
Superman doesn't need to have the build of a bodybuilder because he has superhuman strength. by Ops31337 in unpopularopinion

[–]total_insertion 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Well yeah, coz you're mixed.

I've found that individuals who are more ethnically homogenous really struggle to empathize outside of their demographic, whatever they may be.

Tiz a shame.

Superman doesn't need to have the build of a bodybuilder because he has superhuman strength. by Ops31337 in unpopularopinion

[–]total_insertion 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Eh? Ezra Miller, Mark Ruffalo, Benedict Cumberbatch, Benedict Wong, Evan Peters, Barry Keoghan, Ma Dong-seok, Brian Tyree Henry, Tenoch Huerta... none of them are jacked. Some of them are scrawny, some of them are fat, and half of them aren't even good looking.

That's just on the dude side and off the top of my head.

Jonathan Majors could be imprisoned for up to a year if found guilty of a charge unveiled this morning in his court hearing. The actor’s attorney slammed proceedings as a by-product of “the racial bias that permeates the criminal justice system”. The next hearing has been set for June 13th by KostisPat257 in marvelstudios

[–]total_insertion 35 points36 points  (0 children)

That's because all that's been presented publicly has been from the defense. We haven't seen the prosecution's side yet.

The whole thing is strange. One would think that based on the way that the defense has presented it, the DA wouldn't have filed charges at all. As you said, it doesn't seem like there's even enough to charge much less convict. But he was charged. Which makes it likely the prosecution has evidence we haven't even heard of yet.

YONKERS PD cops just walked into the goofiest lawsuit ever. This man noticed a drug addict in a wrecked car who appeared to be in distress. This man quickly called first responders to help the addict. When YONKERS PD showed up, they 'solicited' a theft charge from the addict and arrested this man. by methanefreefarts in PublicFreakout

[–]total_insertion 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Christian Glass.


Draw whatever conclusions you want from the story. But the statements of fact I stated are facts. Regardless of conclusion, he was an American citizen who lived in America most of his life. He moved from England when he was a child

He had alcohol, weed, and amphetamine in his system. He had a prescription for Ritalin, so Im not saying he was some junkie. But you mix shit and its going to affect your driving. And based on his behavior, he was probably on shrooms or acid or some other hallucinogen that wouldnt show up on a standard toxicology report.

Saying "they ended up shooting and killing him" is skipping over the more than hour long situation where he ultimately swung his knife at a cop before being shot.

James Gunn speaks on using actors who he is familiar with on his movies by Louis_DCVN in marvelstudios

[–]total_insertion 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah, I’m not denying that Gunn did a good job. I’m addressing the statement “It’s their movie.”

James Gunn speaks on using actors who he is familiar with on his movies by Louis_DCVN in marvelstudios

[–]total_insertion 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Taika Waititi made it cool to like Thor in Ragnarok and then blew it all up in L&T.

Also, they would have been made without Gunn. He did a great job, but he was assigned to it. He didn’t pick the Guardians IP; Feige did.

James Gunn speaks on using actors who he is familiar with on his movies by Louis_DCVN in marvelstudios

[–]total_insertion -9 points-8 points  (0 children)

I mean, I’m not even talking about Gunn, specifically. I’m just talking generally.

But I think that Taika Waititi taking a pseudo-auteur route with L&T and then turning it into a big friends and family playtime hurt the bottom line.

I do worry that Gunn develops the same ego and god complex Waititi had and the movies become about “playing with action figures with my brother”. That worries me because I’m not really interested in that.

I loved GotG3. It worked for me, on pretty much every level. But it could easily go the other way (Love and Thunder) when it isn’t taken seriously. And casting friends and family… is a harbinger of sorts. CAN lower professionalism in the workplace (not saying it absolutely will).

James Gunn speaks on using actors who he is familiar with on his movies by Louis_DCVN in marvelstudios

[–]total_insertion -27 points-26 points  (0 children)

The people who own the IP wont complain about anything until it affects their bottom line.

