2 children)

True plus his parents have been together since highschool so that is something he saw and was around growing up

Hope it will work for them too since they look happy

[–]l0ndangal 245 points246 points  (1 child)

Tbh I hadn’t thought about it like this - that kind of makes sense

[–]happytransformer 52 points53 points  (0 children)

I keep flopping back and forth on how I feel about celebs getting married so young. It makes sense because they’ve been working for years and don’t have the same milestones that normal people do and are likely looking for some sense of stability.

The average 19 year old is a college sophomore and isn’t looking to get married any time soon because they’re still likely living at home or in a college dorm and working on establishing their career. Millie has been working for years, it’s just a different world.

[–]lozzzzzzzy 2156 points2157 points  (20 children)

I’m happy for her but the Lover lyric on this week of all weeks 😭

[–]ls240898 1430 points1431 points  (5 children)

Read the room Millie we are mourning

[–]matlockga 431 points432 points  (4 children)

Quoting Swift when Bon Jovi is RIGHT THERE

[–]GiniThePooh 177 points178 points  (3 children)

Right? We should all be belting "I'll be there 'til the stars don't shine 'til the heavens burst and the words don't rhyme. And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind… And I'll love you, alwaaaaaays"

[–]etchuchoter 355 points356 points  (0 children)

Iconic timing

[–][deleted] 94 points95 points  (0 children)

Not gunna lie I lol’d.

[–]lizziebeedee 51 points52 points  (0 children)

My first thought too lol

[–][deleted] 2036 points2037 points  (54 children)

She’s two years younger than me getting engaged and I’m just waiting for updates on the Barbie movie😭

[–]Warmtimes 1324 points1325 points  (0 children)

If you're 21, updates on Barbie movie is a lot more age appropriate

[–]streamcontrarude omelet goblin 614 points615 points  (25 children)

Girl I turned 21 today I could NOT get engaged in this day and time 😭😭

[–][deleted] 189 points190 points  (7 children)

You're doing the right thing. I know so many people who got married in their early 20's who are divorced now and have zero life skills.

[–]streamcontrarude omelet goblin 85 points86 points  (4 children)

Well it’s that and also I was unfortunately born with 0 rizz and I am sadly single, trying to study for my contract law exam next week 🥲

[–]Forsaken-Lack9070 82 points83 points  (5 children)

I turned 19 today 🥲🥲

[–]streamcontrarude omelet goblin 55 points56 points  (0 children)

Happy birthday twin! Being 19 was probably my favorite year so spend it well 🥰💗

[–]JupiterJayJones 40 points41 points  (1 child)

Happy birthday 🩷

[–]Littleloula 189 points190 points  (8 children)

I'm 40 and waiting for updates on that movie haha

[–]poppyisrealmetalquote me as being mis-quoted 103 points104 points  (5 children)

33-year-old man here. I got sad this week because I couldn't buy a shirt in my size that said Directed by Greta Gerwig in Barbie font

[–]etchuchoter 50 points51 points  (0 children)

Same except I’m even older

[–]l0ndangal 1769 points1770 points  (165 children)

I’m sorry but engaged at 19 is insane. It’s like setting up to fail lol

[–]lizlemonesqmindy kaling’s baby daddy 1419 points1420 points  (115 children)

Anytime before 25, honestly

ETA: anecdata people: congrats on your successful marriage before 25! You’re the exception, statistically. Human brains have their last major growth spurt around that age and divorce rates generally reflect that.

[–]etchuchoter 578 points579 points  (42 children)

When I turned 25 i feel like my brain suddenly woke up

[–]heyhelloyuyu 314 points315 points  (26 children)

It was craaaazyyyy the way my brain changed from 24 to 25 it was suddenly like I understood my retirement accounts 😂😂😂

[–]isabeljoanab 184 points185 points  (22 children)

As a confused by life 23 year old this gives me hope 😭

[–]theev1lmonkey 88 points89 points  (11 children)

Anecdotal obviously, but super similar experience. Turning 26 soon, but this past year I got my career on track, started to set up for future retirement, hit the gym etc. just been focusing on myself. Mentally I feel much older and mature. It just takes time man

[–][deleted] 52 points53 points  (3 children)

I suddenly started liking vegetables at 24

[–]Unicorns_andGlitter 103 points104 points  (2 children)

I recently turned 25 and I agree it’s really strange. I feel a lot more settled and level headed

[–]Slow_Like_Sloth 344 points345 points  (23 children)

Lol I love threads like these that are “well I was 18, and he was 22, and it worked for meeee.” Congrats, but no one should be normalizing it lol.

