top 200 commentsshow all 281

[–]hoopajoop69Immortal Iron Fist 46 points47 points  (7 children)

Why is Chip Zdarsky?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 55 points56 points  (0 children)

Not even Chip knows.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 39 points40 points  (5 children)

I don't think he is, actually.

[–]hoopajoop69Immortal Iron Fist 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Chypical Tip.

[–]MeanAmbroseThe Mask 2 points3 points  (3 children)

but does he?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 6 points7 points  (2 children)

Worried we're about to summon him...

[–]inadequatecircleHeath Huston 1 point2 points  (1 child)

It's okay, he barely knows we exist. When he did his AMA he posted it into /r/comics instead of here because I unno. Chips a goofy guy I guess.

[–]Strephon 21 points22 points  (4 children)

Hi what are your thoughts on digital comics vs physical books?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 62 points63 points  (3 children)

I'm reading a lot of digital at the moment - and buying the trades I love. Just for space reasons. I think digital needs to be our new spinner racks, since comics are so hard to find in the wild outside of comic shops.

[–]DeclanShalveyVerified Creator 41 points42 points  (11 children)

Who's your favourite Irish collaborator?

Yes, I'm putting you on the spot!

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 28 points29 points  (7 children)

HAH! Uh....does John McCrea still count?

Folks, say hi to Declan Shalvey, he of The Good, The Bad & The Ugly over in Deadpool, and so many more cool comics like Injection with Warren and Jordie.

Dec has been a great friend and introduced me to David O'Sullivan and the rest is soon to be Image Comics history.

Speaking of - it's been half an hour - has anyone read the 10 page preview of Analog yet? What did you think?

I miss you, Dec!

[–]s7sostNova 4 points5 points  (2 children)

I liked it! The premise reminded me of the show Rubicon (where an espionage agency in the present still operated the same way as they did decades ago), but the execution is going in a very interesting direction. It's going to be worth picking for sure, and I'm going to see if I can order it online.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 6 points7 points  (1 child)

Midtown does mail order, and you can order digital - and it's funny you mentioned RUBICON - I really enjoyed the hell out of that show.

[–]bn00880Jugmod 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Speaking of - it's been half an hour - has anyone read the 10 page preview of Analog yet? What did you think?

i have it already preordered.

blocking the sniper bullet with the brief case was a nice touch

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

thank you

[–]LlamaentitySpider-Mod 1 point2 points  (1 child)

"Music to my ears."

That exchange was great! I was sold with just the premise and cover art, but this preview was a lot of fun.

I look forward to seeing the ways you bring humor to this dystopian future. Also can't wait to see more of Oona!

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

She's really one of the more interesting parts of Analog, she was set free by the great doxxing. You meet her properly in issues 2 and 3. Thanks again for checking it out.

[–]dalelitoStorm 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Oh shit, I loved your work on moon knight

[–]UnknownBinarySpider Jeruselem 0 points1 point  (0 children)

James Connolly. But I'm still waiting for Socialist Republic #1 to be released.

[–]AlexDragonfire96Daredevil 15 points16 points  (1 child)

Mr Duggan be aware that you probably wrote the best Deadpool story ever aka The good The bad and the Ugly. Thank you for your works.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Well, shucks thanks. Dec & Jordie came into our lives at the perfect moment, and Jordan D White and the other other editors that blessed that story deserve some credit, and so does my co-writer Brian. A lot of things came together in the perfect way to allow that story to be told. Dec was worried about his schedule so we added issue 14 from Koblish to gibe him enough time to complete the arc. I actually contemplated leaving after that arc, and was convinced to stick around and boy am I grateful for that advice. Glad you dug it - it's one of my favorite collaborations, too. Cheers!

[–]Waddles-incFlash 10 points11 points  (5 children)

Hello Mr. Duggan let me start this off by saying I haven’t been reading comics for long, ( started collecting them right after secret empire ended ) but your Deadpool run quickly became one of my favorite pulls. So thank you both for your Stellar work on the title and for taking the time to do this.

All that being said something I’ve been curious about is how the event Secret Empire played in the story of Deadpool and how that affected your writing process. The death of agent Coulson and agent Preston in particular have had major ramifications for Deadpool, with both of their deaths being directly related to the events of Secret Empire. So what wanted to know is, if this event had not happened would Deadpool’s story still be taking this tragic turn? Or have you always wanted to do something where Deadpool is once again despicable?

Also smaller things going around in my mind.

Favorite one-liner you’ve written?

Are hotdogs sandwiches?

Favorite ongoing title?

If you could include a DC character into the Deadpool cast who would you choose?

And lastly which comic book character would you want to sit on your face?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 29 points30 points  (4 children)

Hi! This is a great question - I actually resisted Secret Empire for a hot minute because I had spent so much time aligning Wade with Old Man Rogers, and then I realized - oh, no - we have to burn Wade down - THAT'S MY ENDING! So, once I embraced it - I knew that would be his mighty fall. He really got burned in a way that no one else did - even Steve Rogers. It's been remarkably selfish of me to burn everything down on the way out the door, but it feels so good to arson everything. Usually you leave a book, and then watch as things are destroyed or discarded - getting to do that myself? FEELS SO GOOD. Very Wade. I'm very happy with how we wrap off the book, and I know what comes next for you Deadpool fans. You're really in for a treat when we're gone. I really appreciate the support. Oh, uh hot dogs shouldnt even count as meat let alone sandwiches and my favorite ongoing is probably Thor or Saga depending on the mood. Let's add Slade Wilson to the DP cast, and have the Blob sit on my face, at least it will be over quick.

[–]NovaStarLordStar-Lord 5 points6 points  (2 children)

I resisted it for that reason too, I was loving the relationship between Cap and Deadpool and Secret Empire came and yeah it burned it.

That said I'm also liking what you're doing with Wade's downfall even if it's painful, looking forward to the next issue with him and Cap.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 14 points15 points  (1 child)

That next Cap issue marks a turning point in Despicable. They get to fight and yell at each other, have some fun - and then the final piece begins to move into place for THE END. thanks again

[–]NovaStarLordStar-Lord 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Ooh! I forgot to ask something else but if you're too busy then no worries (I'll wait for the next Q&A). But I was curious especially since you made Robbie Talonar if you planned to do something with him back when you were writing Nova with Sam.

I ask because I recall in your Nova run post-Black Vortex when Sam returns Richard's helmet to the Rider family that he gets told by Gloria and Charles that their other son Robbie is also missing. Where you planning to do something with Robbie Rider back then?

[–]Waddles-incFlash 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Thanks for the honest and informed answers! I greatly appreciate the opportunity to poke your mind a bit. Looking forward to infinity countdown and whatever else you have in store for us, cause I know it will be great.

