top 200 commentsshow 500

[–][PHI] T.J. McConnellSamTheSidekick 4598 points4599 points  (191 children)

everyone gotta go i don’t want brett to be the scapegoat

[–][deleted] 1477 points1478 points  (57 children)

Looks like Brand will get an opportunity to hire “his guy”

[–]HeatblesidB_cheesemakers 577 points578 points  (55 children)

Brand isnt the decision maker

[–][deleted] 349 points350 points  (54 children)

Who’s the puppet master then? Josh Harris?

[–][PHI] Tony Wrotenhoneybadger149 626 points627 points  (48 children)

There’s legit a counsel and Elton is their voice.

[–][deleted] 747 points748 points  (28 children)

Lol i imagine their meetings being like the Jedi council

“Have a seat young jimmy butler”

[–]Heatsurgeyou123 808 points809 points  (16 children)

"You are on this team, but we do not grant you the rank of Max Player."

[–]universetube7 294 points295 points  (9 children)

“We will max you, but you are not a max player”.

[–][deleted] 215 points216 points  (6 children)

“You were the chosen one jimmy it was said you would finish the process not destroy it”

[–]Jazztheblcky 37 points38 points  (1 child)

Dang I need a movie of this

[–]Thunderurgentmatters 20 points21 points  (2 children)

Darth Riley?

[–]PistonsIdunnoLXG 30 points31 points  (0 children)

"Tobias Harris on the other hand..."

[–]Timberwolvesladouche6969 68 points69 points  (0 children)

"From my point of view the starters are evil."

[–]BucksEmperorXerro 34 points35 points  (0 children)

"What? That's outrageous! It's unfair!"

[–][CHI] Paul ZipserTheVindicator07 24 points25 points  (0 children)

“This is outrageous!”

[–][LAL] Kobe BryantDongsquad420BlazeIt 77 points78 points  (3 children)

What? How can you do this?! This is outrageous! It's unfair!

[–]Lakerscire1184 61 points62 points  (2 children)

I'm taking my talents to South Beach!

[–]BullsBone_Dogg 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Don’t they got sand?

[–]WarriorsTsar_of_the_Universe 55 points56 points  (0 children)

"You're the best player on this team, but we do not grant you a max contract"

[–][NYK] Frank NtilikinaDakkan10 23 points24 points  (1 child)

U joke but butler was on JJ reddicks podcast and he said he never knew who the leader was maybe he was also talking about the front office and not just the actual team and coaching staff

[–]Rockets__john_cena__ 15 points16 points  (0 children)

They did as well at managing the Sixers as the Jedi Council did at keeping the Jedi alive lol

[–]Lakersmr_toit 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Walking into a room full of hooded white men is probably not a good idea for young black men

[–]MavericksMahomesMccaffrey 97 points98 points  (5 children)

Elton Brand:

”I am the senate”

[–]Lakerscire1184 57 points58 points  (0 children)

So this is how the process dies... with thunderous applause.

[–]it_helper 65 points66 points  (2 children)

I don't like Brand. He's course and rough and irritating and get's everywhere.

[–][deleted] 7 points8 points  (0 children)


[–]LakersMightBeJerryWest 35 points36 points  (0 children)

You are on this council but we do not grant you the rank of decision maker

[–]Kingsdie_erlkonig 53 points54 points  (1 child)

Based on contracts, I’m guessing its Tobias Harris.

[–]Celtics Bandwagonorlanmop 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Bryan Colangelo

[–][deleted] 11 points12 points  (1 child)

They consult the Rocky statue for all big decisions

[–][PHI] Joel Embiidlardbiscuits 357 points358 points  (111 children)

Brett sucks a lot, man. Literally every starter, except maybe Ben, has said this season alone that Brett doesn't hold players accountable or doesn't put players in proper roles. You can GRIII to that list, too.

And Jimmy Butler, of course, who if you listen to the JJ podcast then it becomes even harder to defend Brett.

