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Safety & security technology

The social network Solcial is a decentralized network built on new web3 technologies. The current web2 technology does not practically guarantee the security and privacy of your data. A new web3 blockchain-based Internet technology has emerged with which you can protect your data.

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The social network Solcial is a decentralized network built on new web3 technologies. The current web2 technology does not practically guarantee the security and privacy of your data. A new web3 blockchain-based Internet technology has emerged with which you can protect your data.
r/solcial - The social network Solcial is a decentralized network built on new web3 technologies. The current web2 technology does not practically guarantee the security and privacy of your data. A new web3 blockchain-based Internet technology has emerged with which you can protect your data.

"At least eight researchers or policy experts have withdrawn from an Internet security conference after the sponsor reportedly used flawed encryption technology deliberately in commercial software to allow the National Security Agency to spy more easily on computer users."

IoT is the Frankenbeast of Information Security - The Internet of Things is worse than just a new insecure space it's a Frankenbeast of technology that links network, application, mobile, and cloud technologies together into a single ecosystem, taking on the worst security characteristics of each.

r/DarkFuturology examines dystopian trends, usually in relation to current events, promoting total freedom of speech. We emerged from growing dissatisfaction with the utopian tech-porn dominating r/Futurology. As well as mainstream dystopian topics, we also promote discussion of controversial subjects that too often lurk in shadows far from the accepted discourse. This is necessary for building a broad understanding of all issues faced by humanity in this century and, if we're lucky, the next...

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Biggest security hole on Android remains the implicitly granted internet access - user is never asked about internet access (unlike other run-time permissions like storage) [x-post r/technology]

Android news, reviews, tips, and discussions about rooting, tutorials, and apps. General discussion about devices is welcome. Please direct technical support, upgrade questions, buy/sell, app recommendations, and carrier-related issues to other subreddits.

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IoT is the Frankenbeast of Information Security - The Internet of Things is worse than just a new insecure space it's a Frankenbeast of technology that links network, application, mobile, and cloud technologies together into a single ecosystem, taking on the worst security characteristics of each.

I am a diagnostics expert and computer/network architect, and I'm here to discuss COVID-19 diagnostics. My name is Devabhaktuni "Sri" Srikrishna and I am the co-founder of Tropos Network, Patient Knowhow, and Technology for Global Security. Ask me anything!

I Am A, where the mundane becomes fascinating and the outrageous suddenly seems normal.

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I am a diagnostics expert and computer/network architect, and I'm here to discuss COVID-19 diagnostics. My name is Devabhaktuni "Sri" Srikrishna and I am the co-founder of Tropos Network, Patient Knowhow, and Technology for Global Security. Ask me anything!

I am a diagnostics expert and computer/network architect, and I'm here to discuss COVID-19 diagnostics. My name is Devabhaktuni "Sri" Srikrishna and I am the co-founder of Tropos Networks (, Patient Knowhow (, and Technology for Global Security (

Technology for Global Security (Tech4GS) is helping me host this AMA ( Ask me anything!

My bio:

BS Caltech (Math), MS MIT (EECS). Published on wireless networks, parallel computer architecture, quantum computing, and nuclear security. Previously founder/CTO of Tropos Networks. Tropos makes reliable, metro-scale wireless mesh networks (1000+ node, 600+ sq. mi.) using Wi-Fi for police (public safety), public access, and electric utilities and is deployed in 1000+ customers worldwide. In 2014, I was drawn into the unfolding Ebola crisis due to open panic expressed by public health agencies. In collaboration with public health experts, my research on how to control Ebola quickly ended up in the Lancet. This led to the design the national Ebola response in Guinea where the epidemic began. Subsequent research on how to control widely spread viruses without access to vaccines and treatments.

My publications:

“We Need a Cheap Way to Diagnose Coronavirus” -

“What the U.S. Needs to Do — Right Now — to Fight Coronavirus” -

“The World Is Completely Unprepared for a Global Pandemic” -

“Are Countries Prepared for the Increasing Threat of Engineered Bioweapons?” -

Controlling Ebola: next steps. - Lancet. 2014 Oct 18.