[–]sonofstev 10 points11 points  (1 child)

Do you prefer stones, after the movies, or did you like gems better and why?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 17 points18 points  (0 children)

They're the same - just some have been cut and shaped and polished. The colors have changed (again) and now the stones form a circuit. Here's our diagram of the lemniscate. https://twitter.com/cracksh0t/status/965968356233940992/photo/1

[–]NightwingCowboys123Aquaman 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Did you read the Abnett Guardians run before taking over Guardians?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 27 points28 points  (0 children)

Sure. I read that as it printed back in the day, and then revisited it several times over the last few years. I've gotten to collaborate with Bill Rosemann a few times over the last few years - the editor of the cosmic comics that have made the leap to the screen. It's been fun to talk comics with him. Now he's the head of Marvel Games. Marvel Cosmic wouldn't be the same without him.

[–]F7oraColossusGalactus 9 points10 points  (3 children)

I'm a huge fan of the work you've been doing with the cosmic stuff.

Are we going to get some Phyla-Vell love?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 14 points15 points  (2 children)

I sure hope so, I had to pivot from some of my plans for production reasons but that is still on my to-do list...

[–]F7oraColossusGalactus 2 points3 points  (1 child)

I've been given hope now, I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

[–]simbaha 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Who was your childhood favorite writer?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 12 points13 points  (0 children)

This one is so hard to pick. Loved Stephen King so much, he'd be the one. If I get to pick a few: Miller, Starlin, Richard Mathison, those were the names I took to bed with me when I stayed up too late, then I watched Late Night with David Letterman - I didn't realize I was putting myself thru a self-educated night school.

[–]yuudachikainiCyclops 9 points10 points  (4 children)

Any chance of teaming up with Matteo Loli again and work on a new Hawkeye series? Because that Hawkeye vs Deadpool mini you did with him was amazing!

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 13 points14 points  (3 children)

Matteo is SO GOOD. Sana pitched him for the mini and I was like "whatever". and then he shows up and blows the doors off the place. His character acting is so good. He's such a smart funny guy. Be sure to check out the Deadpool work we did after that mini - he really shines. And wait until you see Deadpool 300. Whoo boy. A new level of greatness. Thanks for reading.

[–]yuudachikainiCyclops 6 points7 points  (2 children)

im still shocked he is not doing more for marvel

and about writing hawkeye again? any chance?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 9 points10 points  (1 child)

I mean - I've keep him full time on DP ever since. Have you read Deadpool V5 # 20 by chance? Go check that out.

I dunno what is next for me at Marvel after my cosmic story. I will tell CB that you think I should tackle Clint. Thanks again g

[–]JustinBradshawTaylorDeadshot 7 points8 points  (4 children)

Are you writing Infinity Countdown wearing this?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 18 points19 points  (3 children)

Risky click, but YES

[–]justintheplatypus 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Which is more fun to write Deadpool or Guardians?

How long would you expect Analog to go on for?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Both of those books are treasures that I had much longer than I dared dream.

David and I hope to make Analog a 3-4 trade endeavor -- but we have an end we can get to earlier if needed.

[–]NovaStarLordStar-Lord 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Sad to see you go on Deadpool and I'll miss you writing Wade but I'm also looking forward to reading Dead Rabbit because of your DP run.

That said on to my questions which are Infinity Countdown related. Are the Rider bros going to meet up in this event? How is Talonar going to take it? Probably badly since he'll think his brother didn't save him from the Raptors huh? Is Rich also going to have a reunion with Darkhawk? They're New Warriors and I always liked thise two. Also in Allred's splash page for the Infinity Countdown Adam Warlock issue, where all the heroes are dead what is up with dead Rich having Sam's colors? Is that an error? Or a "wait and see" situation?

Finally, I want to ask since the Power stone is so huge, can you break it into tint pieces and can multiple people use it at a time? Feels like cheating (and I assume breaking it won't be easy).

Anyway, thank you for your time! Thanks for bringing me back to Marvel Cosmic and here's hoping you stick there for awhile too, event after Infinity Countdown and whatever it is leading to are done.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 6 points7 points  (0 children)

You have a lot of good questions that will all get answers in Infinity Countdown.

re: the colors - I think Laura had the flu and those colors came in pretty hot -not sure any of us caught that the Novas had switched colors. COMICS!

re: the power stone, yeah - that idea is one floated by some of the characters in Infinity Countdown. How and why the stones are different now is one of my favorites pieces of this story. Thanks again for the kind words.

[–]CafeterialocaStature 4 points5 points  (0 children)


[–]the_s_dAdam Warlock 5 points6 points  (2 children)

Gerry my dude, the last time you came here for an AMA, I asked you about Warlock, the Stones, and future Infinity Watch... and you stonewalled the me a bit. Like, "need to get the stones first" and wanting to "play pretty close to the vest". I was polite, appreciated your time, but ended up a bit frustrated.

Now I understand why you wrote that... you kept it close to the vest all right. You had the damn things in your vest! I can't express how stoked I was to see the Infinity Watch teased in an upcoming FCBD book. So, I get it now... thank you for bringing back my boy Adam, thank you for putting the lightning bolt back on his costume, super happy with that design decision. Apparently Starlin got rid of it in '75 because it was a pain in the ass to draw.

Thank you for keeping him weird and broken inside. Thank you for hanging a lantern on the changes in gem colors (that was driving me nuts). Thank you for not hewing directly to the MCU version of the characters, objects, and events; I was worried about that. Lastly, thank you for working in my favorite space artichoke, Kray-Tor (twice!).

Anyway, I am liking the direction you're taking cosmic... I think the focus over the past decade or of Marvel Cosmic has been more toward "high-stakes universe-crushing ultimate DOOOOOM!!!" (*) and so forth, rather than the really cool bizarre psychadelic weirdness we had from the Kirby/Ditko-era and then Jim Starlin. I loved that stuff. They also worked in the sort of weighty ethical dilemmas that belong in interesting, thought-provoking science fiction stories.

Here are my questions; since the Watch is in an FCBD book and Marvel can't exactly gauge interest in an ongoing from sales (since they're free books), so what chance is there of an ongoing?

If not that, then a mini-series?

Will you be giving us more from the classic Watch members, Pip and Moondragon? They don't see much page space these days.

(*) Except for Dan & Andy's cosmic stuff, which was fun!

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Well, thanks for the kind words - and glad you dug the story last year - wait until we drop 2018 on you. Gonna be crazy times in space.

