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#AVAX# 59 set, can it be solved before halving
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If you are still worried about long-term losses, click on the avatar or Link to enter the live broadcast room directly, say goodbye to all losses, a new cognitive contract, and use the currency circle as a lifelong ATM. Recently arrested the best currency for today‘s rally bico nada aidoge missed the baby, don‘t be discouraged!There is never a shortage of opportunities in the currency circle, what is lacking is the mentality of you waiting!The best ambush currency in today‘s morning trading ustc sols starl anchor: my secret to long-term profitability in contracts for more than 4 years, don‘t play $BTC$, don‘t play $ETH$, never short contract currency, don‘t chase high, don‘t chase heat. Only arrest each round of falling and over-falling currencies Chase high regrets for a lifetime, low absorption of wealth for three generations!The anchor fan base has been opened!Welcome to join the baby door!Click the Link to enter the directly
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Core Long Take Profit 3.1 Today, 3.7 3 Days Take Profit, 2.56 Stop Loss
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Stud All in 🙌
Here it comes
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"Tai Chi Contract: Implementing 1x with 2 Methods
1. Tai Chi Contract, with single, limited to 10x, doing high-accuracy singles that can profit 1x in a few days. Minimum entry of 100u.
2. Tai Chi Island Master, with single, profit 1x in one month or in case of loss, rolling positions within a low-risk investment of up to 5x. Minimum entry of 10u.

Starting with singles, welcome to reserve a spot."
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Thank you for the information, Sir, ✨😍🌸
Your analysis is very good, it is worth learning from, and I praise you.
likes, 666 comments, and the top 20 will give 8888888 animal coins
From April 3rd to 6th, the strategy tip is to subscribe to 65,500 fans to go long
Look at the picture below to verify, whether it is accurate or not, there is a picture and the truth, subscribe to get the latest wealth password. Click the Link below to send VIP benefits, and red envelopes 🧧 are being sent.
Please receive
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Good morning, I wish you a lot of profitable days, 🍀✨🌞🌞🌞 thanks 💐💐💐💐💐 for the information
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#GT# hasn‘t reached the cost price yet, what price do you buy, my average price is 8.8
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SOL‘s 12-hour level zeroed to start a 4-hour and 6-hour level reversal, and the momentum of the 1-day line decline weakened, and finally received 183 (168+17), and the resistance returned to 186 again. Breathed a sigh of relief. This means that 168 is a recent low. In the future, if you step back on 170-168 again, it will still be an opportunity to buy the bottom.

Every time the market is very weak, so weak that you want to open a short, hold back and divert your attention to buy spot. It usually doesn‘t take long for it to change.
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Forward a coin friend‘s message
The last case before the halving!!
As the halving approached, 90,000 BTC was withdrawn from cryptocurrency s
The amount of Bitcoin held by cryptocurrency s has been steadily declining. Last month, 90,000 BTC has been withdrawn from the , while total reserves have fallen to a 6.5-year low.
Last month, about 90,000 BTC was withdrawn from cryptocurrency s. The total Bitcoin reserves on the were reduced to 1,938,000 BTC. This is the first time this level has been seen since December 2017.
The situation is even more striking if only spot s are considered. According to its data, Bitcoin holdings on spot s fell to 628,000 BTC. The last time reserves were so low was on January 21, 2015.
The decline in assets means that while Bitcoin‘s liquidity supply is reduced, investors tend to hold it for the long term. The spot ETF started trading in January and has since collected more than 500,000 BTC from the market, which is considered the biggest factor among them. On the other hand, it is estimated that the positive expectation of the block reward halving in two weeks is one of the reasons.
According to available data, the halving will take place on April 20. The reward of 6.25 BTC for each block mined by miners will be reduced to 3,125 BTC. As a result, the daily production of Bitcoin will be reduced from 900 BTC to 450 BTC. Studies have shown that Bitcoin has grown by an average of 3230% after the halving. Bitcoin rose 8858% after the first halving in 2012, 294% after the second halving, and 540% after the third halving.
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Thank you ✅❤️🌹🥰 beauty for sharing
Thank you 🥰✨💕 honey for the information
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#FUEL# ful, 30W USD market value, 3000W is 100 times, 300 million is 1000 times, bull market casually 300 million US dollars market value, casually pull is 100 times, there is no Zhuang at all, understand?
