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r/Divorce icon
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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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The secretary cliche

replied to Big_Double_8500

You married a man who you knew cheated in his prior marriage and who cheated on you for 5 years prior to your own marriage. The fact that you are surprised is honestly the most shocking thing about this post. I’m not the person you initially replied to here but imo you should just move on and let karma deal with both of them, possibly with some assistance from your new divorce lawyer. File for divorce, get what you’re entitled to from the marriage and get on with your life. You will only drive yourself crazy trying to tell her anything or prove to him that you’re the better woman. He clearly will never feel guilt over it and she doesn’t seem to either, maybe it’s because she doesn’t want him or because she doesn’t give a shit about your feelings but it doesn’t matter. Let them be together, or just let him make a fool out of himself for someone who just wants money. It’s no longer your problem. Also, he adopted your son so don’t pass up child support. Put it in an account for your kid if you don’t need it.

If you’re not already, you should look into therapy. You need to find out why you accepted being cheated on and basically signed up for a lifetime of it through marriage. Thats not a healthy path. Im happy for you that you’ve realized you deserve better. Don’t allow that nonsense ever again.

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MOMS ONLY. Just say what's going on. No judgments, no nastiness. READ THE RULES.

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MOMS ONLY. Just say what's going on. No judgments, no nastiness. READ THE RULES.

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I'm like 90% sure that my husband is a pathological liar, but I guess I'll still try to play devils advocate.


Looks like you can check whether he has an emt license here. I didn’t go further than the first page though so idk what you’ll need as far as information.

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The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here!

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The Fallout Network's Subreddit for everything Fallout 4 . From builds and Settlements, to game-play and mods, get your Fallout 4 experience here!

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To this day I don’t know if I beat the game…

replied to Lord_Dank421

I couldn’t figure it out either but I went to libertailia for another quest and ran into the synth who helps with the quest. Then it finished.

r/Serverlife icon

Server, waiter, waitress? Welcome home, take off your apron, have a glass, and let's chat about work, cause c'mon, as much as you act like you don't wanna talk about it, you do. I know! Read the rules before posting and commenting. Check out these related subreddits! [r/KitchenConfidential]( /r/chefit /r/food

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Server, waiter, waitress? Welcome home, take off your apron, have a glass, and let's chat about work, cause c'mon, as much as you act like you don't wanna talk about it, you do. I know! Read the rules before posting and commenting. Check out these related subreddits! [r/KitchenConfidential]( /r/chefit /r/food

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What’s the most memorable thing a customer has shown you?


An urn. On Father’s Day I had a grandma, mom and little girl at one of my tables. I’m talking to them, doing my thing and towards the end the little girl pulls out an urn and says something like “my dad died, we brought him with us to celebrate Father’s Day.” After almost 30 years working with the public I rarely am left speechless but it took me a minute to register wtf was happening. I got it together quick enough I guess but like…don’t surprise people with that info! Leave dad in the bag please.

A mutually supportive community where deeply emotional things you can't tell people you know can be told. Whether it's long-standing baggage, happy thoughts, or recent trauma, posting it here may provide some relief. We'll listen, and if you want, we'll talk. We aim to keep this a safe space.

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A mutually supportive community where deeply emotional things you can't tell people you know can be told. Whether it's long-standing baggage, happy thoughts, or recent trauma, posting it here may provide some relief. We'll listen, and if you want, we'll talk. We aim to keep this a safe space.

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My ex looks absolutely horrible a year after breaking up...

replied to PrimeScreamer

My husband wasn’t interested in me when I gained weight but couldn’t understand why I didn’t want him near me when I lost weight. It’s unreal how many people look at other people’s weight vs how they see their own.

r/breakingmom icon
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MOMS ONLY. Just say what's going on. No judgments, no nastiness. READ THE RULES.

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MOMS ONLY. Just say what's going on. No judgments, no nastiness. READ THE RULES.

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What’s the pettiest, silliest thing you’ve done to get back at your partner?


He used to leave his wet towel hanging off the bed, over the door, basically anywhere that wasn’t a freaking towel hook. So every time I saw it out I would put it on his pillow. Didn’t take long for him to realize what the damn towel hooks are for.

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r/askredditafterdark is a place to ask reddit. After dark. This sub is NSFW and Adults Only (18+).

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r/askredditafterdark is a place to ask reddit. After dark. This sub is NSFW and Adults Only (18+).

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Have you ever been asked out while you were working?

replied to crunchy_soupp

Just out of curiosity…are married men flocking like a moth to a flame cause holy shit I think I’m putting off some vibes that draw in married men. I’m in the middle of getting rid of a husband, I don’t need anyone else’s!! Are we giving different energy after filing? I’m so confused.