You can thank Allred for the return of the bolt - he added it to the splash on the first page - and we were all like "of course he needs the bolt back!" Aaron Kuder and I are his biggest fans. It was so fun to collaborate on that issue with him.

As for what Marvel may be interested in going forward - let's see what shape I leave the toys in later this year. I got plans upon plans. Hope you dig em all - thanks buddy g

[–]the_s_dAdam Warlock 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Okeydokey, I'll strap in for the ride. That book with Mike Allred was amazing. It's a good time to be a Warlock fan (finally)

All the best to you, man

[–]jayful2 9 points10 points  (1 child)

For Glinishmore!

[–]AdamBombTVThe Riddler 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Sir Richard, Too pure and beautiful for this world.

[–]LlamaentitySpider-Mod 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Great to have you here!

A few questions:

  • Do you play video games, and if so, which ones in particular have inspired your comic book writing?

  • If you could have any meal for dinner tonight, what would it be?

  • What was it like working with such an amazing assortment of different artists on All-New Guardians of the Galaxy?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I do play games! I'm not sure too much of that inspires the writing - it's kind of dumb time for my brain. However, I LOVE Portal, and some of the iPad games and puzzles that I play with my son are really cool.

if I could pick any meal - I guess I would ask to eat at House Of Nanking in San Francisco. Posehn took me there back when Wondercon was in SF - it's probably been 10 years. It's so damn good.

re: the art on GotG - it was truly a murderer's row of art talent - I'm thinking that will be a thing that will be appreciated now that this volume is wrapped. Kuder, Irving, Smallwood, To, Samnee, Hawthorne, Alex Ross covers, Reis, Bellaire - I defy you to find a better line-up. Shout out to Jordan D White and the Marvel talent dept for hooking that up.

[–]piddlesticksDaredevil 4 points5 points  (5 children)

Hey Gerry!

Did you know your story ending on Nova would be undone at the start of the following run? Were you a little cheesed that Jesse Alexander ended up being a shape shifting alien instead of the real deal?

When someone reads Deadpool 2099 do you envision them reading one every six issues like they were printed or would you consider reading it as one story the better way? Would you have preferred Marvel to have printed a specific 2099 TPB?

Did you know that I’m still sad you got rid of the OG Red Hulk?

Thanks Gerry! I love your work.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 7 points8 points  (4 children)


Here's a secret: I pitched a "Twilight Zone" ending for Nova - that my last issue would reveal that maybe not all is quite so well with Jesse. Nick liked it, but thought the reveal would work better in the next volume.

re: 2099 - we had flashed back so often - that we wanted to do something different - hopefully the length between those issues didn't hurt the 2099 story.

I'm sorry about Red Hulk - but - like, isn't he back and redder and more mustachioed than ever?

[–]Digifiend84Captain Britain 9 points10 points  (3 children)

No. The current Red Hulk isn't General Ross, it's a guy called General Robert L Maverick. Though Bendis didn't seem to realise they weren't the same character either, he used him in the Miles Morales Spider-Man book as a guard watching a helicarrier for 12 hours straight - when U.S.Avengers established that the new Red Hulk can only stay powered up for an hour, before needing to rest for a day.

Ross actually hasn't appeared recently.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 18 points19 points  (0 children)


Marvel should fire that Bendis guy!

[–]s7sostNova 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Ross actually hasn't appeared recently.

He actually showed up in prison last year, but I don't remember the circumstances. I need to dig up the issue and get back to you.

Edit: Oops, not last year, but in Civil War II! His daughter Betty Ross goes to see him to inform him that Bruce is dead and he was like "Good!".

[–][deleted] 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Gerry, any chance Genis-Vell ever pops up again? I know it's been awhile, but he was really a good character and deserves better. Maybe we can get him and Phyla as a package deal?

I think you've done a good job w Rider boys. I know you've taken this very big w the Infinity story, but the Raptor storyline has been my favourite.

Any chance of Rich hooking up with Carol on some adventures? They seem like they'd get along.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

You have a lot of good suggestions and hopes and I can say no more - but I really think you'll dig the Darkhawk series...

[–]HuggNiceman 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Hey Gerry!

Yours has been my favourite Deadpool run since Kelly’s and I’m sad it’s coming to an end. I’m worried that when switching writers it’ll the lose the pathos and seriousness you further brought out when writing Wade and his comic family whilst also making the book consistently hilarious. Given you’ve spent so long with the character, is this something you’ve considered when moving on? I know with the path he’s currently on I can’t imagine the new writer will have a Deadpool with lots of friends but still...

From this Deadpool run, Nova and Uncanny Avengers you’ve been writing some of my favourite Marvel comics in the last ten years so I just want to say thanks for the great reads, man!

PS. Rogue x Wade my OTP. That kiss above the city was something else.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Yes! I wanted to find a way to write the words "The End" for a long time on Deadpool. Obviously, it's been an amazing experience, but I wanted to leave before people were out in the streets calling for it.

Thanks for the kind words, I had so many amazing collaborations along the way. And sincerely - I am getting to write EXACTLY the end I wanted, and I know what happens next - you're never gonna miss me. Thanks again!

[–]vgullaModatron 5 points6 points  (1 child)

If you were the super skrull, would you rather fight one galactus sized ultron or 100 ultron sized galactuses?

What of your work are you most proud of?

Pineapple on pizza, yay or nay?

What comics are you currently reading?

Thank you for doing this AMA!

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 8 points9 points  (0 children)

One Galactus-sized Ultron, and then I guess it's journey to the center of the murder-bot time.

Yikes. I don't know if I can really judge my work the way that anyone else can. I've been absurdly happy with how many of the comics have turned out because of the collaboration. My Deadpool work has been such a blast because of the back and forth with the artists.

No pineapple on pizza, thank you. Seems to healthy for me.

Loving Black Science, Low, and Deadly Class. I've read ahead on lots of new Marvel books. Jason's Avengers and Nick's Spidey are gonna be great. Really big fun stories. If you want a trade to check out - go read 4 KIDS WALK INTO A BANK. You're welcome!

[–]MKW69 5 points6 points  (1 child)

Hello, Mr Duggan. I've been your fan since 2014, and your Deadpool run. I think that, your Deadpool is possibly The best Deadpool run in history. But I got a question for GotG or Infinity Countdown. Will Ant Man, make use of Pym Particles on Power Stone?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 7 points8 points  (0 children)

One of my favorite parts of Infinity Countdown belongs to Lang, the power stone and what happens next.

thanks for the kind words about the DP work!

[–]BigRedKahuna 2 points3 points  (2 children)

I'm creating my own graphic novel. Should I draw it digitally or old school and then transfer to digital?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Gotta do whatever works best for you. Use whatever you gotta do to finish your work, share it, absorb any criticism, than make one that's even better. Repeat as often as necessary. Good luck!