Brett should have been fired after the first loss to the Celtics in the playoffs. The same problems we had then we have now. He just got to coach all-stars.

Every non-shooter who has come here has played worse under Brett. He can only coach one scheme and he refuses to adjust anything to his roster.

He's just not a good coach. The new narrative from people who stanned him for seven years is that it's really everyone else's fault, but that's just because the process didn't have a fairy tale Disney ending like they'd hoped.

Cheer up. Look at the Raptors, Bucks, Warriors and even the Lakers who all fired their building block coaches and took huge leaps.

Brett is worse than Casey was.

[–][deleted] 291 points292 points  (22 children)

A week into his Sixers tenure GR3 was like “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, nobody has bothered to tell me”. That was wild.

[–]Nbafan1234000 42 points43 points  (4 children)

wow...is this really true? i believe you but just wanna see the source so i can see it in context

[–][GSW] Shaun LivingstonAchilles_Wrist 37 points38 points  (3 children)

Exactly. GR3 on the Warriors went from someone who couldn't buy a shot or handle a pass to a dependable scorer/defender to a wing the team would have liked to have kept in the rotation for future runs. That's why the 76ers traded for him, but to see him barely make the rotation and then look so out of place, I couldn't believe it

[–]Warriorsphonage_aoi 13 points14 points  (1 child)

They traded for him and Burkes to provide shooting me bench depth. And then decided they had no use for them pretty much.

[–][PHI] Joel Embiidlardbiscuits 79 points80 points  (1 child)

The thing is it wasn't wild. It was remarkably on brand for Brett.

Sixers fans just don't like being honest with themselves.

[–]Celtics [BOS] Derrick WhiteSoshi101 34 points35 points  (0 children)

Heh on "brand."

[–][PHI] T.J. McConnellSamTheSidekick 135 points136 points  (27 children)

i 100% believe he needed to be fired, but i’m just saying he can’t be the only one. the front office did a terrible job building this roster around the stars they already had in ben and joel.

[–]LakersDezBaker 68 points69 points  (18 children)

Other than the obvious fuck ups of Harris and Horford, where I really questioned their decision making was when they traded Mikal Bridges on draft night. When they drafted him it was the perfect pick: 3 and D guy who went to Nova and who’s mom literally worked for the team! And then they traded him...for Zhaire Smith?? Idk if he’s ever played an NBA game. And an unprotected 1st round pick three years later when you’re trying build a team to win now?

Glad I came to this thread because I thought Elton Brand was the problem but they have a whole group making decisions.

[–][PHI] T.J. McConnellSamTheSidekick 45 points46 points  (10 children)

i love mikal bridges, but at the time that wasn’t a terrible trade. hard to predict that zhaire was gonna break his foot and almost die from an allergic reaction. zhaire had a lot of upside and that pick is a good trade piece. in hindsight it’s easy to say it didn’t work out, and mikal would’ve been great for us, but i can’t be as mad about that personally as letting jj go

[–]76ersBlackMathNerd 10 points11 points  (1 child)

Mikal Bridges filled a need the Sixers still have.

[–]LakersDezBaker 15 points16 points  (5 children)

Ah right I forgot about that allergic reaction thing. I guess at the time they still had Covington, but he would’ve been a good person to slide into that 3 and D spot once Cov got traded. My thing is once you have your cornerstone guys, mid to late first round draft picks should be more about fulfilling needs with solid players than taking risks on upside guys. But at least they have that pick to help them move one of those bad contracts.

[–]76ersC0d3n4m3Duchess 19 points20 points  (2 children)

But at least they have that pick to help them move one of those bad contracts.

That pick is looooooooong gone. Flipped it in Tobias trade and I think it might be owned by the Thunder now.

