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[–]stupidsimpson 3364 points3365 points  (91 children)

This was 2019, in case anyone was wondering.

[–]ConsistentAsparagus 57 points58 points  (0 children)

They knew.

BTW, I love it when actors look like they genuinely like the characters and what they’re doing.

side eyes Harrison Ford

[–]Bit5keptical 66 points67 points  (2 children)

Ah yes the year when the only thing to worry about was Endgame spoilers.

[–]Independent_Taste894 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Bruh, somebody changed their clash of clans layout so all of their walls said “Iron Man Dies”

[–]Bit5keptical 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thats the worst way of getting spoiled ig

[–]superking22 10 points11 points  (0 children)

They were both on a broadway play together at the time.

[–][deleted] 1722 points1723 points  (4 children)

multiverse of endless possibilities.

[–]easycure 367 points368 points  (3 children)

multiverse with sexy results

[–]throwaway347282 372 points373 points  (36 children)

Glad to see Charlie Cox getting famous around subreddits.

[–]SAKingWriter[S] 199 points200 points  (12 children)

He’s got a good following as far as I can tell! When I first saw Stardust I was hooked, love our boy thriving

[–]FiklergooDaredevil 59 points60 points  (6 children)

I loved that movie. I can't believe I didn't recognize him until now. I love daredevil , how could I have missed this.

[–]HellaWavy 18 points19 points  (2 children)

Same. But I also didn’t recognize Henry Cavill in that movie at first.

[–]SAKingWriter[S] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

That’s right!! Holy crap

[–]normanboulder 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Closest we will get to Daredevil v. Superman! Also Stardust is seriously one of the best movies ever made IMO!

[–]theeshivy 22 points23 points  (2 children)

He deserves so much, he's such a talented actor and a nice guy. It definitely looks like he has a bright future in the MCU, and he's even got a new upcoming Netflix spy show up ahead. Glad things are looking up for him after DD's cancellation and after he turned down a lot of acting roles because he thought DD S4 was going to happen

[–]TeaBarbarian 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Do you know what the Netflix spy show will be called? I’ll definitely have to check that out.

Edit: I looked it up and I’m assuming it is the miniseries by the name “Treason”.

[–]theeshivy 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yep that's the one

[–]platelettes 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I also love that movie.

Henry Cavill played Humphrey in that movie.

[–]brandon_strandy 38 points39 points  (7 children)

He would blow up if the daredevil shows were a movie

[–]Cappin_CrunchDaredevil 34 points35 points  (11 children)

He is the best actor in the MCU, so he deserves all the praise and more.

[–]Dr_Brule_FYH 14 points15 points  (4 children)

That's a big claim, Marvel casting is bang on almost every time

[–]brucejoel99Stan Lee 9 points10 points  (2 children)

Was Charlie, as one of the Netflix actors, cast by Sarah Halley Finn, though? Because she's precisely the sole reason that Marvel casting is bang on almost every time (& when it's not, it may not be her fault, like Universal vetoing Marvel's choice of Ruffalo in favor of Norton).

[–]Cappin_CrunchDaredevil 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Yeah, not trying to tear the other acting performances down. I just think Charlie does the best of the best

[–]ARetroGibbon 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Scar Jo, RDJ, Brolin, Cabbagepatch...

[–]TerminatorReborn 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Love Charlie but we got Renner, Ruffalo, RDJ, Brie and Hiddleston himself for the recurring cast. I'm not even counting one offs and smaller roles because the MCU is absolutely stacked with great actors and actresses, everyone is carrying their weight so arguing for who is the best is pretty pointless.

[–]Cappin_CrunchDaredevil 24 points25 points  (0 children)

I think Charlie gets a big boost because of how well he nails the emotional scenes, especially when he is broken in season 3. Since he is in a series he gets a lot more time to get fleshed out as a character than people in a few movies. I also think he gets a bonus for doing a lot of his own stunts and doing a gtrat job acting as a blind man.

[–]cbekel3618Avengers 845 points846 points  (79 children)

In an alternate universe, I genuinely wonder if Tom could pull off the role of Matt and Charlie the role of Loki

[–]CollinsCouldveDucked 577 points578 points  (77 children)

Charlie wouldn't work as Loki, Tom might be an okay daredevil but I'd need to hear his American accent to be more sure.