[–]BigRedKahuna 2 points3 points  (0 children)


[–]kwhere1Spider Jeruselem 2 points3 points  (5 children)

Hey! Loved Uncanny Avengers, liked Nova and I'm super excited to get into Guardians when more issues come out so I can binge read it. Real talk, do you say your name like Jerry or Gary?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

it's Jerry like Seinfeld. Thanks again for the support

[–]Digifiend84Captain Britain 0 points1 point  (3 children)

150 was the last GOTG issue...

[–]JeremyMo88Spider-Man Expert 2 points3 points  (0 children)

We've heard about the Infinity stones/gems/Soul Gems before. Any thoughts on the Gauntlet itself?

It seems like it was originally created by Thanos to house the stones. However, can they be housed in another vessel as well? Maybe a story explaining the construction of the gauntlet (which like most comic materials can be pulled off like cloth but is also hard as steel)?

[–]bradaltf4 2 points3 points  (3 children)

Love your comics but I do have a question not comic related. Is there any plans to revisit Nerd Poker at some point? It was hilarious, entertaining, and convinced me to DM more.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 3 points4 points  (2 children)

I just ran out of time to play. Back in the day we had a game that more or less fell apart when Brian, Patton and I had kids and Hardwick's career kicked into overdrive.

Then Brian created the podcast and it felt like, well, we're still leaving our families for a night a week to play D&D but at least we're getting a podcast out of it - but right now I'm just so busy that I can't really go back with the exception of the odd guest spot now and then. Also - I'm promoting the new Image Books at some upcoming cons. Travel just kills you. Glad you DM more now - what do you play? Thanks for listening.

[–]bradaltf4 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Oh crap a response that's a first and I understand the being busy that has killed a few games for me as well. Currently running D&D 5e and looking to start a game of Stars Without Number.

I actually started yours and Brian's Deadpool run after listening to the podcast. It's one of my favorite runs for the character. I really appreciate the reply keep killing it man, always need more titles for the pull box.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thanks buddy - hope you like the new Image books and what's next at Marvel. Cheers! g

[–]LlamaentitySpider-Mod[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

Welcome to our fourth AMA of the season!

We are happy to host Gerry Duggan!

Check our FAQ for our rules and more information.

Reminder: if you are a news website are you're reporting on anything from this AMA, link back to this AMA thread and cite us as "/r/comicbooks". Thank you!

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (3 children)

What are your favorite Grant Morrison works?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 10 points11 points  (1 child)

I'm a big fan of Grant's and I actually have a shoutout to him in one of my final DP issues - but if I had to pick just one -- maybe his JLA? And that's not fair - because there is so much wonderful work from him. Actually, that All Star Superman is SO GOOD. Or maybe its The Invisibles...hmm.

[–]DenseFeverFlash 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Invisibles is such a good title. Did you ever read annihilator? That man has some of the wildest ideas...

Multiversity is my personal favourite.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Someone else asked that - and I think I forgot to mention ANIMAL MAN.

[–]martydolanUltimate Spider-Man 4 points5 points  (1 child)

Hi Gerry! I love your Guardians run so far.

I was wondering, after Mark Waid’s upcoming mini, would you consider an Ant Man run? You’re writing him pretty well right now in Guardians so I’d be down.

Also I’m going to ask you the same thing I asked Jim Zub earlier- How cool is Mark Waid? Would you share any stories of him being the Dad of the marvel comic world?


[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Waid's gonna have Lang on lockdown - I know what he's got planned - such a cool book.

I tell you, I LOVED Waid as a fan before I ever met him, and I think it was either my first retreat or maybe my second - where I ran over Mark - he was in the middle of making a great point, and I interrupted him. Never felt dumber in my life. Waid's the best. Several times I've been in a room where Waid has offered the simplest suggestion that literally saved someone's story. Come to think of it, I actually hate Mark Waid. Fuck that guy. Nobody should be that talented.

[–]BrerRabbit44 2 points3 points  (3 children)

Hi Gerry big fan, If you were given to the chance to write a What-If comic in were Deadpool and Typhoid Mary never broke up and had Twin mutant children together what would they be like, what powers could they have, and their relationship between their parents could be?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 8 points9 points  (2 children)

I think the funniest version of that pitch might be that they had 2 normal children who were embarrassed by their parents. The girl is kinda preppy - like she's on the lacrosse team, and the boy hates guns. Imagine the disappointment!

[–]BrerRabbit44 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Now I am imaginating those kids inheriting Deadpool's fourth wall breaking. (but they keep it to themselves)

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 5 points6 points  (0 children)

You know - when we made Ellie a mutant - Jordan and I were like - uh, oh - that's maybe being more dangerous than being Deadpool's daughter. So we went with a power set for her that would be extremely difficult to kill TO DEATH.

[–]MKW69 1 point2 points  (1 child)

I just realized that you also written Hulk for a while. I'm maybe In minority, but for me, more inteligent Hulk like Doc Green is more interesting to read, and from what I heard, easier to write. Do you agree? Also, could you say how much it was creative or editorial decision for Spider Man to leave Uncanny Avengers?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

re: Hulk - I inherited a smart Hulk, which wouldn't have been my first choice, but boy was I grateful for it in the end. I really loved that extremis powered character. Doc Green trapped Banner inside of his rage cage of a body the way that Banner trapped him inside yoga and tea and bullshit for years - god that was fun. Bagley crushed it. And then - my sadness at giving Hulk up after just 12 issues mirrored Hulk's sadness that he would not hold onto his intelligence forever. At the end he knew he would be running around in ripped pants someday. Flowers For Algernon + Hulk = good times.

re: Spidey not making it onto the team - I thought that was a good gag, helped sell that this was the scrappy underdog team that nobody wanted to be on with Deadpool. It became a running joke about when he would come back - and one that we paid off in the end when he actually did come back. I think if I had made the case that I needed Spidey Marvel would have accommodated. As it turns out, I only needed him a little.

[–]Dustellar 1 point2 points  (3 children)

As a great fan of Hank Pym I'm happy you're using him in Infinity Countdown... now my questions are:

  • The last time we saw Pymtron was in Secret Empire when he was on Alaska... when did he leave Earth without anyone noticing??
  • I feel that a great redemption story is coming for Pym... any chance that he finally meets his daughter Nadia?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 5 points6 points  (2 children)

Pym's been conquering and transforming alien life out in space since my days on Uncanny Avengers. It simmered thru Guardians...and its going to explode in Countdown.