[–]LakersDezBaker 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Oh yikes lmao never mind

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (0 children)

No no, let’s not change that trade. I think it worked out really well

[–]TimberwolvesSharcbait 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Whoever thought to give Horford that much money needs to go. Horford was starting the downslide of his career when he got to Boston, who thought giving him a super expensive deal was going ot be a good call, doubly so when you have Embiid and Harris as locked in starters.

[–]Bulls Tankwagonbudbud510 1099 points1100 points  (13 children)


Do not let them scapegoat Brett, sure he had to go, but so does everyone else.


[–]76ersBenSimmonsROTY 34 points35 points  (4 children)

It's a shame they didn't fire Elton and the rest of Colangelos team first really. Agree, time for a fresh start across the board.

[–][deleted] 15 points16 points  (1 child)

Colangelos are like Diabetes.


[–]RaptorsNo-Recommendation462 238 points239 points  (5 children)

Its not brett browns fault

In the series against us only butler and embiid got through our defense and JJ came clutch in key moments, Yet you let butler and JJ go and kept tobias a useless dude with a crazy big contract and a old al horford with another bad contract

[–]Raptorsgoblinsholiday 90 points91 points  (3 children)

Those were smh moves and yet ESPN were crowning Philly the ECF champions before the season even started.

[–]76ersrhinguin 51 points52 points  (2 children)

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

[–][NYK] Tracy McGradyyoloqueuesf 5 points6 points  (1 child)

On paper it seemed like y'all had 4 stars, little did we know...

[–]76ersdeeznutz_428 1085 points1086 points  (35 children)

Whether it was time to move on or not this dude got way more shit than he deserved, or I guess others escaped the shit they deserved is a better way to put it. This changes just about nothing.

[–]NBAbuttlovingpanda 539 points540 points  (25 children)

The real issues are 1) y’all traded several useful pieces for Jimmy Butler and then didn’t resign him; and 2) y’all traded for Tobias and then did choose to resign him to a ridiculous contract. Brett Brown wasn’t the main issue, he was working with what the FO gave him. Y’all had talent and depth but now y’all just have two disgruntled stars who don’t work well together and no coach.

[–][TOR] Pascal Siakam___Rand___ 305 points306 points  (11 children)

Brett's not blameless. His in-game management isn't stellar. The home- road record this season is a huge negative on coaching - why aren't these guys prepared to play on the road? Finally, his players seems to have tuned him out. He said he'd love to see Simmons take at least one 3 a game, and that's when Simmons stopped, STOPPED taking threes in games. They've tuned him out, he is no longer effective, it's time for him to go.

[–][ATL] Trae YoungOl_Rando 110 points111 points  (5 children)

Bingo. I thought it was very telling that Ben basically just ignored BB’s request. Also when I watch an after timeout play from the 6ers I’m usually left feeling confused as to what the fuck they were trying to do. The fan of chaos in me wants to see them rehire Sam as GM and hire MDA this offseason as HC. They would be entertaining if nothing else.

[–]Lakersmatticans7pointO 22 points23 points  (1 child)

Lol would definitely be interesting but unless Hinkie was able to trade Harris and Horford MDA would be a terrible fit.

[–][MIA] Justise WinslowVaryance 25 points26 points  (1 child)

According to Jimmy on the JJ pod Brett doesn't even talk during film sessions. Just plays the footage/slides silently. JJ didn't contradict him either. That's bonkers.

[–]yolocr8m8 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Seemed like RoCo and Sarix fit perfectly and then poof.... gone

[–]NBAMemeMeOnce 680 points681 points  (21 children)

[–]SpursittozziloP 161 points162 points  (6 children)

Now they’re just EHHS :/

[–][CLE] Derrick Rose98rman 101 points102 points  (5 children)





If they win it all they will be masters of the game. The MasterBATErs

[–][deleted] 158 points159 points  (4 children)

You had BETA and you went with BATE

[–][deleted] 46 points47 points  (3 children)

And BETA perfectly fit because it was an inferior lineup compared to last year.

