Tim Graham's Revisionist History

The Media Research Center executive still wants you to believe that right-wing radio didn't influence Timothy McVeigh, asking Sarah Palin about what newspapers she read and that Matthew Shepard totally had it coming.

Related: Tim Graham, Terrible Media Critic • Graham's Fact-Check Failures

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The MRC's Loud And Lame War On NewsGuard, Part 5

Media Research Center writers continue to rage that NewsGuard exposes the shoddiness of right-wing media outlets -- and continue to refuse to demonstrate why the media-ratings service should rank them higher.

Jack Cashill, Still On The Wrong Side of History

The WorldNetDaily columnist still can't stop defending Derek Chauvin -- or spreading conspiracy theories about those who helped demonstrate the former police officer's guilt in the death of George Floyd.

The MRC Flips Over Elon Musk, Part 20: Anti-Semitic Cleanup

When Elon Musk endorsed an anti-Semitic tweet and vulgarly dissed advertisers scared off by the growing extremism at Twitter/X, the Media Research Center had to go into defense mode (when it wasn't ignoring his anti-Semitism altogether).

WND Laments Takedown Of Another Confederate Monument

WorldNetDaily columnists had freakouts over the removal of a Confederate monument at Arlington National Cemetery, insisting that it was a "reconciliation memorial" while ignoring what's actually on the monument.

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