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13 points · 1 hour ago

It’s apparently a breast cancer awareness thing (or autism awareness?). If you comment on it you “have” to post something else weird, and somehow people are now aware of breast cancer.

No, with my youngest (first teeth at 6.5 mos) barely knew he was teething (he was sleep trained before teething though, right at 6 mos). We notice when he is getting molars and he can talk about it now, but no fever (lots of putting his fingers in his mouth).

With my second (first tooth at 4 mos) no fever (though I didn’t check, maybe a really low one?) but did seem fussier/one night her sleep was much worse.

You’ve got this!! The Oh Crap book + potty books from the library + Daniel Tiger and a potty in the living room at first and we did it in a weekend. Looooooots of pee on the floor. Lots of calming breaths. Every kid is different, but the author spells the steps out so well. We will totally use the method again w our 2nd.
Best of luck!

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Yup, we did “Oh Crap” in a weekend. At first I thought it was awful, but he got it really quickly and now rarely has accidents (usually only because he’s so good at it that sometimes we forget to prompt him when he’s out playing outside for hours at a time). Good luck!

Us too! We did it in July, and she has accidents very occasionally- usually only if she has to wait in a line at school or is having a lot of fun. Usually she catches/ holds it so her panties are just barely wet. So impressive.

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I know! My toddler can now tell me he has to go, and hold it sometimes while I run to get the potty from upstairs (he has only just started sitting on the regular toilet, and sometimes wants his little one). I have a hard time holding it that long (and when I was pregnant I couldn’t hold it hardly at all!).

You’ve probably done some googling already, but this scientific study: Suggests that children with confirmed smaller cerebellums develop totally fine! So try not to worry!

When we trained at 6 mos our Sleep consultant had us night wean. She said it was confusing to sometimes be fed and sometimes not (I had told her I was fine keeping in a couple of feedings).

Not sure when it’s okay to night wean, and I’m sure it depends on the kiddo. Right now I have a 5 month old and I’m scared to try sleep training before 6 mos! It worked so well at 6 mos with our first that I’m worried if we do it earlier and don’t night wean it won’t work as well.

I was scared to night wean when we trained at 6 mos, but our consultant said we should. It was fine! I was nursing him back to sleep for about 6 wake ups a night before training, but he didn’t even seem that hungry in the morning after that first night of training (my boobs were killing me, but he didn’t drain them). I know it is a tough decision, but I think it worked well for us. You don’t want your baby to go hungry, but our consultant told us that it’s okay if your baby gets a little hungry—they will be fine, and will adjust quickly.

Original Poster1 point · 8 days ago

That's good to know! I figure if she's really hungry she would wake up and not stop crying right? So if she goes to sleep then she was just habituated. And other babies can go all night and she wasn't a preemie and has more than doubled her original weight so I'm confident she will be okay if not just grumpy

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Yeah, I was super worried about Night weaning, because I mean, I get hungry if I haven’t eaten in 12 hours! That first night was tough when LO woke at 5 am, because I figured he really was hungry then. But he did go back to sleep, so he must not have been starving.

With my first pregnancy (I was 35) we did NiPT and my insurance did not cover it, so I only had to pay the $200 (the company has a deal with various hospitals). With my second I was 37, and now my insurance covered it, but it all counted as “out of network” so I was on the hook for the whole thing! Just a heads up to others, the big bill was a shock.

Cake day
March 15, 2017
Trophy Case (1)
Two-Year Club