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Hey everyone, u/Go_JasonWaterfalls here, Reddit’s VP of Community. Welcome to r/reddit! You’re in the right place for all sorts of updates, announcements, and news related to Reddit Inc. and the platform.

TL;DR Moving forward, the posts that you would normally read in admin communities such as r/blog, r/announcements, and r/changelog will be posted in this community instead.

Why the change?

Well, after hearing from you through surveys and comments in the communities themselves (thanks to those of you who took part), we learned that having lots of different admin-run communities that focus on a variety of niche topics (some of which overlap) can be confusing to navigate. This goes for us, too.

So we’ve decided to consolidate a number of our official communities and make r/reddit your one-stop shop to learn about what’s happening at Reddit. A few things we plan to share here:

  • Content that previously lived in r/announcements, r/blog, and r/changelog, like new feature announcements, links to reports on transparency and safety, and special events and projects like Extra Life, Reddit Recap, the Snappening, and Up the Vote

  • A broader range of information on different areas of Reddit (thanks to those of you who made this request, we think it’s a great one), plus AMAs with company leaders and other folks across Reddit. (Mods? Members of internal teams? Redditors doing interesting stuff? You tell us!)

  • Reddit history and lore, data and research insights (anonymized of course), and stories about how y’all use Reddit

All good things...

While we’re ramping up a new space, that also means it’s time to wind down the old spaces in order to make sure we have One Place To Rule Them All. This means that r/announcements, r/blog, and r/changelog will be archived on February 24 as we wind this space up. Archived subreddits can still be fully viewed, but do not allow new posts or comments, so you’ll still be able to see the content in these spaces. That all said, we’re keeping r/shittychangelog so you can continue to laugh at our mistakes.

In addition, we’ll be archiving a few other spaces today, as they’ve fulfilled their purpose. We thank them for their work, and end their watch:

We also have communities like r/mobileweb, r/beta, and r/cssnews that we’re still mulling the future of. On one hand, the updates in these communities may be better suited to this new space (or even other spaces), however, we also recognize their value as community discussion centers. Please share your thoughts in the comments.

Moderator-specific communities, like r/modnews and r/modsupport will not be affected by these changes, nor will r/help or r/bugs. r/modnews will continue to be the place we post updates specific to moderators, with r/modsupport as your place to get support. r/redditsecurity will still be the place to find things like our quarterly security reports and other safety-related efforts. We’ll also continue to monitor r/help and r/bugs for your feedback and bug reports.

We want r/reddit to be a community that you help shape. If you have suggestions for things you’d like to learn about, conversations you’d like to have, or anything else you think would be interesting or helpful, let us know in the comments. Some ideas to get you started:

  • Experimental designs—Reddit design teams do a lot of conceptual work that’s more experimental. Wanna see it?

  • This Week on Reddit—an overview of the top growing communities, popular topics, and community events, AMAs, and happenings across the platform.

  • Wordle scores (#219 broke many a Reddit admin).

Thanks for being here; we can’t wait to hear your ideas.

Easier, faster comments on Reddit’s apps ADMIN Easier, faster comments on Reddit’s apps

TL;DR Getting to comments on Reddit’s iOS and Android mobile apps just got easier and much faster with instant comment loading, shortcuts to comments, and consistent comment navigation.

Hi! I’m u/such084 and I lead a number of product teams at Reddit, including one dedicated to building our comment experience. I’m here today to share some updates on this experience on Reddit’s native apps.

Whether you’ve been here for two decades, two years, or two days, you know that conversations are the heart of Reddit (where else can we have convos like this or this). Comments are where we find each other, across time zones and topics. This year, the team is focused on making Reddit the best on the internet at conversations.

H/T to Reddit’s User Feedback Collective — a group of redditors who expressed interest in helping us test early builds and provided feedback which has led to the update you see today. We knew the only way to build a better experience would be to include the community in the process.

Here’s what’s rolling out to everyone on Reddit’s iOS and Android apps today.

