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Geeeeno and jazzzzmine, tell all part1 Geeeeno and jazzzzmine, tell all part1

I'm rewatching on the side:

Ginos cousin and his wife are litterally backing up Jasmine, and his cousin is desperatly trying to make him OWN that he is a lousy communicator, immature, and treats her badly.

To make her kiss his feet for driving her 10 minutes to the Gym, and him doing the paperwork he is obliged, and promissed to do, as the American spouse, is degrading - anybody sane would eventually freak out it that was expected - and he clearly voiced that childish expectation.

Gino is manipulating AF, and does the chicken/egg-thing - "which came first?"

Jasmine did not step right out of the airplane and scream in his face - he slowly, slyly made her do it, by lying, ommitting important information, witholding safety and grown up affection, is still my take.

I have seen enough of these franchises to know, that the first thing the local spouse is supposed to do, right after the wedding, is to officially apply to change the status of the imported spouse. Ashley also mentioned that. There is a Domino effect on all taet paperwork, and we have learned from other couples, that the foreign spouse can NOT leave the country while certain papers are not finished - that is what she is slowly learning about, and increassingly freaking out about.

Gino still hasnt done if after 8 months, but has indicated several times on camera, that he was working on it, and already finished some of it - the foreigner doesnt have a chance in hell to know whats going on, and has to trust the local partner - and Gino is proven not trustworthy.

When she finally started yelling at him, he turned it 180, and claims, that he hasnt done it - or finished any other very importsnt paperwork - 'because of her yelling'... 🙄 🙄

Thats how children try to get out of stupid situations, and they know damn well it wont fly...

In fact Ashley was super clear in summing up the situations towards both Gino and Ed, and none of them dared to go against her - it seems she wouldnt mind whooping some ass, and she was 100% on point :-D.

Typos and finishing sentences.

Mikal & evil monster Mikal & evil monster

I stopped watching 90 day fiance a while ago, decided to watch one episode this morning. Im curious to see Mikal in America. I just feel bad for him lol dumb angela literally helped him get here just to have someone to boss around. She never lets him speak, she talked to him like a drill sergeant. Hes got to have nonstop anxiety being in that house. She broke his phone, hes legit a prisoner and just so happy to know hes broken out of that situation🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼she really is just a nasty individual, and unfortunately skyla isnt much better, everyone in home will follow in angela’s footprints🤦🏽‍♀️he asks her if they will get to wash his clothes soon…she said “u still got a few things to wear still”….she said she expects him to help 50% with kids and household chores, all the while micromanaging him. I think she is the absolute lowest of the low and hope she goes away forever!!!!

Tell all part 1 - Liz and Pred Tell all part 1 - Liz and Pred

Every little detailed observation from Jasmine was spot on - the moment Liz instantly reacted by tearing up when Pred immediatly started gaslighting her, the WAY to long hug btw them, and Liz litterally wiping the tears from Preds eyes 🤮 - it became clear she is a 100% broken person and a completely lost case!

And the wonderful, much more ageappropriate new boyfriend Jason - who even had the capacity to hold the hand of Liz' mother on stage, bc he know how deeply hurt both those woman are by Pred - had to observe these things during and after the filming, and Liz should only be so lucky if he stays with her. He shouldn't, Im sad to say.

Not bc of her possible 'outbursts' or other things, but bc she is clearly totally caught up in a sick sick codependant, boozefueled love-relation with Pred.

Tell all part 1 - Thais, Johns alcoholism, and Patricks Steroidabuse Tell all part 1 - Thais, Johns alcoholism, and Patricks Steroidabuse

Way back I dated someone who had been into prof. bodybuilding and using stereoids - he had STRETCHMARKS at 19 - thats how strong this shit is - early thinning hair like Patrick, and a tiny willy/balls - all wellknown sideeffects of Steroids, and the size Patrick's body was/is, in ratio to his headsize, shows extremely serious overuse.

He is pretty overall dumb/naive for his age, sneaky to always get his own emotional needs filled first, and toddlerstubborn and cringy to the max in reg. to daddy-blessing, while Thais keeps growing as a person, and on the viewers.

