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Moderna or Pfizer?

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  • r/dogelore - Moderna or Pfizer?
  • r/dogelore - Moderna or Pfizer?
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I hate that now everytime I wake up I make the Windows XP start sound.

Can I have an update please?


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3indows, not to be confused with 4pple.


Thrindows and Fapple

When the Thrindows and Fapple is Sus!

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Now that it’s been a while and no ones looking it’s again safe to use Windows XP. I just typed this comment up in Internet Explorer 6 on a Compaq from 2005!

You're a masochist

I'll be the first to tell ya, the next 15 years gonna really suck!!

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Yeah, the second shot should install an update


All I have is Windows Vista


Whatever my healthcare provider suggests... so nothing. Seems like black people are being euthanized in parking lots by other black people... cure the flu? Thought so.

You can modify it, but only to clips from Monty Python. There was a deal they made... don’t ask

You need to ask for an update?

That's strange, I make the Windows 95 startup sound.

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side effects might include glowing white boarder around you

Still respect the fact OP did their best to crop it by hand

Aren’t there plenty of doge pngs out there?



Yeah, the sub info has multiple cutout edits of all the characters with different emotions

And a tool called magic wand on every image editing program

Le appreciation for feathering the selection before deleting background with magic wand has not arrived

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There’s also a lot of fake pngs

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Le PNG has not arrived

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So you’re saying that the vaccine comes with an Xbox?

It came free with the Xbox, I have the oldest Xbox known to man

Well mine didn’t have it, so fuck off



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Two apparently, unless doge already had one beforehand

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wakes up

checks phone

it is Lumia


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Haha no guys use this


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I use PixCut, or crop it myself if necessary


Use or i remove you from existance

... ok

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alternatively, just use one of the numerous doge png templates in the sidebar

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The worst part of this is him using internet explorer, everything else at least makes sense.

edge is okay

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As a german i must insist that you mention BioNTech when talking about the Pfizer vaccine. Its the only thing we can be proud of in the pandemic.

That's a german company?

Yes its from Mainz iirc

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The J&J vaccine microchip is kind of scratchy, but it comes with DOOM and it runs pretty well on my brain

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Before I will get vaccine the pandemic will be over. Vaccination in Poland goes so slow

Cheers from Japan. You’d think the country hosting the Olympics would try for a speedy rollout but nooooooooo

Did y'all have a pretty bad outbreak recently? I saw something on the news about that

We’re in the middle of our 4th wave. Numbers going up again, especially in the bigger cities.

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johnson and johnson � *dies from blood clot*

Sputnik V


I don't understand why people are so scared about the russian vaccине, и хавент нотисед никаких побочных эффектов, слава России, слава Повелитель Путин!


I’m probably on a watch list for having Google translate that, but it gave me a chuckle. Thank you comrade.

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What the hell is even happening here


bil Gat is the antichrite

He wint my cat to be windo

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Idiots think the virus is a secret conspiracy funded by Bill gates to let him take over the world

Bill Gates kindly asked* oxford a while ago to give Astra Zeneca the exclusive rights to their vaccine a while ago instead of making it 'open source' probably because Bill invested quite a bit of money into Astra Zeneca if I remember correctly.

*with money

That it it's just an ironic "Bill Gates brain chip" conspiracy meme

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I hope I get free Microsoft 365 with the vaccine

You only get the E3 license.

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Pfizer side effects: permanent erection for over 48 hours. Enjoy.


I’d say Moderna. Pfizer is sketchy at times and they lobby for bullshit

Well most of the developement was done by BioNTech, thus the name BNT(some numbers)

If any vaccine would give you bill Gates it would AZ considering all the fuckery he is involved with that one.

I was meaning how they tried to lobby the government to keep exported vaccine prices high

But that too!

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So severe that doge gained a white border

Oh no

i got the J&J one and it gave me the blue screen of death

now my brain runs on linux and it takes 5 minutes to fully load a thought

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.


Good bot

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Good bot

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Any good games?!

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I don't get it

Some morons say that Bill Gates created the pandemic

That's it, I lost faith in humanity

A lot more prevalent opinion here in 3rd word shitholes than you'd think

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Using internet explorer?!


That’s a huge bad side effect.

Which vaccine has more frequent updates?

Moderna and Pfizer are basically the same vaccine except one makes you love Bill Gates irrationally.

Source: experience


Hell NA my doge ain’t taking no experimental vaccine

fortunately they ain’t experimental friend.

Imagine thinking this lol

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I need to hang some spreadsheets when I get home.


Comment deleted by user

You’re not wrong.


lol im already like that, the vaccine will have no change on me

I agree since i got the vaccine two days ago in my country.

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That's why I will use linux based vaccine...

I got my 2nd Phizer today.  The shots didn't bother me but the side effects...yikes!  I'm feeling a smidge safer though.  My 'safe' date is May 7th... still going to wear a mask most of the time, but I will be dining inside a restaurant on that day.  First time in more than a year.  High 5 everyone ✋🎉🥂


There's a 15% chance that some moron will share this on Facebook unironically.

You have waaaaay more faith in humanity than I friend.

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le windows have arrived


I was gonna say the most horrifying side effect was becoming a badly cropped jpeg but it looks like Doge was suffering from that before he ever got the vaccine 😢

BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer BioNtech not Pfizer



I got Moderna, and I got horribly sick :(

Choose Pfizer if you have the option

I mean, I hate it for you, but one experience should not turn anyone away if Moderna is their only option.


It’s been proven that the side effects of Moderna are more severe for women, and has since released a caution that women should not get Moderna.


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Do not vaccinate! You don’t know what the long term effects are! Also, if anything happens to you, the manufacturer holds no responsibility!!!!!!

Le png has not arrived

Oh shit i have tgat train poster

maybe the vaccine has affected my memory, but i've been using edge on my desktop for over a year now. it's like chrome but preinstalled.

Love the detail in the seringe

Bout to get my Pfizer, microchip me daddy Gates. I will be your subservient slave when the end times come

First thing you hear in the morning will be the Windows startup sound.

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Every time I close my eyes I see the Antichrist

J and J

Is it the worker or the taxpayer?"


An authoritative source, Twitter, said Pfizer is the Prada of vaccines. First jab was Dec 20, second Jan 10. No reaction whatsoever.

Le magic wand tool in photoshop has not arrived

We're living in Microsoft Bob.

I get free Xbox Series Xs? Sign me up

it's quoge babey

I prefer all five to become immortal



Lol the internet logo is a nice touch. Vaccine indoctrination is how they’ll finally get us to use internet explorer...oops I mean Microsoft E D G E sorry overlords

Pepsi or coke?

Why is there a MacBook?


Sputnik 😎




I don't get it


le perfectly safe COVID vaccine has arrived



I got the Pfizer one so now I am stiff peepee


Pick your poison

You are a jpeg, doge

Micro and soft? Hey stop staring at my no-no.

Hitler or Stalin?


Why is no one talking about astrazeneca tho

Because it's shit 🤣👌

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I got the two Moderna vaccines and I have worked as a nurse around infectious people and travelled internationally and I haven’t had any symptoms. For what it’s worth.


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