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Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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Why do you think the majority of Americans do not want Donald re-elected?


What majority? Have you asked all 320,000,000 Americans?

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Why do so many communists rally behind murderous dictators?


It’s the only way the people will accept Communism

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replied to fjmj1980

Red Squad on the Valiant

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50 Shades of Kim

r/AskConservatives icon

Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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In remarks circulating this morning, JD Vance said abortion should be banned even when the woman is a victim of rape or incest because "two wrongs don't make a right." What are your thoughts on this? Do you support it?


That’s unfortunate. Rarely does the most extreme end of the spectrum gather the most support.

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replied to Zoombluecar

90% of Democrats have six kids by three different parents. That should be a turn-on for you.

If Trump frees convicted Jan 6th rioters, good for them. Unlike most Democrats, they won’t be reoffending.

You have no clue what Prosperity is, do you. It’s NOT 9% inflation, 8% mortgage rates, 100% higher gas prices, 100% higher home oil prices, 100% higher electricity prices, soaring rent costs, 30% higher grocery bills, stagnant wages, spending billions on foreign wars, spending billions paying off student loans, or millions of cheap laborers coming across the border for jobs that pay in cash. Biden has DESTROYED American prosperity. Your ignorance of facts is showing.

Gas was low, Trump got it lower. His attitude towards American exceptionalism and his faith in capitalism reduced nearly every cost for families in the country. You seem like you don’t know how things work in the real world.

There are actual problems (not imaginary like yours) with women being assaulted under Biden’s regime. Illegals murdering women at will. Trans people beating women unfairly while forcing them to share locker rooms. Denying women the right to carry self-protection in the most dangerous cities and states. Biden not only molested his daughter, he’s molested every girl he sniffs or rubs his hands all over, and his policies force women to live in actual danger. You’re going to vote for Harris, because….? Because she wants to let people arbitrarily kill babies, half of which are female? That’s the big attraction? You don’t really understand women at all, do you.

FUCK the ACA. My wife and I are self employed, and we pay almost $1,000 a month for “coverage”. Before Obama we paid less than $200. The government can’t even administrate the V.A. without letting veterans die without treatment. You think they can run Single-Payer for 350,000,000 people INCLUDING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS? Again, you prove you have no idea how money works.

My neighbors are varied. Some great, some meh, one asshole. If any of them need me for anything though, I’m there, even for the asshole. You’d understand if you owned a home.

Thank God we live in the United States of America, a capitalist meritocracy in a Constitutional republic, and not in some socialist communist nightmare like you’d prefer. In America, if you put the effort in, you get the rewards of your labor. If someone genuinely needs to be cared for, they should be, and we should all contribute to their care. But enough of people like you living easy for nothing. Stop sponging off your parents and contribute. Take a class, learn a trade, do something to better yourself. Stop expecting others to do it for you.

r/AskConservatives icon

Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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Where does the myth that all republicans are racist come from?

replied to mr_miggs
      Saying Kamala is not the right person for the job is pretty subjective, and ultimately something for the voters to decide.

Voters don’t seem to matter to the DNC. Voters didn’t want to choose Kamala four years ago when she got 0 primary votes, and they had no choice in the matter this time since the DNC has decided she will be the nominee with no primary at all. “Democracy”

r/AskConservatives icon

Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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At this point, how do you feel about Donald's chances at winning?

replied to guscrown

That seems pessimistic

r/AskConservatives icon

Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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Why is Trump now saying that Biden was not ‘too old’ to be President?


Oh FFS it was never about Biden’s age. It was ALWAYS about his obvious mental decline.

Democrats tried to tie Biden’s age to the Republicans criticism of Biden’s mental decline, because “how can they criticize Biden’s age when Trump is only three years younger? Ha ha we’ve got him now!” Never mind that Biden is a very old 81 and Trump is a far younger 78.

Bernie Sanders is far more mentally capable now at age 388 than Biden was at age 77. If Bernie was declining mentally, odds are the Left would try doing the same thing they did with Biden:

  1. Pretend it’s not happening and say you’re crazy for even thinking that

  2. Tell critics that they’re “ageist” and that Republicans want to end Social Security and Medicare

  3. Get the radical left media shills to say how “sharp” he is and how “he’s at the top of his game” and “behind the scenes he’s always asking questions and coming up with solutions” and all that bullshit

  4. Point out that everyone under the age of 100 is still alive if they haven’t died yet

  5. Give him two weeks to rest and prepare for a 90-minute debate, and he still comes off looking like a frail elderly man with a poor memory

  6. Tell everyone he’s “definitely still our guy” and “he just had a bad night” and “he had a cold” and “he was exhausted” and “he had to walk thirty miles uphill in the snow just to get there”

  7. Then the DNC would force him out and replace him with someone nobody ever cast a single primary vote for, then say how the new candidate is going to save democracy by recognizing that democracy is a thing that has to be saved because democracy is the process by which we democratically decide to elect our elected representatives who will either save democracy or recognize that democracy needs to be saved

Speaking of mental decline….

r/AskConservatives icon

Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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What are some counter arguments to “a vote for republicans is a vote against women”?


r/AskConservatives icon

Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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What is the Republican solution to gun violence??

