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[–]yuliuskrisna 300 points301 points  (28 children)

Still going through Pantheon of Hallownest currently.

Im way late to the party, but Hollow Knight is pretty fucking amazing. Cant wait to jump in Silksong day one!

[–][deleted] 139 points140 points  (19 children)

How do you get the will to go on? I beat the first one and then... well, I can't even imagine doing the rest, but I did everything else including the Path of Pain. But Godmaster in general, and just thinking of the Pantheon of Hallownest, saps my motivation away.

[–]thatmitchguy 44 points45 points  (1 child)

Training in the underground against the bosses that give you trouble is a must for the tougher pantheons. You basically need to memorize the final 5-7 last bosses plus the sword masters and even then absolute radiance can be a nightmare due to RNG. Once you reach a boss and die to it you can then go down and train against them making you more prepared for the next run. It's not east and almost broke me but it felt good to finally get the platinum.

[–]Show_Me_Your_Rocket 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Dude, I've got to absolute radiance three times and I keep choking lmao. I gave up.

[–]yuliuskrisna 41 points42 points  (0 children)

Honestly, the allure of facing new bosses, and new ending is enough to motivate me. I totally get it though, the tedious-ness of it all kinda put a damper on the excitement of the new content, but mastering all of the bosses moveset is pretty fun too once you got it all figured out.

My tips is using the Hall of Gods to practice against a particular bosses you had trouble with. Wholly recommended to face them in ascended form, but attuned only is fine as well, before you take another try in the pantheon.

Godmaster is basically for the masochist who want more challenges, and boy, do they delivered on that front. While im not really into it all, im glad that they put the option in the game. Im planning on clearing all of the pantheon with no binding, and thats it. Binding, radiant bosses, etc, i probably wont do them.

[–]dk_double_dub 14 points15 points  (0 children)

I just beat PoH a week ago, and honestly it took me 50 hours to do all the pantheons (and practice the final bosses) but I was still having fun. I think the key is to practice the bosses that give you trouble on their own, that way you’re not wasting time on all the fodder and getting frustrated. And by the end of my playthrough, it felt great because 90% of bosses had clicked and were smooth sailing.

[–]Havelok 21 points22 points  (5 children)

100%. The endings you get aren't even worth it. I usually advise to anyone to whom I recommend the game to not even worry about the Godmaster content.

[–]redpoemage 43 points44 points  (1 child)

With a challenge that hard there isn't really anything you can get that would be "worth it" besides the satisfaction of having git all the gud.

[–]slugmorgue 13 points14 points  (0 children)

exactly this. same as the hell dungeon from la mulana, its there for the 1% of masochists who want it lol

[–]dat_bass2 8 points9 points  (2 children)

It's there for those of us who want to completely master the game. I can tell you that getting it was 112% worth it. By far my most satisfying gaming achievement.

[–]victoryforZIM 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Yup, and it's not even particularly difficult to get the 112% since you don't need to do the final hidden pantheon at the top.

[–]custardBust 3 points4 points  (1 child)

It’s just that final freaking pantheon to me. Way too long.

[–]Show_Me_Your_Rocket 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I got to the end of it 3 times and just kept choking, so stressful. I gave up but feel I've mostly mastered the game.

[–]9875417412369741953 8 points9 points  (0 children)

It helps not to think of it as a thing you have to do at all costs no matter what, and more of a, "at the end of every day I'm going to practice fighting the pantheon while I zone out" thing. Takes the pressure off, and helps get practice in.

[–]DBrody6 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Well I aimed to beat every single boss on Radiant difficulty because I loved the combat and boss fights in HK, and the skill drilled into me doing that made PoH pretty easy (mostly because bosses in the PoH are on Attuned difficulty so after mastering each boss, I could play stupid sloppy on everything but the final 3 bosses).

Except AbsRad who crushed me 9 attempts in a row until I beat her on my 10th PoH run. Nerves always got the best of me.

[–]twigboy 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Dude... path of pain broke me

[–]notsoinsaneguy 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I'm not typically one to do those kinds of challenges in games, but Hollow Knight is (for the most part) pretty fair. If you try some of the more challenging bosses a few times, you'll quickly find yourself taking less and less damage with only a few attempts. It doesn't take too long before challenging the full pantheon starts to seem plausible, and once it seems plausible it's hard to resist.

[–]RandomGuy928 -1 points0 points  (1 child)

I kept talking about how easy the game was and needed to put my money where my mouth was. Obviously Pantheon of Hallownest is harder than the rest of the game, but I still think most of the game is relatively easy.