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You pull a thousand times without Zhuang?
How much is the net inflow of BlackRock‘s ETF market every day, BlackRock will use the net inflow of funds to buy the corresponding Bitcoin, if BlackRock‘s ETF has a net outflow one day, BlackRock will also sell Bitcoin, so it is not BlackRock to buy coins at a high price, it is decided by the majority of users who buy BlackRock ETFs, we did not find that when Bitcoin fell to 65,000, BlackRock only bought a few hundred, Bitcoin rose, BlackRock bought thousands a day, is the price cheap and not much to buy, but the price is high to buy more, which also fully shows that the trading volume of retail investors buying ETFs is to determine how much BlackRock buys the next dayWhen the Federal Reserve postpones interest rate cuts, it may affect U.S. stocks, Bitcoin will also Link U.S. stocks, and retail investors‘ enthusiasm will also be affected.
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#MMSS# When will Sesame be able to remove this air coin?
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#BTC# #ETH# #BCH# Don‘t chase long in the current market, wait for the callback to get on the bus, I‘d rather short than chase high, the rising market, bearish not short, just go down and take long orders
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that‘s what I want to tell you PRX INFILTRATION eater PRX download to the phone you understand what I mean, join the telegram group, you will understand the difference, you already have privilege prx de
You are the opposite, the bull market would rather be covered than get off
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"Gt will definitely break $10 today, it‘s up to you whether to buy or not. There is no doubt that it will reach $15, trust me."
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JUP0.7 recommends up to 1.85
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Thank you 🌸 for the information
Cattle return to speed back 🐂
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#DOGE# blows up the Air Force
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Where can I see the rise and fall of the currency? It‘s almost zero now. If there is no money left, how much money is left? I don‘t know if it will rise again. It has been falling all the time without any rise. Where can I see all these? Does anyone know how to mine? Can someone teach me? I can pay for it too.
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#BTC# #Meme板块火热,你最关注哪些meme币种?# A lot of new leeks into the pit don‘t even know what the leading coins are, this dynamic is a daily hair, the following I summarized the leading coins, I really don‘t know what to buy, pick it here, the simplest routine in this period, the brainless routine to make money is, the leading coin each plate to choose one, and then buy, and then don‘t look at the price and so on. After the plate rotates, double the principal and then evenly distribute the leading coins to be raised, continue to wait for the plate to rotate, double the principal, continue to divide evenly, and then you will find that before the end of the bull market, you have also earned a lot. 5 times – 10 times for sure. The most stable investment income in cattle.
If you want more professional advice, subscribe to me.
The second boss in the currency circle: BTC ETH (the first choice for regular investment with large funds)
Coins: BNB OKB (Golden Shovel)
BTC Ecosystem: ordi, sats (subsequent L2 Lightning Network)
SOL Ecosystem: sol ray pyth jup bonk (preferred for airdrop staking)
ATOM Modularity: TIA DYM ALT (Airdrop Staking Choice)
Shequ (district) inion: rats
Social faucet: Cyber
AI Section: FET WLD
DEX faucet: UNI DYDX
Layer 2 faucet: matic op arb strk manta
Ethereum 2.0 staking leader: LDO SSV
Cross-chain faucet: dot atom
DeFi lending leader: AAVE COMP
DeFi oracle faucet: Link Band
NFT Faucet : Blur
Web3 faucet: ENS AR
Metaverse faucet: Sand Mana
Wallet faucet: SFP C98
Old mainstream: LTC ETC BCH
There is also an L1 public chain that is doing things: apt sui sei icp mina
Speculating on the new is not noisy about the old, as long as the project party is still panting in the bull market, it can basically take off 🛫, but you can‘t buy Taishan, and you are afraid of you when you get the dog village.
At present, 4 tenfold coins have been successfully ambushed, and the principal of 7,000 has been increased by 30 times. Many of the brothers who first subscribed have already increased their principal by about 10-20 times, and they will get rich together in 2024.
Brothers who play spot can pay attention to me, an old leek, the stock market has been mixed for 10 years, the system has studied stock trading, and the currency circle has been mixed for 6 years.
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To put it simply
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#TELE# saw that it went up a little bit and threw it away... So much, I really want to smash more than a million directly.
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Speed smashed
Out of half, now I can‘t go up the chips are not enough, I‘m already out of half of the next and pick up again
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