[–]ArseneLupinIV 276 points277 points  (13 children)

Charlie definitely wouldn't work as the charming Tom Loki we know, but as we've seen a Lady Loki, Kid Loki, Old Loki, and even Alligator Loki perhaps Charlie would've worked as a different, more rugged Loki? Tom seems a bit too lanky to be the flippy Daredevil that we're familiar with. Would have to be more like a blind red Batman.

[–]Juan_Punch_Man 25 points26 points  (0 children)

Blind Loki

[–]Currie_Climax 150 points151 points  (4 children)

Well the thing with "well he could play alternate universe character X" is kinda like 'well duh'

Anyone could play the alternate universe version of the character that IS MADE for that actor. It's like

"Could RDJ play Spiderman?"

"No, but if it was a 48 year old, goatee growing spiderman that looked like RDJ then RDJ could play him"

The question is could he play the Loki we know. THE Loki so to say.

[–]MrWeirdoFace 62 points63 points  (2 children)

I want to see RDJ play Lady Sif.

[–]Recover-Upper 18 points19 points  (1 child)

“I’m stuff”

[–]DarkDonut75 8 points9 points  (0 children)

"Sorry for being late. I was busy doing stuff"

[–]hypermelonpuff 7 points8 points  (0 children)

rdj as he appeared in BARF in civil war totally could. feels like young RDJ couldve played a tobey like spidey. not a typical spidey, but the way tobey played him.

[–]Ask_For_Cock_Pics 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Don't forget about Matt Damon Loki

[–]dragonator001 7 points8 points  (0 children)

He can be more similar to Assassin's Creed Loki, who isn't Tom Hiddleton's type of Charm, but still charming.

[–]HellaWavy 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Have you seen Stardust? Charlie can be charming as hell. It's just weird at this point to imagine anyone else in the role of Loki besides Tom.

[–]g14a 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Charlie would definitely be cool as a blind Loki.

[–]mc2bit 225 points226 points  (51 children)

I adore Tom, but he wouldn't be able to play Daredevil. He can definitely do the accent, but his fight style is all wrong for the character. Charlie rocks the scrappy brawler style. Tom's all big moves and flourishes.

And nobody else, ever, could play Loki. Tom figured out the exact right balance between lovable little shit and angsty drama queen.

[–]Fantasy_Connect 125 points126 points  (5 children)

He can definitely do the accent, but his fight style is all wrong for the character. Charlie rocks the scrappy brawler style. Tom's all big moves and flourishes.

This is something actors are trained to do. Loki is all big moves and flourishes. Matt is a brawler.

[–]musci1223 36 points37 points  (4 children)

Tom: 6 ft 3/4 inch 79 kg Cox: 5 ft 10 inch 79 kg The almost 3 inches of height difference makes one look a bit more buff than the other one. Both can play both roles because both are great actors.

[–]ManitouWakinyan 112 points113 points  (7 children)

You've got to be aware that his "fighting style" is what it is because that's what the choreographer told him to do, right?

[–][deleted] 47 points48 points  (4 children)

Are you fucking telling me that Tom and Charlie can't actually fight like this? Fuck you friend.

[–]SneakyPope 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Jon Berenthal real life murder hobo confirmed

[–]jscummy 12 points13 points  (0 children)

The car door scene with Kingpin was only included after the director saw Vincent D'Onofrio smashing a PA's head in between takes

[–]ManitouWakinyan 9 points10 points  (1 child)

Im telling you they can both fight like each other if the choreographer says so ;)

[–][deleted] 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Kinda wanna see Loki dancing to single ladies now.

[–]greenscout33Daredevil 51 points52 points  (4 children)

Richard E. Grant was a fantastic Loki imo

[–]talkingtunataco501 21 points22 points  (0 children)

So was Gary the Gator.

[–]CollarOrdinary4284 4 points5 points  (2 children)

Yeh but that was an alternate version. He wasn't playing the same Loki as Tom Hiddleston.

[–]LittleSadRufus 3 points4 points  (0 children)

If Charlie had been cast as Loki then as the character developed over successive films the character would be fine tuned to Charlie's acting range, rather than Tom's.

[–]ScottyIsland 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Well to be fair, even the Loki from the show was an alternate version. And Richard Grant’s Loki really felt like what an old version of Tom’s Loki would be like. He’s also the only one(we know of) that actually lived Tom’s Loki’s whole life(until Thanos) so he’s basically the same character, just with many extra years we didn’t see.