Note that some of the fights in the final pantheon are... altered slightly. One in particular is imo the best fight in the game. That's worth the effort even if the final boss is a bit of a slog.

[–]nicostein 2 points3 points  (3 children)

Pure Vessel is walling me. I need more practice against him solo, so I can stop wasting my time running through the other 9 bosses just so he can kill me again.

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Pure Vessel is like Nightmare King Grimm in that he's a complete and utter brick wall until the fight suddenly clicks and becomes second nature.

[–]nicostein 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Lol I hope so, I'm already super comfy with NKG and most bosses. If the same happens with Pure Vessel and some others, maybe the last Pantheon won't be absolute pain.

[–]yuliuskrisna 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah, thats what i did too in the fourth Pantheon, but man, he is tough. I can beat him in attuned and ascended form, but not consistent enough. While i can pull through the fourth pantheon, trying to reach him in the fifth pantheon is another added layer of toughness.

[–]drzody 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Literally just bought the game yesterday and it’s a blast

It’s an amazing time that I simply never made the time to get and play

[–]yuliuskrisna 0 points1 point  (0 children)

i started it last month and it was definitely one of the best metroidvania has to offer. Its on my radar for a long time, but never had the time to actually play it as i have other games in my backlog. Now, i aint missing Silksong day one for sure.

[–]SeamanMarky 108 points109 points  (27 children)

Just played Hollow Knight for the first time this year and adored it. Top 5 game for me. You can imagine my excitement when i found out about a sequel!

[–]Razmorg 126 points127 points  (17 children)

It's insane to me to think this sequel is the results of a narrowly attained kickstarter goal that just grew into something bigger

And I wonder how much Hollow Knight would get now in a kickstarter after its massive enduring success. Man, can't wait for it to finally come out and hopefully it lives up to the original.

[–]Blackhawks10[🍰] 27 points28 points  (0 children)

That’s actually really cool that compared with the content we got

[–]DL_Omega 11 points12 points  (13 children)

It looks like they would have had a third playable character? Looks like the old bug in the colosseum I think?

[–]AriMaeda 24 points25 points  (12 children)

It looks like Zote.

[–]War_Dyn27 24 points25 points  (9 children)

What would a Zote campaign be? Trying to cross an empty room without falling flat on your face? :D

[–]SoloSassafrass 19 points20 points  (7 children)

Honestly? It would probably add some tragic backstory and feature a bit of character development that turns Zote from the dick we all love to hate into a jerk with a heart of gold.

[–]QpkjcKwNMZSF 11 points12 points  (6 children)

Thanks for being honest with us

[–]SoloSassafrass 15 points16 points  (5 children)

...I don't know why I added that qualifier to the front of my post. You've given me a lot to think about in terms of the way I use inane or otherwise incorrect words to lead into my thoughts on a topic.

[–]JakalDX 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I think the tendency to use "honestly" unprovoked these days is because there's a heavy tone of cynicism and tongue-in-cheekness to the internet, that when we're offering an idea, we might feel the need to indicate that it's something offered without any sarcasm or irony

[–]QpkjcKwNMZSF 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Aw shucks, I was just goofing off, but I'm glad to have sparked something :D cheers

[–]Momo_Kozuki 2 points3 points  (0 children)

An adventure where he pwns everything with his trusty Life-ender nail. Then he wakes up from his dream and see himself in deep trouble in Deepnest in the ending.

Imagine being Grey Prince Zote that bulldozes through everything.

[–]fizzlefist 10 points11 points  (1 child)

A Knight of Great Renown, donchaknow

[–]philoso_rapper 10 points11 points  (0 children)


[–]kozeljko 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Tbf, they'd probably make a sequel even if the goal wasn't reached.

[–]trapezoidalfractal 27 points28 points  (2 children)

I got it on Switch way back when it released, and i just remember being blown away by how good it is for the price. I think it was $15, not even on sale. It’s definitely made it into my pantheon of games that will forever remain a part of me.

I actually bought it on Steam too and bought the Switch Collectors Edition when that came out, and pins with Zote, Hornet, the Knight, and Quirrel on them because I love Team Cherry so much for making such a great game for so cheap and releasing all DLC for free.

[–]SeamanMarky 3 points4 points  (0 children)

pantheon of games

I see what you did there and i like it

[–]evilscary 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Same here. Got it for free on PSN plus, currently having a blast playing it.

