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Am I not protecting my wife? Am I not protecting my wife?

I've recently come into a bit of bother from extended families and wanted some advice.

I basically created a youtube channel about daily life, travel etc which includes my wife. She is happy to be part of the vlogs and even takes the centre screen and gives her opionions about things.

Originally this channel no one knew about and I was hoping it would stay this way until it gained some more traction.
My immediate family knew about it and I think my mum must have sent it to an auntie thinking it would help but now every one knows about my channel.
A lot of the male cousins really got to me and started commenting hate (that i removed from my channel) and messaging in WhatsApp group chats with me, saying to me sarcastically 'he wants to be a youtuber'.

Anyway fast forward to yesterday when i uploaded a new vlog about going to japan which includes my wife quite a bit, I started to get messages from my extended family members saying that I shouldn't include my wife in my video's and this is how you get the evil eye from people and that I'm not protecting my wife as you dont know what thoughts people have. To almost say im parading my wife in my video's, which is abosulty not true!

My family are not very conservative but I think because my wife wears the hijab they have a big opinion on this.

It just seems very taboo to do this. should I not include my wife in my video's?
What would you do if you were in my position?

Question for stay at home moms? Question for stay at home moms?

Felt more comfortable asking this sub since it’s all women!

I’m a new revert, I’ve been praying for a couple months now and although my children (2.5 years and 9 months) have mostly gotten used to it and know the routine now, my prayer is still heavily distracted by them. I try to occupy them while I pray (specifically the baby, the toddler does whatever toddlers do 😂) but it seems I still have to step away from my mat to catch the baby from a fall or get something out of her mouth or manage the kids interactions, etc. the baby doesn’t last long with a snack in the highchair either.

I guess I am struggling with feeling guilty my salah is so distracted. I try my best to stay focused, but i still have an eye on my children and am not fully present. Isha and fajr are really the only prayers that I’m almost fully present because my children are asleep.

Does anyone else experience this? Do you feel guilty? What does Allah/sunnah say about this? What can I do to stay close to Allah during this time even in a season of a lot of distraction and preoccupation and busyness with my two children?

I regret not reaching out sooner to someone who was suicidal I regret not reaching out sooner to someone who was suicidal

Asalaam Alaikum, i don’t know if this is the right subreddit to write this but it has been killing me the past 48 hours. A few months ago I came across a girls post on a different subreddit, what striked me into reaching out to her was that she was from the same country as me and we both lived in the same city. There isn’t a lot of us where we live, me and the girl texted for only a day but I had to delete my account because I had a creepy stalker. I tried to find the girls account on my new account but It honestly seemed like it was impossible so I just gave up hoping I could find it again someday.

I did go through her posts when we texted and a lot of her posts were her being suicidal. We both kept our identities anonymous since you can’t trust anyone from the internet. We both told each other which towns we lived in and found out we were only an hour away from each other. As a few months had passed by, she was in mind for some reason but I didn’t really thought about it too deeply, I was also thinking about her the other day and tried to find her but I couldn’t.

Fast forward two days ago, my aunt told me that a young girl from our ethnic background that lives in our city has sadly passed away, she mentioned her age and where she lived and it clicked to me. I didn’t want to believe that it was her and funnily enough… I searched up her post and after 2 minutes i finally found her account. The information that my aunt had given me matched the account that I had found, it left me completely heart broken and devastated knowing I should’ve done more, I should’ve tried harder to find her and just talk to her and tell her that things are going to be okay.

She was very young and could have had a long life ahead of her. I feel completely shattered and helpless, knowing i could’ve been the older sister she needed. I keep going through her account and a lot of her posts mention that all she needed was someone to hold her, be someone’s favourite, have someone to understand her and just be there for her no matter what. I feel guilty and useless and selfish, the fact that she was running through my mind the past few months hoping I would someday run into her, hoping that someday would never be too late to talk her, but I just had to have a “busy” life. Inna Lillahi Wa Inarijiun