Australian Communist Discussion Site

Sponsored by the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Lenninist) for the discussion and development of revolutionary theory and ideas

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Hey there. I’m a young politically attuned reader of communism from Queensland. Since at least the mid-to-late ‘80s this country hasn’t had a serious left-wing/socialist/communist party in the public eye or within the public consciousness. There appears to be numerous left-wing parties in Australia that are active, but very few that are worthy to mention as being any threat to the establishment, or indeed a threat to capitalism.
This saddens me, many others, and will only lead to a weaker country. Not to mention the complete subordination of the working class that will only continue. At least in the ‘30s, ‘40s, ‘50s and ‘60s the public knew there was a communist party, now people wouldn’t even understand what communism even means, let alone a party.
I’ve been aware of the infighting of the communist parties in Australia over the last few years. I was going to ask, would the party, if it had the required membership, consider being a registered party and running in an elect ... Read more »
Category: Revolutionary Strategy | Views: 104 | Added by: dt | Date: 10.01.2022 | Comments (4)

Comrades and friends accessing this Discussion Site will notice the[/b] unauthorised Russian language items at the top and bottom of the home page.
We appear to have been hacked by some organisation, and will try to have these things removed and blocked. In the meantime, please do not try to open any of these items.

CPA (M-L)[b]
Category: Politics | Views: 1705 | Added by: dt | Date: 12.31.2021 | Comments (0)

Hello comrades of the CPA-ML,

I am writing to ask for information regarding two questions. Firstly, are you aware of any Marxist-Leninist organisations in operation in XX? It seems that there are only anarchist groups and Trotskyist clubs working out of the major universities. Secondly, what is the party line regarding the contributions of Chairmen Mao and Gonzalo to Marxist theory and the universality of People's War?

Thank you for your time and work. Please also let me know if there are more appropriate means of contacting you in future.
Dear YY,

Thanks for contacting us. Your first question is about the presence of Marxist-Leninist organisations in XX. We do have members in XX, but our organisational principles are quite the opposite of, for example, Socialist Alternative. The reason for this is explained in an article on the “iceberg” principle, which you can read here: Vanguard - Communist Party of Austra ... Read more »
Category: Revolutionary Strategy | Views: 200 | Added by: dt | Date: 10.12.2021 | Comments (0)

Dear comrades,
Thanks a lot for publishing some informative writings on the Afghan Taliban, I, however have the following questions:
1) Can it be said that presently Afghanistan is no longer a country occupied by the US, but by domestic theocrats?
2) How should we understand according to Marxism the paradox that the US created the Taliban, empowered them and once again fought them?
3) Are Afghan revolutionaries right to support the resistance in Panjshir led by former warlords?
4) Some Leftists say that the US has not been defeated, it just handed over the country to the Taliban. Do you agree?
Thanks in advance for your time and a prompt answer.
In solidarity,

Dear Xx,

Thank you for contacting us. I will try to answer your questions, but bear in mind that the situation in Afghanistan is still developing, and that we are not in a position to offer any more than the reflections of comra ... Read more »
Category: Politics | Views: 78 | Added by: dt | Date: 09.14.2021 | Comments (0)

Dear comrades,

Recently we studied the history of the communist movement in Australia. We read that the CPA-ML supported the Chinese leadership after the death of Mao Zedong and its delegations continued to visit the PRC.

However, now, as we know, your party recognizes the restoration of capitalism in China. Could you tell us briefly when and why this change of view occurred?

With greetings

Russian Maoist Party


Dear Comrades,

You are correct to say that “the CPA-ML supported the Chinese leadership after the death of Mao Zedong and its delegations continued to visit the PRC.” We took too long to see through the Dengist pledge to uphold the Four Cardinal Principles and to recognise the nature of the changes he was introducing to China. We have covered something of this in the section beginning on p. 20 of our booklet Explaining China (see: Explaining+China+Final+v2.pdf ( ... Read more »
Category: Politics | Views: 270 | Added by: dt | Date: 07.01.2021 | Comments (0)

Hello, just asking about the positions and ideas that party holds on certain issues or groups.