Ebola control: rapid diagnostic testing. - Lancet Infect Dis. 2015 Feb

Overlooking the importance of immunoassays. - Lancet Infect Dis. 2016 Oct

Containing Zika while we wait for a vaccine. - BMJ. 2017 Jan 30

Early detection of Lassa fever: the need for point-of-care diagnostics. - Lancet Infect Dis. 2018 Jun

Deploying RDTs in the DRC Ebola outbreak. - Lancet. 2018 Jun 23

When is contact tracing not enough to stop an outbreak? - Lancet Infect Dis. 2018 Dec

Two data points for gauging outbreak control. - Lancet. 2018 Dec 8

The Collective decentralized cryptocurrency exchange guarantees a safe and highly secured trading platform that is built on the blockchain technology. Security on the decentralized crypto exchange is the highest being built using the blockchain protocol.

Former Security Engineer For International Technology Company Pleads Guilty To Hacking Two Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchanges

We are Senator Ron Wyden, Fight for the Future, ACLU, EFF and advocates opposing the Kids Online Safety Act and other #BadInternetBills. Join our AMA in r/technology this Monday, 9/18 at 3pm EST! Ask us anything

Subreddit dedicated to the news and discussions about the creation and use of technology and its surrounding issues.

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We are Senator Ron Wyden, Fight for the Future, ACLU, EFF and advocates opposing the Kids Online Safety Act and other #BadInternetBills. Join our AMA in r/technology this Monday, 9/18 at 3pm EST! Ask us anything

We are advocates who support regulation of Big Tech but oppose the misguided Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), and similarly dangerous and unconstitutional bills like the EARN IT Act, Stop CSAM Act, Cooper Davis Act, and Protecting Kids On Social Media Act.

On Monday, September 18th starting at 3:00pm EST we’ll be hosting an AMA here on r/technology.

Come ask us anything about why these bills would do more harm than good, and what lawmakers and regulators can do instead to address the harm that Big Tech’s surveillance driven business model is doing to kids and our democracy without undermining human rights and free expression.
Learn more about these bills and write/call your legislators at

We are activists and techies fighting to #SaveInternetFreedom and save the Open Technology Fund. If a new Trump appointee has his way, OTF’s important work supporting tools and tech will be irreparably damaged. Ask us anything about OTF and their work to support open privacy and security tools.

I Am A, where the mundane becomes fascinating and the outrageous suddenly seems normal.

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We are activists and techies fighting to #SaveInternetFreedom and save the Open Technology Fund. If a new Trump appointee has his way, OTF’s important work supporting tools and tech will be irreparably damaged. Ask us anything about OTF and their work to support open privacy and security tools.

We are a group of activists, human rights defenders, and technologists mobilizing support to save internet freedom. In just a few weeks, nearly 500 organizations and 3500 individuals have signed a letter asking Congress to save OTF, including Github, Reddit, EFF, Mozilla on

Why save OTF? The Open Technology Fund (OTF) is a critical funder in the global fight for internet freedom. Today, more than two billion people around the world use technologies supported by OTF to communicate securely, circumvent censorship, and combat authoritarianism. OTF was an early funder for Signal and support tools like Lets Encrypt, Tor, and Mailvelope. Projects funded by OTF help people avoid repressive surveillance in Iran, circumvent internet shutdowns in Turkey, and journalists stay safe online in Russia.

Now all of that is in danger. If a new Trump appointee has his way, OTF’s funds and resources could be reallocated to closed-source, private tech companies. The goodwill and trust that has taken years for OTF to build will be wiped away and dismantled. Projects and tools that are the lifeline for journalists, activists, and human rights defenders will be in danger. We are fighting to save internet freedom and OTF.