[–]PlatFleeceSpider-Man 11 points12 points  (1 child)

Fighting style will stick with the character more than the actor playing them though. Case in point, Keanu Reeves plays Neo and John Wick, both have very different styles of fighting despite being the same actor.

I’m sure if we swapped the actors but kept everything else the same in the MCU, the fighting styles would be one of the things kept intact.

[–]FiveUpsideDown 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I think Richard Grant played an excellent classic Loki.

[–]actual_mall_goth 54 points55 points  (25 children)

controversial opinion: I want a loki recast, not because I have anything against Tom I just love the current young, black nail polish wearing comic loki and his recent arc. I want them to do the kid loki/i am the sin that can’t be forgiven stuff

[–]cbekel3618Avengers 37 points38 points  (0 children)

I feel like that story’s still a possibility since we have Kid Loki, and there’s always that option to bring in Teen Loki, either as another variant or something like the comics

[–]Progressive_CavemanShades 70 points71 points  (1 child)

Loki show gave us plenty of Loki recast option.

[–]Wicked_smaht_guy 21 points22 points  (0 children)

glorious purpose!!

[–]wookiewin 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Hopefully Kid Loki becomes a pretty big character in the MCU and the actor could even grow into that version of Loki.

[–]the_honest_liar 26 points27 points  (13 children)

Hmmm, timothee chalamet? Fuck. Now I want to see that.

[–]neurotran 17 points18 points  (7 children)

I think he would do good. That boy can act. He was great in Dune.

[–]Deogas 18 points19 points  (4 children)

That boy turned 26 this week. Not that that historically has stopped them being cast as teens

[–]Fantasy_Connect 10 points11 points  (3 children)

cough Tom Holland cough.

Mind you he was 19 when he was cast, but that was 6 odd years ago lol.

[–]Deogas 15 points16 points  (2 children)

Oh totally. He’s been the most age appropriate Spidey we’ve had too. Andrew and Tobey were both closer to 30 than 20 when they were cast to play 16 year olds.

It just seems like in general that trend has subsided, with late 20-somethings being replaced by late teens early 20-somethings to play teens.

[–]RickardHenryLee 7 points8 points  (0 children)

it's especially okay if they have a babyface like Tom - I would still buy him as a high school senior/college freshman in the latest movie

[–]BackmarkerLife 7 points8 points  (1 child)

He was great in Don't Look Up in a bit part as an evangelical anarchist.

[–]frankiefrankiefrankOkoye 37 points38 points  (4 children)

Fun fact to make you feel old! Timothee’s only 2 years younger than Tom when he was cast as Loki and is a year older than Chris when he was cast as Thor.

[–]DancelessMomsMalcolm 26 points27 points  (1 child)

that's TWO facts. and they both made me feel old. in ascending order.

downvoted, i hope everyone else has the emotional capacity to do the same.

[–]MrWeirdoFace 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I dont' feel old, I just think time is stupid.

[–]the_honest_liar 4 points5 points  (0 children)

What the fuck.

sad fact, not fun fact. My boy is still a baby.

[–]suss2it 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Well they’d still need Hiddleston for that arc, at least a little bit.

[–]Saiyan_DeityOdin 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Adult Loki also has black nails in the comic sometimes.


[–]actual_mall_goth 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I know! I was just kind of using it as a descriptor for the teen/young adult loki, but that version is cool too.

[–]_Cetarial_ 4 points5 points  (3 children)

I just love the current young, black nail polish wearing comic loki

Yeah, and the MCU deviates pretty far from the comics.

[–]actual_mall_goth 2 points3 points  (2 children)

yeah! And there’s nothing wrong with that, I like the current MCU loki I just also would like to see modern comic loki too!

[–]_Cetarial_ 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It would be cool, yeah. But it would probably be a variant.

[–]Anubistheguardian 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Nobody else, ever? Really? Not any actor in history? Looks like it’s not just Tom Hiddleston who can play angsty drama queen

[–]cpt_lanthanide 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Why are you talking of their Moves like the actors bring that to the table?

[–]TwoCenturyVoid 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Honestly, I don’t agree with this at all. I think they’re both capable of the other.

[–]Purple-Mix1033 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Tom would be an inspired daredevil. No doubt about it.

[–]Rager001 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Imagine Loki season 2 features a Loki variant that decided he identified with Earth's concept of The Devil and so became Daredevil that stalks heroes to convince them to acts of mischief and evil.

[–]EBKeep1300Spider-Man 455 points456 points  (26 children)

Are they friends in real life?