Instant comment loading - Comments now load faster than ever. As you’re browsing a post, the entire conversation is getting ready for you, in a fraction of a second.

Comments now load instantly

Shortcut to comments - Previously, if you tapped on the comments button to read the comments of a post, you would land on the post. Now you’ll go directly to the top of the comments. And if you want to revisit the original post, there’s a stickied context bar at the top of the page. With a single tap, you can return to the post body or dive into the image, GIF, or video.

Tap on the Comments button to go straight to the conversation

Consistent comment navigation across post types - Joining a conversation has not been easy with different ways of navigating to comments from image, video, or text posts. To create a more consistent and seamless flow across all post types, we’re introducing a unified media player, immersive transitions, and consistent gestures.

Simply swipe up for comments; swipe left for new content.

(And thanks to the UFC’s feedback, you can get an enlarged view of an image or video from your feed with a single tap)

Swipe up for comments and swipe left for new content whether you’re in the post or browsing media

If you want to continue building this experience with us, come join the Reddit UFC!

A few of us will stick around in case you have questions - comment away!

Celebrating two years of Community Funds… and don’t miss Reddit Meetup Week! ADMIN Celebrating two years of Community Funds… and don’t miss Reddit Meetup Week!

What do spiders, basketball, and anime fandoms all have in common? Besides being topics that redditors love geeking out about, this is a list of communities that have tapped into Reddit’s one-of-a-kind Community Funds program to create unique and special moments for their members that bring them closer together.

We launched the Community Funds program two years ago with a commitment of $1 million to help take your community passions from URL to IRL. Since then, your distinct ideas and collaborative teamwork have led to some original, impactful, and downright cool user-driven experiences on and off of Reddit. r/NBA raised funds for the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, r/NFL celebrated their sports allegiances, and r/ChicagoFood created dinner party FOMO for a lot of us. And that’s just in the past year alone!

To commemorate these past two years, we’re excited to recap all the amazing and creative things that communities have accomplished together with support from the Community Funds program and give a little sneak peek into our plans for the next year.

Community Funds by the numbers (since launch in 2022):

  • 94 eligible applications received*

  • 30 proposals funded

  • $320,000 in funding disbursed

  • 33 million+ redditors engage in these funded communities

  • 5+ countries represented across these initiatives including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Germany

*151 total applications were received. Applications are deemed eligible based on program guidelines including the country where the applicant is based, established subreddit presence, application completion, and other criteria. Moderators based in the US, UK, Canada, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand are eligible to apply. For more information about the application process and program requirements, please visit here.

Recent community highlights:

Photo credit: u/TriedForMitchcraft credit: u/Happy_ClemTeenCast logo
  • r/nfl went to the sidelines for the 2024 Pro Bowl to create a one-of-a-kind Ask Me Anything (AMA) experience with football stars Quinnen Williams representing the AFC and Dexter Lawrence representing the NFC. And there were snazzy AMA booths!

New in 2024: Reddit Meetup Week x Community Funds:

Every year, you continue to power Community Funds by proposing incredible new ways to collectively bring your passion and interests to life. Our expansion of the program is fully driven by your submissions (last year we launched support for donation matching!) and we’re always impressed by the inspiring ideas you curate.

  • We’re thrilled to announce that Community Funds can be a helpful resource when you bring your community together for Reddit Meetup Week. For this URL to IRL event, you can submit proposals to take your community to the movies, for supplies to host trash cleanups, or to host a virtual book club – and Community Funds can provide support where it’s needed.

  • Complete this special application before May 1st to have your proposal considered for Reddit Meetup Week.

  • Visit r/CommunityFunds to ask questions, sign up for office hours to discuss your ideas, or get inspired by what other communities have planned!

Each application has helped to raise the ceiling of what’s possible through Community Funds. No project idea is too big or too small. Whether you want to start a book club or you’d like to write a book together, thank you for sharing your ideas with us. Please keep them coming!

We’re sticking around for a while, if you have questions for us in the comments!