[–]New-Nameless 0 points1 point  (4 children)

i started it 3 times from the start

i hated it 3 times

idk what is wrong with me

maybe im just a pussy

[–]Formaldehyd3 6 points7 points  (1 child)

It starts off reeeeally slow. Once you get more movement upgrades it gets more fluid and satisfying.

[–][deleted] 50 points51 points  (0 children)

Finally, been waiting for what feels like forever ever since the trailer dropped. I hope it lives up to the hype but it’s going to be hard to top the first game, which basically is the best metroidvania ever to me.

[–]qjpp 16 points17 points  (19 children)

Damn I'm so excited about this, started playing HK for the first time a week ago and I can't let it go, already got 60 hours in it. Exploration is perfect, you are always rewarded for it - new upgrade, piece of lore, Geo chest or whole new area. Just moving throughout the world is so fluid and fun that you never feel bored when you need to do some backtracking.

Sheer amount of content is astonishing, and it's so polished that I find hard to believe that only 3-4 people had worked on it. I don't preorder or buy games at full price because I can't afford it, but I will definitely make an exception for Silksong for the first time.

[–]Scarecrow276 0 points1 point  (16 children)

I played a few hours of it and loved the world. I suck at those type of games. Is there any advice on how to play? I know I lose money when I die. Is having money a big deal? I would love to play it, but I prefer easier games.

[–]Personel101 7 points8 points  (15 children)

You can skip the first boss by breaking a cracked wall in his arena. This lets you access the fireball spell early which makes a lot of early game areas much more bearable.

Money is a concern, but you only HAVE to get the lantern. Everything else is optional. I’d recommend the charm that gathers dropped money for you until you can buy it.

Speaking of charms, the Mark of Pride is an S tier one that makes your sword swings bigger. It’s a life saver for newer players and still useful for experienced ones. It might be a bit before you get it though, so use the Longnail charm in the meantime which does the same thing just not as much.

The second boss is the “Wall” for most players, so to speak. It’s one of the few bosses required to complete the game, and there’s nothing else you can really do to upgrade yourself in the meantime until you beat it.

If you can beat the wall, I’d wager you’ve shown enough skill to at least reach the normal ending.

[–]T_elic 40 points41 points  (0 children)

Oh my god yes! I was just thinking about this game this morning, and looking at the internet the last update on the game was literally december last year. Can't wait to see where the game is at now.

[–]BlueHighwindz 33 points34 points  (4 children)

God, what is the last print media exclusive you can remember in gaming? Must be fifteen years since I've seen that.

Usually even when magazines get big scoops they still release them on their sites.

[–]PoppySmart 17 points18 points  (1 child)

The magazine has digital versions, so I assume most people will get it that way.

[–]traceitalian 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I'm an Edge physical subscriber and have been for years. It's a well written, in depth publication that I often refer back to. Edge is nicely produced and honestly the best gaming magazine in production.

[–]Vox___Rationis 115 points116 points  (82 children)

Hollow knight is amazing and I can't wait to hear an update on sequel status.

All fingers and toes crossed that it won't be an epic-exclusive.

[–]bossman-CT 133 points134 points  (12 children)

Epic Exclusive, auto runner confirmed

[–]weglarz 43 points44 points  (9 children)

Id still buy it

[–]N19h7m4r3 5 points6 points  (0 children)

*whispers Denuvo in your ear*

[–]altmyshitup 33 points34 points  (51 children)

why would it be an epic exclusive? the devs are insanely loaded with how well the first game did

[–]Carighan 52 points53 points  (23 children)

Yeah but if you can make extra millions or not make them, why not?

[–]BoredomHeights 11 points12 points  (1 child)

I think most studios do it to guarantee some money if it doesn’t do as well. But it’s probably not profitable for a game that will sell well all over to be restricted to one store.

[–]GensouEU 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It wouldnt be restricted to one store, it's also in Switch, which is the biggest platform for a lot of Indie releases. Making a deal with Epic seems only beneficial for Team Cherry

[–]Fob0bqAd34 25 points26 points  (22 children)

Supergiant still took the money for Hades. Epic seems to have moved on to multiplatform publishing deals rather than buying temporary exclusives.

[–]trapezoidalfractal 1 point2 points  (7 children)

What’s that about Hades? Is it Epic exclusive now? I bought the game on steam back in version like.. 0.3, I assumed it would still be available there now that it’s released.

[–]SteveRath 29 points30 points  (3 children)

Hades was Epic exclusive for a year.