[–]kaibibi 621 points622 points  (19 children)

They acted in the Broadway play Betrayal together so probably got close from that

[–]EBKeep1300Spider-Man 86 points87 points  (0 children)

Oh I see

[–]geek_of_nature 168 points169 points  (8 children)

Zawe Ashton, who's playing the villain in The Marvels was also in that. I believe her and Hiddleston started dating after that as well.

[–]choyjayBen Urich 83 points84 points  (7 children)

Oh wow I did not know she was onboard for The Marvels. She was good in the play, looking forward to seeing her in the MCU!

Also did not know her and Tom started dating. 😅

[–]geek_of_nature 109 points110 points  (6 children)

Also, I just found a photo of her from the same Halloween party.


[–]choyjayBen Urich 95 points96 points  (0 children)

Dressed as Captain Marvel, of course.



[–]ccbmtg 37 points38 points  (1 child)

so fuckin' cute lol. to be a fly on the wall of one of those Halloween parties... ha

[–]solipsistrealistKillmonger 25 points26 points  (0 children)

Or a wasp

[–]jscummy 33 points34 points  (0 children)

Charlie Cox looks geeked out of his mind

[–]bully1115Daredevil 58 points59 points  (4 children)

They've been friends for years before that. They met at auditions and one day Tom just asked Charlie if he wanted to get a burger and wala, BFFs.

[–]DTJB10 64 points65 points  (3 children)

Lol, wala

[–]bully1115Daredevil 27 points28 points  (2 children)

Fuck I forgot it's Voila lmaooo.

[–]PersonFromPlace 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Great submission for r/bonappletea

[–]kclose728 2 points3 points  (0 children)

LOL I thought a wala was a British thing I didn’t know about.

[–]Pyropylon 14 points15 points  (0 children)

What happens on broadway stays on broadway.

[–]DweebNRollGhost Rider 154 points155 points  (2 children)

This is too wholesome, they're like 2 Bestfriends swapping costumes without telling anyone on a Halloween party when they're like 8.. I love it 🥺

[–]mal_laney 67 points68 points  (0 children)

Hey TVA, yeah I'd like to report a couple of variants

[–]momothegoblin 170 points171 points  (2 children)

Looks like Zawe Ashton, whose playing the villain in the next Captain Marvel movie, also went as Captain Marvel lol.

[–][deleted] 21 points22 points  (0 children)

I was thinking it looks like Charles Manson with Loki horns.

[–]Mysterious_Put_9139 45 points46 points  (2 children)

This is my new favorite picture of all time....for all time.

[–]CollarOrdinary4284 10 points11 points  (0 children)


[–]Throgg_not_stupidDoctor Strange Supreme 297 points298 points  (16 children)

no idea why but this picture has strong post-sex vibes

[–]mc2bit 111 points112 points  (0 children)

Maybe because both Tom and Charlie radiate sex

[–]Ways_away 161 points162 points  (1 child)

They both look really baked. I mean look at Hiddleston's eyes, they're demonic red

[–][deleted] 80 points81 points  (0 children)

As a massive stoner myself I can confirm they definitely got that "We just smoked a huge joint in the car before we came in here." look on their faces.

[–]MaxTheSquirrel 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Look at the lines around Daredevil’s crotch big bulge there

[–]solipsistrealistKillmonger 25 points26 points  (0 children)

That’s the look I’d give too after having Daredevil use his reflexes on me.

[–]JohnBurgerson 9 points10 points  (9 children)

I could see Loki doing it, but not so much Murdock.

[–]cbekel3618Avengers 50 points51 points  (8 children)

Based on the show, I’d say Murdock’s a freak in the sheets too, he’d probably be down for it

[–]LeDudicusNick Fury 11 points12 points  (7 children)

Based on the show he'd be very repressed though. Murdock's very Catholic. Though maybe his past with Elektra allowed him to open up a bit.

[–]cbekel3618Avengers 32 points33 points  (6 children)

I mean, the show makes a point he’s a player and that Elektra is one of many lovers he’s had, so I’d say he’s not above some Asgardian lovin

[–]LeDudicusNick Fury 7 points8 points  (1 child)

True, but just because he's a player doesn't mean he can't be repressed and a bit vanilla. But we could both be way off lol.

[–]cbekel3618Avengers 10 points11 points  (0 children)

True, I could definitely be way off lol.

