Help / API

This site is optimized for viewing in Firefox, but it should work reasonably well in any modern browser. However, if you think you've found a bug, please do let us know! Be sure to include your specific browser version, operating system and a screenshot, if possible.

In case your browser doesn't auto-detect the location of our main RSS feed, it is located here:
For auxilliary feeds relating to artist or label pages and such, either refer to the auto-detected URL, or append "/alt/rss" on the end of the URL in your location bar.

In-Browser Search:
For browsers with built-in search capabilities, click here to add It's a Trap! to your list.

Artist/Label Tooltips:
The tooltip links are enabled for all artists and labels entered in our ever-expanding database file, an ongoing work in progress. Note that double-clicking an artist or label name will automatically redirect you to their respective page.

Documentation coming soon. In the meantime, feel free to contact us if you are interested in leveraging our database and we'll see what we can do to help.