A place to post about and discuss anything related to landscaping.

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A place to post about and discuss anything related to landscaping.

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What to do with these hydrangeas?

Start keeping an eye out for nursery sales on perennials. Buy some smallish hydrangeas and plant them, making sure to leave room for growth. Fertilize, obsess, give up, neglect, get sad when you look at them and then one year they’re just doing their thing and it’s perfect. It’s where I clean my bong lol, I guess it likes it.

Just don’t do too much and your hydrangeas will be happy. Good luck!

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Voters decide the content and culture of this sub within the overall topic of Bumper Stickers.

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Voters decide the content and culture of this sub within the overall topic of Bumper Stickers.

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So kind.....oh wait.

replied to SamMightKnow

Your facts are wrong. KJ’s first case was dismissed because she had no legal address. The second was dropped because rabid red hats went after her for besmirching their king. She was a child and he raped her.

r/MonarchButterfly icon
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Monarch Butterflies are in danger. The numbers are steadily going down and the annual migration is in danger of disappearing. The reasons for the decline include pesticides, GMO crops, climate change and systematic destruction of milkweed, the only host plant that supports Monarch Butterflies. But you can help, please read more about this issue and join our campaign.

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Monarch Butterflies are in danger. The numbers are steadily going down and the annual migration is in danger of disappearing. The reasons for the decline include pesticides, GMO crops, climate change and systematic destruction of milkweed, the only host plant that supports Monarch Butterflies. But you can help, please read more about this issue and join our campaign.

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What are my chances of a monarch laying eggs on my milkweed?


Since you’ve already been told they’re zinnias, I’m just gonna say I appreciate the little guy in the back who looks like he’s sitting on one of them. Like your own little fairy garden 💕

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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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Have any of you divorced after more than 15 years of marriage who didn't see it coming & willing to share?

replied to Blade_982

OR maybe it’s not the confidence at all but the fact that someone who wasn’t interested in them when they gained weight suddenly became interested. By the time I lost some weight my husband had been turning me down regularly for 15ish years, including through two pregnancies with his children. There was no way I could accept him suddenly having a sex drive after I lost weight. I lost my sex drive completely when faced with the realities of a shallow man. If you love someone, you love them PERIOD

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For adoptive families, birth families, adoptees, current and former foster youth, and other interested individuals to share stories, support each other, and discuss adoption-related news.

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For adoptive families, birth families, adoptees, current and former foster youth, and other interested individuals to share stories, support each other, and discuss adoption-related news.

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Legal name change


I didn’t know the family nickname wasn’t my “real” name until elementary school. I’d say your plan is a solid one that both honors his birth name and also gives him the choice of something more common if he wants it. My daughter uses her middle name a lot, like seriously a lot, because her name is so uncommon that if you ever knew a girl with it, you’d find her in an instant. It’s recently become more common with boys but before the last few years I’d only ever met one other person with it. With social media and stalking and all the crazy availability of information, if I could change it I would. Do what feels right, he can always change it back later if you go that route.

r/Divorce icon
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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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Having belonged to someone

replied to grimxluna4ever

Jesus it’s crazy looking at how other people live. I wish I didn’t care about debt, my future, anything else lol. Thats nuts. You’re probably being very generous not getting into all the accounting specifics, you’ll come out happier in the long run regardless so good for you.

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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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Told my stbxw even if we got the divorce done this week, nothing will change.

In my state, if I found out my spouse was spending marital money on affair, that would have to be “repaid” to me. See if it’s the same for you.

r/Divorce icon
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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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Having belonged to someone

replied to grimxluna4ever

Sounds like your future will be much more stable than it would’ve otherwise been. What a mess. Do you want to sell your house now? I’m just wondering because my youngest is in high school now so my attorney said no judge would make me sell before she graduates. It’s not an ideal situation but I’m in a HCOL area with a house we bought almost twenty years ago. The local rent is more than double my mortgage so having to sell and stay in the area wouldn’t be doable.

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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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Having belonged to someone

replied to grimxluna4ever

Well for everyone’s sake I hope she gets it together before it’s too late. The whole situation sucks for kids already, why make it worse. Especially for a 16 year old. She wouldn’t even be able to force that in a court at his age.

r/Divorce icon
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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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Having belonged to someone

replied to grimxluna4ever

Wow. Thats wild. As a kid who moved three times in high school, you’re a good dad for standing up for him. Do you have it in writing that she agrees it’s his choice, if so I’d just keep sending shots of it, but I’m petty.