As for what happens next - you'll have to keep reading - but I gotta say - having Ultron wearing Pym's face around like Leatherface feels like the best thing I ever collaborated on at Marvel. Just who is it? Ultron? Pym? The creator? The creation? It gives me non-stop story boners.

[–]Digifiend84Captain Britain 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Is Ultron's involvement the reason we're getting a Champions tie-in? Until that reveal, I just assumed they were involved because of one of the Novas being on the team.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Possibly. But if you're an Ultron guy you definitely want to pick up the core Countdown book...

[–]zzzPessimist 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Could not come up with a question. They all seemed so stupid. Anyway, liked Arkhan manor. Freeze was fun and Shawn Crystan Dave McCaig were doing amazing job. Shame it has ended so suddenly.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That book was such a blast. Getting to work with Shawn and Dave and Mark Doyle and Scott Snyder was a real joy. In another universe maybe that book went on an on. Thanks - glad you dug it.

[–]Moginsight 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Gerry, I've really loved your work on Uncanny Avengers, Deadpool and Guardians. I'm really looking forward to what you're gonna do with Infinity Countdown.

When you come up with an idea, do you stick with it no matter how silly or ridiculous it is, or do you change it into something you think your audience will like?

Did you expect Legacy would be so short now that Fresh Start has been announced?

Do you think there's any point to creating a new character if no one likes them or will like them?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I will say this: I ONLY try to entertain myself. I only write stories I would buy, and only write to please myself, my editor and my collaborators. If you approach this crazy job from the perspective of trying to guess what an audience will want - you are probably good and effed.

I create new characters and situations all the time and I'm usually thinking to myself "i may be the only person that digs this" And maybe sometimes that's true, but most times you do something unique and fun and different, and hopefully you're rewarded for it.

[–]cowleytom42 1 point2 points  (1 child)

What is the coolest aspect of Nova to write about?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I cherished having an inexperienced hero in Sam, they are so few and far between.

and I love writing Rich and getting to add to his story - I was a big fan of his comics growing up, and now getting to add to that story is a real hoot.

[–]kralbenCyclops 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Analog looks pretty cool, and the premise looks really fun. I will pick it up when it is out.

So, a few questions, but feel free to ignore any you don't feel like answering.

  1. If you could write any property/character/team/etc from any company, with total freedom, who would you choose?
  2. Who would be your dream team to write a book with, in terms of another writer, artists, colorers, letterers, etc?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

1) I really think Guardians represents a coup on a lot of levels. I got to work again with Jordan D White, and to be paired with Aaron Kuder and then our stellar guests - just felt like a once in a lifetime gig. 2) I think my 2 image books right now - they're making me so happy. Working with David and Jordie on Analog, and then McCrea and Mike Spicer on Dead Rabbit - it's so cool to make comics with people you like and admire.

I'm a lucky guy.

[–]JuHerd 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Will we have the chance to see Carol and Richard interact anytime soon? I don't think the two have ever been on page together outside of Marvel zombies and I'm kind of hoping to see something out of Infinity Countdown!

[–]cabose7 1 point2 points  (2 children)

are we ever gonna find out who that lady was in Deadpool #6 when Deadpool briefly died?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 1 point2 points  (1 child)


I have an answer, but I don't know if it's more interesting than your answer.

[–]WeberWK 1 point2 points  (2 children)

Come back to Nerd Poker. We didn't forget you!

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Time is my enemy. Just believe me when I say I would rather be playing than off being an adult.

[–]WeberWK 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I shall try to bear the standard of Glynnishmore in your stead!

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child)

You usually get editor feedback on Marvel scripts, right? Do you arrange for professional editing on your Image scripts?

Thanks for the AMA!

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Great question.

Yeah, I have wonderful editors at Marvel, and they get my second draft - or my first draft that I sleep on and then send it. (Worst case)

On the Image books, on Analog, I don't have an editor -but that's because we were slowly building it for so long, I think if it came together as quickly as Dead Rabbit, then I would likely have engaged one. On Dead Rabit McCrea and I are working with Will Dennis. He's been wonderful.

[–]Chuckapitic 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Hello Gerry! I was waiting the encounter with Evan since the start of the bucket list arc, and I'm glad that even if Deadpool is burning all the bridges he built, you left the door open for a redemption since evan knows him deeply. Gonna miss you when you leave!

[–]MilkClot 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Just wanted to say I'm excited to read Analog and I've already preordered a copy.

[–]dukeoflettuce 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Your work on Guardians and Avengers was awesome. If you could write about any other super team (Fantastic Four, Defenders, etc.) which would it be?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thanks! You know what? Team books are HARD. Like spinning plates making sure that everyone gets just the right amount of love. I'd love a crack at Defenders someday, but to be honest - I'm greedy. I hope I get a shot at all the big ones for at least a little while. Thanks again for the support.

[–]marrtianchuchScarlet Spider/Kaine 1 point2 points  (2 children)

Sorry for the late one and if this already got answered, but can you disclose any upcoming plans with Marvel after Infinity countdown and Deadpool?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Deadpool wraps in May, and Countdown in July, I think? Then Countdown counts down to something I'm writing. That will keep me busy for a lil bit. But - the days of 125 issue runs in comic books may be at an end...glad I got to be a part of one. Thanks again.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (3 children)

Gerry, I'm fascinated by the creative process as a person who has 0 creative bones in their body.

Are you able to give us an insight into how you come up with your idea's and are able to churn out such great work on a consistent basis?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 1 point2 points  (2 children)

Well, thanks for the kind words. I tend not to overthink too much. If it laughs, it stays in the script until something better presents itself, and I try to write for the villains and then the heroes are pretty good at showing me how they'll overcome the villains (me). Thanks again for the kind words.

[–]Ambaryerno 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Mr. Duggan,

The friendship between Gabby and Wade in Taylor's All-New Wolverine has been an unexpected highlight of an already enjoyable series. Did you ever consider having Gabby make a guest appearance in Deadpool, particularly to see how their friendship might have been affected by Wade's downfall in the aftermath of Secret Empire?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I would enjoy that very much and Tom's great, but I've been a former Deadpool writer for almost six months. I really savored the final issue. It's up to the next team to carry that torch. Thanks for everything.

OH, and I guess I should mention- even though I haven't turned in a new script in forever, I do polish the scripts when the art comes back and then I get a few revisions of the PDF before it prints. So, I'm still in the Deadpool game for another month or so, but I've written my last story with Wade.

[–]MattdossBlack Flash 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Hey Gerry! Not sure if this AMA is still going but I figured I’ll ask a question anyway.

What underrated character would you like to write for if they got their own solo series?