[–]CelticsYellowDiaper 23 points24 points  (1 child)

The average age of this subreddit is probably 12. So of course they went with BATE.

[–]76ersTheMightyCatatafish 31 points32 points  (0 children)

Might be the worst nickname in sports. We all hated it here in Philly.

[–]EAT_LONZO_ASS 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Now they just have the KOPS (Korkmaz, O'Quinn, Pelle, Scott)

[–]hobbesfanclub 14 points15 points  (3 children)

“Do a 180” was 3 years ago????

[–]Pelicansanon4953491 36 points37 points  (2 children)

If you dig up past tweets, it shows the current username. "Do a 180" was in March 2020.

[–]Bucksseavictory 21 points22 points  (1 child)

So...three years ago?

[–]Pelicansanon4953491 15 points16 points  (0 children)

Fuck me, I forgot to account for the pandemic temporal shift. That’s my bad, you’re right.

[–][TOR] Kyle LowryThe_Unknown98 352 points353 points  (5 children)

[–][deleted] 75 points76 points  (0 children)


[–]Magicwhtge8 33 points34 points  (1 child)

Incredibly specific and accurate. Very nice.

[–]Maverickskbthroaway723 1267 points1268 points  (167 children)

Bah gawd that’s Ty Lues music

[–]Bucks Bandwagonmaplesyrupandwaffles 498 points499 points  (145 children)

actually not a great market out there for coaches right now...who can the Sixers pick up better than brown? Lue is not a terrible choice, but he's not the greatest either

everyone pray for no Jason Kidd

[–]76ersThe_Dirty_Dangla 322 points323 points  (83 children)

Philly people have been hearing Jay Wright's name being tossed around. He has said in the past he would only make the jump to the Sixers if offered an NBA job

[–]76ers_asper 178 points179 points  (57 children)

People have been saying Jay Wright for years. But what incentive does he have to leave?

[–]76ersTae215 73 points74 points  (6 children)

There’s a chance there won’t be any college sports next year that’s the incentive

[–]Warriors707royalty 65 points66 points  (0 children)

Underrated motive atm

[–]76ersNotsozander 13 points14 points  (3 children)

Chance we don’t restart the NBA season for a time as well

[–]gordybombay 5 points6 points  (2 children)

Yeah it wouldn't make sense for next season to start any time before Christmas. If anything, I'd bet on it being early 2021 and will be a shortened season, same for NHL.

[–]76ersBlackMathNerd 6 points7 points  (1 child)

Might have to do a bubble again

[–]CelticsLordHussyPants 5 points6 points  (0 children)

i don't think a bubble works again. the logistics are too difficult to sell. this time round it's for the playoffs, half a season already completed. people were keen.

but next time you'd be talking about 8 months of staying in it. that means no family. unless you bring them in. but then what about schooling? what about the kids' friends?

and you can't have a yoyo bubble where you're in for a month and then a week off to see everyone because you need two weeks iso when you're back.

bubble has to be all or nothing, and i'm betting nothing.

[–]76ersthe_rest_were_taken 24 points25 points  (2 children)

And on the flip side, the disincentives are kinda ridiculous. He's got complete control over a top college program. Why would you want to leave that for whatever is going on in the Sixers org?

[–][CHI] Bobby PortisDoctorCokter 16 points17 points  (3 children)

he doesn't really have an incentive to stay after winning two national championships in the span of 3 years, i wouldn't imagine him leaving tbh but it wouldn't be outlandish if he did

[–]Lakerscire1184 10 points11 points  (2 children)

That makes no sense. Why hasn't Coach K ever coached in the NBA? Many college coaches like coaching college because they have a lot more control over the program than if they were coaching in the NBA.

[–]ArsenicLifeform 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Not to mention the better pay and job security.

[–]Bucks Bandwagonmaplesyrupandwaffles 16 points17 points  (13 children)

interesting...don't follow college but he's with Villanova right? anyone have an opinion on him?

