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Real life

Influencers are shining a light on public housing. But are they doing good or just gawking?

Influencers are shining a light on public housing. But are they doing good or just gawking?

“This floor is the one with all the f---ing murderers,” one creator says, laughing.

  • by Scobie Mckay


Want to take up running? You might be having an identity crisis

Want to take up running? You might be having an identity crisis

As much as we pretend it’s purely for health and wellbeing purposes, running in the modern age has become a performance in and of itself.

  • by Brandon Jack
A family home doesn’t need to be a house: The case for European-style living

A family home doesn’t need to be a house: The case for European-style living

Moving overseas highlighted that our national psyche is to see houses not as places merely to live, but an asset class that, for many, is a way to grow wealth.

  • by Caroline Zielinski
I thought not Googling everything would set me free. Instead, it ruined my garden

I thought not Googling everything would set me free. Instead, it ruined my garden

I’m not sure if having the answers would have saved my nasturtiums, but not knowing didn’t help me either. Somehow, my fantasy didn’t bring peace or protection.

  • by Wendy Syfret
My son says he doesn’t want to have children. It’s not my job to convince him

My son says he doesn’t want to have children. It’s not my job to convince him

Having a baby is the rare thing you can’t back out of. Tatts, vasectomies, vows, all reversible. Babies, not so much. What if you do it and realise it’s not for you?

  • by Kate Halfpenny
When three feminists gave their mic to a comedian, they betrayed their own audience

When three feminists gave their mic to a comedian, they betrayed their own audience

Blame for the abysmal failure of Clementine Ford, Antoinette Lattouf and Yumi Stynes’ event shouldn’t be placed solely on the male comedian now being dragged online.

  • by Katy Hall
Having a child at 22 is the best career decision I ever made

Having a child at 22 is the best career decision I ever made

At 38, my life is free of gastro and childcare hurdles as I navigate meetings and work trips. But around me, I see a trail of exhausted parents trying to navigate an endless cycle of challenges. At a time when they could be coming up for air, they are drowning.

  • by Odette Barry
Men aren’t all bad – many are just confounded by the new rules

Men aren’t all bad – many are just confounded by the new rules

Men are struggling to find a new way of being in a society in which gender roles and expectations are rapidly changing. For many, I see resistance informed not by sexism or misogyny, but by feeling confused.

  • by Bianca Denny
The 151st Rheola Charity Carnival
14 images

The 151st Rheola Charity Carnival

Eddie Jim captured the colour of the 151st Rheola Charity Carnival on Easter Monday 2024

Drugs aren’t just for tradies and ravers. Middle-aged, middle-class women do them too

Drugs aren’t just for tradies and ravers. Middle-aged, middle-class women do them too

All drugs can destroy lives, finances, relationships. But in the spirit of openness, let’s not lie. They’re fun, and therein lies the rub.

  • by Kate Halfpenny
‘Crucial for memory’: Why facts stick when you write them down

‘Crucial for memory’: Why facts stick when you write them down

It might not be a window to your soul but it’s better for your brain. Why writing – once an ancient “handicraft” – is still worth doing well.

  • by Angus Holland