[–]WallyGropiusThe Thing 3 points4 points  (3 children)

what was your X-Men run a when you were a kid?

who are your favorite cartoonists these days?

favorite tv shows?

favorite movies of this past year?

Did Ice Cube, Ice-T or LL Cool J make the best transition from hip hop to acting?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 5 points6 points  (1 child)


Hey! check out Scott Koblish's book https://www.amazon.com/Many-Deaths-Scott-Koblish/dp/1452167125 GREAT cartooning.

Watching Peaky Blinder, and Better Call Saul

BLADE RUNNER 2049 & I, TONYA were my favorites.

And Cube is best

[–]WallyGropiusThe Thing 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You got good taste guy, respect, real recognize real

[–]judgeharoldtstone 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Definitely not LL.

[–]s7sostNova 1 point2 points  (4 children)

Hey Gerry, as usual, big fan of your work with Deadpool (loving this run so far) and of course Guardians of the Galaxy, I talk about it with my friends a lot and it's become a recommended read after DnA's run.

My first question is related to that, in particular: Are there any plans on continuing on GOTG after the end of Infinity Countdown? I would assume Marvel is interested in keeping the series going since there's a movie coming out where they're featured front and center, but you never know.

My second question would be related to Nova: I know the Loveness series didn't have much success despite being one of the best, but what can we do as fans to show Marvel we're interested in another? At least as a mini, just like Darkhawk is getting one in Infinity Countdown.

And lastly, Phyla and Moondragon? I know Phyla's fate is less ambiguous and bringing her back means reviving her, but there's little talk of Moondragon even though she was there from the start! Thanks for doing this AMA and we'll keep supporting your work.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 7 points8 points  (3 children)

I think we should see what exists of the Guardians after Countdown.

The Darkhawk series is gonna make a lot of new DH fans. Loved the Loveness series. He and Ramon were so good together.

I wanna play my Phyla and Moondragon cards pretty close to the vest if you don't mind.

[–][deleted] 3 points4 points  (1 child)

Hi Gerry. Thank you for inspiring my username, I think you are the best Deadpool writer thus far. Do you have more fun writing a villainous Deadpool or one who is more of a conventional hero? What inspired the idea to give Deadpool a daughter? Which character would you love to write but haven't had the chance? P.S. Thank you for Uncanny Avengers, such an awesome book

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I just tried to write the characters who were facing off against Wade, whether they were heroes and villains. Then Wade wrote himself out of it. Does that sound psychotic? Oh well.

We gave DP a daughter because I think it was unexpected and fun, but also - these characters need stakes characters around them to reflect the danger, and to bear the burden of the stories. We gave Wade a great achilles heel, I hope.

I am against giving many of these characters kids or doppelgängers as it were, but giving Wade someone like Ellie ended up being the right move for our story, I think. Thanks for the kind words.

[–]bn00880Jugmod 1 point2 points  (1 child)

so what is r/hamslide ?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 3 points4 points  (0 children)

HA! I forgot about this. I think when Attack Of The Show was winding down I wrote on a pilot at Comedy Central for Hardwick. This was in some way related to that. The pilot didn't go, but Chris was made host of At Midnight.

[–]FepeinadoPrince Robot IV 1 point2 points  (1 child)

What are your favorite all time comic book runs?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Promethea Claremont/Byrne X-Men Miller DD First 200 issues of Spidey Simonson's Thor Savage Dragon is just getting insanely wonderful. Sandman This is just off the top of my head - these are the only questions I ever end up regretting when I think of another favorite later.

[–]sermonsdomain 1 point2 points  (1 child)

If you could only have one infinity stone, which one would you choose and why?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 7 points8 points  (0 children)

My brain says "time stone" because you could move (a little bit) through time. Who doesn't want more time?

But my heart says "space stone" because who doesn't want to bamf around?

Don't ask my balls what stone it craves.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child)

What were your thoughts when you started writing your Deadpool Run (An amazing run that made me care for Deadpool as an actual Character, Thank You) and now what are your thoughts with it ending? And if i am able to ask a bit more of stuff , any plans with the Guardians after Infinity Countdown? I really loved your take on them.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I am sure that there will be more Guardians comics, tho I needed to step back from double-shipping that comic in order to make sure that Countdown was arriving on time.

re: DP - I just hope that we will have been as good to Wade as he was for us. We inherited him just before he really took off like a rocket and he's really opened up so many doors for me. I really have had the time of my life collaborating on making his life funny and hellish. Thank YOU for the support.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (2 children)

I’m going to ask you what I asked Jim Zub: favorite breakfast food?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 3 points4 points  (1 child)

I laughed at your handle - like - you don't want to get your food questions mixed up with your porn upvoting and whatnot.

Uh. Egg sandwiches are kinda the Cadillac version of breakfast, right? I grew up in NJ, that felt like the gold standard. Nowadays as I try not to grow old and die in front of a computer I like a good yogurt with berries.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Nah this is my main account now and has been for at least two years I think

And egg sandwiches are great. Good taste

[–]NightwingCowboys123Aquaman 1 point2 points  (5 children)

Most underrated comic book movie? Kinda random but I like asking people that because everyone has a different answer.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 5 points6 points  (4 children)

I have a couple. I went and saw PUNISHER WAR ZONE with Noto, and Patton and a couple of buddies - in an empty Chinese theater - and it was one of the most fun times I had at the movies ever. That's just a fun fucking movie, but that's runner up to...


Not sure that film gets the respect it deserves.

[–]NightwingCowboys123Aquaman 1 point2 points  (3 children)

I like War Zone too. I also have a soft spot for Ben Afflecks Daredevil.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 2 points3 points  (2 children)

Hmm. I haven't rewatched that one.

[–]NightwingCowboys123Aquaman 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Watch the directors cut!

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

The best director's cut I ever saw was KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. It's longer, and a much better film than the theatrical.

[–]Herushaliam 1 point2 points  (6 children)

Is Infinity Countdown the event or is it just a prelude to an even bigger event?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 8 points9 points  (2 children)

Guardians was act one, Infinity Countdown believe me is an event unto itself - I can't believe what we're getting away with - and then yes, countdown is counting down to something big

[–]Herushaliam 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Nice! I've really enjoyed Guardians. And I'm excited for Infinity Countdown proper to start, the Adam Warlock and Prime issues were great!

[–]NightwingCowboys123Aquaman 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Sounds exciting man!

[–]NightwingCowboys123Aquaman 2 points3 points  (2 children)

I've been wondering this also.