(Clips from the next episodes: John is still an insufferable alcoholic, with only glimpses of the good person he could chose to be, and its nauseating to see how many ignorant ppl fawn over him and thinks behaviour like his is 'good entertainment', and 'he's just saying like it is' - it tells everything we need to know about their emotional and mental insufficiency, and the 'lack of' they have grown up in, themselves.

Jasmine Jasmine

I watched the tell all and there is my unpopular opininion. I have zero empaty for Jasmine and I can’t stand her. I really felt bad for Gino. She know he is an insecure person with a pornography addiction, why does she always throw him under the bus? Why does she humilates him in front of the cameras for the world to see? I know he did some pretty hurtful things to her but she is no saint either. I hate the fact she constantly bring him down and the only argument she has is sex.

90 Day Fiance : Happily Ever After? Tell All Discussion 90 Day Fiance : Happily Ever After? Tell All Discussion

God, Shaun is so bad at her job. She asks the worst questions and never gets real answers out of anyone.

How is Jasmine allowed to continue to lie as much as she does? She's been in America for years and is only now getting her drivers license? (still doesn't have it) She said she passed the test, but I assume that's only her written test for a permit. She still has to wait another 6 months before she can apply for a road test to get a license. She keeps acting like Gino is the one holding her back, when in reality she just doesn't do shit for herself. Gino is such a pathetic loser for sticking with her.

I get kind of annoyed when I see other cast members defending her as well or falling for her crocodile tears. Loren especially. Are we just suppose to ignore the fact that she doesn't have custody of her own kids so the whole concept of Gino bringing them over was not legal in the first place?

Jasmine - "Before me, he had a sugar baby. Someone he was paying for, and he was looking at her porn videos." SERIOUSLY!? That's literally how you two met! There's been so many leaked stories from people who know them IRL that she was his escort and that guy "Dane" wasn't her ex bf, but a previous "john", a paying customer. Dane lives in Texas and just vacations in Panama and hires escorts like Jasmine. TLC producers just thought the ex-bf story was more interesting, so Dane played along. You can see it in their interactions that there is zero affection and that their relationship is purely transactional.

With Angela finally and officially off the show, I hope the next season also gets rid of the Gino/Jasmine and Loren/Alexei storylines because they are played out and not interesting anymore. Big Ed as well. I also want to see Michael (Angela's Michael) on Single Life haha

Rob and Sophie Rob and Sophie

I am so sick of this couple. I think Rob is a piece of work and Sophie is delusional. Whatis she waiting for to leave him? And then she starts to cry when he FINALLY decides to cut with her. Like girlll you should leave him before getting married, you already knew how he traets you. Just grow up and move on, he is nothing that special and you are only 2024 years old. You have time to find a decent men. He has time to find another victim

Just finished episode 18, and somehow time turned backwards? Just finished episode 18, and somehow time turned backwards?

Emily was being stupid about their third pregnancy, seemingly shocked that her sweet but annoyingly enabling parents was indeed gonna set a timeline, and was indeed eager to make them move OUT.

(Both Emily and Kobe are actully insanely DISrespectful to her parents, getting pregnant repeatedly - but I also never once heard the parents ask them to use birthcontrol, while under their roof, since daddy has been paying fo e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g, untill Kobes recently income from work, so for the americans religion might play a part - what else?

And for lucky Kobe, the wellknown dislike in the african community of using condoms, just completely flies under the radar.

Emily in China litterally had unprotected sex with a total stranger, from Africa - a continent infamous for, amongst others, to believe in some of the countries, that "sex with a Virgin cures HIV" -thus a lot of childrapes occur there.

"A dislike of condoms is the most frequently cited reason for not using a condom with a casual partner. Respondents rarely cited the price of condoms as a barrier to condom use. Lack of condom availability was also rarely cited as a reason for not using a condom, except to some degree by males in casual partnerships. The latter may be because of the unplanned nature of casual sex activity, rather than because condoms are not available. Conclusions: Behavior change campaigns encouraging sexually experienced people to accurately assess their personal risk of acquiring HIV should be complemented with marketing campaigns emphasizing the positive attributes of condoms." )

Jasmine was still trying to reason with creepy lost cause Gino, instead of fleeing his slimy ass.