Position on the Communist Party of Peru and other Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties? Including opinions on the contributions of Chairman Gonzalo to Marxist thinking.

Opinion on participation within Bourgeois Elections?

Thank you in advance.
Thanks for your questions.

It is very difficult at a distance to be able to properly evaluate the contributions of Chairman Gonzalo. His achievements in launching and leading a people’s war in Peru will always be acknowledged. However, the reasons why that could not be sustained need to be properly analysed by comrades more conversant with the particular conditions of Peru.

It may be of interest to note the views of Comrade Joma Sison, with whom you would be familiar. In an interview last year, he was asked about Chairman Gonzalo. The following are the questions and hi ... Read more »
Category: Politics | Views: 296 | Added by: dt | Date: 05.05.2021 | Comments (0)

Australian class analysis: draft for discussion – part 2

work in progress

Other class groupings
Outside of the above classes, there are other significant employment groupings that need to be identified and understood.

There has been large growth of managerial and tertiary employment.
The upper levels of management of large firms have a class interest in the health and wealth of the capitalist system.

The financialisation of capitalism has seen large numbers of people working in finance-associated activities. Presumably these people generate surplus value by creating profit in these utterly parasitic industries. Other trappings of modern capitalism such as advertising, planning and consultancies also generate employment. These employees are often relatively well-paid, completely dependent on the continuing health of the capitalist system, and have a strong bourgeois, individualistic, acquisitional outlook.

Th ... Read more »
Category: Politics | Views: 79 | Added by: dt | Date: 04.26.2021 | Comments (3)

Australian Class Analysis draft for discussion part 1

Traditionally, classes have been defined by their relationship to the ownership of the means of production or exchange:
the bourgeoisie at various levels, depending on wealth and power.
the petit bourgeoisie – owners of small enterprises. This has usually included independent professionals who sell their services, like lawyers, medical practitioners, accountants.
the working class which owns no means of production and is therefore forced to sell its labour power.
farmers/peasantry at various levels depending on the size and wealth of their farms, and whether they employ labour or sell their labour power.

Groups of other “professionals”, like public servants, service workers of various kinds, and administrators and managerials, are often loosely grouped within the petit bourgeoisie, presumably because of their standard of living and, perhaps, ambivalent class o ... Read more »
Category: Politics | Views: 64 | Added by: dt | Date: 04.26.2021 | Comments (0)

Since this doesn't seem to be often discussed within the party's publication, what is the party's stance towards the LGBTQ+ community and its link with class struggle? How does it envision its emancipation?

Our reply: You raise an important question and it is one of people’s fundamental rights and liberties.

Our General Program states: “Diversity of the working class is a great strength. The Party welcomes that diversity in its own ranks. It fights for a society where mutual respect exists between all races and genders, where racism and gender inequalities are not tolerated, where gender identities and sexual preferences are respected. The Party upholds these standards amongst its membership.”

Our reference to the society we fight for implies that the emancipation of the LGBTQ+ is part of that fight, but also that socialism is not a magic wand. It will make that fight easier, but reactionary ideas of all sorts will continue into the socialist era ... Read more »
Category: Culture | Views: 55 | Added by: clusterother | Date: 04.23.2021 | Comments (0)

Greetings comrades !

I have just read your General Program upon which I would like to contribute a few thoughts

Please excuse my ‘telegraphic’ style.

1. Nowhere do I see any reference to the leadership role of the Party though I do see terms such as ‘guide’, assist, etc.

2. Nowhere do I see any reference to any actual overthrow of socialism (sic) unless prevent, resist, etc can be taken to supply the imagination.

3. This point pertains particularly for my own study as I have as yet reached any firm conclusions and I put it out as something needing further attention.

The Climate Crisis

The British State in particular seems to be out in front on proposals for a so-called ‘green future’ the details of which, though sketchy at best, point to heavy reliance on wind and nuclear electricity generation for a fossil-fuel free production and end-use economy. Ban on the sale of petrol-driven cars from 2030 ... Read more »
Category: Revolutionary Strategy | Views: 34 | Added by: ozml | Date: 04.05.2021 | Comments (0)

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