
Baggflip quits pawldcasting? by Revolutionary_Fig330 in thefighterandthekid

[–]monka_giga 59 points60 points  (0 children)

Anyone who starts a podcast on Thigg Boy is going to quickly realize it'd be easier to bet on themselves and just do a podcast in their mom's basement like iiiverybody else. Your show being on the channel doesn't actually net enough viewership to even merit a phone call with a sponsor, if you do manage to make any money most of it will go to bapa.

[Chris Medland] The FIA steps in and issues a technical directive to reduce porpoising on safety grounds. Includes “the definition of a metric, based on the car’s vertical acceleration, that will give a quantitative limit for acceptable level of vertical oscillations” by ZephyrSonic in formula1

[–]monka_giga [score hidden]  (0 children)

Toto has said raising the ride height doesn't necessarily fix it. That's what will be interesting about this, the narrative seems to be just sacrifice some performance and it goes away, I'm not sure if that will be the case.

Either way it's a good start.

Daniel Ricciardo also suffered back pain after the race. by aichaf in formula1

[–]monka_giga 13 points14 points  (0 children)

I'm a Red Bull fan and I get that sentiment, but if for an extended period of time driver health / safety is being seriously compromised in favour of performance, that's generally when it's time to step in. Sport didn't get to where it is today by leaving that sort of thing up to the teams to regulate themselves. Not trying to see anyone's career get shortened unnecessarily.

[Kunal Shah] A very concerned statement by George Russell after today: I don't know what the future holds for this era of cars but I can't see us running like this for the next four years so for all of us, conversations will be needed as we're all in the same boat. by ARESlFTW in formula1

[–]monka_giga 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Drivers can't solve the safety issue though, only the team can. Meanwhile it's the driver's health being chipped away at as their brain sloshes around in their head on a weekly basis. If teams choose performance over driver safety it's a legitimate issue to bring up. I get not wanting to punish Red Bull for nailing it while others haven't, but there's a reason it's not just left up to the teams to 'do better' when driver safety is an issue.

midget toe?... by tgunz0331 in thefighterandthekid

[–]monka_giga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You can express anger

FU mom (human?)


I don't fit in

The rules are different

I feel like a stranger (?) in a strange land



Tic Toc(?)


How hard is it to tag the right person? The redacted gets redacted-er by GTSyndicate in thefighterandthekid

[–]monka_giga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

To be fair, Mufasa has only been on the job a couple weeks. The lack of spelling errors indicates the author of the tweet is someone who can actually read.

Loog Tawmus gettin spicy spicy by SuperHeroConor in thefighterandthekid

[–]monka_giga 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I don't consume enough Loog content to really care, but I'm not surprised that the guy whose favourite pasttime used to be arguing in the comments of his own MMAFighting articles is about as fun as he used to be.

Bapa contradicts himself after shitting on Waluigis new podcast set by toeknee666 in thefighterandthekid

[–]monka_giga 55 points56 points  (0 children)

Yeah guys, good call, keep it minimal. Definitely don't rent out a huge studio, have 9 different pawldcasts, change your set every couple months, employ 3 useless interns to sit in the corner coming up with shit for you to talk about, hire a soundcloud rapper to make you all theme songs, and buy a new pair of shoes to wear for each episode. You're doing great!

Why do these dolts think innywun who cawlments online's whole core being is wrapped up in whatever they are viewing? Some people have a few minutes to kill and want to drop a few words into the ether and then go back to their regularly scheduled irl experience. by rogan_is_shorty-pie in thefighterandthekid

[–]monka_giga 7 points8 points  (0 children)

It's a coping mechanic. Their egos can't handle criticism so instead of attacking the argument, they make negative assumptions about the character of the person it came from.

But anyway, hey Rawlbin, y'fifty. Y'blogbusser.

George Russell admits he expected to be a race winner with Mercedes at this stage of the season by SCarolinaSoccerNut in formula1

[–]monka_giga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You guys are getting absolutely hung up on the wording 'expected to' from the headline when the actual quote is just he 'would've been a bit disappointed'. Not that he felt he would've deserved it handed to him, just that he would've fallen short of a personal goal. Which, given Mercedes' previous dominance and his obvious desire to prove himself on the team, is a very reasonable goal. If you get a Mercedes seat and aren't gunning for a race win, what are you even doing with your life?

Capitalism doesn’t reward hard work. It punishes it. by DaFunkJunkie in WorkReform

[–]monka_giga 1 point2 points  (0 children)

People in the healthcare field should get paid exponentially more, but yes, his story does come off all wrong. From his Twitter thread he self-studied, then used his 'white privilege' and 'lied' to get a job, which was a part-time position at a school. Doesn't elaborate from there, though I can't imagine his approach of playing WoW in meetings would've advanced him much further. Calling people 'tech bros' is just so toxic and detached from reality. There's no need to vilify workers who actually get rewarded enough to afford the basic rights everyone should be able to. The people I'm surrounded by on a daily basis in tech are so smart and hard working it's scary, and I still can't afford shit either.