[–][deleted] 14 points15 points  (0 children)

But only for the first year of early access. In that regard, you can assume whatever money they got for the exclusive helped fund the development of the game.

[–]trapezoidalfractal 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Crazy. I guess because I rarely use Epic Launcher, I just didn’t know it existed before it came to Steam. I honestly was amazed how quickly after launching it entered 1.0, makes sense that it was around a full year before I got it.

[–]n0stalghia 2 points3 points  (0 children)

They are overblowing it. The early access was Epic exclusive for a year. Then the early access came to Steam.

The release was on all platforms.

[–]makeshifttoaster02 10 points11 points  (2 children)

It was Epic exclusive for a year during its Early Access run.

[–]greg19735 4 points5 points  (1 child)

this is also key

People attribute going to steam as the major reason it blew up.

No. I mean, it did help. But leaving early access and getting a proper release actually did that.

[–]TonyKadachi 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Gearbox also made a limited time exclusivity deal for Borderlands 3

[–]OriginsOfSymmetry 9 points10 points  (0 children)

If the game is good and the price is right I couldn't care less what store I have to open in order to buy it. All games get launched through Playnite anyways so it makes no difference to me.

[–]drfreemanchu 1 point2 points  (3 children)

It's got a page on the steam store

[–]SoloSassafrass 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'd buy it day one no matter what store it's on.

[–]Ondreeej 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I was expecting this to come out sometime during the summer, not sure if I made that up in my head or something. Looking forward to this so much, first one is a masterpiece.

[–]L3rbutt 27 points28 points  (3 children)

New demo and long Interview? Nice. But seems the Author has a problem with the media company and left it? Is Future really that bad? Regardless I need a new Hollow Knight...

Just hook it to my veins!

[–]foofighter1351 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Oh finally something, hollow knight is way up there for my favourite games ever and silksong is real likely to be a day one buy it just needs to finally come out.

[–]Stradocaster 10 points11 points  (2 children)

Wait but what is the original poster mad about?

[–]TiniestManatee 30 points31 points  (1 child)

She's the outgoing editor at Edge and this leaked a week early.

[–]Stradocaster 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Oh gotcha thanks

[–]JW_BM 6 points7 points  (5 children)

Is there a way to buy and read this issue now? Or is it something that will only be available starting the 31st?

[–]Saturnalian-OG 12 points13 points  (1 child)

EDGE has an app if you want to check whether it’s available now. I haven’t checked it but it sounds like this is a future issue coming shortly.

[–]katiecharm 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Not as of today, the 24th.

[–]n0stalghia 1 point2 points  (2 children)

I mean, it says February 2021 at the bottom of the image...

[–]TakeFourSeconds 4 points5 points  (1 child)

It’s coming out on the 31st. Most magazine print with dates in the future so they seem relevant for longer. Weird practice but it’s pretty ubiquitous.

[–]hartsurgeon 3 points4 points  (2 children)

I NEED a release date ASAP. Hollow Knight is like my fourth favorite game of all time, and playing other platformers with cute ghost-like cartoon protagonists like Rain World and Ori is filling the void for now, but it can't forever.

[–]o0Willum0o 33 points34 points  (100 children)

I hope it’s not more difficult than the OG. I thought that one was getting a liiiiittle much for me by the end and I heard the DLC was a step up again.

I love that world, but I can’t put myself through that again.

Edit: I knew asking for a game like this to be easier was like poking the bee-hive.

[–]Thehelloman0 56 points57 points  (19 children)

The main story I thought was reasonable but the vast majority of players would not be able to beat nightmare king Grimm imo. That's when I gave up on it. I beat every boss but him, radiance, and zote

[–]Sovva29 13 points14 points  (1 child)

I beat the first version of Grimm, but forget the second fight. Tried the Zote fight a handheld of times and gave up.

I pushed through Radiance by using a method I found online. Even them it took me almost an hour to beat. The excitement of finally beating Radiance was worth it and I liked the ending.

Before I retired the game I had Grimm, Zote, and the Godpath DLC left. I didn't event attempt the last DLC because the boss fights weren't my favorite thing. Much preferred the platforming and exploration.

[–]BorisAcornKing 11 points12 points  (0 children)

NKG is impossible until he's not, and then he becomes frankly one of the easiest bosses. I died to him over and over and over, until I had the patterns down and decided to just be patient, grabbing my 1-2 hits where I can. Nkg has much less RNG and much smaller hitboxes on his attacks than many other bosses in the game.