[–]i_am_jargonSpider-Man 1 point2 points  (1 child)

What's the proudest thing you've written in your career? Is there anything you would change, a storyline, a plotpoint, or a character, either in this work or any other?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Boy, I dunno. I know this will sound like BS - but I really try not to have a relationship with a comic after it rolls off a printer. I try to avoid looking in the rearview - I think that's for the best. I'm my hardest critic and I can look back on comics and love them for the art, but I tend not to reread much lest I dwell on something I'd prefer to do differently.

It's nice to see the Good/Bad/Ugly on so many "best of DP" lists, and I was nominated for an Eisner with Phil Noto for The Infinite Horizon at Image.

Again, sounds like BS - but I think my best stuff is still being drawn now. I think if I begin to suspect that my best comics have already rolled off a printer, that it would signal to me to maybe pivot out of comics for a while. thanks for the support! G

[–]ItsNotMyFavoriteBlack Panther 1 point2 points  (1 child)

How do you approach writing Marvel Cosmic? I feel like there’s a demand to do things that’ve never been done before that are epic in scale. Conversely, a lot of people never get into cosmic stories because some stories feel devoid of character growth and personal moments. How do you usually tackle that balance?

I also hope you keep writing Marvel Cosmic for a very long time. Keep it up, bud.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Hmm. I dunno - I suppose we take those big crazy ideas - and then we have to throw our characters against them. The power stone being the size of a building and the war to control it - it's more about what your characters will do to pull a win out. I gotta say, there are so many satisfying character moments in Infinity Countdown that I feel like that South Park meme of jizz-covered Randy every day when the pages show up in my email. I guess that's the long version of - you can be doing some big crazy cosmic shit, but if your characters aren't driving that - it probably will feel hollow and disconnected. Maybe not everyone will love my cosmic work, but I can tell you - it will all be grounded directly into these characters. Thanks again for the kind words and support. Hope you check out Analog, too. Cheers, bud

[–]bigstupidjellyfishSuperman 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Don’t really have a question, but I wanted to say I let my friend look through the first arc of you, Kuder, To, and Svorcina’s Guardians run and he was super impressed. We were a little pressed for time, so I just showed him all the fun gags and crazy art. He loves the movies but doesn’t read comics so it was cool to show him what you can do with a comic as opposed to a movie.

I’m really looking forward to Infinity Countdown and whatever comes next and congrats on six years of Deadpool!

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Thanks! Keep sharing comics with friends that don't read them (yet)

Sometimes a person needs to be handed a comic. At Halloween I drag the spinner rack from my office and give away comics - and every year there are several kids that tell me they've never held a comic. Comics aren't in check out lanes and gas stations anymore - so it's up to us.

[–]judgeharoldtstone 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Is Brian Posehn fun to hang out with?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Fun, and odoriferous.

Seriously tho - what a great friend he has been to me. He helped me transition from comics retailer to comics pro and introduced me to my wife. Our boys are about the same age. I dont get to hang with my pals as much as I would like - but what an important person in my life. And such a nice guy.

[–]Ultimate_KardasVenom 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Hey Gerry, very excited for both Infinity countdown and the ending to your Deadpool run. It's certainly been a hell of a ride.

With the Champions having some infinity countdown tie ins, can we expect the two Novas to meet back up? I absolutely adored the relationship Rich and Sam had in Jeff Loveness' unfortunately short Nova series.

Also, how much do you have to do with Darkhawk getting a tie in? I loved the one shot so much, and I'm so happy he's getting a mini during the event.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Well, I want to hesitate to over-promise especially in a book I'm not writing, and I too loved that Nova book - so good!

re: the Darkhawk series - they're actually getting to tell a story that was a real cut of delicious meat. I know what story they're telling - and it's something Jordan D White and I talked about - ties in with Talonar and the nega-bands. It's an epic inside an epic. Hope you dig it too.

[–]MOVIEREVOLTJohn Constantine 1 point2 points  (2 children)

With your current run on Deadpool you have been putting him through one epic emotional journey. How do you think this storyline could possibly change him for the long term?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Hmm. Well, we hurt him to of love, but he's so resilient. Our job is to put him through the ringer. I would like to think he's going to be left with a few more toys in his toy box, and I think that feels right after being his primary custodian for half a decade. I hope you like our dismount. 300 is pretty unquestionably one of our funnier and more fucked-up issues.

[–]MOVIEREVOLTJohn Constantine 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I've been loving it so far. As someone who has been a fan of the character since the 90s I am amazed but how much you developed him as a character

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (2 children)

Hope I'm not too late!

Do you have a set schedule where all you do is try to write? Like 9 to 5 as discipline can be hard for writers.(well atleast those of us starting out!) Any tips on how to tackle writers block? How do you recommend anyone tries to be a better writer? Do you think writers should do self promotion?

What are some classics you recommend everyone interested in writing (not just comics) to read?

What's your writing playlist/environment/toolset like?

Thank you so much Gerry!

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 7 points8 points  (1 child)

In order: I have a normal work day - but a lot of that is eaten up by calls, emails, and the normal horse shit of actually running a business. Most of my valuable writing time happens at night - when I'm less likely to be bugged.

Only way to be a better writer is to write a lot. And keep writing. As much as possible. When I started out it was my second and sometimes even third job, but you better treat it like it's the most important one.

I still probably work 16-18 hour days more often than not - in order to get everything done. In a perfect world - its more like 12. But I write for marvel, myself, and I have some video game work- it all needs some TLC. Read King's ON WRITING. And Bendis' book.

I can't hear voices when I write so no podcasts or even music with lyrics - I listen to soundtracks mostly. Pepe Larraz and I still trade soundtracks -- they never interfere with the voices of the characters that I'm trying to get down.

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Wow! I wasn't expecting an answer, let alone suck a detailed one. You made my day!

What an epic and detailed answer! I will take this to heart!

Thank you Gerry!

[–][deleted] 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Do you have anything Marvel-related planned after Infinity Countdown and Deadpool wrap up? P.S. You do great work man, definitely one of my favorite writers right now! Keep it up!

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Thanks. Right now I'm just focused on my year ahead in the cosmic Marvel part of the sandbox. That said, I'm reaching for some non-traditional cosmic characters...

[–]LlamaentitySpider-Mod 1 point2 points  (1 child)

What have been your key inspirations for writing Analog?

Were there any particular real life experiences that have helped shape where you want to take the story?

Information security and AI are interesting topics to me. Can't wait to see the grumpy artificial intelligence mentioned in the solicit!

