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How many more women have to die before we get serious about this epidemic?

How many more women have to die before we get serious about this epidemic?

The Herald believes two royal commissions are urgently needed: the first a state-based inquiry into laws and resources, the second a national probe examining the underlying causes driving male attitudes towards women.

  • The Herald's View


These maps show the risk of flooding at Rosehill mini-city

These maps show the risk of flooding at Rosehill mini-city

Flood risk evaluations of the Rosehill ‘mini-city’ site show what needs to be considered before 25,000 apartments could be built there.

  • by Max Maddison
Rosie Batty urges NSW royal commission into domestic violence

Rosie Batty urges NSW royal commission into domestic violence

The murder of 28-year-old Molly Ticehurst has shocked the country and experts say urgent action is needed to stop family violence.

  • by Alexandra Smith and James Massola
Anzac Day: Just the therapy Sydney needed to heal a ‘broken heart’

Anzac Day: Just the therapy Sydney needed to heal a ‘broken heart’

New RSL NSW president Mick Bainbridge says the community needed to come back together again for Anzac Day.

  • by Tim Barlass
The inside story of how Rosehill got on Sydney’s housing map

The inside story of how Rosehill got on Sydney’s housing map

In a two-week period late last year, the Australian Turf Club went from insisting there was “definitely no plan” to relinquish Rosehill Racecourse to approaching the government with a plan to build 25,000 new homes.

  • by Michael McGowan and Max Maddison
Bleak outlook for The Star as nemesis Crown has licence reinstated

Bleak outlook for The Star as nemesis Crown has licence reinstated

Crown Sydney has proven it can clean up its act. But across the city, its arch rival The Star is facing a very different outlook.

  • by Alexandra Smith and Amelia McGuire
New Sydney housing targets rattle advocates and developers

New Sydney housing targets rattle advocates and developers

Details about the government’s transport development zones have peak community housing groups as well as developers in agreement.

  • by Max Maddison
A love letter to Sydney after a mad moment of hate

A love letter to Sydney after a mad moment of hate

The photos of all the Bondi Junction victims and heroes in one single viewing pane are a microcosm of all that you do that’s wonderful.

  • by Erin Morra Cordi
Minns launches review after Molly Ticehurst’s death

Minns launches review after Molly Ticehurst’s death

Just weeks before Ticehurst was found dead in a NSW home, the man accused of her alleged murder was released on bail over a series of allegations of sexual assault against her.

  • by Michael McGowan and Perry Duffin
Rise of the tombstone suburb: Wealthy Sydney areas where deaths outnumber births

Rise of the tombstone suburb: Wealthy Sydney areas where deaths outnumber births

Sydney’s population is booming thanks to migration, but deaths are outnumbering births in a growing share of mainly wealthy suburbs.

  • by Matt Wade
The Labor HQ email that panicked local council candidates

The Labor HQ email that panicked local council candidates

A NSW Labor Party email has prompted a flurry of panicked correspondence from local officials ahead of September’s local government elections.

  • by Max Maddison and Michael McGowan