Him and then second last Pantheon boss are both like this. The final one is absolutely some shit though.

[–]ChipHazard1 18 points19 points  (2 children)

Must of taken me upward of 50 attempts to beat Nightmare king grimm. I was stood up with the controllers for maximum concentration ha

[–]fizzlefist 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Same, but when I finally did beat him? That was a rush of endorphins.

[–]dewhashish -1 points0 points  (0 children)

must have*

[–]o0Willum0o 9 points10 points  (4 children)

Isn’t radiance the real final boss? It’s been a while but that’s what I meant by a bit much.

[–]Thehelloman0 2 points3 points  (3 children)

I would view hollow knight as the final boss. Stuff like pure vessel, nightmare king grimm, and absolute radiance are more like post game content imo

[–]LiterallyKesha 20 points21 points  (0 children)

The Radiance comes before absolute. Technically making it the final boss before DLCs.

[–]GensouEU 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Did you mean Absolute Radiance? Because normal Radiance is definitely the final boss of the basegame. Hollow Knight is just the actually there is more bait boss like Richter in SotN

[–]anon4953491 19 points20 points  (0 children)

You view Hollow Knight, the one where he is weak and full of Infection, the final boss? Radiance is not the same as Absolute Radiance by the way, and the Radiance is literally the source of Infection that you fight the entire game (also controlling the infected Hollow Knight as well).

[–]KingOPM 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Shit you not, took me like 500 tries. Hardest boss I've ever faced.

[–]wingspantt 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Same here. The main story is doable. NKG kicked my ass for like 15 hours and I called it a day. Luckily it's optional.

[–]M8753 0 points1 point  (3 children)

Nightmare King Grimm is beatable for me, once I learn it. Which kinda sucks - what is this, school?

But Zote. Zote is insanity. After the first few victories, he becomes literally impossible.

[–]LavosYT 0 points1 point  (2 children)

I think Zote is just a meme

[–][deleted] 18 points19 points  (2 children)

I think the first game did its difficulty range well. There are several reasonable stopping points at different levels of difficulty where you can end feeling like you've won. If you just want to finish the game, you can stop at the basic ending. If you want a bit more of a challenge, go after the Dream No More ending. If you want a significant challenge, go for 112% and let Pure Vessel be the finale. If you really want to push yourself, go for Pantheon of Hallownest. If you're a complete masochist, there's bindings and Radiant challenges. At any of those points you can say you're done, you completed your goals with the game and have no need to continue. I hope Silksong does something similar, so anyone can see an ending and complete the game to their satisfaction, but also offers further challenges for people that want to dig deeper. Optional challenges existing shouldn't feel alienating to those that aren't interested in them.

[–]o0Willum0o 7 points8 points  (0 children)

It’s been a while, but I remember the basic ending not at all feeling like a win and that it was pushing me to find the proper ending. I guess tying story stuff to it made it feel not optional for me and it’s tough to walk away from a game I really enjoyed knowing I didn’t get the whole story.

[–]FatPac00 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This was my stopping point i did literally everything else in the game except PoH tho i still made it to sisters of battle because that fight is amazing. I do think doing the entire thing is more trouble than its worth so i'm happy with my 112% I think i can say i'm pretty good at this game with that under my belt

[–]remmanuelv 24 points25 points  (10 children)

IMO once you "get" the game it gets easier. Except White Palace, fuck that noise.

[–]GiantR 20 points21 points  (7 children)

Even White Palace is pretty easy, when you get down to it.

Except the path of Pain. Fuck THAT noise.

[–]o0Willum0o 22 points23 points  (1 child)

It’s fun reading these comments and seeing everyone’s breakpoint. Maybe my problem was feeling like I HAD to do all of the optional stuff.

[–]GiantR 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Oh I fucking Did it. Took me 3 hours, but I did it. The King's Molds at the end, even killed me. I can probably do it rn easily. But by lord it was a tough one to learn.

Didn't do the Pantheons though. That'd break me. Already took me a LOT to beat NKG.

[–]dat_bass2 7 points8 points  (3 children)

How to beat the Path of Pain:

Play Celeste.

That's it. Really. I beat it on my first try in 40 minutes after doing Celeste's B-side levels.

[–]NoProblemsHere 0 points1 point  (2 children)

No. Nononono.
Don't get me wrong, I loved Celeste while I was playing it, but I was totally done after 100%ing the main story. Tried to do level eight and the B-sides and my heart just wasn't in it anymore, and I don't even want to think about level nine.
That's probably why I never cleared the Path of Pain, to be honest.

