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The ski instructor who helps people go fast (and look good doing it)

The ski instructor who helps people go fast (and look good doing it)

Ski instructor Charlie Evans specialises in providing adaptive lessons, helping all kinds of differently abled guests experience snow sports.

  • by Sue White


Why one good idea could save your languishing career

Why one good idea could save your languishing career

When careers stagnate, most commonly it is due to a crisis of imagination. We have run out of ideas about how to do things differently.

  • by Jim Bright
Feeling stuck in your job? Here’s how to break free

Feeling stuck in your job? Here’s how to break free

You don’t have to stay stuck forever – there’s a range of options available to you if you need to shake things up.

  • by Téa Angelos
How to escape the soul-crushing cycle of micromanagement

How to escape the soul-crushing cycle of micromanagement

Ever been trying to do your job, but your manager weaves their way into the details, destroying your shaky illusion of autonomy? It’s time to reset.

  • by Shelley Johnson
Am I over-reacting to this dismissive email from a client?

Am I over-reacting to this dismissive email from a client?

It’s easy to roll your eyes and accuse a colleague of being over-sensitive. But it’s often unwise.

  • by Jonathan Rivett
The landscape architect who loves to work on “leftover spaces”

The landscape architect who loves to work on “leftover spaces”

Landscape architect Hamish Dounan rides a motorbike to work to avoid the traffic and says the “vibe” of his office is very important.

  • by Sue White
Why did my colleagues clap for our CEO’s atrocious speech?

Why did my colleagues clap for our CEO’s atrocious speech?

Your congratulatory colleagues may be fearful of retribution. Or they may simply be sycophants.

  • by Jonathan Rivett
Don’t waste your time, the ‘perfect’ career move doesn’t exist

Don’t waste your time, the ‘perfect’ career move doesn’t exist

Do not waste your life trying to make the perfect decision, they do not exist. Instead, be prepared to change.

  • by Jim Bright
How to nail a pay rise request? For women, it’s the $26,393 question

How to nail a pay rise request? For women, it’s the $26,393 question

One of the most popular myths as to why women are paid less is that we’re too polite to ask for a pay rise. But research paints a very different picture.

  • by Michelle Battersby
‘Both art and science’: The product manager developing cutting-edge AI

‘Both art and science’: The product manager developing cutting-edge AI

Product manager Russell Dias says because the AI tech he works with is so new, it requires a lot of experimenting and testing.

  • by Sue White
Celebrate your birthday how you like, just not in the office

Celebrate your birthday how you like, just not in the office

Celebrating birthdays in the office can be divisive, awkward, and an all-round waste of time.

  • by Jim Bright