TOTW: Belongingness

Bruce Pennington depiction of a flying saucer

The surface of the Earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean. On this shore we’ve learned most of what we know. Recently, we’ve waded a little way out, maybe ankle-deep, and the water seems inviting. Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return, and we can because the cosmos is also within us. We’re made of star stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.
Spoken by Carl Sagan in the first episode of "Cosmos: A Personal Voyage"

London: Welcome to the New Eroding Empire!

From eroding empire
March 20, 2024

Because the empire is still eroding!

The new website hopes to provide people with an overview of current events in the radical, punk and diy scene in London. Find anarchist social centres, gigs (punk or otherwise), upcoming protests etc. At the end of the day it’s a user-led creation, so please use this website to submit your events, not submit to authority! You can read more about the underlying events platform Radar on the event submission page.

Retiring An Old Anarchist Slogan

Spock throwing up "Ni Dieu ni maître" gang sign

From Ignited In Dark

One should not have to be a religious anarchist to understand why the adage “No Gods No Masters” is antiquated and ought be retired. This would certainly not be to defend the existence of any deity, pantheon or religious practice pertaining to anarchy (which has no mind for any faith whatsoever,) but to recognize redundancies that, intentionally or not, marginalize those who seek complete emancipation through the lens of their own spiritual modus.

Uncivilized Podcast-- Episode 45, "The 'Galleanisti' With Dr. Andrew Hoyt"

Cronaca Sovversiva!

Artxmis talks with Dr. Andrew Hoyt about Italian anarchism in the US, particularly those around Luigi Galleani and the journal Cronaca Sovversiva (Subversive Chronicle).

Online Calendar Launch: Constellation Anarchist Festival

We're happy to announce the launch of our online calendar platform, where anyone can publish events as part of Constellation. Simply go to and follow the link to add an event.

One of our goals for this festival is to decentralize the organizing process. We want all anarchists in the region to feel empowered to make the last weekend of May their own. We strongly believe that more people doing more things will create a more interesting and rebellious weekend.

Surrealism and anarchism, past and present

“The imaginary is what tends to become real.” ― André Breton

From Freedom News UK

Last June, about fifty people gathered in the Eberhardt Press print shop in Portland, Oregon, to meet with legendary American activist Ben Morea and view a pop-up exhibition of his paintings. Morea was one of the founders of the anarchist affinity group Black Mask in New York in 1966 and also the catalyst for subsequent direct-action collectives like Up Against the Wall Motherfucker in 1968. He was a driving force behind the closing of the Museum of Modern Art in ‘66 and the occupation of the Fillmore East theatre in ’68, and his uncompromising anticapitalist and antiracist activism set the standard for what engaged radicalism could accomplish in the Vietnam War era. An artist since the early 1960s, his austere paintings and satirical graphics are everywhere visible in the distinctive pages of the Black Mask zine (ten issues; New York; November 1966–May 1968).

France: Les Reclusiennes Festival, July 9-14

From Le Festival des Reclusiennes

2024 Edition: Co-inhabiting the Earth, from July 9 to 13

The subject of Reclusiennes 2024 is inspired by Élisée Reclus who speaks of the city as an “extended corporeality” and lucidly points out how the place of co-habitation par excellence is necessarily the ground for struggle or meeting of intimate bodies and social, individual and political.

Autism and anarchy: The importance of autistic anarchism

2 house cats on a couch. one is dark grey or black. the other is light grey with a white underside and white paws

From Freedom News

In the previous four articles, I’ve shown how self-diagnosis is important for autistic liberation, how that personal liberation is always part of a bigger autistic community, and how the autistic community, like other disabled communities, is best seen as a class struggle against a system of ableist supremacy. Now, I’m going to say why anarchism is important for all of this.

Attack on West Side REMAX Offices (Olympia)

broken windows

From Puget Sound Anarchists

On the night of March 15th under the cover of darkness and the loving gaze of the moon and stars, a group of anarchists gathered to attack one of the many manifestations of our enemies – police, property, genocide and apartheid states. We discussed various possible targets – settling on the west side offices for REMAX at 211 Kenyon St – talked dispersal routes and other such things, shared party favors, donned the black masks and headed off.


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