James Gunn speaks on using actors who he is familiar with on his movies by Louis_DCVN in marvelstudios

[–]total_insertion -50 points-49 points  (0 children)

Hmm, its kinda NOT their movie though, when they're using established IP owned by a larger conglomerate, and part of a larger cinematic universe. Its like something sorta community owned, like a library book. You hate to see someone rent a library book and wreck it.

See Adam Sandler wrote most of his movies. Yeah he can do what he wants. People are more critical and skeptical when it comes to beloved IP.

Massive anaconda caught on film by DrJokerX in Damnthatsinteresting

[–]total_insertion 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Thats pretty cool. Wikipedia claims no evidence exists of a specimen longer than 17 ft.

Guess it will have to be updated now.

Young people beat up a guy in an Amsterdam train station and push him in the railway. by ferrelle-8604 in PublicFreakout

[–]total_insertion 2 points3 points  (0 children)

No offense and maybe English isnt your first language, but its completely your fault that people think its extortion. Its your word choice and the way you described it.

I understand what you were saying and its not extortion but the way you explained it 100% was describing extortion.

What is the most overrated PC upgrade? by ClassroomLocal8886 in buildapc

[–]total_insertion 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Unless you're multitasking, what triple A games benefit from 32?

I could see late game strategy games, but other than that? Nah

58.8 High Dive World Record by ledim35 in nextfuckinglevel

[–]total_insertion 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Luke Akins, however, did survive a freefall without a parachute from 25,000 feet. No injuries.

Entire Village Beat Down A Killer Bear For Eating A 3-Month Old Baby Alive & Killing 1 Woman by JustinSol2012 in PublicFreakout

[–]total_insertion -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

No, there was no baby, title is a lie.

If they have cameras and internet, they had guns in the village.

What is the most overrated PC upgrade? by ClassroomLocal8886 in buildapc

[–]total_insertion 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeh but if it has 2GB WAN and multiple LAN then theoretically you can have 2 people on the LAN getting 1GB bandwidth to themselves.

Not that it matters.

What is the most overrated PC upgrade? by ClassroomLocal8886 in buildapc

[–]total_insertion 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's RAM.

The reason I say that is because things like RGB and motherboards aren't generally brought up as "OMFG you gotta get this!" sorta upgrades. In fact, I've never had anyone ask or mention either of these things to me. Ditto cases. That said, nicer cases do have nicer features, as do nicer motherboards.

CPU's, GPU's, and SSD's all have tangible benefits from upgraded specs. Sure, diminishing returns in many cases, and yet upgrading your processor or graphics card will theoretically always result in some sort of performance increase.

Peripherals? Same thing. Headphones, speakers, webcams, keyboards, mice, mics, etc. etc. etc. You will see a tangible improvement.

Storage and memory can both be upgraded in two ways. Size and speed. Speed will make a difference on both. With storage, size will generally always be useful.

For the majority of people? Going from 16 to 32GB of memory won't make a difference. 32GB to 64 won't make a difference. It's not just diminishing returns, it's zero returns.

This isn't to say that no one can make use of a lot of RAM, but clearly the vast majority of people won't benefit from this. Yet people buying prebuilts are more likely to shell out for more RAM than they need as opposed to... shelling out for a nicer mobo or faster storage. Hence RAM is the most overrated.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Worldwide Release Discussion Thread by The_Asian_Hamster in marvelstudios

[–]total_insertion 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I would typically agree because it is 100% shoehorned into everything and its overplayed. However in this case... it was right there. It was so set up for it to happen that it was almost distracting that it didnt happen.

That said, i agree in that it would have been extremely obnoxious.

‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3’ Earns Franchise-Best $17.5 Million in Previews by MarvelsGrantMan136 in marvelstudios

[–]total_insertion 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Yeah I'm with you. it concerns me that people are reacting like it's extreme, basically rated R, traumatic etc.