Read more: The Verge: A new Trump appointee has put internet freedom projects in crisis mode

Newsweek Op-ed: Dictators are Besieging Internet Freedom—and Trump Just Opened the Gates

Who we are:

u/mrphs - Nima Fatemi is the President of Kandoo, a nonprofit org providing cybersecurity for vulnerable populations.

u/jilliancatyork - Jillian York works for the Electronic Frontier Foundation and is a member of the OTF Advisory Council.

u/NoNotReallyXee - Xeenarh Mohammed is the Executive Director of TIERs, Digital freedom advocate and queer security trainer from Nigeria 🌈🌈🌈

u/n8fr8 - Nathan Freitas is the founder of Guardian Project, lead developer of Orbot (Tor for Android), Tech Director at Tibet Action Institute, Affiliate at Harvard Berkman-Klein Center.

u/GlitterBlue123 - GlitterBlue is a community organizer at Internet Freedom Festival and works on ensuring the Internet Freedom and FOSS space more diverse and safe for everyone.


Monaco became the first country in Europe to inaugurate a next-generation 5G mobile phone network based on technology from Chinese firm Huawei, which is seen by the US as a major security risk

Blockchain & Crypto Technology for Food Safety | YouTube Documentary featuring Vechain

Vechain is the world's leading enterprise-grade L1 blockchain, and the backbone of the global digital sustainability revolution being built with key partner, Boston Consulting Group. Check out our Linktree for key resources and info!

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Digital rights group Fight for the Future has launched a “Corporate Scorecard” that grades more than 30 of the world’s largest technology companies based on their public positions on key US policy questions affecting Internet users’ privacy and security.

Can Current Crypto Security Technology Fully Protect Cryptocurrencies? - Decent article on crypto security (use translate)

Chinese telecom giant Huawei Technologies said Tuesday that its sales rose about 18% in 2019 despite U.S. moves to restrict its business. The U.S. government says Huawei technology poses a security risk and has urged other countries not to buy its 5G mobile network equipment

DLT Science Foundation on LinkedIn: How Hedera Hashgraph's Governance Model Ensures Network Security and integrity of its DAG-based distributed ledger technology network.

Hedera is a decentralized, open-source, proof-of-stake public ledger that utilizes the leaderless, asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance (aBFT) hashgraph consensus algorithm. It is governed by a diverse, decentralized council of leading enterprises, universities, and web3 projects from around the world.

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Gain the security of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology with the convenience of a branded or co-branded card from LeisurePay

This sub-reddit is only for the Crypto-ICO related post. Any member of Reddit can see, comment and post.

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Gain the security of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology with the convenience of a branded or co-branded card from LeisurePay

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Information Technology Networking or Computer Science for strong background in cyber security ?

This subreddit is for technical professionals to discuss cybersecurity news, research, threats, etc.

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Information Technology Networking or Computer Science for strong background in cyber security ?

So I will be studying a computer networking program this year. My first two years will consist of courses in networking, routing and switching, Linux, windows, database etc (I.T related) my third year will be dedicated to cyber security (pen testing, cryptography, digital forensics, securing routers and switches, advanced security appliances, cyber incidence response, threat analysis etc).

I am also debating on studying computer science instead. I feel this program would better prepare me for cybersecurity than computer science but a few people are telling me to study CS instead. I’m not sure. Computer science is more about algorithms, programming languages etc. What’s everyone’s thoughts ?

Gain the security of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology with the convenience of a branded or co-branded card from LeisurePay

Here all of you are free to discuss about crypto currency.

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Gain the security of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology with the convenience of a branded or co-branded card from LeisurePay

🚀 Partner With LeisurePay for Your Own Branded Card

💰 Attract new customers and extend your brand’s reach with branded card options from LeisurePay. Increase sales while delivering outstanding value to your most loyal customers. LeisurePay makes the whole process simple ✅

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Today, the OpenSSF - a global, cross-industry initiative of the The Linux Foundation dedicated to sustainably securing Open Source software - has announced Hedera as one of its newest members alongside leading technology, aerospace, and security firms.