[–][deleted] 177 points178 points  (2 children)

“well I was 18, and he was 22, and it worked for meeee.”

And they're like 20 now lol

[–]In-Efficient-Guest 96 points97 points  (0 children)

Lmao, this is my favorite part. Married children telling other children to get married because “it works” when I have cans of soup older than their relationship.

You know what “really mature for their age” 20 year olds do? They don’t get married at 20!

[–]Ambry 54 points55 points  (7 children)

Yeah like go on a trip or something instead and you'll probably meet 20 guys more interesting or better suited to you than the person you thought was the love of your life at 18 - at 18 you need to basically pray that the two of you grow together and not apart, because the amount of changes in life/experiences/emotions/maturity/career/education/hormones/ambitions/health etc that can occur between 18 - 25 is absolutely unbelievable and can make you into a completely different person.

Anecdotally I'm 26 now and even thinking of me at 24 I have completely different perspectives, my ambitions have changed entirely and I live in a city I never imagined I'd move to (but all for the best!). There's so much room for growth in your late teens and twenties.

[–]Honeybear-honeybear 82 points83 points  (4 children)

Totally agree with you, I mean i did get engaged at 23ish but we didn't get married till I was 27. I always recommend if you want to get engaged under 25 have a long engagement. Waiting a few years really won't make a difference if your truly with the person you want to spend your life with. From my experience people who feel the need to rush getting married theres usually a reason why and its not always a good one.

[–]rvelvetarmadillocake 52 points53 points  (0 children)

COMPLETELY agree—I get so much flack for saying it (as a general statement, I’m not out here going up to married couples and shouting “too young” and running away), but there’s literal science behind the significance of that age and how it relates to reason and maturity. And that’s not to say that we don’t change past 25 or know entirely what we want by then (I certainly don’t), but at the very least we have the capacity to make major decisions like that with less impulsivity. Marriage is a lot of compromise and I’m not sure a lot of under 25s realize how much it really is (kudos to you if you do/did at that age though)

[–]Silvercomplex68 155 points156 points  (4 children)

You’re going to get downvoted to hell but you’re completely right.

[–]Successful-Bottle929 121 points122 points  (4 children)

I tend to agree . My sister married when she was 20 and has been married for 29 years but that’s very rare. I got married at 25 and I felt like I was ancient. Now that I’m older I realize how silly that was . And my marriage only lasted 10 years lol.

[–]RaffyGiraffy 63 points64 points  (2 children)

I got married at 29 and felt like a child bride 😅

[–]AgentKnitter 91 points92 points  (4 children)

I had a long post typed out then decided against posting it.

But yeah. Sister got engaged at 19. She's still married but holy shit. Cheating, controlling husband, selfish sexist sons just like their Daddy who think Mummy is there to do all the cooking, cleaning, etc. Shits fucked. She stays though. Easier to pretend she has no trauma if she stays in the myth of the happy marriage.

[–]all_of_the_lightss 43 points44 points  (2 children)

You should be able to drink at your own wedding.

I hope they are happy but odds of a marriage lasting when you are still quite an old child is low. We are developing until 25.

[–]rumbumbum2 684 points685 points  (12 children)

So young, I feel bad for her, she’s been pushed to act like an adult since she was 13.

[–][deleted] 226 points227 points  (0 children)

Yeah, this is where I'm at. 19 is real young to get engaged, and it definitely seems like she's had to be an adult for a while. I wish her the best.