The anger is the longest lasting emotion I think. I initiated and my STBX was beyond infuriated. He genuinely thought I’d never leave and regularly said dumb shit like “cheaper to keep her” so now he’s finding out just how cheap it could’ve been. He also hides money so that’s a fun twist to things. Tell her you’re hiring a forensic accountant just to make sure everything is correct. See how she reacts.

Also, you no longer have to care what she wants regarding lawyer/judge/mediation. You have to do the right thing for you and your son. She’s clearly gonna make things difficult regardless so why not go all the way?

One more thing (I didn’t mean to write a book, sorry) my STBX and I are getting along much better since I filed. He no longer thinks he’s solely in control so he’s not fighting everything. Since the day I hired my attorney, every time he says something about the kids, the house, the divorce, etc. I tell him I got an attorney so that I don’t have to have those conversations with him. He can call my lawyer if he has questions, or his own, but I no longer discuss anything besides generalities. It’s made life so much calmer.

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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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Having belonged to someone

replied to grimxluna4ever

You’re well on your way, I think you’re doing better than you realize. If she’s as manipulative at you make it sound, it’s probably best to let all those old connections go anyway cause they probably think you’re trash now. Eventually you come out of your own head to see the light, I promise. It took me a long time to even notice people were being friendly because I was essentially forbidden from having friends for so long. It’s a big hole to crawl out of lol but there’s an end somewhere.

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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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Having belonged to someone

replied to grimxluna4ever

Good, I’m glad to hear that. You’re in the beginning of a major life change, I’m serious about the patience and grace. You deserve at least the same care from yourself that you would give a loved one going through this situation. Also, don’t pick up any (new) bad habits. I drank quite a bit in the beginning. Don’t do that!

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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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Support forum for divorced, divorcing, or people with questions about the unfortunate experience that is divorce.

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Having belonged to someone

replied to grimxluna4ever

Give yourself time, patience, therapy and a lot of grace. These won’t be your best moments but it gradually gets better. When the shock wears off you’ll be able to look at things more analytically and less emotionally. That helps a lot. You’ll be fine, definitely look into therapy if you aren’t already.

r/outdoorgrowing icon
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This subreddit is dedicated to the science of growing cannabis outdoors. Here, you can learn and share tips, tricks, and experiences related to selecting strains, preparing the soil, germinating seeds, providing proper nutrients and water, and dealing with environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and pests. We encourage respectful discussion and welcome all levels of growers, from beginners to experts whether it is your garden, greenhouse or guerrilla grow! Happy growing

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This subreddit is dedicated to the science of growing cannabis outdoors. Here, you can learn and share tips, tricks, and experiences related to selecting strains, preparing the soil, germinating seeds, providing proper nutrients and water, and dealing with environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and pests. We encourage respectful discussion and welcome all levels of growers, from beginners to experts whether it is your garden, greenhouse or guerrilla grow! Happy growing

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Humidity control - What's the go-to?

replied to KrVrAr

Ha! Me either till a few days ago. I’ve done two dries that were shitty so I was looking for another method. I have too many plants this year anyway so I think I’ll try a few different methods. Good luck!!

r/outdoorgrowing icon
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This subreddit is dedicated to the science of growing cannabis outdoors. Here, you can learn and share tips, tricks, and experiences related to selecting strains, preparing the soil, germinating seeds, providing proper nutrients and water, and dealing with environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and pests. We encourage respectful discussion and welcome all levels of growers, from beginners to experts whether it is your garden, greenhouse or guerrilla grow! Happy growing

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This subreddit is dedicated to the science of growing cannabis outdoors. Here, you can learn and share tips, tricks, and experiences related to selecting strains, preparing the soil, germinating seeds, providing proper nutrients and water, and dealing with environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and pests. We encourage respectful discussion and welcome all levels of growers, from beginners to experts whether it is your garden, greenhouse or guerrilla grow! Happy growing

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Humidity control - What's the go-to?


Maybe a secondhand mini fridge could be acquired at or around the same price as a humidifier/dehumidifier. I’ve read some mixed reviews but I think I’m gonna try it this year. Seems it should be easier to control than my basement hallway.

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A subreddit about all things genealogy... provided it's not about living people. Check out our [FAQ](!

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A subreddit about all things genealogy... provided it's not about living people. Check out our [FAQ](!

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What is the craziest family lore you have or have not been able to prove?

replied to aeldsidhe

There are so many of these stories ours was somewhere down the line a couple had a baby, it died so they “adopted”a native baby replacement. Definitely that did not happen, I traced that line to before the revolution and back into Scotland. No native blood and solid documentation for the American side. An ancestor or two did absolutely benefit from the theft/sale of native lands though so that was interesting to learn.

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