Hedera is a decentralized, open-source, proof-of-stake public ledger that utilizes the leaderless, asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance (aBFT) hashgraph consensus algorithm. It is governed by a diverse, decentralized council of leading enterprises, universities, and web3 projects from around the world.

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Today, the OpenSSF - a global, cross-industry initiative of the The Linux Foundation dedicated to sustainably securing Open Source software - has announced Hedera as one of its newest members alongside leading technology, aerospace, and security firms.
r/Hedera - Today, the OpenSSF - a global, cross-industry initiative of the The Linux Foundation dedicated to sustainably securing Open Source software - has announced Hedera as one of its newest members alongside leading technology, aerospace, and security firms.

By intercepting and analyzing wireless signals, someone could hack into your pacemaker or insulin pump. Engineers have tightened security on the “internet of body.” Now, the network you didn’t know you had is only accessible to you and your devices, thanks to the new technology.

This community is a place to share and discuss new scientific research. Read about the latest advances in astronomy, biology, medicine, physics, social science, and more. Find and submit new publications and popular science coverage of current research.

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In 2004, there were campaigns to ban Linux, it was painted as an “urgent threat to national security”. Opposition against technology is not new. If crypto helps people break free from the chains of TradFi, distractors will do everything to keep people chained.

The leading community for cryptocurrency news, discussion, and analysis.

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In 2004, there were campaigns to ban Linux, it was painted as an “urgent threat to national security”. Opposition against technology is not new. If crypto helps people break free from the chains of TradFi, distractors will do everything to keep people chained.

Came across this article from 2004, a group lobbied hard to put an end to linux, terming it as evil and a threat to national security. Microsoft founders were repeatedly bashing Linux for various reasons.

"Given that juvenile delinquents are able to find and exploit Linux security vulnerabilities in their spare time, imagine how easy it is for foreign intelligence and military services with enormous resources. And unlike juvenile delinquents, hostile agents do not revel in their success when they compromise one of our systems; they secretly collect data, passwords, encryption keys, and other intelligence. After a foreign intelligence or military service compromises one of our systems they install a back door so that even if the exploited vulnerability is eventually patched, the system will remain compromised.

"It is not too late to prevent Linux from compromising national security. So far, Linux has only been deployed in a few defense systems, but its use in the development of new defense systems is spreading rapidly. That is why we must act now. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing."

Today you can find the same kind of arguments against crypto. Everything tag from foreign controlled money to national security risks to the choice of currency for criminals has been used to describe crypto.

Coming to the attempts to ban Linux, in retrospect it seems kinda easy to see who would have benefited from Linux being banned.

Hint: Here you have Steve Ballmer of Microsoft claiming Linux is communism:

A year later, he said Linux is cancer.

Finally after fifteen years, he said he loves linux. By 2015, MSFT was well entrenched in Linux offering many of their enterprise services like Azure on Linux.

Now with crypto, while the degree of crypto adoption today can be debated, it cannot be denied that giving people custody control over their own funds instead of banks will severely threaten the retail banking industry that thrives on taking customer deposits and in return giving them a pittance as interest, while also using customer funds to make out loans to other customers. Native crypto assets and even decentralised stablecoins can firmly put an end to middlemen institutions like banks and PayPal holding customer funds hostage because "terms & services".

So you have banks flipping back and forth on crypto, calling it criminal money in 2017 but in 2022 claiming it will take the place of gold.

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  • The Twilight Saga is a series of YA books and films that follow Bella Swan, whose life changes after she meets the mysterious Edward Cullen in the small town of Forks, Washington. When long-buried secrets rise to the surface, Bella finds herself torn between the human world and the supernatural world of vampires and werewolves. Twilight has fostered a close community since its release in 2005, and r/Twilight is proud to have served as the home of The Twilight Saga on Reddit for over a decade. members