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  • John Miles, graphic designer.

    Art and design
    John Miles obituary

    Creator with his design partner Colin Banks of corporate identities for clients including Royal Mail and British Telecom
  • Peter Eötvös rehearsing with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Cologne, 2017.

    Peter Eötvös obituary

  • Mick Ryan

    Mick Ryan obituary

  • Mark Smart at RSPB Berney Marshes in Norfolk, 2002

    Mark Smart obituary

    • Dominic Stevens.

      Dominic Stevens obituary

    • June Holroyd for other lives

      June Holroyd obituary

    • Gill Stoker.

      Gill Stoker obituary

Loads more stories and moves focus to first new story.


  • Eleanor Stanier was active as a councillor and became mayor of Richmond upon Thames in 2001

    Letters: Eleanor Stanier obituary

  • Michael Blakstad 3

    Letters: Michael Blakstad obituary

  • Hella Pick (Helen Pick) Used in The Guardian 17 October 1988 GNM Archive Ref: OBS/6/9/2/6/P Box 6

    Letter: Hella Pick obituary

  • Professor Stephen Salter of Edinburgh University with his prototype wave machine by a wave tank. Edinburgh Scotland, UK 21/6/01 © COPYRIGHT PHOTO BY MURDO MACLEOD All Rights Reserved Tel + 44 131 669 9659 Mobile +44 7831 504 531 Email: STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY see for details: No syndication, no redistrubution, repro fees apply.

    Letter: Stephen Salter obituary

Loads more stories and moves focus to first new story.

Obituaries in the news

Loads more stories and moves focus to first new story.