[–]76ersndolan11 9 points10 points  (1 child)

great coach, a lot of attention gets paid to nova's recent runs (and rightly so) but he had the program way ahead of the curve when it came to 3 pointers and positionless basketball...

that said, it doesn't really seem like a good fit. part of jay's success is that he brings in guys that want to buy into the nova culture - not really something that translates to the nba (at least not right away)... plus his O schemes prioritize the 3 which is an issue for a team with so few shooters

[–]76ersThe_Dirty_Dangla 11 points12 points  (0 children)

I’m a nova fan and i think he’s a great coach that could probably make the jump well but who knows

[–]RaptorsDaPhoToss 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Phenomenal coach. The only thing is college success doesn’t always translate to the NBA because it’s two completely different games.

[–][deleted] 37 points38 points  (15 children)

Ironically, Philly have had some really good assistants in the past: Monty Williams and Will Weaver (now head coach of my Sydney Kings) as examples.

[–]Mr__11 20 points21 points  (10 children)

Also Lloyd Pierce with the Hawks now

[–]76ersSongofVictory 30 points31 points  (7 children)

I still firmly believe that Lloyd Pierce moving to the Hawks is what made our defense fall from top 3 to like 14

[–]LukaMakesMePuke-a 13 points14 points  (2 children)

Interesting because the hawks defense is completely abysmal lol. Obviously a lot of that is roster but good lord.

[–]76ershinkiedidntwantjah 5 points6 points  (1 child)

this is the one that worried me. Lloyd had more input than i think the average fan was aware of.

[–][deleted] 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I think in general, assistants have more input than most would acknowledge.

[–][deleted] 21 points22 points  (4 children)

Lue isn't bad at all. Kenny Atkinson is still available too

Maybe the Sixers will try to pursue Pop like the Nets are going to try to do lol

Maybe if the nets don't hire Jacque Vaughan on permanently he'll want to get out of the organization and will consider it lmao

Although at the moment the bulls and Pels are both also on the hunt for a new head coach.

[–]LakersDezBaker 12 points13 points  (1 child)

I was thinking Atkinson for the Sixers as well. Can’t think of too many better options at this point

[–]NetsTFSpock 9 points10 points  (0 children)

Kenny has the same problems as Brett IMO. It would be at best a lateral move.

[–]76ersSlappyBagg 8 points9 points  (1 child)

I'd be shocked if Lue didn't go to the Nets

[–]76ersFire-Elton-Brett-AL 42 points43 points  (10 children)

Please god no. Give me Jay Wright

[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhisuzukigun4life 76 points77 points  (4 children)

Bah gawd that's Jim Boylen's music?

[–]CavaliersCLCUBING 40 points41 points  (2 children)

Anyone who hires that guy deserves the 2-3 years of tanking before firing him. He probably was the worst coach in the league.

[–][CHI] Benny the BullExcalipoorGilgamesh 28 points29 points  (0 children)

I hope Jim Boylen only goes to tanking teams so that the only thing he is capable of is stacking L's.

But let's be honest here, Boylen is never getting a head coaching gig in the NBA ever again.

[–]Hornetslemate23 8 points9 points  (1 child)

Jason Kidd it is then

[–]Westmasterphantom 9 points10 points  (1 child)

JVG step right up!

[–]Spursslappert 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I hear Boylen is available

[–]76erssohcea 220 points221 points  (8 children)

This is like starting a drag racing team and hiring a bus driver, then buying an ice cream truck as the first team vehicle. Then firing the bus driver because he couldn't win races because he had to keep selling ice cream to customers every 10 ft along the drag strip and it took 4 hours to run the quarter mile.

[–]Spursalexzilla408 68 points69 points  (5 children)

As an avid drag racer myself, this is the metaphor I needed.

[–]Celticsgadrell 75 points76 points  (3 children)

It's a simile, bro.

