Fairview Technologies

Miscellany The Friends of the Simon Wiesenthal Center's first complaint regarding Fairview, in the summer of 1996, drew this response from Ken McVay BC Gov't...

Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Muslim Brotherhood: Islamic Extremists and the...

Anti-Defamation League, 1993, ADL New York TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Holy War: Now or Later? Refuge in Mosques Support From Abroad: Money No Object Haven...

The Heritage Front

Some Associates & Members Archive: Kenneth Barker George Burdi Wolfgang Droege Archive: David Maxwell French Archive: Marc Lemire Archive: Peter Mitrevski Archive: Gary Schipper Press Clippings Press Clippings Reports Mentioning the...

The Anti-Defamation League

Reports & Related Material 1991 Special Edition: The "Kosher Tax" Hoax 1993 Press Release: German Neo-Nazi Report Released 1993 Report: The Church of the Creator: Creed of...

The Church of the Creator: Creed of Hate

Canada As is the case with the COTC on the U.S. West Coast, the Church of the Creator in Canada for the most part is...
Yad Vashem logo

Yad Vashem

The Yad Vashem website may be found here. Proceedings of the Fourth Yad Vashem International Historical Conference Jerusalem, January 1980 Yad Vashem Jerusalem 1984 Seventh Session Chairman: Bela Vago Jewish Prisoner Uprisings in...


Human Rights Equip Nizkor (Monitors human rights activity and abuse in Latin America)


Government & Mainstream The Institute for Forensic Research , Cracow
Flag of Israel


Rubin Mass Ltd., publisher offering Yad Vashem Studies and books, and The Trial of Adolf Eichmann, and other Holocaust-related material. Massuah House, the...


The International Red Cross