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CE Bringg rollout CE Bringg rollout
in-home services/field

Bringg for all in home agents is here, or will be rolled out soon. It is about as disastrous as you might imagine. I’ll go through what I know so far, but it’s so bad in so many ways I have lost track.

  1. No FMS boards. You cannot see your appointments for 2 days away or 1 week away. You can see out in OMA 24 hours using a workaround. Maybe you will eventually be able to use this to “see” your board further in advance eventually.

  2. Orders automatically en route once you close the current order. There is no option to pause for a lunch or break, you have to just avoid closing the order you’re on in order to avoid en routing to the next stop.

  3. Orders also automatically disappear once you’re done. Helped Bob 3 stops ago and he has a question about something and you put it in the notes? Silly you, you don’t know or see anything about Bob now. (You can see the address of the stops you’ve gone to for the day, and the order number, but that’s it.)

  4. It’s impossible to move jobs around now. Want to make a fresh order to sell Susan another printer cuz you accidentally closed the order too soon? Lol ur so cute. You have to have a manager tell Bringg chat to make it and they will call the client to collect the money instead of you and may or may not put your numbers on it.

  5. Speaking of which, your managers aren’t in charge of any of this. They can’t move jobs for you or add or cancel or create orders, they are just posting your requests in Bringg admin chat for you.

  6. In order to sell stuff you have to toggle back to UWO, paste an order number, sell it to them from UWO, and toggle back to Bringg to finalize.

  7. No way to see client appointment history. Made some helpful notes about previous appts to help you in the future with needy, or maybe rude, clients? Doesn’t exist now.

That’s what I can remember for the moment. There’s a lot more that’s bad too that I can’t remember. Some of this may change or get better. But not much.

System Issues & Supervisors System Issues & Supervisors

I've been struck in system issues due to resetting a stupid password since last week Monday!! How hard is it for HD to call ppl back & fix the issue!? But no, 3 tickets later, several HD calls back-n-forth & having to wait almost 2wks.... it's finally fixed.

Now that it's finally fixed I'm trying to get assistance from my SUP bc I've obviously missed alot & need help fixing my time in TLC, only to find out he's on vacation. 😑 Fucking kidding me!?! Ugh!! And yes, I have been communicating EVERY HD update to him daily via text. But does he have the common decency to let me know that he's going to be unavailable? Of course not!! Ugh, & his supposed backup doesn't even answer or respond to her messages on teams or by text either!!

I swear we get better help & coverage from the CSR3 than any supervisors.... I'm just pissed & frustrated. Sorry for the rant. But I figured you guys would understand.

Virtual sales Virtual sales

Hey all!

I’ve been with BB for almost 15 years on and off. I recently came back and transferred over to the virtual sales team. I wanted to ask if anyone here has been in the role before. Any tips or advice?

As someone who struggled on the sales floor in the past, I worry about hitting my goals. I have a distaste for the “salesman” attitude and pushy approach. I was always fantastic with customers/clients. Always had perfect surveys. I’m very much a product knowledge and solution based sales person. I like to talk to and get to know who I’m helping. I only sell to their needs or wants. I like to make them feel comfortable and not pressured to buy. But obviously I have to hit my goals and I get that. I have a vast knowledge of store and field operations since that’s my background. I feel I can definitely play to those strengths here and hopefully succeed.

My plan is to get my foot in the door for remote work via this position. Then try and transfer to other remote positions more suited to my skills, personality and experience. I am absolutely more of a support role person. So if y’all know of any positions that aren’t necessarily very well known, let me know! I’d like to look into SRD as I’ve been a Field Agent for the last 4 years.

Anyway, any and all advice is appreciated 🤘🏼. Thanks!

Sales Advisor to Geek Squad? Sales Advisor to Geek Squad?

For context I start as a sales advisor at Best Buy next week part time. I work full time in IT doing desktop support and wanted some extra cash. I’ve never done sales before but generally enjoy customer service at all my old jobs and wanted to give it a try. My question is if the sales role isn’t working out as well, would they be open to moving me to geek squad given my IT background if they had an opening there. I know they have sales goals too but from what I’ve read it’s less pressure. Guessing the answer might be store dependent but just curious if anyone had input on that.

Occasional seasonal/flex workers Occasional seasonal/flex workers

I’ve been with a company for over 10 years and as of the just last year, I’ve been seasonal. On occasion, I would work approximately two times a week or once a week. Now with my new job, my schedule changes my days off regularly. I don’t want to leave Best Buy, But I feel like my managers are asking me to work more days otherwise they may let me go.. from my understanding, as an occasional seasonal or flex worker in order to keep the status a minimum of 16 hours a quarter must be met. There is an SOP and I’ve read it, but I don’t think my managers are on board with the flexibility- although they demand that everyone that works, there is just as flexible to work for them. Any suggestions on how to tactfully approach the oncoming conversation?

New Hire!! New Hire!!
career development/hiring

Hi guys, I just got my offer at Best Buy.

I was just wondering how the pay structure works, I got a very weird position where its the Computer Specialist, which is apparently a very rare thing to have in a Best Buy according to the person who Interviewed me.

I guess Im just wondering on how the pay structure is, like I know theres an hourly rate but is there any extra pay for signing people up for credit cards or making big sales for the store? Also, I wasn’t able to view the dress code so what is the dress code? I have tattoos and piercings but I noticed people there also had tats and piercings so Im assuming it’s not against dress code, and how fun is the environment? I come from Microcenter and it was a fun environment, and I like dealing with technology so Im guessing it’s something similar?

Blueprint Survey Blueprint Survey

Ok, so we all took this survey recently right?

Today I and several of my co-workers get an email from our market manager. He claims that according to the survey most of his employees requested assistance with personal finance challenges. And he's offering to train us on "Personal Finance".

Let me just ask this.....Did anyone see ANY question that asked about "personal finances"? I sure as hell don't recall one. I do recall one of the questions did ask about our pay, to which every single person I have asked, stated that they all ranked that as a 1, the lowest possible score. Many even said they added comments to that question stating that they were having trouble getting by with our current pay structure.

And this is our company's response? Not to pay us more, but to give us training on how to better manage our personal finances?

Virtue signal......that is ALL this company does.

Former employees, how did you go about cashing out your 401k? Former employees, how did you go about cashing out your 401k?

I have a seperate retirement plan at my current job and my 401K from bestbuy cannot be rolled into it. I need to replace my car and a couple home upgrades and figured cashing out my 401k would help get those taken care of.

I know you get a certain percentage deducted right away for cashing it out so I won't get the full value, but is that the only thing you have to pay? Do I just go to a Edward jones or Charles and Schwab and tell them I want to cash it out? I am in illinois if that makes a difference