[–]Ambry 80 points81 points  (0 children)

Yeah she has basically been 'adultified' since she stepped into the public eye, even in the way stylists would dress her. At 13 she was being dressed like she was in her mid twenties.

[–]decidedlyindecisive 28 points29 points  (8 children)

Wouldn't surprise me if she had a sudden "act like a teen" explosion in her mid or late twenties. I know being adultified certainly made me feel like I needed to catch up on things I'd "missed out" on.

[–]SwimmingCoyote 629 points630 points  (23 children)

Nope. I am never going to think a 19 year should be getting married. I don’t care how successful, mature, responsible they are.

[–][deleted] 419 points420 points  (17 children)

Everyone in this thread keeps harping on how mature she is. Adults thought that about me at 19 too. It was all an act, I just knew how to be polite and carry a conversation. I was an absolute fuckstick around my peers.

[–][deleted] 111 points112 points  (5 children)

exactly. no matter what u are at 19 you are still a child. just bcz a couple of humans decide that 18 is the age u start voting doesn't mean it is the age u start getting married and giving birth.

[–]Kooky_Bodybuilder_97 108 points109 points  (3 children)

she doesnt even come across as particularly mature to me but she does seem like she wants to

[–]hobbitsies 581 points582 points  (0 children)

I mean at least it is an age appropriate man but they are so young!

Wishing them happiness.

[–]ExcellentCold7354 493 points494 points  (18 children)

Why are these child celebrities getting married?! Like, what?

[–]etchuchoter 199 points200 points  (11 children)

Ikr. Brooklyn beckham is literally a child to me

[–]BadaTheBadaTheBoom 108 points109 points  (7 children)

He is closer to a child than to an adult anyway, it's not like he has any skills, knowledge or ability to be independent or support himself in any way

[–]swole_not_flexy 43 points44 points  (1 child)

I guess when you have all that money/power and can do anything you want, getting married is just another thing to check off

[–]Purple-Sand-6891 399 points400 points  (0 children)

Not the lover lyrics 😭😭😭

[–]Amar_Akbar_Anthony20go pis girl 309 points310 points  (6 children)

I am sorry what in my head she is still 12.

[–][deleted] 273 points274 points  (7 children)

Her being young totally tracks given how she presents herself maturity wise and having the type of parents that she does. She’s had to become not only financially independent but emotionally independent from a young age. He truly may be her saving grace. Someone she gets to lean on without having to lean on herself. As much as this could be a mistake I wish her the best. Will support her in any step or any lesson.

[–]erenyeagersbun 123 points124 points  (6 children)

didn’t she also date someone who was older when she was well a child and he lived with her and treated her terribly too? i think atleast this is more age appropriate! i wish her the best!

[–]GabbyMary 265 points266 points  (14 children)

She’s only 19 🫣. As long as she’s happy I guess…

[–]etchuchoter 204 points205 points  (13 children)

I don’t get the rush 😐

[–]GabbyMary 198 points199 points  (2 children)

Bring back promise rings

[–]etchuchoter 162 points163 points  (1 child)

What happened to a good old regrettable tattoo

[–]Ironic_iceberg_69 42 points43 points  (5 children)

I feel like most people wait later when they're more settled financially. She already is but granted it is sooner than expected.

[–]etchuchoter 114 points115 points  (3 children)

I just feel like the things I liked and cared about when I was 19 are no longer what I even think about, if I married the person I thought I wanted at that age I don’t know how it would have gone

[–][deleted] 267 points268 points  (19 children)

i’m an 03 baby and it’s so weird seeing ppl the same age or younger than me getting engaged already 😭 girl i’m just trying to get thru university

[–]fancywhiskers 207 points208 points  (1 child)

Girl where you’re at is completely normal and age appropriate. Most would regard 19 as very young to get married. Keep doing u. There’s just no rush

[–][deleted] 34 points35 points  (3 children)

it's not even legal to get married at 19 in my country bruh. In my opinion and an opinion shared by many others in my country, the legal age should be 24 at least in my country. It is 21 tho : /

[–]SydHoar 179 points180 points  (2 children)

Well good for her I don’t think anyone would have wanted to marry me when I was 19 because I was a lot to deal with… hope it works out for her, everyone has a different timeline

[–]AStarklyfamously did a line of coke off his dick 149 points150 points  (1 child)

I couldn't even deal with myself at 19, I feel you

[–]ChiliAndGold 146 points147 points  (0 children)

she looks really happy. but I can't help but think of all those celebrities who end up getting married up to 4 times in their lives and it makes me wonder what's in store for her.

for now she is good though, that's enough.