Though the thought of Loki sleeping with Matt is so funny for so, so many different levels

[–]iqbalides 6 points7 points  (3 children)

I feel like him seeming like a player is just part of his act. As far as we know he's only done the deed with Elektra. Other than that I don't see him having sex much especially since he's busy most nights running around the city as daredevil.

[–]martialar 43 points44 points  (1 child)

Lokedevil: the God Without Fear

[–]djseiferAnt-Man 38 points39 points  (0 children)


Thor: No, don't. He'll actually do it. We once got him to steal $200,000 in Midgard currency and jump out of a plane.

[–]mad_titanzThanos 41 points42 points  (0 children)

Now that Cox is in MCU, I hope we will see these two together in a movie in the near future.

[–]Nerevarine95 35 points36 points  (1 child)

Forgot Charlie Cox isn't actually blind. Whoops

[–]ericshogren 8 points9 points  (0 children)

It’s always jarring to me to see him outside of the role for this reason.

[–]TooHigh2Die420 48 points49 points  (10 children)

Would love to see a Loki and Daredevil crossover team up... Maybe in Season 2 of Loki...

Great show btw Alligator Loki was my fave...

[–]Hamuelin 12 points13 points  (1 child)

I sometimes forget Charlie Cox isn’t blind.

[–]SH4DE_Z 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Maybe he IS blind and he's so good acting that he's tricking us all into thinking he can see

[–]Apocalyptic_HorsemanDaredevil 22 points23 points  (0 children)

I need Charlie Cox to play a Loki variant in season 2 now

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (1 child)

i love charlie’s smile sm

[–]Jarita12 6 points7 points  (0 children)

For those who don´t know or/and are confused:

This was after the play The Betrayal, they were together on Broadway (West End before that). Zawe Ashton also was in that play, here dressed as Captain Marvel. Zawe plays in the Marvels (a villain) and she started dating Tom Hiddleston during the play in 2019 and have been together ever since.

And this was taken in 2019

Just FYI :D

[–]AsteroidMike 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Interesting variants we got here

[–]Abuses-Commas 5 points6 points  (1 child)

I like how cheap the costumes are, other than the helmet for Daredevil, which I'm pretty sure is one of the actual props

[–]SDW1987 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I was gonna say, that looks like Maleficent horns that are painted gold. Loki's didn't have the twist, did they?

[–]KwisatzHaderach94 12 points13 points  (1 child)

if this counts as cosplay, then mcu movies are basically larp'ing

[–]_Levitated_Shield_Ant-Man 6 points7 points  (0 children)

And the larpers in Hawkeye were mcu-ing. Like poetry, it rhymes.

[–]QuintupleTheFun 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Tom Hiddleston still looks delicious with 90% of his face covered. WTF

[–]Odddsock 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Seeing Charlie Coxs eyes focusing on something is so fucking weird

[–]Frosti11icus 8 points9 points  (5 children)

Charlie Cox kinda looking like Charlie Manson there...

[–]MrWeirdoFace 1 point2 points  (1 child)

For some reason he looks more like a bearded Jon Bernthal to me.

[–]Crowbar_Faith 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Reminds me of that ComicCon scene in “Ted 2” where Patric Warburton and Michael Dorn dress up in cheaper costumes of characters they’re known for, the Tick & Worf.

[–]AncientPanda1182 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Idk what you’re talking about this is definitely a scene from Netflix’s daredevil.

[–]mightyrjBlack Panther 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This better not awaken anything in me.

[–]PhoenixAgent003 1 point2 points  (0 children)

For a moment, I got Hiddleston and Holland confused and thought to myself “when the fuck did the eternally babyfaced Spider-Boy gain the ability to grow a beard?!”

[–]ElDuderino_92 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I swear Charlie Cox has the most wholesome smile

[–]srxcustom 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Cox? Or Manson?

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

they both have the best two mcu shows

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Matt Murdock goes into confession dressed as Loki.

Father Lantom: ...

Matt: Don't ask.

[–]pm-me-hot-waifus 1 point2 points  (0 children)

they look so happy :)

[–]Varion117 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I just love the fact that Charlie Cox is cheesing so hard dressed up as Loki.

[–]CollarOrdinary4284 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The multiverse is a concept of which we know frighteningly little

[–]anti_con2 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I was so confused until I realised Charlie Cox is dressed as Loki and Tom Hiddleston is dressed as Daredevil

[–]socially_inept_turd 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's weird seeing his eyes actually focused