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  • Ban Appeal Thread

    vivoovix votes • comments

  • What’s the point of restricting trans threads when anyone can post on them anyway? What’s the point of restricting trans threads when anyone can post on them anyway?

    It seems like anyone can post their unfettered opinions irrespective of the rules and mods wishes, and trans threads, from what I’ve seen, don’t seem supportive of trans people at all, in fact I see borderline transphobic arguments being made in the last few I’ve visited

    Same goes for immigration threads which are also pretty disgusting sometimes

    Why was an article regarding the Trump attack removed? Why was an article regarding the Trump attack removed?

    The post in question:

    It's not exactly a horse racing article with the latter part of the article detailing the risk in the rise of political violence, seeing how before the attack there were already 14 fatal politically motivated attacks already; 13 of which came from the right. With Trumpian rhetoric and now a spark in all likelihood galvanizing the right to perform more attacks.

    There should be a discussion thread for more serious political only discussion. This could also serve as the "BT". There should be a discussion thread for more serious political only discussion. This could also serve as the "BT".

    The regular DT doesn't exactly encourage any real discussion and people are mostly using it as their personal diary.

    A lot of interesting submissions get removed so why not provide a space for those discussions in a more serious DT?

    I'm thinking something similar to the r/CredibleDefense daily megathread

    Edit: Let me clarify that I'm not saying this would be a super high level political theory discussion thread, it would simply ask people to keep the discussion related to neoliberalism/politics. The DT is too all over the place and it's kind of a mess.

    Once it's confirmed whether Biden stays or withdraws, we need a reconciliation thread
    u/[deleted] avatar[deleted]
    Once it's confirmed whether Biden stays or withdraws, we need a reconciliation thread

    Schisms happen all the time in arr neoliberal, there's no doubt about that. But IMO this one is particularly ugly and, no matter where you stand, it has made the DeeTee borderline unusable for a lot of folks.

    The two-state solution with the BT helped, but it's just a bandaid on a pretty gaping wound for the sub. People need to be reminded that we are all on the same team and we all want to see the Dems win in November, no matter who is leading the ticket. I think some sort of unity thread would help heal the sub somewhat IMO.

    Resident Succ farrenj Delivers Major MetaNL Poast on Articles of Impeachment Against Moderators p00bix and sir_shivers Resident Succ farrenj Delivers Major MetaNL Poast on Articles of Impeachment Against Moderators p00bix and sir_shivers

    Thank you, u/thatfrenchieguy. I rise today to introduce articles of impeachment against moderators u/p00bix and u/sir_shivers. Against u/p00bix the resolution includes three total articles. One count of failure to disclose anti-succ tendencies and two counts of refusal to recuse from matters concerning u/farrenj posting before the subreddit.

    The second resolution includes the following impeachment articles against u/sir_shivers, one count of a refusal to recuse from cases in which he had a personal bias or prejudice concerning u/farrenj before the subreddit and one count of failure to disclose anti-catgirl tendencies among other information. Mr. u/thatfrenchieguy, nomination and appointment to the moderator team is one of the highest privileges and most consequential responsibilities of our subreddit.

    I have strong suspicion that something big is going to happen soon, and that we might need a Biden resignation thunderdome sometime in the next week or two I have strong suspicion that something big is going to happen soon, and that we might need a Biden resignation thunderdome sometime in the next week or two

    I'm seeing weird hints in Biden's answers for the press conference that shows he might be seriously considering resigning soon that I haven't seen in previous Biden speeches in the last week or so. So the mods should probably be ready to drop down a Biden resignation megathread

    Why is the Biden thread not even being remotely being moderated Why is the Biden thread not even being remotely being moderated

    you think this shit makes us look good, its garbage. That's when it isn't just pulling a Miami-Dade and calling every racial group that says they don't support replacing Biden stupid people that don't know what they want. Either moderate these threads or burn it. I don't care which but I'm tired of having to go in there and try to tamp down on this nonsense. Everytime I'm gone for more than an hour it flares up into another round of toxicity

    Ban the TECH&AI ping combination. Ban the TECH&AI ping combination.

    Right now the AI crap is reaching critical mass and all of the AI spam is just spamming up the TECH ping. Seeing AI on a Tech ping is a surefire way for me not to read your message. Not sure if other people feel the same way.

    Also don't co-opt the CS ping either. There is a reason why we have a dedicated AI ping (that I am not apart of).

    This is not just 1 user. Multiple users are spamming other pings with the AI ping.

    Edit: I'm being a bit harsh here, because of two AI&TECH pings over the course of an hour, but there's a reason why the dedicated AI ping exists. Not everyone subscribed to the TECH ping really cares about AI, and the same can be applied to the CS ping as well. Depending on your opinions on AI the AI ping / AI topics could be seen in a similar way to Crypto.

    set the automod to automatically remove any post or comment with the word "Biden," as well as any variations, replacements, or other common workarounds thereof as necessary, for the next week, or month, idk set the automod to automatically remove any post or comment with the word "Biden," as well as any variations, replacements, or other common workarounds thereof as necessary, for the next week, or month, idk

    I mean honestly what even is the fucking point of all this?

    Automod request for "Failing US Education system" Automod request for "Failing US Education system"

    A common misconception is that the USA has a poor public education system. In most international tests the USA is above average. Tertiary education in the 25-34 population is higher than the OECD average and ahead of countries like Denmark and France. In the most recent PISA the USA is above average as a whole, lower but not statistically significantly than average in math, and above average in both reading, and science. US public education is the largest feeder to Ivy League schools (widely considered to be the best schools in the world). The USA has the most foreign students in the world, that wouldn't be the case if the quality was low. An Automod response would help debunk the common misconception that the USA has a poor public education system. Also, in terms of per-pupil spending they are fourth in the OECD. In terms of raw numbers, like military spending lmao, they are first globally. The US state of Mississippi has a higher percentage of adults with bachelors degrees than Italy.


    Why were the posts where Carl Bernstein says there have been 15-20 private incidents like the debate removed? Why were the posts where Carl Bernstein says there have been 15-20 private incidents like the debate removed?

    Hi again, friends.

    So I saw that the posts on Carl Bernstein’s interview with Anderson Cooper, in which he says his sources note 15-20 incidents like the debate, were removed.

    Most recently, this one from me:

    My understanding, based on your previous answers in MetaNL, is that your main motivation in removing posts related to Biden was to keep the front page from being nothing but Biden. Okay, that’s fair.

    The front page is currently clear.

    I would argue that a journalist as well-established as Carl Bernstein saying that Biden has had these incidents so many times is newsworthy. I would be interested to hear the argument otherwise.

    I guess my two questions which I’d hope to get answers to boil down to:

    1. Has the motivation for removing Biden posts changed from keeping the front page diverse to something else?

    2. Is this Carl Bernstein story newsworthy?

    The Dating ping was a mistake The Dating ping was a mistake

    The Dating ping is distracting from this sub's true purpose: shitposting about economics and politics in that order of relevance. As such, I suggest redefining the parameters of the ping to only permitting posts about relationships in the context of economics or politics. I understand that this may seem somewhat vague, so let me furnish a couple examples of what would and would not constitute ping abuse under these proposed regulations:

    Here is an example of ping abuse: My wife left me.

    And here is an example of an appropriate use case for the ping: My wife left me for Ben Bernanke.

    I think the benefits of such a change in policy are self evident and would generate much value for shareholders, and implore you to write your local congresslizard in support.