[–]Jamjelli 137 points138 points  (3 children)

Millie Bobbie Brown-Bongiovi.

[–]rosechiffon 132 points133 points  (1 child)

no one is talking about the fact that she could become millie bobby bongiovi

[–]karan812 37 points38 points  (0 children)

Browngiovi - it was right there.

[–]itsnotchelseafc 128 points129 points  (2 children)

I had no idea that she was with Jon Bon Jovi’s son! Bon Jovi probably performing at your wedding reception is going to be a win whatever happens

[–]iambadvibes93 123 points124 points  (1 child)

She’s so young! But she looks happy so that is all that matters.

[–]lwtua13 116 points117 points  (4 children)

At first I thought it was a joke cause I was so sure she was just a kid like yesterday?

[–][deleted] 61 points62 points  (3 children)

she still is a kid

[–]Brave_Lady 110 points111 points  (1 child)

I mean, good for her and he seems to be age appropriate for her too, but I just feel that she has always been under the spotlight since a very young age and exploited by her stage parents.

She didn't have a childhood or teenhood and it makes me worry that she is just rushing in through adulthood and if she thought about the implications of marriage.

[–][deleted] 94 points95 points  (2 children)

they’re sweet, and it’s age appropriate at least. i feel like since his parents are high school sweethearts he’s had a good example on how to make a relationship work from a young age.

[–]killybillyz 84 points85 points  (0 children)


[–]Current_Nebula_401 76 points77 points  (0 children)

Excuse me?????

[–][deleted] 71 points72 points  (1 child)

Not the lover lyric !!! Right after taylor joe breakup😭

[–][deleted] 57 points58 points  (3 children)

I’m 32 and couldn’t imagine being engaged still. I never understood how people make such huge decisions at young ages. Not to be a pedant but I doubt it’ll last just because that’s statistically what’s likely to happen, but I wish them well.

[–]allsilverusts 55 points56 points  (0 children)

GIRL ZON'T ZO IT!!!!!!!!


[–]A_Life_Thats_Good88 52 points53 points  (6 children)

My mother got married at Millie’s age and is still married 50 years later (yes I’m that old). It all depends on the person. Granted my mom didn’t grow up in Hollywood, but she was still young.

His parents have known each other since high school, too. Been married over 30 years now. He knows young love can last so maybe that’s why the age doesn’t matter.

[–][deleted] 104 points105 points  (2 children)

in those days it was common to marry off children at a young age. anyone older than 25 and still unmarried was seen as used pasture. As someone who was once close to her in age I would say no matter who you are, no matter how much u are earning at 19, you should not get married at all. this is the time to shape yourself. to decide your life, your mindset, look out for yourself. not the time to get married.

[–]lilylily_4 56 points57 points  (3 children)

I wonder if she’ll get married married or UK married. 🤔

[–]Royal_Army_Of_Oz 53 points54 points  (5 children)

She's legally old enough to make up her own mind, but she's not as mature as she likes to pretend

A teenager being friends with a man old enough to be her father and she described it as an 'adult relationship', just reeks of a little girl desperately wanting to play at being a grown-up

[–]SpeedLow3 39 points40 points  (2 children)

I’m sorry but I think back to when I was the ages of 19-22 and I was a drastically different person every year…good luck to them

[–]Darmop 34 points35 points  (0 children)

Oh honey, no.

[–]musthavebeenbunnies 37 points38 points  (1 child)

Oh no, this is straight out of the Britney playbook.

[–]w0snme 28 points29 points  (0 children)

WHat the actual