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I (21M) can't be intimate with my girlfriend (19F) after she made a comment about my penis size. How can I move on from it?

Mine was free if I remember correctly. did you pay for yours?

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Is it really possible for someone to be too unattractive to date?


My apologies. I didn’t realize that it was a general question and not personal one. I don’t mean to assume you’re ugly or anything of the sort. Regardless, when your sense of self is so compromised, it comes down to giving people a chance and taking your time dating. I don’t mean to imply forcing yourself or someone else to do anything. That’s definitely wrong The hardest parts is actually getting out there and meeting people and FINDING the qualities you’re attracted to in someone. Those qualities wont jump out at a glance. It takes time. Maybe they’re a great cook, fantastic with pets, or incredibly handy, all attractive qualities. Sure unattractive people might be content being single their whole life if they feel safer that way, but it doesn’t hurt to at least try if they crave genuine affection. They also have to be realistic, that’s why such a person needs to get off of media and porn and so on. Also sex doesn’t have to be an immediate thing, sexual attraction can come later once it’s developed.

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Is it really possible for someone to be too unattractive to date?


Get off the unrealistic standards that are portrayed in media, porn and socials. There’s someone out there that will love you 100% but they likely don’t meet the standards you have right now. Go out, meet and take your time with people that are traditionally unattractive. The chubby, dorky, lazy-eyed, awkward, effeminate, dirty or whatever man/woman/trans that you can and find the qualities that make them attractive to you. You’ll find that they can be some of the most loving and fulfilling partners available if you give them the chance Keep in mind though that you’ll likely have to work through similar insecurities but hey, relationships take work and a willingness to grow. They take time.

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My pants vs drapes today


Did you get them at Bed Butts and Beyond? I’m Not gonna lie but your drapes have a nice ass

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I (21M) can't be intimate with my girlfriend (19F) after she made a comment about my penis size. How can I move on from it?


Yo so for real, don’t listen to 90% of the comments here. Y’all are young and she made a mistake. That’s it and it’s how a person learns to be better. She regretted it immediately and realized she fucked up. She likely wont use that again to “win” an argument. If she does, that’s when you make a judgement call and leave But right now you need to take some time and think about it, talk about it to yourself and work out the issue like a leg cramp. The statement hurt for sure but you have to confront it, fight it, and let it release. That’s all you can do. Shit like this takes time to get over and if she’s trying to get you off, take advantage of it. Make yourself feel like a man and rock her world when the opportunity arises! But seriously, don’t let one rude comment, made during your first fight, made by someone 19, destroy a relationship you describe as an almost entirely happy one. People make mistakes, that’s life and realizing it is the first step to being a better person and partner.

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…… at least he’s honest?


Boyfriend’s a dick, she is a SAFE 7. not a high seven, but a solid definite 7. Still not a million dollars though and he immediately said “WE’D be rich” man’s looking out for his family. BF is not the AH

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Would you rather let someone rob you or would you defend yourself/your property?


I don’t believe I’d even have a choice with the way my life is designed right now. If someone broke into my house, my dogs would likely tear them apart. If they hurt my dogs, I would tear them apart, grab their souls on the way out, shove them back into their corpse in such a way they miraculously reanimate then murder them again. There’s no deciding factor involved. They’d simply die one way or another.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Forgets Trump's Friendship With Jeffrey Epstein

Bro. You need to stop. And this is a general statement, not this case specifically, but seriously You have only two things going for you in any of your arguments. One being “but my feelz!” And second that at least your name isn’t “a-round-banana8756” like come on. How can you keep responding without reading any of the responses showing and DETAILING how false your opinions are? Have some Integrity and grit and actually look at your opinions in the face.

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THE BOYS is an irreverent take on what happens when superheroes, who are as popular as celebrities, as influential as politicians and as revered as Gods, abuse their superpowers rather than use them for good. It’s the powerless against the super powerful as The Boys embark on a heroic quest to expose the truth about “The Seven,” and their formidable Vought backing. We also discuss the satellite shows Diabolical and Gen V.

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THE BOYS is an irreverent take on what happens when superheroes, who are as popular as celebrities, as influential as politicians and as revered as Gods, abuse their superpowers rather than use them for good. It’s the powerless against the super powerful as The Boys embark on a heroic quest to expose the truth about “The Seven,” and their formidable Vought backing. We also discuss the satellite shows Diabolical and Gen V.

