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Texas once produced great progressives such as President Lyndon B. Johnson, Commissioner Jim Hightower, and even sparked the national progressive movement with the creation of the National Farmers Alliance. Progressivism is a part of who we are as Texans

Our Revolution Texas fights for all Texans to have the dignity of good healthcare, a good education, a good-paying job, and are free from oppression

We are a grassroots, people-powered organization that will turn Texas a bright, progressive blue. We are the Texas Progressives. We fight to reclaim our state.

When we organize, we win!

Join us

With your help, we know we can make healthcare a human right. We must shape our destiny into one where everyone has healthcare, everyone has a good education & a good job, everyone is free from fear of police brutality, and everyone can freely live the life they choose. 

Help us shape our collective destiny by joining Our Revolution Texas today.

Will you sign up?

Check out @OurRevTexas, the leading progressive populist organization fighting to turn Texas progressive!
Check out @OurRevTexas, the leading progressive populist organization fighting to turn Texas progressive!