It shows basically nothing in terms of animal cruelty on screen. It's CGI and yeah, they have... mechanical appendages. But... it's not really more visually gruesome than real life animals that just have prosthetics. Yeah, it's implied that they were mistreated. So yes, it's sad. But like... have people never seen Old Yeller? Where the Red Fern Grows? Those movies depict animals being hurt and killed and they're all-time classics.

The most gruesome stuff involved Mantis, Starlord, and The High Evolutionary.

Humans are not special by nullaval_oszthato in unpopularopinion

[–]total_insertion 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Well, "chauvinistic" is an interesting word choice. Technically applicable? But not colloquially.

I would certainly agree that it's solipsistic.

I think it was the Catholic church or make just Christian philosophers (Aquinas?) that used to teach that animals were automatons?

Personally, I think that's correct. And humans are part of the animal kingdom. They weren't wrong in their interpretation of animals; they were just wrong in their interpretation of humans.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Worldwide Release Discussion Thread by The_Asian_Hamster in marvelstudios

[–]total_insertion 4 points5 points  (0 children)

The meaning of that was that we the audience had spent enough time with the Guardians that we can now understand Grootspeak. That's 100% what was intended.

I would have preferred, however, if instead of "I love you guys" he had said "I've got family"

Because, y'know... that's Vin Diesels thing lmfao

Hasan Piker and Adam Conover are striking for the WGA outside of a Disney+ shoot for the Wonder Man TV show right now. - "If we shut this shoot down, Disney is going to lose a couple hundred thousand bucks. The more of these we shut down the sooner the strike ends." by KostisPat257 in marvelstudios

[–]total_insertion -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Average salary is $260,000.

Everyone is virtue signaling about low pay but that's not even the point of the strike. They want guaranteed employment. Which is understandable and I view the strike as a very intelligent move. But its obviously not as black and white morally as Reddit thinks it is. Obviously the writers want to portray it as such- which again, that's intelligent. But what it comes down to is that WGA writers make lawyer/doctor money. But it's a gig marketplace. There's too many writers write now and most of them don't bring much to the table. So a lot of them are getting laid off.

WGA wants mandatory staffing minimums (to hire 1 writer, you have to hire 5 writers sorta thing) as well as increases on contract lengths (kind of). This isn't about them making $7.25 an hour. They actually have decent mandatory minimums already, where like... a TV writer at the bare minimum is guaranteed ~$4400 a week. The issue is, they aren't all working year round.

So, before the strike happened, the studios agreed to raise the minimum pay as well as increase residuals. They sent a proposal for higher pay and stated that the one thing they refused to agree to was mandatory staffing minimums. The WGA said they would never accept any deal which did not included the mandatory staffing minimums and that's when the strike happened.

The writer's strike is interesting and I don't blame them for it, but it's pretty pathetic how quickly everyone picks a side without knowing any facts. I also don't blame the studios for refusing staffing minimums.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Worldwide Release Discussion Thread by The_Asian_Hamster in marvelstudios

[–]total_insertion 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Wat. America Chavez was a plot device more than a character.

Wanda definitely doesn't value traditional motherhood my guy, that was the whole point.

She spent her twenties and early thirties galavanting around soley focused on her career. Thought she was just fine with her vibrator (Vision) but then the battery died on that. So then she started reading a book of blasphemy and grew into a bitter old hag.

Realizing how lonely she was, she tries to apply makeup to hide her disfigurement, but you can't put makeup on the hands... the state of her fingers gave away her age. She spends the movie chasing after a doctor, trying to steal someone else's kids (the actual tradwife version of Wanda), and trying to destroy America.

The subtext on that movie was hilarious. Even better that it came out on Mother's Day weekend.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Worldwide Release Discussion Thread by The_Asian_Hamster in marvelstudios

[–]total_insertion 4 points5 points  (0 children)

While that was the obvious message, my preferred canon is that James Gunn put that in there so that we the audience would realize that Groot was Vin Diesel all along.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Worldwide Release Discussion Thread by The_Asian_Hamster in marvelstudios

[–]total_insertion 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Multiverse of Madness was high in woke values? WTF lmao

That movie is low key a giant Yo Mama joke