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Say anything and I’ll connect it to the boys, using my big ol’ brain



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A subreddit for sharing those miniature epiphanies that make the mundane more amazing.

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There are two types of people: those who lift their legs up to itch them and those who bend down to itch their legs.


What if you squat to scratch your legs? Is that a third type of person or a combination of squatting and bending over?

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Sorry OP for all these negative interactions regarding your question, a question that now seems genuine. To give an explanation that might resonate with everyone, over the last few years there has been a huge influx of questions regarding any number of shows, books, media in general that just scream having not watched/read the material they’re asking about. It’s incredibly infuriating (felt myself) when answers are implied by the material and not given directly. We all need to recognize context and nuance better I imagine so much of this is perpetuated by just bots and algorithms trying to gain karma and whatever else they’re programmed to do

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One of my great friends committed suicide yesterday


Bro, Sister, whatever. I’m assuming you’re young, regardless, listen to the facts. Your. Best. Friend. Killed themselves. Full stop. Whatever retail or serving job you have is not that important, Sylvia is not that important, nothing is more important then giving yourself the time to process what just happened, nothing is more important than being with family and the friends who you can share this grief with. Unless losing your job makes you homeless, NOTHING is more important than being there for yourself and the people who shared in your friends spirit. Do not go into work tomorrow, take time off and process. If your boss gives you shit then quit and make it known why. Send them the funeral details and a picture of you and your friend. Make them regret it. Again NOTHING matters more then being there for yourself, your friends, and honoring your best friends spirit.

Edited to inform: I’ve been in your position. the only difference being that I was already at work, we were understaffed and it was Mother’s Day at Cracker Barrel. I left the moment our mutual friend came in and told me. I didn’t go back to work for a week after. Also I wasn’t allowed to work for a week which was fortunate in my case. I’m also sorry if this is hard to hear, but You WILL need therapy. Otherwise you’re going to blame yourself, you’ll regret going into work, you’ll be in the worst pain you’ve ever felt and god forbid you internalize it. Suicide is a contagious disease whether you believe it or not. Please get help if you can. If you cannot just take the damn time to process and come to terms with your new reality.

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[deleted by user]

Aaaaaha! she was primed to catch them no matter how she entered the house. She could have went in prepared for the capture. A clear and obvious possibility. I didn’t think of that, but then again at that age I would have parked my car a distance away so not to be obvious. Poor OP regardless made a goof amongst any of these probabilities.

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[deleted by user]


Yeah that’s true, been around a lot of those, But then the mom has to be in the bathroom to see through the glass. Unless I’m understanding the story incorrectly they either heard the main house door unlock, plausible in a small house, or the mom unlocked the bathroom door and walked in without warning, which I guess is also plausible.

You have the power of ultimate connection!
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You have the power of ultimate connection!

This power is simple but has incredible implications. You can directly and willfully connect to any person, still alive, that created anything. by connect I mean you can either communicate with them (Telepathically) or transport yourself directly to that person instantaneously. Whether it be a piece of art, an article in the newspaper, a journal article. It could be a twitter, Instagram, or reddit post, whatever another person made themselves. Anyone else that you didn't connect to will not be able to see, feel or experience you in anyway apart from the experiences of the person you did connect to. You can also sever that connection and instantaneously appear back to your previous location.

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[deleted by user]


Hold up. Ya'll heard the door unlock and a game plan wasn't established immediately? The shower is one of the most private locations in the house, you're at an advantage. Your girl could have played on being in the shower, pretended to be finished showering, left and distracted the mom while you did anything to not be seen and heard. Especially that the mom simply forgot something that the gf could have helped find and send her on her way.

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We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. Share your stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. Nearly a million and a half users say they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. Note: this is a community for in-depth discussions, not a dumping ground for memes, pictures, videos, or short text posts.

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Might get hate for this

Just throwing this out there for you. THIS was not long. THIS was not difficult for anyone to read and hold onto. THIS was perfect. It could have been twice the length and would have been fine. Also glad the bionic reading is working for you, the bot down below says its 500$ a month? that cant be true.

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