[–]Spursalexzilla408 51 points52 points  (1 child)

This is 100% correct. I have shamed my family.

[–]LakersCmonTouchIt 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Simile through the pain

[–]Nuggetso2lsports 10 points11 points  (0 children)

All similes are metaphors, not all metaphors are similes.

[–]BullsRenaissanceHumanist 214 points215 points  (3 children)

This is just a bandaid fix unless they clean house in the FO

[–][deleted] 53 points54 points  (1 child)

Which they are not. Brand gets to consolidate power.

[–]76ersChelli64 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Brand ain’t even the one pulling strings. Firing him would do less than firing Brett will

[–]Celticscwalton505 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Lol it's not even a bandaid fix. Firing bret is like healing crystal medical treatment. He wasn't the root problem and firing him is just to cater to the minds of idiots

[–]Bullshowser343[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (15 children)

[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhisuzukigun4life 112 points113 points  (12 children)

As long as Brand is there, do the Sixers have any hope?

[–]76ersDJToastyBuns 93 points94 points  (2 children)

Brand is a figure head. At the time of his signing, he made it clear he won't have final say over personnel transactions.

There are multiple Colagelo lackeys above him in the org chart, and ultimately, this falls on the ownership group.

[–]76ersDJagerty 139 points140 points  (1 child)

Rest In Peace, sweet prince. Never forget the process

[–]Heatabaughma44 466 points467 points  (24 children)

its sunny in philadelphia

[–]LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO101 84 points85 points  (3 children)

Won’t be sunny till that entire front office is gone

[–]RaptorsFlameOfWar 142 points143 points  (1 child)

This ain't enough to make the sun shine. Partly cloudy

[–][GSW] Andre Iguodalarapper_warrior_ninja 27 points28 points  (0 children)

80% cloudy

[–]Gran DestinoTwoweekswithpay 27 points28 points  (0 children)

“The Gang Cleans House”

[–][deleted] 20 points21 points  (0 children)

Is your head coach making TOO MANY BAD DECISIONS ALL THE TIME?

Think there’s no answer?

You’re so stupid!

There is - fire him! (and Brand and other FO members)

Is your Head Coach not living up to expectations, off to a bad start, or an in-between?

That doesn't matter, 'cause one size fits all!

[–][SAS] Derrick Whitefourpinz8 28 points29 points  (0 children)

The Gang Fires their Head Coach

[–]WarriorsSaladinsSaladbar 9 points10 points  (0 children)

because of the implication

[–]76erscallmecyke 9 points10 points  (0 children)

“The Gang trusts the process”

[–]LakersDezBaker 3 points4 points  (0 children)

The Brand-man cometh

[–]SavioSega 35 points36 points  (2 children)

Should be Brand.

[–]76ersbagelboy565 29 points30 points  (1 child)

And Ned Cohen. And Alex Rucker. And Scott O'Neill. None of them are taking any blame for this even though they all have an equal say in what moves get made along with Elton and Josh Harris.

[–]76ersFupa_Defeater 28 points29 points  (2 children)

Thanks for your service Brett. Great guy, just had to move on. If they hire Ty Lue I am fucking done.

I think Stackhouse honestly gets a look here though.

[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhisuzukigun4life 127 points128 points  (5 children)

Brett Frown

[–][CHI] Derrick Rosejeric13xd 21 points22 points  (3 children)

The Tank Commander

[–][deleted] 14 points15 points  (2 children)

Boylen is available

[–]Raptorscompletelytrustworth 5 points6 points  (1 child)

people have been complaining about Embiid's conditioning, Boylen would fix that right up with non stop line drills

[–]76ersIHaveLargeBalls 81 points82 points  (1 child)

Thank you Brett. It was time to move on, but you were always a professional and a stand up guy. Best of luck to you going forward.