[–]dat_bass2 2 points3 points  (1 child)

To each their own. For me, mastering that challenge is its own reward.

[–]NoProblemsHere 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Oh for sure, and younger me would probably be all over it. Time has sadly not been kind to my gaming patience. I am a mere shadow of the completionist I once was.

[–]fizzlefist 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yes, even the Path of Pain is pretty easy once you just get it

Now, fighting Zote in the coliseum? Forget that noise!

[–]JesusSandro 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Can confirm although ofc it depends on the person. Did my first replay of the game a few weeks ago and easily got the "speedrun" achievements.

[–]dewhashish 1 point2 points  (0 children)

path of pain made the white palace a fucking breeze

[–]couchslippers 13 points14 points  (25 children)

Watcher Knights were harder than the final boss IMO.

[–][deleted] 16 points17 points  (23 children)

Harder than which final boss? Harder than the Hollow Knight, sure, but definitely not harder than the Radiance.

[–]couchslippers 0 points1 point  (22 children)

Oh yeah, the first one. I didn’t even fuck around with the extra stuff. Tried the platforming challenge and that was just next level shit.

[–]Reddhero12 16 points17 points  (21 children)

That’s not extra, that’s the actual final boss

[–]Lowelll -1 points0 points  (2 children)

It's a secret boss, it's definitely extra content.

[–]BirdKevin 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I would argue that any boss that concludes the story could be considered the final boss.

[–]nybbas 2 points3 points  (0 children)

That's like saying richter is the final boss of symphony of the night.

[–]katiecharm 2 points3 points  (0 children)

If you replay it, it’s amazing how much easier it is the second time around.

[–]LavosYT 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I hope they keep the main game around as hard as Hollow Knight is, but with its own mechanics to learn of course. Then optional challenges can lean into the hard side.

[–]M8753 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I feel you. I want the bosses to be a lot easier. (though I want the enemies to be harder)

But that's not gonna happen. I would bet 50€ that Silksong will be more difficult across the board.

[–]Thank_You_Love_You[🍰] 1 point2 points  (3 children)

Honestly its not even that bad, once you get shadow dash bosses were much easier.

For comparison, I died way more times playing Super Mario World than I did playing Hollow Knight (except the DLCs were a big step up in difficulty).

Personally, I hope they keep the same ramp up in difficulty from ridiculously easy to challenging.

[–]jerrrrremy 7 points8 points  (1 child)

I died way more times playing Super Mario World than I did playing Hollow Knight.

Were you playing blindfolded with a steering wheel controller?

[–]Thank_You_Love_You[🍰] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

People just dont remember super mario world was a pretty difficult game, especially super mario bros 3.

For example the level that plasters ghosts all over the screen, or the level where ghoomba but rounder enemies are forever falling from the sky, or the castle with the mage that appears and shoots at you forever, or the level with seal torpedos.

[–]o0Willum0o 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Fair enough. It’s been a while but I’m pretty sure Radiance demanded more from me than any game I’ve ever played, but I was on a Switch at the time and the joycons did not help.

Been tempted to give it another go on PC.

[–]TonyKadachi 2 points3 points  (1 child)

I'm pretty excited for this, Hollow Knight was a fantastic game and Silksong from what I've seen is going to be just as good if not better. I wonder if the storytelling will change in a significant way now that the protagonist is able to speak.

[–]SoloSassafrass 5 points6 points  (0 children)

The devs have said that one of the new challenges Silksong introduced was writing way more dialogue since now the protagonist can have actual conversations with NPCs.

[–]0ussel 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I was starting to get a little worried since I didn't see much news outside some concept art being posted. Glad to hear it seems to be going good.

[–]jumbohiggins 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Does the article include a release date? If so I'll buy a year's subscription right now.

[–]PMIgrinder 4 points5 points  (1 child)

inject this shit DIRECTLY into my veins!

i've been doing HK randomizers to tide me over until the release of Silksong - i highly recommend trying it out if you're looking for a new way to enjoy the game! here's a guide to the randomizer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTXjwmjpzMcm4GuZNeiSiX8rp2neYwHeX1IwNn0mi7xnvCxBzEJlnlLnkp_HvVf4u4S6vhAJQTVH8xE/pub

[–]katiecharm 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Wow thanks, that sounds awesome

[–]liam_taylor_ 1 point2 points  (2 children)

Should I beat the final boss before silksong? I'm scared and just don't want to go in there.