OHH - and Gino once againg proved he was a lying liar who lies. He still hasnt filed the papers that need to be filed for Jasmine, before the next step can be taken, for her kids.

He never ever intended to secure anything but Jasmines presence in his sex-offensive life. (Yes, offensive.)

I find Jasmines screeching outbursts TERRIBLE, GRATING, UNBEARABLE....and I do understand every single one of them!

She is to smart not to react to also her gutfeelings about him, and too much in general need of better life opportunities, to not give him chance after chance... the dichotomy is unbearable for intelligent ppl.

BTW - why was yoga/spiritual Daniele deemed an asshole to dimwitted blatant DR-scammer Yohan, for "robbing him of his opportunity to make a better life for himself and his family bc he deserved it", and the samne grace is bestoved upon the dimwitted, uncivilized Nigerian scammer Michael, but Jasmine (and all the other girls in the same boat) is being called whores and Golddigers++++++, for wanting that exact same opportunity?

The hyphocrisy....

90 day fiancé happly ever after tell all couples 90 day fiancé happly ever after tell all couples

I was watching the trailer for the tell all of this HEA season but something did not sit right with me. If you notice, a couple is lost. I think that Mahmood and Nicole will not be on the tell all. If Mahmood was already back to Egypt he was not there but at least we should have seen Nicole since all the cast members were living together. Do you guys have any ideas or theory about their absence? I think it has something to do with Mahmood’s arrest but I’m not sure.

90 day fiancé happly ever after tell all couples 90 day fiancé happly ever after tell all couples

I was watching the trailer for the tell all of this HEA season but something did not sit right with me. If you notice, a couple is lost. I think that Mahmood and Nicole will not be on the tell all. If Mahmood was already back to Egypt he was not there but at least se should have seen Nicole since all the cast members were living together. Do you guy have any ideas of theory about their absence? I think has something to do with Mahmood’s arrest but I’m not sure.

Season 8 Episode 16 - surprises and further aggravation... Season 8 Episode 16 - surprises and further aggravation...

The scene w. Patrick and Tais is the best I've seen with them, ever.

It felt authentic, she looked absolutely beautiful (That flawless skin on a native Brazilian - was she dipped in SPF 100 from birth?), and he finally admitted the reason for keeping the apt., and she understood, bc he finally talked, for real, with her. He now has to stop being obnoxiuosly toddlerish, and ask for that blessing - finito!

John, I have a zero tolerance policy for alcoholics, so pleeeease, go get sober, and I will give you all the chances in the world, to redeem yourself, and possibly become Tais' best ally, since your love and affection for babygirl Aleesi looks very sincere, and give me a lot of hope for all of you. You are also smarter than Patrick, they need your support so hurry up, good life stuff waiting ahead.

Cameroun and e-ve-ry-thing in it - Emily did a flawless transitioning into Beleki wife, Kobe rightfully relieved, and proud, and Daddy Kobe was priceless in his US outfit, loving it so much. Kobes family is SO so nice and loving, and the sisters especially embracing Emily 100% - Bini's evil sisters take note!

Kobes family is also not very materialisticly rich, but in my eyes they are the wealthiest family ever on 90 days, because of the authentic love and support exchanged, and the respect and humbleness for everything, they always express.

Gino - at this point I struggle even hatewatching him - he is either more on the spectrum that we all first suspected him of, or he is doing the work of producers, WAY past what Jasmine can or should accept to play along with. She exudes defeat end depression, and I want her to leave his abusive sextourist ass, and this crappy situation immediatamente!

Manuel - IRSE!!! Ashley - divorce his lying ass. Yesterday!

Rob - There was not one sec. of slipping in the club, as girls were throwing themselves at him. (As opposed to Gino, when he did his Bachelorparty in a stripclub. And 'forgot' to tell about it. Divorce the Toxic Toddler and her meddling mom, and move on. You should be able to get a bartendergig, attracting bizz bc of the show, earning loads of tips, bc you are a very good looking man.

Am I alone with these opinions?