Either way, I hope he pays more attention to his patients than he did his meetings, and hope he gets paid more to do it too.

Kevin O Leary’s resume red flag, multiple jobs in short time span by racso300 in antiwork

[–]monka_giga 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Okay... but that's completely different from taking a full-time, salaried position, and then leaving it after 3-6 months. What you described is a very legitimate approach that I'm looking to take myself somewhere down the line, but not at all what we're talking about. The bald goof in the article wouldn't care if you did short-term contract work.

I don't get investement and passive income stuff. by Arial-sori in antiwork

[–]monka_giga 1 point2 points  (0 children)

am I missing something ?

The part where stonks don't always go up, and the part where you spend significant time into reading and learning about things you don't immediately understand.

You'll probably still think the stock market is silly and abstract after doing so, but you'll be able to quantify why, at least.

No, you aren’t automatically saving money by working from home. Here’s how much it’s costing you – Fortune by Ezaver in antiwork

[–]monka_giga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Any additional expenses your company could cover and it'd still be exponentially cheaper for them than having an office. A lot already do let you expense internet and some lunches etc.

Kevin O Leary’s resume red flag, multiple jobs in short time span by racso300 in antiwork

[–]monka_giga 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Why are you repeating this narrative, have you actually even done it yourself? Rapid job hopping is a red flag to employers and has clear diminishing returns. You literally can't spend 6 months at a time at white collar jobs and infinitely climb the pay ladder lmao. You can do this a couple times early in your career and get away with it, but it'll make things harder for you FAST.

Effective job hopping involves recognizing that literally every employer thinks the way the guy in the article does whether you like it or not. You spend 1-3 years per job, wait out a compensation cycle or two, and then jump when you've got a credible claim to a more senior position and the pay that comes with it.

To all you nerds crying about redbar by lotterydogg in thefighterandthekid

[–]monka_giga 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Real quigg though, how many chiggs ya fugg?

Gonna go drown myself with kratom and whigskey and trying to forget how dumb reading that made me feel

Rewatching 'The Office' and its like an r/antiwork bingo card by allnamestakenffs in antiwork

[–]monka_giga 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Like you said, it's satire. The things you mentioned are in no way being glorified. Not much has changed, but you've grown up.

Don't pick fights with people bigger than you by gormee in singapore

[–]monka_giga 6 points7 points  (0 children)

There's no honour in a street fight, unfortunately. Any opportunity you give someone to get back up or stop while they're losing is at your own risk that they won't use that opportunity to keep attacking you. Street fights are just so dangerous, if you get knocked out the other person can stomp on your unconscious head if they want to. People die in these situations all the time. It sounds dramatic, but if someone punches you in the back of the head from behind, who is to say they would do the honourable thing if they were winning and your life was in their hands?

I'm not even disagreeing with you at all, big guy could have stopped a lot earlier, I just have a hard time blaming him when someone else forces you into that situation. Likely the little guy didn't even comprehend how badly he could get hurt and what he was risking. Hopefully learned a lesson.

Serious - does anyone like working? by blackandscholes1978 in Fire

[–]monka_giga 12 points13 points  (0 children)

What am I missing?

The life you'd have if you didn't have to work.

There's things you enjoy about working, sure. Reaching goals, a sense of community, whatever. But if you were retired, you'd still find those things you crave and enjoy, you'd just find them elsewhere. Somewhere more personal, more enjoyable, more free.

If the only way you can imagine having that sort of positive structure in your life is through work, I don't know, you might just be really boring.

Lighden Up Trippohlee by soregonbird in thefighterandthekid

[–]monka_giga 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Tribbli acting like the 300 pages are real and the people behind them are the Clintons without having seen them himself really says all you need to know about the guy having a conspiracy theory podcast. What an absolute redact.

Keith Lee used my design on his ring gear last night! I used to dream of this by dorebydesign in SquaredCircle

[–]monka_giga 0 points1 point  (0 children)

A lot of people are understandably tired of artists getting taken advantage of, and will suggest you push to get paid in every situation imaginable. It's not always the best thing to do. If doing this kind of work is something you'd like to do more of in the future, I wouldn't bother. How much do you think you'd get anyway? You're playing fast and loose with 2 IPs and 2 likenesses that don't belong to you to begin with. Sometimes you have to take a few L's to get your foot in the door, and this is probably one of those situations. I'd just reach out to the people involved, thank them, let them know you'd be interested in doing it again in the future, and see if there's anyone within the company that you could reach out to officially to form a business relationship.

What should be bapa's next business venture? by Lastfoxx in thefighterandthekid

[–]monka_giga 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Sadly, he'd be able to retire easily if he was a numbers guy and spent his money responsibly.