[–]76ersBara_Chat 46 points47 points  (0 children)

I really liked Brett as a person (podcasts, interviews and the likes) and I wish him all the best. He was given a very hard task for 7 years and did his best with the hands he was dealt. I honestly don't know which availabe coach could do a better job. This team needs more than just a new coach to fulfill its potential.

[–]RaptorsLeGaffe 37 points38 points  (0 children)


[–]PistonsExtremeaty 38 points39 points  (0 children)

Elton brand when

[–]76ersmp455 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Hes a fine coach, its more of a management issues for the sixers but the team needs a new voice after 7 years with Brett

[–]RaptorsRioTheNaughtyDog 18 points19 points  (3 children)

This is the first step to winning a championship.

Source: Toronto Raptors

[–][PHI] Jahlil Okafortheabevoks2 16 points17 points  (0 children)

Elton Brown, Alex Rucker and Ned Cohen NEED to go next or this means nothing

[–]ThorsBlammer 9 points10 points  (0 children)

water is wet

[–]LakersG1Spectrum 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Stan Van Gundy enters the chat

[–]CelticsBrad-Stevens 181 points182 points  (41 children)

They will not get a better coach out there than Brett

[–][deleted] 252 points253 points  (9 children)

Whether they do or not, this was the right move

[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhisuzukigun4life 111 points112 points  (7 children)

Yup. It's been 7 years and his tenure had peaked. A change was needed and will happen, even though more changes need to be made there than just a head coaching change.

[–]NBAbutidktho_ 32 points33 points  (3 children)

fuck it’s really been seven years. I remember him starting the gig during my freshman year of college. time flies. Granted they haven’t lived up to expectations lately they have came a long way from when he started.

[–]Tampa Bay RaptorsDreamCatcher24 4 points5 points  (2 children)

It's because the first few years they purposefully tanked. He really was only under the spotlight for the last few years

[–][PHI] Clarence Weatherspoontheytook-r-jobs 15 points16 points  (0 children)

You ain't wrong but the coach is the easiest change to make. The real people responsible aren't gonna fire themselves.

[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhisuzukigun4life 53 points54 points  (7 children)

Their main issue is Brand. As long as he's the GM, they've got a problem

[–][PHI] Hollis Thompsoni_am_pickles 75 points76 points  (3 children)

The main issue is Josh Harris

Dude is a shit owner

[–]76erseagereyez 24 points25 points  (1 child)

He keeps meddling in basketball decisions. He probably fancies himself as another Mark Cuban or Joe Lacob, but he's closer to Vivek Ranadive.

[–]Gran DestinoTwoweekswithpay 7 points8 points  (1 child)

Looks like he’s getting even more power... Interesting. Figured he’d be the ‘fall guy’ in the FO. Guess not. 🤷🏽‍♂️

[–]76ersbagelboy565 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Nope, along with ownership as the other guy said, the main issue is that Ned Cohen, Alex Rucker and Scott O'Neill still have jobs here and are just as culpable as Elton in the terrible moves this team has made. They were just smart enough to stay under the radar through burnergate, then hire Elton as the face of their group so they still catch no blame

[–]76erszmose 7 points8 points  (0 children)

It was definitely time to move on. He will find a job somewhere else in the NBA, 100%.

[–]BucksNoTravel2 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I think they are an attractive enough destination they will get a coach with at least as strong a reputation as Brett, although that doesn't guarantee the coach will be better.

But teams often get a new coach boost, simply changing things up could make them less predictable and maybe give them a boost. You never know if a new coach will figure something out to make them more dangerous.

[–][DAL] Dirk NowitzkiMillionaire007 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Whoever thought 112mil to horford was a sound investment, needs to be the first head on the block.

[–]76ersjtrachtenberg 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Thank you for ushering us through the process.

The last 3 seasons just weren’t good enough but that’s not completely on Brett. Elton should also be relieved of his duties.

[–][SAS] Victor WembanyamaTheMindsGutter 13 points14 points  (2 children)

Do you think this hurts Brett Brown's chances of being with the 76ers next season?