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Well, I (minimally) had info released in the Sony hack years ago, and I have been a citizen of the web for a good long while now, and I made a choice a long time ago to sign my name to it all. My reddit/twitter/tublr/instagram are all signed with my name. It changes the way you communicate. For me, it's the only way to conduct myself. If I'm not comfortable having a thought out there that I sign, I don't hit "send".

re: Analog - It began from a place of wanting to tell a future noir story and get rid of mobile phones. Anytime you can ditch conveniences like that - you're doing your story a favor. After the 2016 election, the story pivoted in a slightly new direction. I think it's kind of preposterous that anyone thinks that our various clouds are secure. Isn't a cloud by definition something that opens up and rains down? I think the next few years are going to be extremely disruptive for a lot of reasons, and look at how cheap information warfare is.

True story: I began talking about Analog only in the last few months - and an interesting story came back to me about a person that refurbishes old type writers. What was once kind of a hobby has become a booming business and in the last year he was completely bought out by a political organization. Like it or not, I think smart money is pivoting to at least a partial analog future when it comes to sensitive info. There was a story years ago about the Kremlin going to typewriters for their biggest secrets.

I think Analog could last 50 issues for all the ideas we want to explore. We'll see how far we get. I have an end in mind, and it's one we can drive towards at almost any point. Thanks for picking us up!

[–]tenillusions 1 point2 points  (1 child)

How do you feel about having events cut into your runs? Are they planned for ahead of time?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Very much planned ahead of time. We never tied into one that we didn't make good use of, I think. If you go back - we really had some epic tie ins - none more so than Secret Empire.

I used that as the fire that would burn Wade down, and when the destruction is complete, I'll be gone like a thief in the night.

[–]akujinhikariDeadpool 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Will you please tell someone at Marvel to stop with all the fucking variant covers?

Also, your Deadpool run is one of my favorite runs of any writer ever. Thank you for writing him so well. He’s had a lot of terrible writing, and I’m so glad you brought him depth and dimension.

[–]ampwsg 0 points1 point  (2 children)

Hello mister Duggan, after reading your collaboration in the Dead of Wolverine (it was really good BTW) some questions brew from it. I hope you can answer me the following questions 1: It is hard to coordinate with the different teams when you want to use popular characters, for example Captain Roger's when Rick Remender had him de-powered? 2: We as fans sometimes we understand (and sometimes don't, so sorry for that.) that different writers like to pick a character or a series and start with an endgame in mind but most of the time if the work is not a mini series or a limited work, it tends to look like the work loses from time to time focus and plainly it gets a little boring, the question is how do you do it so it doesn't get like that, by working in parts or arcs, or just writing as it comes around?. Thanks for the hard work mister Duggan, to you and all your collaborators.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 2 points3 points  (1 child)

We coordinate a lot - so in the case of Old Man Rogers - Rick knew he was going to de-power Steve and the rest of the writers that artists that shared Steve in the Avengers books had plenty of time to pivot to that new status quo. Big changes like that one are ratified about a year out - so that everyone has time to coordinate.

[–]NovaW2Izabel 0 points1 point  (2 children)


Nova is my favorite character, your work on his Marvel Now series has made him the first character I felt was truly my favorite. I can't tell you how many times I've reread that series. I was around 12 when that book was released and it's what made me truly appreciate comics. Sam would often mirror me in a way and I reading him was amazing.

My usernames used to all be NovaWatch because I loved the Watcher and Nova's friendship (Now, the W in my current username stands for Watcher.) Issue 18 was perfect when Sam finds out he's been killed, probably my favorite issue of the whole series. Sam came to a big realization that issue and I loved it.

On top of that, the art in that book was amazing. I've drawn my whole life but I rarely took instructional classes. I taught myself how to draw faces and use colors from studying that book. The art displayed your writing so well.

Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you, your story has been a big part of my life. I admire your work very much.

This is a AMA after all, so I guess I have to ask a question! I am currently 17 and looking to get into film. I like to write a lot and often times find myself hitting a road block when planning my stories. Have you ever written yourself into a corner, and if so, how do you get out of it while still keeping the story interesting?

Thank you so much! Also, your current Guardians of the Galaxy series rules!

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Well, thanks for the kind words. Sam was a gift - that inexperienced hero that tries hard and doesn't always get it right.

re: writing yourself into a corner - I think that's where some of the best and most interring choices can happen - wrote characters into corners and make them get out of it. Force them to surprise you. You're 17 - your whole life is in front of you - keep working at your art, keep sharing it, keep getting better and maybe it can be a career. Good luck!

[–]Darkpopemaledict 0 points1 point  (2 children)

Hey Gerry, been a big fan since hearing you on nerdpoker, have loved your run on Deadpool. What's next? Do you have another big book at marvel lined up, or going to Image, or a combination of the two?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 1 point2 points  (1 child)

I have my work cut out for me this year. The big stones story at Marvel and some heavy character work around that, and the 2 Image ongoings, in addition I've also got a feature I'm supposed to revise again and then a video game. I'm not sure what happens in 2019, but 2018 I'm booked pretty solid. Thanks so much for the kind words, May Bahamut guide you to Glinnishmore. -g

[–]bn00880Jugmod 0 points1 point  (1 child)

I have to email retailers about Analog's FOC

how common is it to talk to retailers about your upcoming books and what has been there response to analog so far

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Well, I used to work for a retailer so I understand comics retailing. It's a very 20th century business. We have to sell a comic 3 times. Once to Diamond, a second time to retailers and then a third time to fans. I have been chatting retailers up about Analog for a few weeks and the response has been very nice. We'll see how our initial orders turn out in a few weeks.

[–]ccnfler 0 points1 point  (1 child)

Mr. Dugan,

What scene was the hardest to write and why?

Are you concerned about trying to get a creator owned book to stand out? What do you think it will take?

Thank you for taking the time and for being a good writer. Cheers

[–]pecan_party 0 points1 point  (4 children)

Is the MCU and it's culmination of thanos and the stones the reason marvel brought them back in comic form?

Also we have seen stories involving the stones for the past 39 years or so. What do you guys plan to do to make it fresh this time around?

I have the infinity primer added to my pull list at the moment and am absolutely enjoying them so far.

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 2 points3 points  (3 children)

No, I pitched it. It's a crazy story. Plan A) for the story is to make it not like anything that came before. I have no interest in playing "Freebird". I feel really confident in the story. It's survived a couple of retreats and was made better by suggestions from the writers and editors in the room. But I'm really telling a very character driven piece I think. The stones are just macguffins. Hope you dig it - and try Analog if you have room in your heart and wallet.

[–][deleted] 0 points1 point  (1 child)

Do you use the hand with the Infinity Gauntlet to wipe your butt, or the other one? Do you wipe standing or sitting?

[–]gerrydugganVerified Creator[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

read issue 1 of Dead Rabbit to find out

[–]BloodyBum 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hey Gerry, quick question.

Does this look infected to you?

arm laser