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Two questions about FSD Two questions about FSD
  1. Do the models have the ability to learn once they are installed or do they only learn back at Tesla and then can apply what they have learned when next updated?

Like if you install a version and drive on it for a month, does it get smarter during that month or not until the next update?

2. Does the knowledge learned in a given version get transferred to the next version or do they need to teach everything to the new model again?

For example version 12.x has all of this knowledge and functionality. When 13 comes out do they start off with all the knowledge from 12 or do they just build a much smarter model and then have to feed it all of the knowledge again?

You would think that the answer is yes, but why are there sometimes regressions? If the knowledge was cumulative you wouldn't expect it to get worse at skills it had already mastered.

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Smart Summon Issue Smart Summon Issue

Recently I was trying to use dumb smart summon at the gym cause it’s fun to see people react to it, but for the past week whenever I try to summon the app either says “waiting for accuracy” or “summon unavailable”. Usually I have my 2021 M3LR parked with no other cars around it. Basically what I have tried is doing a reset of the car and this has yet to work, could this be a location or cellular issue, I’m at a loss at this point???

Major oopsy with FSD Major oopsy with FSD

Generally I like FSD, running on HW-4, it does have some warts, but nothing too critical. Except for yesterday. On the expressway, two lanes, moving along probably 65 mph, somebody passed me on the left moving probably 80 mph, and my car tried to veer into their lane as they passed. Very unsettling. If I hadn't caught it, there would have been bits and pieces everywhere. Everything else that gets wrong relatively minor, like going into granny mode on the rural roads and highways around my home (driving 35 mph, when everybody else is doing 45 to 60 mph), is relatively minor, but this one could have caused a major accident.