
Is Alberta really rat free?? by Shivaji2121 in alberta

[–]HoboVonRobotron [score hidden]  (0 children)

Based on the current batch, they would need excessive supervision and would poop everywhere, all the time, and probably bite you.

Is Alberta really rat free?? by Shivaji2121 in alberta

[–]HoboVonRobotron 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I was just trying to get at the odds a sewer inspector would stumble across a sewer rat comment, I thought it was very serendipitous.

Do you have any hope that Canadian public transit will greatly improve in the future? by Vagabond_Tea in AskACanadian

[–]HoboVonRobotron 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This is only a disingenuous argument if you get to define the type of city/town they meant. It is an objectively true statement when factoring current politics. My spread out village of 300 people I grew up in isn't going to suddenly merge into a tiny circle of apartment buildings with a bus route. I agree with your sentiments and believe transit should be affordable or free, but we're not societally there, and we need to be able to have realistic conversations about what is achievable.

Do you have any hope that Canadian public transit will greatly improve in the future? by Vagabond_Tea in AskACanadian

[–]HoboVonRobotron 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Kind of. In my time in Calgary they built a new rail line to the west of the city and they're building a 5th/6th line that goes north/south. That is objectively a good thing, transit-wise.

Now, investment in the bus lines and transit security are another matter, your mileage before you get attacked or witness an OD may vary, but I personally have never witnessed a violent confrontation on bus or train.

Is Alberta really rat free?? by Shivaji2121 in alberta

[–]HoboVonRobotron 0 points1 point  (0 children)

How many sewer inspectors are there here?

Is Alberta really rat free?? by Shivaji2121 in alberta

[–]HoboVonRobotron 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Rats make lovely pets. Just not in Alberta.

The level of disappointment must’ve been huge by GlowInTheDarkButt_ in facepalm

[–]HoboVonRobotron 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well of course. I was being a little tongue-in-cheek. I'm suggesting this was an overreaction to the situation. I don't actually believe everyone should run around mouthing off constantly, though I'm a strong proponent of people having thicker skin, especially when it's punching up. I'm saying NASA should have had more grace in this situation even if they felt she didn't. Homer certainly did. I'm sure she was mortified. I suspect she would have learned a lesson the moment he said who he was.

The level of disappointment must’ve been huge by GlowInTheDarkButt_ in facepalm

[–]HoboVonRobotron -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I believe in reading into subtext, and giving people the benefit of the doubt. I don't read real intent or malice in her words. What I read is a humorous exchange by an excited young woman. I may be wrong, but I wouldn't want to yank her career out from under her feet before I actually observed a pattern of genuine disrespect. I highly doubt she is the type of person who actually goes around honestly telling people to suck her dick and balls, she was being funny (to her, and me) at a time of excitement.

In my experience dealing with professionals in government, the law, banking, etc - professionalism tends to be two-faced. I get the reasoning behind 'professional' behaviour but I find it often simplistic, rote and obnoxious. I'm not surprised this happened to her, but I'm disappointed. She didn't play the game by their rules. Even Homer knew it was overkill and he is the one who should be most offended, he tried to defend her.

Some day once enough brave young women scream at their superiors to suck their balls it might change. Some people have to wear their tattoos openly and proudly before the definition of professional changes.

The level of disappointment must’ve been huge by GlowInTheDarkButt_ in facepalm

[–]HoboVonRobotron -1 points0 points  (0 children)

There are two views about this supposed middle school mentality, and one is that some people are uptight aholes who need to get over themselves. I suspect you hold the other.

Because Trump's house is a place of virtue, right? by queerly_radical in Persecutionfetish

[–]HoboVonRobotron 24 points25 points  (0 children)

Every contractor called him to tell him he was the best at having a house.

Because Trump's house is a place of virtue, right? by queerly_radical in Persecutionfetish

[–]HoboVonRobotron 6 points7 points  (0 children)

I dunno, I'm far less concerned with any of those things than I am with boxes of state secrets.

Is it possible to poop shame a cat? by Material_Aerie_1095 in cats

[–]HoboVonRobotron 0 points1 point  (0 children)

My last cat used to occasionally get diarrhea, I think from getting into food my roommate left out. Whenever it happened she would go into my best friend/roommate's room and dump the most heinous war crime mustard sludge right in his bed, and if you walked into the room it would make you vomit. We both felt it was intentional. There could be no shame. She only felt pride and spite.

The level of disappointment must’ve been huge by GlowInTheDarkButt_ in facepalm

[–]HoboVonRobotron -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I'm gonna be honest, I feel bad for her and think the higher ups are no fun. You disappoint me NASA.

HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? by [deleted] in lotrmemes

[–]HoboVonRobotron 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Age plays a factor, I'm sure. Whoever ends up being the next JK Rowling will be higher on a future lost and old Harry Potter fans will do this meme.

Will my dick grow in my 20s? by [deleted] in NoStupidQuestions

[–]HoboVonRobotron 2 points3 points  (0 children)

If it does you better see a doctor.

What will be your plan when your parents get to a point where they need help with bathing and toileting due to aging? by [deleted] in NoStupidQuestions

[–]HoboVonRobotron 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I've been thinking about this a lot. I live on the other side of the country, I have no financial capability at this time to support them. Realistically they're going to need some kind of care home and I sure hope between their savings and equity they can support it. I honestly try not to think about it too much because it stresses me out.

Is it sus to look at males in public if you are a male? by thepragprog in NoStupidQuestions

[–]HoboVonRobotron 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Statistically there is a molecule of water in you that was once in a male dinosaurs urine, and the dinosaur peed probably, so the molecule was in its penis, so you're pretty much gay anyway.

Does lesbian sex count as “losing” your virginity? by lovely__lia-chan in NoStupidQuestions

[–]HoboVonRobotron 33 points34 points  (0 children)

Haven't you ever talked to a Mormon? Even soaking and anal doesn't count. You only lose your virginity when consumating the natural biological act.

But for real, it depends on how you define virginity and I would imagine most open minded adults would consider lesbian sex sufficient to earn the virginity lost achievement.

Is it a bad idea to host a singles speed dating event in our rural town? by [deleted] in NoStupidQuestions

[–]HoboVonRobotron 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I grew up in a small town and based on my experience I think this is a terrible idea, but maybe you have a special town. The capacity for gossip, embarrassment and ostracization where I'm from would have been terrible especially with a dating label. I think some kind of more natural event would behoove people who have to live next door to each other afterwards.

I’m 20M and still a virgin. Is this bad? by _DeFoxx_ in NoStupidQuestions

[–]HoboVonRobotron 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I was a late bloomer and had a lot more sex with more people than I thought I would afterwards and I can say with confidence I didn't become magically happier. When I lost my virginity it was more "I was stressed out about THAT?!" than exciting.

Does anyone actually believe in psychic mediums? by trueroseblunt in NoStupidQuestions

[–]HoboVonRobotron 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I just consulted my psychic and she said not one living human actually believes in them, and she's a psychic so she knows and I trust her.