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Market movers

Gina Rinehart, chairman of Hancock Prospecting.

In the rare earths Game of Thrones, Gina Rinehart grabs the crown

The federal government declared “the road to net zero runs through Australia’s resources sector”, and Rinehart will be hoping for a decent spoonful from the profit pot at the end of that road.

  • by Elizabeth Knight



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Star Sydney has been accused of having poor culture and allowing fraud to continue to occur inside the casino.

The Star Gold Coast boss quits as cracks in casino culture deepen

Pubs billionaire Bruce Mathieson has increased his hold in The Star as an executive revealed Star Sydney’s safer-gambling teams were trained by reading a 15-page booklet.

  • by Amelia McGuire
The embattled Star Sydney is facing another round of public hearings.

Star shows it has dud hand in bid to keep licence

A clear pattern is emerging from the Bell inquiry into Star Entertainment – that of a financially and culturally embattled company being managed by a chief executive desperately juggling too many problems.

  • by Elizabeth Knight

Opinion & Perspectives

Star shows it has dud hand in bid to keep licence

A clear pattern is emerging from the Bell inquiry into Star Entertainment – that of a financially and culturally embattled company being managed by a chief executive desperately juggling too many problems.

Elizabeth Knight
Elizabeth Knight

Business columnist

US and China’s mounting debts could hurt us all

Rising government debt and deficits in the world’s two largest economies could have spillover effects on the rest of the global economy.

Stephen Bartholomeusz
Stephen Bartholomeusz

Senior business columnist

Mystery gold buyer is betting on geopolitical and financial mayhem

A powerful force is stalking the world’s gold market. It is operating in the shadows. Is somebody preparing for an escalation of the shadow Third World War?

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

Banking & finance



From left to right: Former Fortescue executives, Bart Kolodziejczyk and Michael Masterman’s start-up Element Zero has plans for a $US2.1 billion green iron processing plant in the Pilbara.

The iron men with a $3 billion plan to save the planet

Two former Fortescue executives want to reduce the enormous carbon footprint of iron ore, Australia’s most lucrative export industry. It’ll cost at least $3 billion.

  • by Anne Hyland
The latest fashion from Alexander McQueen, seen here at Paris Fashion Week, is available at Cettire with a significant discount.

This Australian billion-dollar luxury fashion retailer has taken the world by storm. But read the fine print

Cettire has dazzled both well-heeled shoppers and investors with its bargains and extraordinary growth, but it has also become the most polarising success story on the ASX.

  • by Colin Kruger

Popular in Business
