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Annotated solutions for Genius 239

This article is more than 10 months old

Follow the methodology behind Genius 239

Each clue prefaced by a number in square brackets provides a cryptic indication of a word (minus a single letter) from a well-known poem (not further defined). Its solution was to be entered without this letter. The missing letters in numbered order give the name of the author:


Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard

Words: solemn, complain, solitary, anthem, current, tyrant, Cromwell, noiseless, brushing, approach.


1 abated A(ce) + BAT(t)ED

5 calash C<AL(Capone)>ASH

9 unaired double def

10 revel REVE(a)L

11 photon P<HO(use)>TON

12 execrate (River) EXE/CRATE

13 n[O/3]iseless ISLE (anag) in (Loch) NESS

15 onyx NY in OX

17 Gaul GA<U>L

19 agnostic ACTING SO (anag)

23 space age cryptic def

24 grooms G(rand)/ROOMS

26 antem[H/2] MEANT (anag)

27 Cro[M/4]well ORC (rev) + WELL

28 Sharon NORAH’S (rev)

29 tenant TEN<A/N(umber)>T


2 brushin[G/7] B<RUSH>IN

3 t[Y/10]rant T<RAN>T

4 daringly DA(RING/1)ILY

5 curren[T/1] CUR + (child)REN

6 liverwort EVIL (rev) + WORT(h)

7 solit[A/5]ry SOLI + TRY [plural of SOLO]

8 idlers RELIS[H(igh)E(xplosive)]D (anag)

14 solicitor SOL/ICI/TOR

16 long-lost LONG + LOTS (anag)

18 app[R/8]oach AP<PO>ACH(e)

20 Greece GREE(n) + C(hurch of)E(ngland)

21 compl[A/9]in COMPLIN(e)

22 barman B<ARM>AN

25 [S/6]olemn O<L(unar)E(xcursion)M(odule)>N

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