Separation of church and state is necessary, but is not established as a matter of law. The state is merely a collection of people and those people each have their own sets of morals and values. To expect political leaders to not have their judgments be informed by their moral beliefs is absurd.

The nice thing about religious values is that they can be quantified since they’re pretty much written down regardless of denomination. Using those written morals as a guideline for government policy is not forbidden. Many government officials of both parties have cited religious texts as their source of morality and wisdom (whether or not they adhered to those beliefs are an entirely different matter).

I’d like to see a return to any consistent system of collective morality. If it’s influenced by religion, that’s fine. If not, that’s okay too. I have no problem with people marrying other people, regardless of sex or race or religious beliefs or height or mostly anything (except adults marrying children. Ewww.) I’m an ordained minister (thanks Internet!) and I’ve wedded two same-sex couples. I know, I’m awesome.

I’d like to see a return to family-focused communities. Parents, kids, safe neighborhoods. Urban or rural doesn’t matter. Two moms/two dads/gay kids doesnt matter, but knit communities are important for peoples well-being and safety. Even Zeke the crazy old hermit with the four junk cars deserves to belong (though he’d just say “leave me be” we all know Zeke never misses Church breakfasts).

It’s not the specifics that most conservatives are trying to bring back. It’s the general sense of community and family. Is that really so awful?

r/AskConservatives icon

Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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What is the Republican solution to gun violence??

If “people” and “militiamen” are synonymous as you suggest then the operative clause applies first (as the majority ruled in Heller).

The militia was a group of private citizens who would form a fighting force if the need arose, to either supplement the government army or to combat it in the case of governmental abuse of private citizens freedom or property rights. Those private citizens would be armed with the weapons they kept themselves in their private possession. This is not a disputed definition, even today.

r/AskConservatives icon

Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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Where does the myth that all republicans are racist come from?

replied to mr_miggs

If Kamala picks a white guy simply because he’s a white guy, that is absolutely a racist sexist pandering act and she should be shamed for it. Does that make it a DEI thing? No, since DEI is specifically meant to promote hiring minorities and marginalized groups. The thing about DEI that most people on the left are afraid to say is this: Hiring someone to fill a quota instead of focusing on qualifications is nearly always a mistake. You know it, but your side has committed so completely to the idea of “Equity” that it’s made race your foremost priority.

Calling Kamala a DEI hire is not racist in any way. Hiring her primarily because she’s a black woman is absolutely racist. Is she qualified to be VP or President? According to the Constitution, yes she absolutely is: She’s over 35 years old and she’s a natural born citizen of the United States. But is she the right person for the job? Absolutely not. Her superficial attributes completely overshadow her fundamental flaws.

r/AskConservatives icon

Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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What are some counter arguments to “a vote for republicans is a vote against women”?

replied to IcyTrapezium

Mostly how you all became so cunty at the mere mention of Trump’s name. Watching hyper-raging idiots foam like rabid sponges is entertaining.

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replied to Zoombluecar

Biden/Harris have completely repeatedly failed at the job they were hired for. You vote for them, you’re putting your hurt little feelings ahead of everyone’s success. Everyone’s lives were measurably better under Trump’s administration. You hate prosperity? Fine. Do what all your liberal celebrities are doing- if Trump wins, leave. Fuck off to anywhere else. It’d be nice to reduce the number of people on the dole.

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A friendly place to learn, understand and critique liberal ideas.

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Does anyone actually believe Trump will establish a dictatorship?

More like Teflon Don. Nothing you do to him sticks. Impeach him twice? Nobody cares. Sham charges and predetermined outcomes from crooked Democrat prosecutors? Doesn’t matter. Half a billion dollar fine for nothing? Paid. Constant negative dehumanizing attacks from liberal media? Slides right off. Try to assassinate him? Survives, gets an iconic photo from it. Drop the geriatric puppet for the DEI also-ran? It’s a completely futile effort. All the betting money is on Trump. Get your panties ready!

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A friendly place to learn, understand and critique liberal ideas.

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Does anyone actually believe Trump will establish a dictatorship?

Are you joking? Nothing has been debunked and you simply saying “yes it has” doesn’t make it true. Every fact is disputable, especially yours.

If that ridiculous bimbo makes it into the White House, you’ll be celebrating all the way to the poor house. “Yippee! I can get another abortion this month! Hooray President Harris! Anybody seen my EBT card? I need to buy groceries and gas and I only got $1200 this month in guaranteed income pay! I should have another kid, get some more free money! This war is crazy, I hope I still get my free healthcare even though Putin bombed New Jersey!”

r/AskConservatives icon

Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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Welcome to r/AskConservatives! A sub to ask conservatives questions with the intent of better understanding Conservatism and conservative perspectives. The sub tends to have a focus on US politics, but we welcome all Canadian, UK, Aus, and European topics and users, as well as world politics in general. Open discussions and honest debates are strongly encouraged. Please remember to keep things civil and respect others even when you disagree.

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What is the Republican solution to gun violence??

Since you’re a Christian, answer the questions yourself.

  1. What exactly is wrong with traditional values?

  2. Which ones you agree/disagree with?

  3. Should there be any “morality legislation” at all?

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